They are not coming for your guns, until they come for you guns.

There is a great deal at stake.
And there are a great many couch potatoes out there that will be galvanized to action in something like this.
Hubby and I both have guns and we won't be turning them over to anyone.

I know you mean well....I really do.
But you probably have pensions and a reasonably comfortable retirement?

It's so easy to say what you'll do or not do....until you're faced with becoming a felon and losing everything.....or peacefully acquiescing.

When your freedom is actually on the line (not just Internet talk), it's most likely that you and most others will sigh....then do as required.

I actually feel that gun ownership has made for a timid, frail and frightened society.
We've always felt we had our guns to stand behind as a last resort.....but by the time the last resort arrives, the noose around our necks has already left us unable to act. Which is why so few do so little and why evil men are prevailing.

When "that day" comes when we actually need our guns, they'll already have us where they want us. we shoulda woulda coulda done something sooner.
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Biden’s going to take your guns
Better start hoarding your guns and ammunition

Just like you did under Obama
I've had the majority of my firearms long before Obama and will still have them after Biden is a footnote in history.
You can’t be too sure

Better start hoarding. You know how those Democrats are
I remember the Great Obama Gun Confiscation of 2010
He scooped up tens of millions of firearms
It's too bad Democrats tried to argue the lack of an individual right. Now they have no credibility.

Any gun regulation is off limits now.

Sucks to be greedy and stupid.

You need to go back and read Heller

It does not say all gun regulation is off limits
It actually says government has the power to regulate guns
I don't care what Heller says.

I am talking about your integrity ad that of your gun-grabbing ilk. We had to fight you assholes over whether we have an individual right. That is unforgivable. That is the very essence of a complete ban.

You are going for a complete ban and we all know it. Quit denying it.

You don’t care about Heller

Then you have no legal standing
Moscow Mitch & Deplorable Donald need to get off their ass and get something done about guns, preferably abolishing the 2nd Amendment!

Go right ahead, amend the Constitution to repeal the 2nd amendment. You just need to muster the support of the American people so what's stopping you? :auiqs.jpg:
i'm gonna help Kamala elected president.

we'll call folk. we'll hustle. we'll outwork our foe. and when we campaign for a 2nd Kamala term we'll tell folk we need 4 more.

Kamala is gonna give Congress 100 days to ban guns. and if they dont, she will take executive action to do so
I almost want that bitch to try.


Gabbard shanked her in the gut during the last debate, she's toast.

Why is Gabbard even a Democrat?
I've had the majority of my firearms long before Obama and will still have them after Biden is a footnote in history.
You can’t be too sure

Better start hoarding. You know how those Democrats are
I remember the Great Obama Gun Confiscation of 2010
He scooped up tens of millions of firearms
It's too bad Democrats tried to argue the lack of an individual right. Now they have no credibility.

Any gun regulation is off limits now.

Sucks to be greedy and stupid.

You need to go back and read Heller

It does not say all gun regulation is off limits
It actually says government has the power to regulate guns
I don't care what Heller says.

I am talking about your integrity ad that of your gun-grabbing ilk. We had to fight you assholes over whether we have an individual right. That is unforgivable. That is the very essence of a complete ban.

You are going for a complete ban and we all know it. Quit denying it.

You don’t care about Heller

Then you have no legal standing
Why do I bother talking to you?

The oath I took when I was in stated 'I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic". Any order for troops to confiscate firearms from citizens is unconstitutional and should be deemed an unlawful order. " Any elected official who calls for the military to confiscate firearms is the enemy.

Fair enough......

What actions did you take when the Democrats (and RINOS) forced an UnConstitutional mandate called Obamacare on the American people then got the SCOTUS to also disregard the Constitution ?

Just sayin.

They will do it. And you and 99.9% of people will comply. But it is comforting to hear all the Internet machismo.
There simply are not enough willing and bodily able Patriots remaining to do much.

This has been in the making for over 100 years and was well planned and executed.
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It was inevitable that the lunatics would change their tune. Do these idiots believe the majority will peacefully hand over their Constitutional right to bear arms. ?

