They are all our children. Not!

Rightwingers aren't wanting to do things to kids without the parents knowing.
Rightwingers aren't wanting to transgender kids or encourage them to identify as another gender without the parents knowing or getting the kid an abortion without the parents knowing.
Rightwingers aren't wanting to hide curriculum from the parents.
Rightwingers aren't allowing/sanctioning/applauding lewd, vulgar, obscene, grooming shows and displays passed off as entertainment.
Rightwingers are supportive of the traditional family with a responsible mom and dad in the home and in those homes children are far FAR less likely to victims of pedophiles, creeps and weirdos.
I'm certainly not a right-winger, and I'm no batshit crazy far left freak either.
Your claims above PRETEND that Only Rightwinger are child protectors, and that is pure BS.

I agree with most of the above.

A responsible mom and dad, those come from both sides of the political spectrum. The gay couples with children that I personally know, at least 20 couples, are ALL well adjusted and have great children that have been raised very respectfully. I don't know one gay couple with shithead children, but I know plenty of shithead children and well raised children from traditional families, divorced families, single part families and children raised by grandparents.
The left generally doesn't make that claim either. They just snip away at the margins and try to control the indoctrination as thoroughly as they can get away with.

This is probably my biggest beef with Trumpsters. They are in no way libertarians, and most of them are all in on the basic presumptions of the left. They don't really mind intrusive government. They just want to drive.
And you're talking like a leftist making negative generalities without explaining why you're making them. I agree however that Trump (as are those who support his vision) is no ideologue, no partisan, not one who can be defined by any politically designed box. But he definitely understood his role as President in a way that accomplished some pretty amazing good results and he didn't saddle us with anything destructive or with long range negative consequences. In that I think he was pretty much naturally libertarian (small 'L') as opposed to a Libertarian who is a very different animal.
Seems to me culture warriors from both sides are trying to claim "our" children as their own. Screw them.

And the conservatives who birthed and are raising and paying the bills for those children don't get to claim, "Those are my children"?

Screw that.

I'm certainly not a right-winger, and I'm no batshit crazy far left freak either.
Your claims above PRETEND that Only Rightwinger are child protectors, and that is pure BS.

I agree with most of the above.

A responsible mom and dad, those come from both sides of the political spectrum. The gay couples with children that I personally know, at least 20 couples, are ALL well adjusted and have great children that have been raised very respectfully. I don't know one gay couple with shithead children, but I know plenty of shithead children and well raised children from traditional families, divorced families, single part families and children raised by grandparents.
Which totally misses the point. But oh well. Have a lovely evening.
To some extent I will agree. Right wingers mostly agree that all children should be loved, cherished, protected, defended. They believe it is wrong to harm children and they'll pretty much object to any initiatives or policy that does that.
You will find left wingers agree with that as well.
Which totally misses the point. But oh well. Have a lovely evening.
What kind of response would you like?
I’m willing to discuss but it usually turns into name calling.

What part of the grooming and indoctrination from public school teachers would you like to discuss.

I agree they complain if right wingers object to that which they justifiably believe harms children, sometimes doing extreme and irreversible harm. And they maintain that grooming and supporting transgendering and sexualization of children and ideological mind control like CRT is no different than right wing demands that children be taught critical thinking and honest math, science, history, languages, reading comprehension.
Do you agree that I support that children be taught critical thinking and honest math, science, history, languages and reading comprehension?

I did that ^^^^ for 38 years
Never once teaching CRT or indoctrinating students or grooming students in any way.
LOL - okay. I generally try to take your posts seriously. You're usually sane. This, however, is pure delusion. Trump is the opposite of libertarian, no matter how small the "L" is.
Well this thread is not the place to discuss that. Maybe you could start a thread to explore that more in depth. I consider the Founders to be true libertarians (small "L") also sometimes referred to as classical liberals. And they didn't agree on everything either.

Trump is all over the map on all this 'woke' stuff on social media. I would like to hear what he really thinks in one coherent discussion as he is generally much more rational and comprehensive in such settings. But I rather think he would mostly agree with me on this thread topic.

