They are Americans

Maybe patriot Benjamin Franklin's advice that "we should hang together or surely we will hang separately" resonates in the 21st century. Who would have thought that patriotic Americans would have to defend themselves from attacks from commie bastards in the media?
Maybe patriot Benjamin Franklin's advice that "we should hang together or surely we will hang separately" resonates in the 21st century. Who would have thought that patriotic Americans would have to defend themselves from attacks from commie bastards in the media?
Exactly. Dems need to quit bashing patriots.
It's a big difference, black folks don't claim to be superior to white folks. White nationalist think they are superior to everyone else.
Horseshit you piece of ghetto trash! Racist blacks have assaulted and murdered whites with increasing frequency. And you have the gall to support the BLM riots of 2020 just because you feel oppressed? Pathetic!
These are a few white nationalist organizations. Which ones are simply proud Americans?

And none of them have torn down a statue of Malcolm X, who was a pimp, ruthless drug dealer, and beat the living hell out of Black people. So you wanna choose to be brainwashed brother, its on you

What’s the propaganda outlet Wikipedia have to say about BLM?

Meanwhile, the racist Black Lives Matter organization has murdered people, looted billions of dollars, caused billions of dollars in damage. Burn down police stations. Robbed liquor stores.

You know as you type out your message, hard-working Black people are living in the inner cities worrying about having the rim stolen by BLM blacks. Happens every single night. I’m sure they’re not worried at all about “white nationalists.”
Horseshit you piece of ghetto trash! Racist blacks have assaulted and murdered whites with increasing frequency. And you have the gall to support the BLM riots of 2020 just because you feel oppressed? Pathetic!
The ones that are oppressed in this country, are ones dying of cancer, or stuck in a wheelchair due to a disability.
What better combat soldier could you ask for than a nationalist/patriot of any color?!
We're talking about White Nationalists...

What is better than a white nationalists?

One that will work with black soldiers as a team and not carry their white nationalists prejudice into battle.
We're talking about White Nationalists...
No such thing. Another made-up, leftwing lie trying to vilify and criminalize those whom politically oppose you.

One that will work with black
^^^Racist. Still trying to falsely label simple national patriotism and pride-- the very thing which made America great-- with a non-existent racial component when no such connection exists, proving YOU are the racist. In fact, the Left THRIVES on racial division to finance its own existence. Without it, you couldn't survive.
So you're saying there is no such thing as white nationalists? Wow.

Oh sure, there are white people. And there are nationalists. But there are black people too, and Asian, Latino and others. Only a racist like you would think that only white people can be proud of their country putting it ahead of foreign countries! Are you trying to say that America is first and foremost a white country and that white people take more pride in America than others? Maybe you have a point.
Oh sure, there are white people. And there are nationalists. But there are black people too, and Asian, Latino and others. Only a racist like you would think that only white people can be proud of their country putting it ahead of foreign countries! Are you trying to say that America is first and foremost a white country and that white people take more pride in America than others? Maybe you have a point.
Perhaps you've misunderstood the term "white nationalists".
We had a Commander-in-Chief who attended a Nationalist Church for years prior to entering the Oval Office and CNN and the liberal media had no problem with that. Why do they give two shits about enlisted men and women who identify as nationalists?
And none of them have torn down a statue of Malcolm X, who was a pimp, ruthless drug dealer, and beat the living hell out of Black people. So you wanna choose to be brainwashed brother, its on you

What’s the propaganda outlet Wikipedia have to say about BLM?

Meanwhile, the racist Black Lives Matter organization has murdered people, looted billions of dollars, caused billions of dollars in damage. Burn down police stations. Robbed liquor stores.

You know as you type out your message, hard-working Black people are living in the inner cities worrying about having the rim stolen by BLM blacks. Happens every single night. I’m sure they’re not worried at all about “white nationalists.”
That’s all very nice and all but are the groups I listed misunderstood American patriots who are being picked on, or are they racists that should be condemned and recognized as violent?
Exactly. Dems need to quit bashing patriots.
Blow Hard and the Flag Will Wave for You

And Republicans need to reject those anti-Communist hypocrites who worked the unpatriotic system to get out of having to fight the Communists, including those who would have done the same thing if they had been subject to the draft. That unpatriotic attitude also extends to those who oppose having a draft or who smugly want one like the 60s, with college "deferments," bribing doctors to give medical exemptions, and National Guard and Reserves for non-veterans.
Do black nationalist think that black folks are superior to everyone else? No, they don't.

Yes, they do.

Our 44th President attended a Black Nationalist Church for 20 years prior to assuming the top role in the Military chain of command.

Again, why are you losing your shit over rank and file white nationalists joining the Military? As enlisted men and women, their minds and attitudes can be shaped a lot easier to what the Military wants vs. an elected President who listened to Nationalist propaganda for 20 years.
Yes, they do.

Our 44th President attended a Black Nationalist Church for 20 years prior to assuming the top role in the Military chain of command.

Again, why are you losing your shit over rank and file white nationalists joining the Military? As enlisted men and women, their minds and attitudes can be shaped a lot easier to what the Military wants vs. an elected President who listened to Nationalist propaganda for 20 years.
Please post where black nationalist claim that black folks are superior to every other race of folks.

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