They are all our children. Not!

she said she did,,,
Here is more information.

The South Kingstown school district released a portion of the materials sought by Solas on July 13, totaling roughly 6,500 pages of documents. The district requested $74,000 to give Solas everything she has requested. Solas told Target 12 she has paid $1,600

Bob Walsh, the union’s executive director, said he agrees that Solas should have access to the school’s curriculum because it’s a public document. But told Target 12 that NEARI thinks some of Solas’ other requests involve material that should not be made public under APRA.

I suspect in that 6,500 pages she has the curriculum.
There are definitely some left wingers who agree with that. But they are damn hard to find.
Almost all on television, social media, message boards etc. support all those things I am fighting against in the OP. And all those things harm children.
The very best way to end up with a target on your back in THIS forum is to want to protect children.

Everybody knows it. A few object. Some look the other way. Many chuckle silently to themselves in smug approval.
makes you wonder why they were so against giving her what she is entitled to,,

just dont go around claiming curriculums are freely available,,
They are. Your example was a nothingburger.

What she wanted was material with personal information that is a public document and not the curriculum.
The very best way to end up with a target on your back in THIS forum is to want to protect children.

Everybody knows it. A few object. Some look the other way. Many chuckle silently to themselves in smug approval.
I am not as passionate about some controversial issues but I care deeply about this one. So far not a single person has offered a reasoned rebuttal for the content in the OP. They either misrepresent or distort or twist what was said, try to derail the discussion witH irrelevant or unrelated content or change the subject altogether, or they say it just isn't so without providing any support for why it isn't so.

I'm used to having a target on my back for taking positions the leftists hate. But I can defend the positions I take. Maybe they can too. But for the most part they don't.
On the face of it, it is just rhetoric and normally would be no big deal. But given recent history and increasing pressure and practice of pushing unacceptable curriculum, imagery, entertainment on children that most of us see as tacit grooming, a statement of "They are all our children" is chilling.

And this was stated by one who has been perceived as improperly touching children, whose daughter writes that he was inappropriate with her, and who denies his own granddaughter as well as approving that granddaughter not receiving his and her father's last name. Does any of that factor into the issues cited in the preceding paragraph? Probably not at least directly, but who knows?

A statement of "They are all our children" is chilling because of a noticeable cultural shift to a left that:
--imposes and approves that unacceptable curriculum, imagery, entertainment for even young children.
--pushes and promotes content that indoctrinates children more than it educates.
--pushes for children to be able to get abortions, to transgender, etc. without the parents being notified.
--increasingly discourages parental involvement in the choices of their children or the content they are being taught.
--increasing demonization of parents who show up at school or school board meetings to protest what they consider unacceptable content even to the point the DOJ investigates or labels them as terrorists if they use strong language in their protest.

One of Lenin's major goals once he seized power in Russia was to indoctrinate the children in communist ideology. He famously said: “Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”

From the 1920s onwards, the Nazi Party targeted German youth for its propaganda message.
“These boys and girls enter our organizations [at] ten years of age, and often for the first time get a little fresh air; after four years of the Young Folk they go on to the Hitler Youth, where we have them for another four years . . . And even if they are still not complete National Socialists, they go to Labor Service and are smoothed out there for another six, seven months . . . And whatever class consciousness or social status might still be left . . . the Wehrmacht [German armed forces] will take care of that.”
—Adolf Hitler (1938)

Mao targeted the children with a highly politicized curriculum to ensure they would continue the revolutionary zeal necessary to stop China from returning to capitalism.

Kim established a goal of “guiding ideology,” I.e. “to build a communist society where the ideals of the people will be completely realized.” And it began with indoctrination of the children.

All encouraged the children to report any heresies committed by their neighbors, friends, relatives, even siblings and parents. All suppressed any objections by parents.

That would never happen here you say? I'm pretty sure the Russian, Germans, Chinese, North Koreans etc. would have once said it couldn't happen there.

We each are responsible for our own children until they are emancipated though moral people do right by their children and care about all the children. So no, Uncle Joe, these are not your children to do with as you or anybody else wants. And the wise will make that message loud and clear. The state or anything associated with it should never have the power to take the place of the parent and nuclear family.

There is nothing more insidious and disgusting than the Left's desire to "get em while their young and impressionable". As stated in the line from "Another brick in the wall" "HEY!! LEAVE THOSE KIDS ALONE!!!"
There is nothing more insidious and disgusting than the Left's desire to "get em while their young and impressionable". As stated in the line from "Another brick in the wall" "HEY!! LEAVE THOSE KIDS ALONE!!!"
It is certainly the same idea, if not the specific goal inherent in the creation of the Nazi youth league.

Separate them from their parents, replace the bond to parents with a bond to the state and indoctrinate them in such a way that they will be yours forever.

doesnt mean she didnt get to see the curriculum,,

it also shows the lengths needed to get to see it in some places
It doesn’t show any lengths…the curriculum was freely available, it was all the other stuff she demanded

We ARE dumbfuck. This IS the hill we die on....and more importantly, YOU perverts as well.
Most large corporations support Democrats far more than they support Republicans.
Almost all MSM and social media support Democrats far more than they support Republicans
Most scientific organizations support (and hire) Democrats almost exclusively
Rich Democrats in government significantly outnumber rich Republicans
Most Republican policies are targeted to benefit small business, middle class families, and to expand choice, options, opportunities, liberties for all.

Now would you care to address the thread topic which has zero to do with who Republicans support?

Do you have any evidence that most large corporations support Democrats? No. You've provided NOTHING on that.

Let me give you one example. The Koch brothers.

They are most certainly right wing. In 1980 David Koch ran as Libertarian VP candidate. They lost (I mean, they always lose, don't they?) and the Koch brothers realized that trying to get in a third party is pointless. So they threw money at politics.

They managed to get past the Supreme Court in Citizens United v. FEC (2010)

Any surprise that Thomas... you know, the dude who takes expensive holidays from rich people, voted in favor of the Koch brothers? Or Scalia.... Or Alito.

I mean, three justices with a problem of not being particularly honest about their dealings with rich people, are three of the five voting to give rich people WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY WANT.

Not that the Koch brothers needed to bribe the Supreme Court, they almost certainly did. However they supported Trump (ironically because Trump has benefited the most from the Koch brothers' activities, and changed what they want into something much, much worse) in order to get that Supreme Court justice pick, they helped stop Obama getting the pick. They'll do anything, and look, the Supreme Court is going full mental right, right now.

The Koch brothers were spending billions of dollars manipulating people. They didn't need to pay politicians loads of money, they did, but they didn't need to.

"Alarm as Koch bankrolls dozens of election denier candidates"

The thing is, the Koch brothers are masters of moving money around.

They create an organization. They get a few other people to put money into this organization, just so they can say it's not just Koch money, then they give it to another organization they created. Then that organization gives it to another, that they created, and the money just goes around and around and around their many organizations, some of which they control totally, others of which they get their friends to do.
Then suddenly the money comes from the "United Yellow Puppy Association of Fuckville, USA" to a candidate, so this candidate will do as he's told.

Now, I'm not saying the Democrats don't have their bankrollers. I'm saying it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to figure out where money is coming from in US politics.

We can look at and see where the legit money is coming from. But most isn't legit.

"Record contributions from dark money groups and shell companies flooded 2022 midterm elections"

"dark money"... comes from who?
He is not a pervert for Heaven’s sakes! You rightists are just freaking nuts these days!

Anybody who protects grooming IS a pervert. Full stop.

Just remember, you have been warned. This shit is turning the Hispanics against you by the bushel. And they don't fuck around.

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