Have a lovely evening.
You will find left wingers agree with that as well.
There are definitely some left wingers who agree with that. But they are damn hard to find.
Almost all on television, social media, message boards etc. support all those things I am fighting against in the OP. And all those things harm children.
Well this thread is not the place to discuss that. Maybe you could start a thread to explore that more in depth.
I spose. But if you bring it up in this thread, as you did, I'll respond.
Trump is all over the map on all this 'woke' stuff on social media. I would like to hear what he really thinks in one coherent discussion as he is generally much more rational and comprehensive in such settings.
I've yet to hear anything close to coherent discussion from Trump. Link?
You will find left wingers agree with that as well.

But not really. A gross retardation is growing among blue states in which the liberals are implementing laws to take away children from their parents if their parents try to prevent their underage kid from cutting off a body part or taking puberty blockers. The state is absolutely wrong in doing this. It is beyond vile.
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On the face of it, it is just rhetoric and normally would be no big deal. But given recent history and increasing pressure and practice of pushing unacceptable curriculum, imagery, entertainment on children that most of us see as tacit grooming, a statement of "They are all our children" is chilling.

And this was stated by one who has been perceived as improperly touching children, whose daughter writes that he was inappropriate with her, and who denies his own granddaughter as well as approving that granddaughter not receiving his and her father's last name. Does any of that factor into the issues cited in the preceding paragraph? Probably not at least directly, but who knows?

A statement of "They are all our children" is chilling because of a noticeable cultural shift to a left that:
--imposes and approves that unacceptable curriculum, imagery, entertainment for even young children.
--pushes and promotes content that indoctrinates children more than it educates.
--pushes for children to be able to get abortions, to transgender, etc. without the parents being notified.
--increasingly discourages parental involvement in the choices of their children or the content they are being taught.
--increasing demonization of parents who show up at school or school board meetings to protest what they consider unacceptable content even to the point the DOJ investigates or labels them as terrorists if they use strong language in their protest.

One of Lenin's major goals once he seized power in Russia was to indoctrinate the children in communist ideology. He famously said: “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”

From the 1920s onwards, the Nazi Party targeted German youth for its propaganda message.
“These boys and girls enter our organizations [at] ten years of age, and often for the first time get a little fresh air; after four years of the Young Folk they go on to the Hitler Youth, where we have them for another four years . . . And even if they are still not complete National Socialists, they go to Labor Service and are smoothed out there for another six, seven months . . . And whatever class consciousness or social status might still be left . . . the Wehrmacht [German armed forces] will take care of that.”
—Adolf Hitler (1938)

Mao targeted the children with a highly politicized curriculum to ensure they would continue the revolutionary zeal necessary to stop China from returning to capitalism.

Kim established a goal of “guiding ideology,” I.e. “to build a communist society where the ideals of the people will be completely realized.” And it began with indoctrination of the children.

All encouraged the children to report any heresies committed by their neighbors, friends, relatives, even siblings and parents. All suppressed any objections by parents.

That would never happen here you say? I'm pretty sure the Russian, Germans, Chinese, North Koreans etc. would have once said it couldn't happen there.

We each are responsible for our own children until they are emancipated though moral people do right by their children and care about all the children. So no, Uncle Joe, these are not your children to do with as you or anybody else wants. And the wise will make that message loud and clear. The state or anything associated with it should never have the power to take the place of the parent and nuclear family.

even the coke fueled bidens couildnt father all the children
Rightwingers aren't wanting to do things to kids without the parents knowing.
Rightwingers aren't wanting to transgender kids or encourage them to identify as another gender without the parents knowing or getting the kid an abortion without the parents knowing.
Rightwingers aren't wanting to hide curriculum from the parents.
Rightwingers aren't allowing/sanctioning/applauding lewd, vulgar, obscene, grooming shows and displays passed off as entertainment.
Rightwingers are supportive of the traditional family with a responsible mom and dad in the home and in those homes children are far FAR less likely to victims of pedophiles, creeps and weirdos.
Curriculums aren’t hidden from parents. Any parent can find what is in it if they don’t know and any parent can observe a class at any time.

