They are all our children. Not!

Please read my OP again and can we discuss this without the usual whataboutisms? (For instance I have a LOT of friends who would describe themselves as right of center. And I don't know a single one who condones child beauty pageants. I think most would argue they should be outlawed. So let's keep it honest about who condones what.)

The fact is that it is the LEFT and ONLY the LEFT pushing the activities and issues listed in the OP. And I believe every single one of them harms children. No amount of diversion, whataboutisms, or personal opinion changes that.

I can't think of any policy or program or activity or curriculum being pushed by the RIGHT that harms children.
How can we “keep it honest” Foxfyre when you are not honest about the left?

I am done with this conversation. It is nothing more than echo chamber rhetoric.
On the face of it, it is just rhetoric and normally would be no big deal. But given recent history and increasing pressure and practice of pushing unacceptable curriculum, imagery, entertainment on children that most of us see as tacit grooming, a statement of "They are all our children" is chilling.

And this was stated by one who has been perceived as improperly touching children, whose daughter writes that he was inappropriate with her, and who denies his own granddaughter as well as approving that granddaughter not receiving his and her father's last name. Does any of that factor into the issues cited in the preceding paragraph? Probably not at least directly, but who knows?

A statement of "They are all our children" is chilling because of a noticeable cultural shift to a left that:
--imposes and approves that unacceptable curriculum, imagery, entertainment for even young children.
--pushes and promotes content that indoctrinates children more than it educates.
--pushes for children to be able to get abortions, to transgender, etc. without the parents being notified.
--increasingly discourages parental involvement in the choices of their children or the content they are being taught.
--increasing demonization of parents who show up at school or school board meetings to protest what they consider unacceptable content even to the point the DOJ investigates or labels them as terrorists if they use strong language in their protest.

One of Lenin's major goals once he seized power in Russia was to indoctrinate the children in communist ideology. He famously said: “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”

From the 1920s onwards, the Nazi Party targeted German youth for its propaganda message.
“These boys and girls enter our organizations [at] ten years of age, and often for the first time get a little fresh air; after four years of the Young Folk they go on to the Hitler Youth, where we have them for another four years . . . And even if they are still not complete National Socialists, they go to Labor Service and are smoothed out there for another six, seven months . . . And whatever class consciousness or social status might still be left . . . the Wehrmacht [German armed forces] will take care of that.”
—Adolf Hitler (1938)

Mao targeted the children with a highly politicized curriculum to ensure they would continue the revolutionary zeal necessary to stop China from returning to capitalism.

Kim established a goal of “guiding ideology,” I.e. “to build a communist society where the ideals of the people will be completely realized.” And it began with indoctrination of the children.

All encouraged the children to report any heresies committed by their neighbors, friends, relatives, even siblings and parents. All suppressed any objections by parents.

That would never happen here you say? I'm pretty sure the Russian, Germans, Chinese, North Koreans etc. would have once said it couldn't happen there.

We each are responsible for our own children until they are emancipated though moral people do right by their children and care about all the children. So no, Uncle Joe, these are not your children to do with as you or anybody else wants. And the wise will make that message loud and clear. The state or anything associated with it should never have the power to take the place of the parent and nuclear family.

I love the grooming of Hooters.
How can we “keep it honest” Foxfyre when you are not honest about the left?

I am done with this conversation. It is nothing more than echo chamber rhetoric.
Meaning you can't name any leftists who aren't supporting those things listed in the OP? One thing I am 100% certain I am not guilty of is being an echo chamber. I read, research, understand exactly what I'm talking about when it's something I care deeply about and can defend every point I make. On occasion I have not done sufficient research and find I'm wrong and, when that happens, I own up to it. I'm not wrong in the OP to this thread.

But I wish you a pleasant evening.
And it is said that the human brain is not fully developed until sometime around Age 25. But there are some so evil they would allow a doctor to perform mutilating surgery on children and pump them full of harmful hormones long before that child has the maturity and full understanding about himself/herself to make a fully informed choice about that.

There are some who can't understand why we oppose blatant or tacit grooming of children or exposing them to content they are neither intellectually or emotionally ready to receive.

It is becoming the worst parts of human depravity described in the Bible or in human history since then.
"As in the days of Noah." :omg:
Meaning you can't name any leftists who aren't supporting those things listed in the OP? One thing I am 100% certain I am not guilty of is being an echo chamber. I read, research, understand exactly what I'm talking about when it's something I care deeply about and can defend every point I make. On occasion I have not done sufficient research and find I'm wrong and, when that happens, I own up to it. I'm not wrong in the OP to this thread.

But I wish you a pleasant evening.
Foxfyre, I lose respect for an arguement when they try to compare today’s left (or right) ideologies with the world’s worst and bloodiest authoritarians: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Kim. Seriously?!

That is what I mean by demonization.

Secondly, the points you make…

--imposes and approves that unacceptable curriculum, imagery, entertainment for even young children.

