They Claim Covid Cases Are "Spiking". You Believe It ?


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
Frankly, I don't. It looks too sinister, and obvious as well. The same people who have been lying to us about the number of Covid cases, and Covid deaths, are now trying to tell us the cases are "spiking". Doesn't pass the smell test.

1. They've been lying all along.

2. With Trump surging and Biden diminishing in October, Democrats need to hype up something to counter the trend.

3. The timing is suspicious.
Frankly, I don't. It looks too sinister, and obvious as well. The same people who have been lying to us about the number of Covid cases, and Covid deaths, are now trying to tell us the cases are "spiking". Doesn't pass the smell test.

1. They've been lying all along.

2. With Trump surging and Biden diminishing in October, Democrats need to hype up something to counter the trend.

3. The timing is suspicious.

NO. I do not believe it . . . not for a moment. The new lockdowns are cementing a global power grab.
Frankly, I don't. It looks too sinister, and obvious as well. The same people who have been lying to us about the number of Covid cases, and Covid deaths, are now trying to tell us the cases are "spiking". Doesn't pass the smell test.

1. They've been lying all along.

2. With Trump surging and Biden diminishing in October, Democrats need to hype up something to counter the trend.

3. The timing is suspicious.

It's probably spiking. It's not any more dangerous, maybe even much less so.

It has to run it's course. It's a virus. We can only do our best, but there is no guarantee any of us won't get it. Ultimately, God gave us life. We must treasure it and celebrate it as best we can by living.
Of course "cases" are spiking. How could it be otherwise? It is a geometric progression.

The question is, what are the ramifications of the increase in cases? How many people are actually getting sick, and what is their prognosis? Is anyone other than geezers in nursing homes who are dying?

The number of cases will continue to rise significantly. We need a short-term shutdown of the greatest severith that the population will tolerate. Two or three weeks will be sufficient, and that will slow the spread and stop the spike.

But because of the coming election, the President has been unwilling to take that step. Maybe in a couple months, when we know the results of the election.
Frankly, I don't. It looks too sinister, and obvious as well. The same people who have been lying to us about the number of Covid cases, and Covid deaths, are now trying to tell us the cases are "spiking". Doesn't pass the smell test.

1. They've been lying all along.

2. With Trump surging and Biden diminishing in October, Democrats need to hype up something to counter the trend.

3. The timing is suspicious.
What's been said is that we'll continue to have a lot more people test positive without symptoms. That means, the results are less meaningless to say "cases are spiking" if it means more people are being tested. The more positive testing has resulted in the death percentage rate going down. They've miscalculated many who died from other causes to "up the count". The reason seems to be lack of ability and possibly likely more state funding for say a nursing home. When a person in a nursing home dies from choking but the death report shows cause of death as "COVID-19 SARS and the family fights it but the death stat remains in place, counting has certainly gone awry. The numbers who've been miscalculated is an unknown, as reportedly local, county, and state reports don't even match. Personally, I've known 12 people who tested positive and all said it was like a bad flu. All are alive and well. I know a lot of people have died from it with most having a comorbid report, not dying just from the virus. I am not saying that some people haven't died resulting from strictly having the virus, but reports show that's far from the norm.

There are many people working in the health industry who are just doing the best they can to keep up with the testing. Many others, however, have a different motive for reporting "cases spiking" types of reports. Hard to measure the scruples of those without any.
We need a short-term shutdown of the greatest severith that the population will tolerate. Two or three weeks will be sufficient, and that will slow the spread and stop the spike.

But because of the coming election, the President has been unwilling to take that step. Maybe in a couple months, when we know the results of the election.
Man, you had me till there. No way are we going through another "2 weeks to slow the spread" BS for something not much worse than a bad flu.
We have treatments. We are not sending sick people to nursing homes or sticking everyone on ventilators. Let it do it's thing & get it over with, not drag it out longer.
A shutdown for an airborne virus with a 99.98% survival rate for 95% of the population is & was a very bad idea.
Positive tests don't mean people have the virus now.

The PCR test looks for the virus by amplifying the RNA it detects. Every amplification is called a cycle. The more cycles the test uses, the higher likelihood of finding pieces of the virus’s RNA. In the United States, most labs go through 40 cycles, according to the Times. Experts interviewed said this number of cycles is unnecessarily high:

Tests with thresholds so high may detect not just live virus but also genetic fragments, leftovers from infection that pose no particular risk — akin to finding a hair in a room long after a person has left, Dr. Mina said.

