They are Labeling the Mass Shooter, White

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Of course he is :laughing0301:

Wait...another false pic in the OP? Like they did with the neighbor shooter at first?
Well that is what happens when the FBI takes the lead and fails to disclose timely info. Folks go in search of it.

Had it been a straight white guy they would be reporting on every aspect of his life by now....You know it as well as I do.
Another copycat shooting. Got a grievance, go shoot someone, lots of them if possible. Get killed yourself while you're at it.

Why people still want to come here is mind boggling. o_O
Another copycat shooting. Got a grievance, go shoot someone, lots of them if possible. Get killed yourself while you're at it.

Why people still want to come here is mind boggling. o_O
I agree that copycatting is a big part of the mass shootings. I think the Media should take the same approach as the weekly mass shootings in Chicago. Don't report on it.
And what is this shit about he "Did not have a serious criminal history."?

Does someone have a bullshit to English translation of the above?

Are we talking weed possession or did he like setting neighborhood cats on fire as a juvenile?

Odd, I seemed to manage to make it through near 68 years without any criminal history.
"His brother, Christian Garcia, whose address is listed as that of Mauricio’s per records obtained, has several criminal records, including burglary of habitation and public intoxication."
Negative, no divot in the forehead.
This is from a prior arrest. Same person

And yes he does. I just zoomed in on "my" picture. Just different lighting

Mixed race:
Half white
Half Hispanic
Half white

No minority ever identifies as white. But the FBI has their political motives

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