They are all our children. Not!

He is not a pervert for Heaven’s sakes! You rightists are just freaking nuts these days!
Look in the mirror if you want a nutcase. And leave the kids alone. Why can’t you understand that simple thing? YOU lefturds are the nutcases for the things you’re doing to children that aren’t yours. Leave other people’s families alone.
STFU Karen. We want kids protected from people you fully support and defend. Parents are done with people like you trying to destroy their kids minds with bullshit.
You are nothing more than insecure foul mouthed twat. You think anyone who disagrees with you is a pervert. Cue torches and pitchforks. Meanwhile, leave the kids alone and quit using them as pawns to prop up your bigotry.
stop trying to castrate and mutilate their genitals and letting perverts have access to them,,

remember you sick mother fuckers started using the kids as political pawns not us,,

so as soon as you leave the children alone we will leave you alone,,
Just leave them alone. How hard is that to understand? This isn’t about children for you, You are just using them as a useful foil for your ideological battles. Parents need to be the ones making decisions.
Just leave them alone. How hard is that to understand? This isn’t about children for you, You are just using them as a useful foil for your ideological battles. Parents need to be the ones making decisions.

Wow, that's exactly what we have been saying. Keep the perverts hands off of them.

so as soon as you leave the children alone we will leave you alone,,
let me explain that to you PH



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