They Are Getting Tired of Trump

If you guys would stop whining about him, he'd go away.

A friend of mine here in town is a raging liberal. She's hot, though, so we let her hang with us.

Anyway, when Trump was planning to hold that press conference, she was all up in arms about how no one wants to listen to anything he has to say and how he should shut up and blahblahblahblahblah. Then, when he cancelled the press conference, she droned on and on about how Trump was afraid to face the American people and how he should stand up and take responsibility for what happened on January 6 and blahblahblahblahblah.

And that's everything you need to know about dipshit liberals. They whine about something and, when they finally get their way, they whine about whatever it was that gave them what they wanted in the first place. They're just too goddamn stupid to know when to shut the fuck up...
That would be your dear leader, doesn't know when to shut up.

If the grifter would keep his big eating hole shut, then maybe no one would be mentioning him, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
"More voters would back former President Trump than President Biden in a hypothetical match-up if the 2024 election were held today, according to a new Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey released exclusively to The Hill.

Forty-eight percent of voters in the survey said they would back Trump, compared with 45 percent for Biden. Another 8 percent were unsure."

The Dems see the writing on the wall... that is why they are so desperate to pass the "election insecurity act". Without the ability to steal federal elections they will be swept from power in 2022 and 2024. Think about the loss of power they will endure if twice impeached Trump beats Biden in a fair election.

It would weaken the Democrat party for a generation...
That would be your dear leader, doesn't know when to shut up.

If the grifter would keep his big eating hole shut, then maybe no one would be mentioning him, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.

Not my dear leader. I have several others I'd rather see winning in 2024.

On any given day, count the number of anti-Trump threads that are started on this forum. It's fascinating, although the reason for it is pretty clear: the idiot left knows that they have no one of substance that can run for President in 2024. Biden's a basket case, and the democrats, as stupid as they are, are still smart enough to know that Harris has been an unqualified disaster as Vice President and, accordingly, stands no realistic chance of being elected President.

So, idiot liberals here are left with a single, inefficient tool with which to combat Republicans, and that's the never-ending litany of anti-Trump posts we see here daily...
Not my dear leader. I have several others I'd rather see winning in 2024.

On any given day, count the number of anti-Trump threads that are started on this forum. It's fascinating, although the reason for it is pretty clear: the idiot left knows that they have no one of substance that can run for President in 2024. Biden's a basket case, and the democrats, as stupid as they are, are still smart enough to know that Harris has been an unqualified disaster as Vice President and, accordingly, stands no realistic chance of being elected President.

So, idiot liberals here are left with a single, inefficient tool with which to combat Republicans, and that's the never-ending litany of anti-Trump posts we see here daily...
That's how stupid republicans are.

The more corrupt and ignorant the president, the more they love him.
Even, conspiring to overthrow the election doesn't faze them.
Anti-American traitors.
That's how stupid republicans are.

The more corrupt and ignorant the president, the more they love him.
Even, conspiring to overthrow the election doesn't faze them.
Anti-American traitors.

Well, I'm not a Republican, so you're off-base there. Then again, yours is a comment which further proves just how stupid idiots like you can be. You believe that anyone who doesn't agree with you is a Republican.

How utterly fucking stupid of you.

You'll never find a single post from me in which I state that I believe the election was stolen. You'll die of old age before you ever find a post from me supporting the attack on the Capitol building.

You assume much, and you're wrong on all of it...
Well, I'm not a Republican, so you're off-base there. Then again, yours is a comment which further proves just how stupid idiots like you can be. You believe that anyone who doesn't agree with you is a Republican.

How utterly fucking stupid of you.

You'll never find a single post from me in which I state that I believe the election was stolen. You'll die of old age before you ever find a post from me supporting the attack on the Capitol building.

You assume much, and you're wrong on all of it...
Doesn't matter if your republican or an "Independent".
You still defend the moron, who can't keep his trap shut.

Trump damned sure has nothing to run on except corporate tax cuts.
He's a loser and you defend him.
Doesn't matter if your republican or an "Independent".
You still defend the moron, who can't keep his trap shut.

Trump damned sure has nothing to run on except corporate tax cuts.
He's a loser and you defend him.

Where have I defended him, and for what have I defended him?

You're such a needy little liberal that you believe that anyone who doesn't agree with you is "defending" Trump. That's stupid. Every time I think you've posted the most stupid shit possible, you turn around and get even more stupid.