Any test with a cycle threshold above 35 is too sensitive, agreed Juliet Morrison, a virologist at the University of California, Riverside. “I’m shocked that people would think that 40 could represent a positive,” she said.

A more reasonable cutoff would be 30 to 35, she added. Dr. Mina said he would set the figure at 30, or even less. Those changes would mean the amount of genetic material in a patient’s sample would have to be 100-fold to 1,000-fold that of the current standard for the test to return a positive result — at least, one worth acting on.

So, an oversensitive test is detecting the “cases” Dr. Fauci is having the vapors over. Taiwan, which has been praised for its response to the virus, uses a cycle threshold of under 32 to diagnose patients likely to become ill and infectious. Without a doubt, this allows them to do more effective contact tracing and mitigation. They are targeting the contacts of those highly likely to be contagious. An Oxford study found cycle thresholds higher than 30 were detecting non-infectious cases.​

Frankly, I don't. It looks too sinister, and obvious as well. The same people who have been lying to us about the number of Covid cases, and Covid deaths, are now trying to tell us the cases are "spiking". Doesn't pass the smell test.

1. They've been lying all along.

2. With Trump surging and Biden diminishing in October, Democrats need to hype up something to counter the trend.

3. The timing is suspicious.
It’s the willful ignorance and stupidity exhibited by the thread premise that is contributing to the spike in cases.

Of course "cases" are spiking. How could it be otherwise? It is a geometric progression.

The question is, what are the ramifications of the increase in cases? How many people are actually getting sick, and what is their prognosis? Is anyone other than geezers in nursing homes who are dying?

The number of cases will continue to rise significantly. We need a short-term shutdown of the greatest severith that the population will tolerate. Two or three weeks will be sufficient, and that will slow the spread and stop the spike.

But because of the coming election, the President has been unwilling to take that step. Maybe in a couple months, when we know the results of the election.
Of course it is NOT SPIKING.


But this is not "BREAKING" News for me.
I've been saying (and posting this all along) with evidence. Hell, they've been pulling dead bodies out car accidents, and calling it Covid. Hospitals and clinics have been getting PAID MONEY by how many Covid deaths they report.

The more Covid deaths reported, the more money they got. Would anybody not predict this was gonna happen ? As I've been saying, the true deaths number is probably about 7,000.
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It’s the willful ignorance and stupidity exhibited by the thread premise that is contributing to the spike in cases.

We need a short-term shutdown of the greatest severith that the population will tolerate. Two or three weeks will be sufficient, and that will slow the spread and stop the spike.

But because of the coming election, the President has been unwilling to take that step. Maybe in a couple months, when we know the results of the election.
Man, you had me till there. No way are we going through another "2 weeks to slow the spread" BS for something not much worse than a bad flu.
We have treatments. We are not sending sick people to nursing homes or sticking everyone on ventilators. Let it do it's thing & get it over with, not drag it out longer.
A shutdown for an airborne virus with a 99.98% survival rate for 95% of the population is & was a very bad idea.

In the beginning the shut down was suppose to be about increasing production of PPE and ventilators. People were being told about bodies pilling up in cities where COVID case were spiking. We keep hearing about increase case #'s and people being hospitalized and dying. We were being told people were dying in their homes. What we were never told about is people getting better and recovering. In the beginning we were hearing about people getting infected and becoming severely sick for weeks, and even when they no longer had the virus they still felt bad, so people were lead to believe even if you don't die from COVID you don't really recover, and will have some kind of permanent side effect or whatever. People were talking about having low energy, still having a cough, trouble breathing, loss of different senses, and other things that never went away. We really heard about people having quick full recoveries.
Hearing all this people agree to the initial shutdown.
When the information started coming out about the nursing home deaths, Cuomo had to start cleaning things up, the death counts started to come down and this is where we start being told that everyone needs to wear masks. Oh I left out testing, the whole time there's been hysteria over everyone needing to be tested.
Now people are finding out they have COVID from contact tracing, and the majority aren't having any symptoms or minor symptoms that people would have ignored like a headache that goes away after a day. A lot of people think back to a time when they didn't feel well, or something and tend to think they probable had COVID.