What constitutes “unacceptable” curriculum?

Teaching children that some families have two mothers or two fathers? That some kids are raised by one parent? Some kids are raised by their grandparents?

Teaching children (age appropriate) that gay people exist, and they are people just like you and I? That if a teen is gay, that’s ok?

Letting kids read books that discuss racism, discomfort in a new school where you are the only Black kid and then making friends?

Reading poetry by authors like Maya Angelou and Amanda Gorman?

Teaching kids (age appropriate) how NOT to get pregnant?

Yes, I do believe most leftists support that…but each of those are among books and concepts banned in a school.

--pushes and promotes content that indoctrinates children more than it educates.

Indoctrination is in the eye of the beholder. What you call indoctrination, I might not. What I call indoctrination, you might not. Because of that it is impossible to list whether or not leftists support it.

--pushes for children to be able to get abortions, to transgender, etc. without the parents being notified.

This is the only one where I will agree the left does support.

--increasingly discourages parental involvement in the choices of their children or the content they are being taught.

The left doesn’t determine curriculum, it varies state to state. My state has now added creationism to it’s curriculum. I see no indication of leftists actively discouraging parental involvement any more than rightists.

--increasing demonization of parents who show up at school or school board meetings to protest what they consider unacceptable content even to the point the DOJ investigates or labels them as terrorists if they use strong language in their protest.

Where he’ll do I even begin? Demonization? DEMONIZATION? Look at what they are doing to teachers. School board members, teachers and principles have been harassed, their families and kids have threatened, they’ve gotten death threats, they’ve been assaulted in parking lots after a board meeting, their property has been vandalized, they’ve quit because of this.

This is strong language in a protest?

How many have actually even been investigated?
what did I get wrong??

you said anyone can see the curriculum and heres a women being sued because she wanted to see,,
You didn't get it wrong. Of course the lawsuits won't state that she asked to see the curriculum and they didn't want to show it to her. So it's 'she asked too many questions' or 'she asked for information they aren't required by law to give her' and such. Bottom line they didn't want to show her what they would be teaching her child.

When my kids were in elementary school, the school held a general meeting to advise parents exactly what the school curriculum was and would contain. We were given a list of all the textbooks that would be used and where we could order a copy if we wanted one. We were encouraged to look through the books the kids brought home. And I never asked a question about anything that wasn't answered fully and honestly. And we had regular one on one parent/teacher conferences in which both the parent and teacher would explain any concerns about the child's education. We were told we could visit the classroom at any time though few took them up on that.

The point was that the public schools were in no way secretive about anything and encouraged the parents to be aware and involved in their children's education. But then the schools mirrored the basic values of the community so there was little or no controversy.
Foxfyre, I lose respect for an arguement when they try to compare today’s left (or right) ideologies with the world’s worst and bloodiest authoritarians: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Kim. Seriously?!
keep in mind those people werent all bloody until they were,,

but they did have political rivals arrested and used the power of government to silence opposition just like dems are currently doing,,

and thats just a few of the similar things they are doing
did she get to see the curriculum or not??

the answer to that is no she didnt,,
She wasn’t asking for it.

Within a 2-month period, Solas filed 200 APRA requests, another 300 requests were then filed by others over the next 2 months.

Solas' records request sought several categories of materials, including documents related to labor relations and labor officials. (Verified Compl. ¶¶ 22, 24, 25.) Her requests further sought records relating to "teacher discipline and performance," "teacher e-mails," and "e-mails of various administrators who are not members of [NEARI or NEASK]," which Plaintiffs argued may contain personally identifiable information and/or constitute an invasion of personal privacy. Id. ¶¶ 26, 29, 33-45.

That is not simply requesting to ”see the curriculum”.
Foxfyre, I lose respect for an arguement when they try to compare today’s left (or right) ideologies with the world’s worst and bloodiest authoritarians: Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Kim. Seriously?!

That is what I mean by demonization.

Secondly, the points you make…

--imposes and approves that unacceptable curriculum, imagery, entertainment for even young children.

What constitutes “unacceptable” curriculum?

Teaching children that some families have two mothers or two fathers? That some kids are raised by one parent? Some kids are raised by their grandparents?

Teaching children (age appropriate) that gay people exist, and they are people just like you and I? That if a teen is gay, that’s ok?

Letting kids read books that discuss racism, discomfort in a new school where you are the only Black kid and then making friends?

Reading poetry by authors like Maya Angelou and Amanda Gorman?

Teaching kids (age appropriate) how NOT to get pregnant?

Yes, I do believe most leftists support that…but each of those are among books and concepts banned in a school.

--pushes and promotes content that indoctrinates children more than it educates.

Indoctrination is in the eye of the beholder. What you call indoctrination, I might not. What I call indoctrination, you might not. Because of that it is impossible to list whether or not leftists support it.

--pushes for children to be able to get abortions, to transgender, etc. without the parents being notified.