Tell me, when and where have I defended him, and for what?
View attachment 585212

One year after members of far-right groups rioted at the U.S. Capitol, the online extremist forums that telegraphed the brutality of Jan. 6 are still home to violent rhetoric.

But they also indicate a different reality: Disparate groups that once united around a shared goal are now struggling to agree on many issues, including what happened on Jan. 6 and how to interpret former President Donald Trump’s support for Covid vaccines.

Calls for violence in these online forums have become less specific, though experts warn they are still cause for concern.

A report to be released Thursday from Advance Democracy, a nonpartisan nonprofit group that conducts public-interest research and investigations, found that “while explicit calls for violence are no longer as prolific, misinformation about election fraud and conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election continue to be prominent” and that “a number of users continue to use violent rhetoric.”

It is a distinct shift from the days leading up to Jan. 6, 2021, when users of TheDonald.Win, an extremist forum that was relocated to an independent website after being banned from Reddit, posted pictures of ammunition in their hotel rooms and maps of the tunnels underneath the Capitol.

Top posts on that same forum in recent weeks have lamented Trump’s support for Covid vaccines and booster shots, as users widely assumed he did not receive them and was against them. They also expressed disillusionment in Trump, whom they believe has not sufficiently stood up for those they call “J6 prisoners,” or those who have faced jail time for participating in violent crimes during the Capitol riot.

That disappointment only grew after Trump on Tuesday canceled his planned Jan. 6 news conference at Mar-a-Lago.

A lie can never win.
Apparently, NBC isn't so tired of him....He's all that they can talk about in order to keep the clicks up.

Where have I defended him, and for what have I defended him?

You're such a needy little liberal that you believe that anyone who doesn't agree with you is "defending" Trump. That's stupid. Every time I think you've posted the most stupid shit possible, you turn around and get even more stupid.

Tell me, when and where have I defended him, and for what?
Mock them for being unhinged dopes = YOU'RE A TRUMPSTER!

Funny shit, innit?
That would be your dear leader, doesn't know when to shut up.
If the grifter would keep his big eating hole shut, then maybe no one would be mentioning him, but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO.
You'd be yapping too if an election was stolen from you.
Doesn't matter if your republican or an "Independent".
You still defend the moron, who can't keep his trap shut.

Trump damned sure has nothing to run on except corporate tax cuts.
He's a loser and you defend him.

Again, you've proven to be nothing but a pathetic little failure at showing where or how I've defended him. Repeatedly saying that I have doesn't make it so.

If someone riled me up and told me that he would be marching to the Capitol with us, then scurried home to watch TV and leave me holding the fucking bag, I might like him a tad less.
America is getting damn tried of that piece of shit President Potatohead.
View attachment 585212

One year after members of far-right groups rioted at the U.S. Capitol, the online extremist forums that telegraphed the brutality of Jan. 6 are still home to violent rhetoric.

But they also indicate a different reality: Disparate groups that once united around a shared goal are now struggling to agree on many issues, including what happened on Jan. 6 and how to interpret former President Donald Trump’s support for Covid vaccines.

Calls for violence in these online forums have become less specific, though experts warn they are still cause for concern.

A report to be released Thursday from Advance Democracy, a nonpartisan nonprofit group that conducts public-interest research and investigations, found that “while explicit calls for violence are no longer as prolific, misinformation about election fraud and conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election continue to be prominent” and that “a number of users continue to use violent rhetoric.”

It is a distinct shift from the days leading up to Jan. 6, 2021, when users of TheDonald.Win, an extremist forum that was relocated to an independent website after being banned from Reddit, posted pictures of ammunition in their hotel rooms and maps of the tunnels underneath the Capitol.

Top posts on that same forum in recent weeks have lamented Trump’s support for Covid vaccines and booster shots, as users widely assumed he did not receive them and was against them. They also expressed disillusionment in Trump, whom they believe has not sufficiently stood up for those they call “J6 prisoners,” or those who have faced jail time for participating in violent crimes during the Capitol riot.

That disappointment only grew after Trump on Tuesday canceled his planned Jan. 6 news conference at Mar-a-Lago.

A lie can never win.

Not sure the concern for violence from these groups when we have the likes of Maxine Waters and others with their threats of “taking to the streets” and VP Harris raising bail funds for those who do end up in jail.

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