They are all our children. Not!

"Stop killing kids." - Conservatives 'Fuck you" - democrats.
And because they get pushback on abortion. Now they target children for abuse in schools via indoctrination and puberty blockers.
On the face of it, it is just rhetoric and normally would be no big deal. But given recent history and increasing pressure and practice of pushing unacceptable curriculum, imagery, entertainment on children that most of us see as tacit grooming, a statement of "They are all our children" is chilling.

And this was stated by one who has been perceived as improperly touching children, whose daughter writes that he was inappropriate with her, and who denies his own granddaughter as well as approving that granddaughter not receiving his and her father's last name. Does any of that factor into the issues cited in the preceding paragraph? Probably not at least directly, but who knows?

A statement of "They are all our children" is chilling because of a noticeable cultural shift to a left that:
--imposes and approves that unacceptable curriculum, imagery, entertainment for even young children.
--pushes and promotes content that indoctrinates children more than it educates.
--pushes for children to be able to get abortions, to transgender, etc. without the parents being notified.
--increasingly discourages parental involvement in the choices of their children or the content they are being taught.
--increasing demonization of parents who show up at school or school board meetings to protest what they consider unacceptable content even to the point the DOJ investigates or labels them as terrorists if they use strong language in their protest.

One of Lenin's major goals once he seized power in Russia was to indoctrinate the children in communist ideology. He famously said: “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”

From the 1920s onwards, the Nazi Party targeted German youth for its propaganda message.
“These boys and girls enter our organizations [at] ten years of age, and often for the first time get a little fresh air; after four years of the Young Folk they go on to the Hitler Youth, where we have them for another four years . . . And even if they are still not complete National Socialists, they go to Labor Service and are smoothed out there for another six, seven months . . . And whatever class consciousness or social status might still be left . . . the Wehrmacht [German armed forces] will take care of that.”
—Adolf Hitler (1938)

Mao targeted the children with a highly politicized curriculum to ensure they would continue the revolutionary zeal necessary to stop China from returning to capitalism.

Kim established a goal of “guiding ideology,” I.e. “to build a communist society where the ideals of the people will be completely realized.” And it began with indoctrination of the children.

All encouraged the children to report any heresies committed by their neighbors, friends, relatives, even siblings and parents. All suppressed any objections by parents.

That would never happen here you say? I'm pretty sure the Russian, Germans, Chinese, North Koreans etc. would have once said it couldn't happen there.

We each are responsible for our own children until they are emancipated though moral people do right by their children and care about all the children. So no, Uncle Joe, these are not your children to do with as you or anybody else wants. And the wise will make that message loud and clear.

Is that why you RWI's always clamor, Leave the Children Alone, but ONLY when it fits your narrative.

After you stop trying to kill them.

This effort is at the Identity level...Go check the link in #6....That is a legit model that has been used for decades.
Interesting, but I think such studies are a symptom not an explanation.
Bingo! Exactly. They want to impose their own form of indoctrination.
Parents can raise THEIR OWN CHILDREN with the values and beliefs that they hold dear.
Schools/government have no right to indoctrinate children against the wishes of the parents.

Schools are to teach an approved curriculum, not deviant behaviors, like "gender queer" or "tranny" bullshit.
Parents can raise THEIR OWN CHILDREN with the values and beliefs that they hold dear.
Schools/government have no right to indoctrinate children against the wishes of the parents.

Schools are to teach an approved curriculum, not deviant behaviors, like "gender queer" or "tranny" bullshit.

It is time to take our children out of the system, entirely, from embryonic stage.

Women can have their babies at home. Humans and other animals have been doing it for thousands of years. There is no rule, except in the diseased minds of the medical industrial complex, that says women cannot give birth without an attending "physician". Millions and millions of mammals on the planet do it every year!

Once birthed at home, the baby is not at risk of being vaccinated, with or without parental consent, nor is it automatically assigned a SSN, almost from its first breath. No child ever died from not having a SSN.

Ditto, women can educate their children at home. (PS -- men can do it too!) I had two doctors, husband and wife, who educated their children at home and they were the best, brightest, happiest and best adjusted children I ever met.

Keep the children completely out of the system until they are adults and can make decisions for themselves.


It is time to take our children out of the system, entirely, from embryonic stage.

Women can have their babies at home. Humans and other animals have been doing it for thousands of years. There is no rule, except in the diseased minds of the medical industrial complex, that says women cannot give birth without an attending "physician". Millions and millions of mammals on the planet do it every year!

