They are all our children. Not!

You guys are rubber room nuts. You think everyone is a pedo or a pervert.

No, we don't. We KNOW that grown men, who parade around naked or near naked in front of children, while enjoying their sexual FETISH, are PEDOPHILES!

You "guys" are fucking brain dead. Your question should be "why does a grown man desire to perform a sexual fetish in front of a child?"

But NOOOOOOO, you question why parents are outraged that clear grooming behavior is being defended by YOU perverts.
Rightwingers aren't wanting to do things to kids without the parents knowing.
Rightwingers aren't wanting to transgender kids or encourage them to identify as another gender without the parents knowing or getting the kid an abortion without the parents knowing.
Rightwingers aren't wanting to hide curriculum from the parents.
Rightwingers aren't allowing/sanctioning/applauding lewd, vulgar, obscene, grooming shows and displays passed off as entertainment.
Rightwingers are supportive of the traditional family with a responsible mom and dad in the home and in those homes children are far FAR less likely to victims of pedophiles, creeps and weirdos.
If right wingers were the swell guys you say the are they would do something about gun whackos killing children in schools.
Do you have any evidence that most large corporations support Democrats? No. You've provided NOTHING on that.

Let me give you one example. The Koch brothers.

They are most certainly right wing. In 1980 David Koch ran as Libertarian VP candidate. They lost (I mean, they always lose, don't they?) and the Koch brothers realized that trying to get in a third party is pointless. So they threw money at politics.

They managed to get past the Supreme Court in Citizens United v. FEC (2010)

Any surprise that Thomas... you know, the dude who takes expensive holidays from rich people, voted in favor of the Koch brothers? Or Scalia.... Or Alito.

I mean, three justices with a problem of not being particularly honest about their dealings with rich people, are three of the five voting to give rich people WHATEVER THE FUCK THEY WANT.

Not that the Koch brothers needed to bribe the Supreme Court, they almost certainly did. However they supported Trump (ironically because Trump has benefited the most from the Koch brothers' activities, and changed what they want into something much, much worse) in order to get that Supreme Court justice pick, they helped stop Obama getting the pick. They'll do anything, and look, the Supreme Court is going full mental right, right now.

The Koch brothers were spending billions of dollars manipulating people. They didn't need to pay politicians loads of money, they did, but they didn't need to.

"Alarm as Koch bankrolls dozens of election denier candidates"

The thing is, the Koch brothers are masters of moving money around.

They create an organization. They get a few other people to put money into this organization, just so they can say it's not just Koch money, then they give it to another organization they created. Then that organization gives it to another, that they created, and the money just goes around and around and around their many organizations, some of which they control totally, others of which they get their friends to do.
Then suddenly the money comes from the "United Yellow Puppy Association of Fuckville, USA" to a candidate, so this candidate will do as he's told.

Now, I'm not saying the Democrats don't have their bankrollers. I'm saying it's almost IMPOSSIBLE to figure out where money is coming from in US politics.

We can look at and see where the legit money is coming from. But most isn't legit.

"Record contributions from dark money groups and shell companies flooded 2022 midterm elections"

"dark money"... comes from who?
Non sequitur and irrelevant to the thread topic. I would say a deliberate attempt to derail the thread.
Please start your own thread on funding and let's focus on the topic for this one.
No, we don't. We KNOW that grown men, who parade around naked or near naked in front of children, while enjoying their sexual FETISH, are PEDOPHILES!

You "guys" are fucking brain dead. Your question should be "why does a grown man desire to perform a sexual fetish in front of a child?"

But NOOOOOOO, you question why parents are outraged that clear grooming behavior is being defended by YOU perverts.
My argument is two fold. It is illegal to admit under age persons to strip clubs and other purely adult entertainment or admit them to an X rated movie. And it would be illegal for strippers to do their things on a public street and it would be illegal to show an x-rated movie in a city park where families and children will likely be present.

It should be just as illegal for children to be subjected to lewd, crude, vulgar, obscene drag queen shows or lewd, crude, vulgar, obscene participants in a public parade where families and children are likely to be present.

And certainly no public (or private or parochial) school should EVER subject students to that kind of thing.