Biden says he's coming for assault weapons, as 2020 Dems urge new ban in wake of shootings

If they attempt that, it's going to be the start of the civil war right then and there. No way Americans watch peacefully as the government disarms its own people.

The second amendment is not a request, it's the law of the land, and it shall not be infringed.
Gun owners are pussies

They know if they raise a fuss, the Government will cut off their access to gay porn
It was inevitable that the lunatics would change their tune. Do these idiots believe the majority will peacefully hand over their Constitutional right to bear arms. ?

Biden says he's coming for assault weapons, as 2020 Dems urge new ban in wake of shootings

If they attempt that, it's going to be the start of the civil war right then and there. No way Americans watch peacefully as the government disarms its own people.

The second amendment is not a request, it's the law of the land, and it shall not be infringed.
Gun owners are pussies

They know if they raise a fuss, the Government will cut off their access to gay porn
That childish name call shit don't work.
It was inevitable that the lunatics would change their tune. Do these idiots believe the majority will peacefully hand over their Constitutional right to bear arms. ?

Biden says he's coming for assault weapons, as 2020 Dems urge new ban in wake of shootings

There was an assault weapon ban before. It did not result in mass gun confiscation. It was a ban on the sale of new firearms. And it was not sufficient to keep Columbine from happening.

The smarter thing would be to classify high capacity magazines as Title II destructive weapons, and require a tax stamp to own one.
Oh yes the bullshit work around.
It was inevitable that the lunatics would change their tune. Do these idiots believe the majority will peacefully hand over their Constitutional right to bear arms. ?

Biden says he's coming for assault weapons, as 2020 Dems urge new ban in wake of shootings

If they attempt that, it's going to be the start of the civil war right then and there. No way Americans watch peacefully as the government disarms its own people.

The second amendment is not a request, it's the law of the land, and it shall not be infringed.
Gun owners are pussies

They know if they raise a fuss, the Government will cut off their access to gay porn
It was inevitable that the lunatics would change their tune. Do these idiots believe the majority will peacefully hand over their Constitutional right to bear arms. ?

Biden says he's coming for assault weapons, as 2020 Dems urge new ban in wake of shootings

If they attempt that, it's going to be the start of the civil war right then and there. No way Americans watch peacefully as the government disarms its own people.

The second amendment is not a request, it's the law of the land, and it shall not be infringed.
Gun owners are pussies

They know if they raise a fuss, the Government will cut off their access to gay porn
That childish name call shit don't work.
It was inevitable that the lunatics would change their tune. Do these idiots believe the majority will peacefully hand over their Constitutional right to bear arms. ?

Biden says he's coming for assault weapons, as 2020 Dems urge new ban in wake of shootings

If they attempt that, it's going to be the start of the civil war right then and there. No way Americans watch peacefully as the government disarms its own people.

The second amendment is not a request, it's the law of the land, and it shall not be infringed.
Gun owners are pussies

They know if they raise a fuss, the Government will cut off their access to gay porn
It was inevitable that the lunatics would change their tune. Do these idiots believe the majority will peacefully hand over their Constitutional right to bear arms. ?

Biden says he's coming for assault weapons, as 2020 Dems urge new ban in wake of shootings

If they attempt that, it's going to be the start of the civil war right then and there. No way Americans watch peacefully as the government disarms its own people.

The second amendment is not a request, it's the law of the land, and it shall not be infringed.
Gun owners are pussies

They know if they raise a fuss, the Government will cut off their access to gay porn
That childish name call shit don't work.
Seems it does
Moscow Mitch & Deplorable Donald need to get off their ass and get something done about guns, preferably abolishing the 2nd Amendment!

Go right ahead, amend the Constitution to repeal the 2nd amendment. You just need to muster the support of the American people so what's stopping you? :auiqs.jpg:
i'm gonna help Kamala elected president.

we'll call folk. we'll hustle. we'll outwork our foe. and when we campaign for a 2nd Kamala term we'll tell folk we need 4 more.

Kamala is gonna give Congress 100 days to ban guns. and if they dont, she will take executive action to do so
I almost want that bitch to try.


Gabbard shanked her in the gut during the last debate, she's toast.

Why is Gabbard even a Democrat?

I think its illegal to be a Republican in Hawaii.

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