Once birthed at home, the baby is not at risk of being vaccinated, with or without parental consent, nor is it automatically assigned a SSN, almost from its first breath. No child ever died from not having a SSN.

Ditto, women can educate their children at home. (PS -- men can do it too!) I had two doctors, husband and wife, who educated their children at home and they were the best, brightest, happiest and best adjusted children I ever met.

Keep the children completely out of the system until they are adults and can make decisions for themselves.

TURRIST!! :laugh:


Never going to happen. If not for the fact that she's probably dead, I'd think it was a good idea to shove that "It takes a village" bullshit down KKKillery's wretched throat.

Maybe posthumously?

I'm pretty sure Hillary is alive and likely well. She's scheduled as a headliner speaker at the NAACP Convention in Boston coming up soon.
Yes. I forgot to post the video but have added it to the OP. And I agree. I strongly disagree with what Democrats/leftists/Biden think is appropriate for children to be taught, to be exposed to, to be allowed to do. What kind of insanity says that children should not be allowed cigarettes or alcohol but should be allowed to have their bodies mutilated or get a secret abortion that their parents don't know about? For heaven's sakes, the school nurse can't even give a child an aspirin without consent of a parent or guardian. But the leftist loonies push for all sorts of indoctrination and medical procedures for kids and the parents won't be notified. It's downright scary.

Of course you're right, Fox. What's in the white house is a depraved and reprobate mind. They cant discern good from evil nor right from wrong.
Same with the pro-lifers. Everyone wants to use to government to get in everyone else's business.
Those wanting the federal government to regulate abortion are in the wrong in my opinion. Those who approve the state regulating abortion are spot on. It's all in whether a child is a child before it is born the same as it is after it is born. Those who believe that it is believes it should have security from the state as much as anybody else.
On the face of it, it is just rhetoric and normally would be no big deal. But given recent history and increasing pressure and practice of pushing unacceptable curriculum, imagery, entertainment on children that most of us see as tacit grooming, a statement of "They are all our children" is chilling.

And this was stated by one who has been perceived as improperly touching children, whose daughter writes that he was inappropriate with her, and who denies his own granddaughter as well as approving that granddaughter not receiving his and her father's last name. Does any of that factor into the issues cited in the preceding paragraph? Probably not at least directly, but who knows?

A statement of "They are all our children" is chilling because of a noticeable cultural shift to a left that:
--imposes and approves that unacceptable curriculum, imagery, entertainment for even young children.
--pushes and promotes content that indoctrinates children more than it educates.
--pushes for children to be able to get abortions, to transgender, etc. without the parents being notified.
--increasingly discourages parental involvement in the choices of their children or the content they are being taught.
--increasing demonization of parents who show up at school or school board meetings to protest what they consider unacceptable content even to the point the DOJ investigates or labels them as terrorists if they use strong language in their protest.

One of Lenin's major goals once he seized power in Russia was to indoctrinate the children in communist ideology. He famously said: “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”

From the 1920s onwards, the Nazi Party targeted German youth for its propaganda message.
“These boys and girls enter our organizations [at] ten years of age, and often for the first time get a little fresh air; after four years of the Young Folk they go on to the Hitler Youth, where we have them for another four years . . . And even if they are still not complete National Socialists, they go to Labor Service and are smoothed out there for another six, seven months . . . And whatever class consciousness or social status might still be left . . . the Wehrmacht [German armed forces] will take care of that.”
—Adolf Hitler (1938)

Mao targeted the children with a highly politicized curriculum to ensure they would continue the revolutionary zeal necessary to stop China from returning to capitalism.

Kim established a goal of “guiding ideology,” I.e. “to build a communist society where the ideals of the people will be completely realized.” And it began with indoctrination of the children.

All encouraged the children to report any heresies committed by their neighbors, friends, relatives, even siblings and parents. All suppressed any objections by parents.

That would never happen here you say? I'm pretty sure the Russian, Germans, Chinese, North Koreans etc. would have once said it couldn't happen there.

We each are responsible for our own children until they are emancipated though moral people do right by their children and care about all the children. So no, Uncle Joe, these are not your children to do with as you or anybody else wants. And the wise will make that message loud and clear.

"perceived as improperly touching children" says it all, doesn't it?

He's not been charged, he's not had anything other than a bunch of right wing crazies who will hate and attack anything from the other party. They'll call people rapists, pedophiles, anything to get what they want. The truth doesn't matter. Only winning matters.

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