I think there is alot of demonization going on, and frankly it just saddens me.

The left and the right are the same in that:

They believe every child should be loved, cherished, protected.

Anyone who doesn’t see that has never attempted to have a genuine conversation with someone on the other side. I am genuinely worried that REAL indoctrination is not what is going on in schools but what is coming through our echochambers unimpeded by a reality check.

You aren’t protecting children from pedos and predators by attacking the gay community or transgender community or drag artists. Based on crime statistics, the majority of sexual assaults on children are committed by some the child knows, often a family member. And that includes traditional families.

When it comes to sanctioning lewd sexualized performances…the very ones angered at Drag shows have no issue with the hyper sexualization of little girls in pageants or the lewd performances of cheerleaders.

Maybe this should be left up to the parents?

Likewise with medical care…shouldn’t that be between parents, doctor and child?
But not really. A gross retardation is growing among red states in which the liberals are implementing laws to take away children from their parents if their parents try to prevent their underage kid from cutting off a body part or taking puberty blockers. The state is absolutely wrong in doing this. It is beyond vile.
Rightwingers have already implemented such laws classifying the parents as child abusers and removing their children..

And, reality check….surgery on minors is rare. Surgery altering genitals and fertility is not done on minors nor medically recommended, for obvious reasons.
Curriculums aren’t hidden from parents. Any parent can find what is in it if they don’t know and any parent can observe a class at any time.

I think there is alot of demonization going on, and frankly it just saddens me.

The left and the right are the same in that:

They believe every child should be loved, cherished, protected.

Anyone who doesn’t see that has never attempted to have a genuine conversation with someone on the other side. I am genuinely worried that REAL indoctrination is not what is going on in schools but what is coming through our echochambers unimpeded by a reality check.

You aren’t protecting children from pedos and predators by attacking the gay community or transgender community or drag artists. Based on crime statistics, the majority of sexual assaults on children are committed by some the child knows, often a family member. And that includes traditional families.

When it comes to sanctioning lewd sexualized performances…the very ones angered at Drag shows have no issue with the hyper sexualization of little girls in pageants or the lewd performances of cheerleaders.

Maybe this should be left up to the parents?

Likewise with medical care…shouldn’t that be between parents, doctor and child?
There are definitely some left wingers who agree with that. But they are damn hard to find.
Almost all on television, social media, message boards etc. support all those things I am fighting against in the OP. And all those things harm children.
They are not hard to find. Not at all.
Curriculums aren’t hidden from parents. Any parent can find what is in it if they don’t know and any parent can observe a class at any time.

I think there is alot of demonization going on, and frankly it just saddens me.

The left and the right are the same in that:

They believe every child should be loved, cherished, protected.

Anyone who doesn’t see that has never attempted to have a genuine conversation with someone on the other side. I am genuinely worried that REAL indoctrination is not what is going on in schools but what is coming through our echochambers unimpeded by a reality check.

You aren’t protecting children from pedos and predators by attacking the gay community or transgender community or drag artists. Based on crime statistics, the majority of sexual assaults on children are committed by some the child knows, often a family member. And that includes traditional families.

When it comes to sanctioning lewd sexualized performances…the very ones angered at Drag shows have no issue with the hyper sexualization of little girls in pageants or the lewd performances of cheerleaders.

Maybe this should be left up to the parents?

Likewise with medical care…shouldn’t that be between parents, doctor and child?
Please read my OP again and can we discuss this without the usual whataboutisms? (For instance I have a LOT of friends who would describe themselves as right of center. And I don't know a single one who condones child beauty pageants. I think most would argue they should be outlawed. So let's keep it honest about who condones what.)

The fact is that it is the LEFT and ONLY the LEFT pushing the activities and issues listed in the OP. And I believe every single one of them harms children. No amount of diversion, whataboutisms, or personal opinion changes that.

I can't think of any policy or program or activity or curriculum being pushed by the RIGHT that harms children.
Maybe you ought to read the case.


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