This is the only one where I will agree the left does support.

--increasingly discourages parental involvement in the choices of their children or the content they are being taught.

The left doesn’t determine curriculum, it varies state to state. My state has now added creationism to it’s curriculum. I see no indication of leftists actively discouraging parental involvement any more than rightists.

--increasing demonization of parents who show up at school or school board meetings to protest what they consider unacceptable content even to the point the DOJ investigates or labels them as terrorists if they use strong language in their protest.

Where he’ll do I even begin? Demonization? DEMONIZATION? Look at what they are doing to teachers. School board members, teachers and principles have been harassed, their families and kids have threatened, they’ve gotten death threats, they’ve been assaulted in parking lots after a board meeting, their property has been vandalized, they’ve quit because of this.

This is strong language in a protest?

How many have actually even been investigated?
I think you missed the whole point of the OP Coyote. So far the leftists posting on this thread have missed the point and have tried, as you have, to make it into something that was not said or implied.

The illustrations of states taking charge of the children is the whole point of the OP. We do not want the central government doing an end run around the parents to indoctrinate the children.

Hillary's "It takes a village" didn't at all mean what that same phrase would mean to a small town pragmatic non-fanatical average citizen. And Biden's "they are all our children" phrase considering how much at odds so many parents are with the public schools these days may or may not have meant how it sounded. But he supports all those issues listed in the OP too, so it is more than reasonable for us to raise an eyebrow when he says it. To those of us who have studied and know history, words like that are chilling.

You call it demonization. I call it what it is, i.e. a valid concern and criticism of a growing trend in this country to indoctrinate and groom children to think and believe as the state wants them to with the parents having less and less say about it.
She wasn’t asking for it.

Within a 2-month period, Solas filed 200 APRA requests, another 300 requests were then filed by others over the next 2 months.

Solas' records request sought several categories of materials, including documents related to labor relations and labor officials. (Verified Compl. ¶¶ 22, 24, 25.) Her requests further sought records relating to "teacher discipline and performance," "teacher e-mails," and "e-mails of various administrators who are not members of [NEARI or NEASK]," which Plaintiffs argued may contain personally identifiable information and/or constitute an invasion of personal privacy. Id. ¶¶ 26, 29, 33-45.

That is not simply requesting to ”see the curriculum”.
did she get to see the curriculum or not??

from the sounds of it the answer is no she didnt,,
On the face of it, it is just rhetoric and normally would be no big deal. But given recent history and increasing pressure and practice of pushing unacceptable curriculum, imagery, entertainment on children that most of us see as tacit grooming, a statement of "They are all our children" is chilling.

And this was stated by one who has been perceived as improperly touching children, whose daughter writes that he was inappropriate with her, and who denies his own granddaughter as well as approving that granddaughter not receiving his and her father's last name. Does any of that factor into the issues cited in the preceding paragraph? Probably not at least directly, but who knows?

A statement of "They are all our children" is chilling because of a noticeable cultural shift to a left that:
--imposes and approves that unacceptable curriculum, imagery, entertainment for even young children.
--pushes and promotes content that indoctrinates children more than it educates.
--pushes for children to be able to get abortions, to transgender, etc. without the parents being notified.
--increasingly discourages parental involvement in the choices of their children or the content they are being taught.
--increasing demonization of parents who show up at school or school board meetings to protest what they consider unacceptable content even to the point the DOJ investigates or labels them as terrorists if they use strong language in their protest.

One of Lenin's major goals once he seized power in Russia was to indoctrinate the children in communist ideology. He famously said: “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”

From the 1920s onwards, the Nazi Party targeted German youth for its propaganda message.
“These boys and girls enter our organizations [at] ten years of age, and often for the first time get a little fresh air; after four years of the Young Folk they go on to the Hitler Youth, where we have them for another four years . . . And even if they are still not complete National Socialists, they go to Labor Service and are smoothed out there for another six, seven months . . . And whatever class consciousness or social status might still be left . . . the Wehrmacht [German armed forces] will take care of that.”
—Adolf Hitler (1938)

Mao targeted the children with a highly politicized curriculum to ensure they would continue the revolutionary zeal necessary to stop China from returning to capitalism.

Kim established a goal of “guiding ideology,” I.e. “to build a communist society where the ideals of the people will be completely realized.” And it began with indoctrination of the children.

All encouraged the children to report any heresies committed by their neighbors, friends, relatives, even siblings and parents. All suppressed any objections by parents.

That would never happen here you say? I'm pretty sure the Russian, Germans, Chinese, North Koreans etc. would have once said it couldn't happen there.

We each are responsible for our own children until they are emancipated though moral people do right by their children and care about all the children. So no, Uncle Joe, these are not your children to do with as you or anybody else wants. And the wise will make that message loud and clear. The state or anything associated with it should never have the power to take the place of the parent and nuclear family.

Yep, they're all "OUR" kids...except Bidens granddaughter.

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