They Are Getting Tired of Trump

Fools and their $$$.

Most peasants are down up to several thousand dollars in one year of real living ability because of the Prog Party who knew everything and told us. Trust Us! Trust Us! Trust Us! Fools and their $$$. We all be suckers. For you it is the godless party of groups that controls all. For many others, it is the individual that is tries to survive following the rules of history with minimum government interference. But as we all know governments get involved more and more to bring despair to nations.
Have African Americans lives improved in real terms since Bidet was installed? Bidet is a globalist. He is more comfortable in foreign meetings than as the American President. He is helping to destroy us. He has been around a half century. If he is to stupid to feel the pulse of the Americna people, then he is a bum. Or he answers to someone elses dictums.
Look, stop trying this bullshit. Everything you say here is bullshit. Our lives didn't improve under trump and given the makeup of the republican party right now, a black person has to be stupid to vote republican.
*sits back, puts feet up and chuckles about people who cannot post without the use of invective*
You earn the invective. Make sense and you won't be called such things.
Yay, it's yet another long cut and paste piece of propaganda by a poster too stupid to write his own words!

What would we do without?
Look at the polls buddy. Americans love Trump.

---Trump leads all Republicans in poll on 2024 presidential election ---


A PORTION of America loves trump.

The portion that is willing to overlook breaching of the Constitution on behalf of a con-man who tell those rubes what they want to hear...
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Look, stop trying this bullshit. Everything you say here is bullshit. Our lives didn't improve under trump and given the makeup of the republican party right now, a black person has to be stupid to vote republican.
Look out, 22lcidw he's about to tell you he'd be a really nice guy if you weren't such a horrible person. Fits the stereotype, yeah?
Most write books and go on speaking engagements.
Election time, they may speak at a campaign rally for others.
There isn't a point in holding a rally when your term is over.................................. for what?
Because he needs to rant & rave about the screwing he supposedly got. Some day the cult may wake up & realize the screwimg Trump gave THEM with his lies.
Because he needs to rant & rave about the screwing he supposedly got. Some day the cult may wake up & realize the screwimg Trump gave THEM with his lies.
You're so precious. If not for the entertainment from you and your ilk, I'd be getting cabin fever this winter.
View attachment 585212

One year after members of far-right groups rioted at the U.S. Capitol, the online extremist forums that telegraphed the brutality of Jan. 6 are still home to violent rhetoric.

But they also indicate a different reality: Disparate groups that once united around a shared goal are now struggling to agree on many issues, including what happened on Jan. 6 and how to interpret former President Donald Trump’s support for Covid vaccines.

Calls for violence in these online forums have become less specific, though experts warn they are still cause for concern.

A report to be released Thursday from Advance Democracy, a nonpartisan nonprofit group that conducts public-interest research and investigations, found that “while explicit calls for violence are no longer as prolific, misinformation about election fraud and conspiracy theories about the 2020 presidential election continue to be prominent” and that “a number of users continue to use violent rhetoric.”

It is a distinct shift from the days leading up to Jan. 6, 2021, when users of TheDonald.Win, an extremist forum that was relocated to an independent website after being banned from Reddit, posted pictures of ammunition in their hotel rooms and maps of the tunnels underneath the Capitol.

Top posts on that same forum in recent weeks have lamented Trump’s support for Covid vaccines and booster shots, as users widely assumed he did not receive them and was against them. They also expressed disillusionment in Trump, whom they believe has not sufficiently stood up for those they call “J6 prisoners,” or those who have faced jail time for participating in violent crimes during the Capitol riot.

That disappointment only grew after Trump on Tuesday canceled his planned Jan. 6 news conference at Mar-a-Lago.

A lie can never win.

As often as you ass-wipes refer to Trump, the "they" must be referring to you clowns.

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