And I never want the state to assume or take authority to bypass the parents to indoctrinate children with sociopolitical doctrines/dogma/content to which the parents don't know about and mostly strongly object. And anyone who attempts to do that and hide the fact from the parents should be fired and never work with children ever again.
My argument is two fold. It is illegal to admit under age persons to strip clubs and other purely adult entertainment or admit them to an X rated movie. And it would be illegal for strippers to do their things on a public street and it would be illegal to show an x-rated movie in a city park where families and children will likely be present.

It should be just as illegal for children to be subjected to lewd, crude, vulgar, obscene drag queen shows or lewd, crude, vulgar, obscene participants in a public parade where families and children are likely to be present.

And certainly no public (or private or parochial) school should EVER subject students to that kind of thing.

And I never want the state to assume or take authority to bypass the parents to indoctrinate children with sociopolitical doctrines/dogma/content to which the parents don't know about and mostly strongly object. And anyone who attempts to do that and hide the fact from the parents should be fired and never work with children ever again.

They should also be indicted for clear criminal actions.

Non sequitur and irrelevant to the thread topic. I would say a deliberate attempt to derail the thread.
Please start your own thread on funding and let's focus on the topic for this one.

Oh my word, talking with you is like ripping your fucking eyes out with a penis.
Ignore list so I don't have to suffer this CRAP ever again.
My argument is two fold. It is illegal to admit under age persons to strip clubs and other purely adult entertainment or admit them to an X rated movie. And it would be illegal for strippers to do their things on a public street and it would be illegal to show an x-rated movie in a city park where families and children will likely be present.

It should be just as illegal for children to be subjected to lewd, crude, vulgar, obscene drag queen shows or lewd, crude, vulgar, obscene participants in a public parade where families and children are likely to be present.

And certainly no public (or private or parochial) school should EVER subject students to that kind of thing.

And I never want the state to assume or take authority to bypass the parents to indoctrinate children with sociopolitical doctrines/dogma/content to which the parents don't know about and mostly strongly object. And anyone who attempts to do that and hide the fact from the parents should be fired and never work with children ever again.

My principal can often be heard saying "They're all our kids" at school. By that he does NOT mean hey let's indoctrinate, or hey, we have prominence over parents.

He means that it is in the best interest of all adults in the bldg to look beyond their class of 25, or their own sphere, to care about the academic progress and well-being of all the students in the building. He just means that as community-building. I don't mind it in that context.

I loathe the phrase as used by the Biden admin: they're not JUST your children--your children belong to The State. No, they don't. At all.
Toothpaste is out of the tube, slapnuts.

All the spin and damage control can't save your senile pedo "president" now.
Didn't your mom tell you not to eat the toothpaste no-nuts?

It's the typical Faux Not News spin, designed just for you. Take a few words out of context and develop an entire false narrative base on the out of context bits, aka the lie, only moroonies would believe.
My principal can often be heard saying "They're all our kids" at school. By that he does NOT mean hey let's indoctrinate, or hey, we have prominence over parents.

He means that it is in the best interest of all adults in the bldg to look beyond their class of 25, or their own sphere, to care about the academic progress and well-being of all the students in the building. He just means that as community-building. I don't mind it in that context.

I loathe the phrase as used by the Biden admin: they're not JUST your children--your children belong to The State. No, they don't. At all.
Exactly. In the OP I even allowed Biden the possibility that he meant the phrase as your principle did. As your and I would say it. But because he supports all the grooming and indoctrination that I listed in the OP, it raised all manner of red flags for me.

It hasn't gotten to the point that the state is forcibly taking the children to mold into their ideologies yet. But just as the parents in Russia, Germany, China, NK almost certainly didn't even think about that happening until it did, it is time for U.S. parents to be on their toes.

Does that mean I think Biden is a Hitler or Stalin or Mao or Kim? Of course not. Does that mean I think this country is on a dangerous path in this regard? Yes it does.

The government, teachers, the NEA, school boards should NEVER be secretive and/or non-transparent about what they are promoting or teaching to our kids. And they increasingly are.

Just a couple of sources that report the problem i.e. thousands of teachers willing to violate the law to promote the 'woke' agenda:

CRT is NOT teaching about slavery which schools have been teaching since there have been schools and should teach. It is designed to instill in white children guilt that they are racist and into black children that they are perpetual victims of it.

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