People don't really believe the "science" because it's not addressing other issues. Science never addressed the downstream effects of shutting down, nor did they ever address the possible effect from people being locked down for going on 9 months when things start to open up. Are the people who have followed strict isolation measures going to have low immune systems from not having been exposed to everyday germs in the general public? We aren't hearing about people getting the flu, or being tested for the flu. In the beginning it was still flu season, and when there were shortages of tests we never heard anything about testing people for the flu. It's like the flu disappeared.
Man, you had me till there. No way are we going through another "2 weeks to slow the spread" BS for something not much worse than a bad flu.
We have treatments. We are not sending sick people to nursing homes or sticking everyone on ventilators. Let it do it's thing & get it over with, not drag it out longer.
A shutdown for an airborne virus with a 99.98% survival rate for 95% of the population is & was a very bad idea.
It was a good idea FOR and BY DEMOCRATS, in a sinister, callous plan to wreck the good Trump economy, thereby taking away his top selling point for re-election.

As I've been saying, Democrats will do ANYTHING to get Trump out of the White House. Unfortunately, many people have lost jobs and businesses, as a result of the PLANdemic.
Positive tests don't mean people have the virus now.

The PCR test looks for the virus by amplifying the RNA it detects. Every amplification is called a cycle. The more cycles the test uses, the higher likelihood of finding pieces of the virus’s RNA. In the United States, most labs go through 40 cycles, according to the Times. Experts interviewed said this number of cycles is unnecessarily high:​
Tests with thresholds so high may detect not just live virus but also genetic fragments, leftovers from infection that pose no particular risk — akin to finding a hair in a room long after a person has left, Dr. Mina said.
Any test with a cycle threshold above 35 is too sensitive, agreed Juliet Morrison, a virologist at the University of California, Riverside. “I’m shocked that people would think that 40 could represent a positive,” she said.
A more reasonable cutoff would be 30 to 35, she added. Dr. Mina said he would set the figure at 30, or even less. Those changes would mean the amount of genetic material in a patient’s sample would have to be 100-fold to 1,000-fold that of the current standard for the test to return a positive result — at least, one worth acting on.
So, an oversensitive test is detecting the “cases” Dr. Fauci is having the vapors over. Taiwan, which has been praised for its response to the virus, uses a cycle threshold of under 32 to diagnose patients likely to become ill and infectious. Without a doubt, this allows them to do more effective contact tracing and mitigation. They are targeting the contacts of those highly likely to be contagious. An Oxford study found cycle thresholds higher than 30 were detecting non-infectious cases.​

Fauci was in on funding the Wuhan lab in 2015, which got this whole thing started. I didn't trust him then, and I don't now.
In the beginning the shut down was suppose to be about increasing production of PPE and ventilators. People were being told about bodies pilling up in cities where COVID case were spiking. We keep hearing about increase case #'s and people being hospitalized and dying. We were being told people were dying in their homes. What we were never told about is people getting better and recovering. In the beginning we were hearing about people getting infected and becoming severely sick for weeks, and even when they no longer had the virus they still felt bad, so people were lead to believe even if you don't die from COVID you don't really recover, and will have some kind of permanent side effect or whatever. People were talking about having low energy, still having a cough, trouble breathing, loss of different senses, and other things that never went away. We really heard about people having quick full recoveries.
Hearing all this people agree to the initial shutdown.
When the information started coming out about the nursing home deaths, Cuomo had to start cleaning things up, the death counts started to come down and this is where we start being told that everyone needs to wear masks. Oh I left out testing, the whole time there's been hysteria over everyone needing to be tested.
Now people are finding out they have COVID from contact tracing, and the majority aren't having any symptoms or minor symptoms that people would have ignored like a headache that goes away after a day. A lot of people think back to a time when they didn't feel well, or something and tend to think they probable had COVID.

People don't really believe the "science" because it's not addressing other issues. Science never addressed the downstream effects of shutting down, nor did they ever address the possible effect from people being locked down for going on 9 months when things start to open up. Are the people who have followed strict isolation measures going to have low immune systems from not having been exposed to everyday germs in the general public? We aren't hearing about people getting the flu, or being tested for the flu. In the beginning it was still flu season, and when there were shortages of tests we never heard anything about testing people for the flu. It's like the flu disappeared.
Yup. Notice the terms > "We were being told"..........and "We keep hearing about" - and where is all this "information" coming from ? >> the mainstream, leftist, anti-Trump media.
Of course "cases" are spiking. How could it be otherwise? It is a geometric progression.

The question is, what are the ramifications of the increase in cases? How many people are actually getting sick, and what is their prognosis? Is anyone other than geezers in nursing homes who are dying?

The number of cases will continue to rise significantly. We need a short-term shutdown of the greatest severith that the population will tolerate. Two or three weeks will be sufficient, and that will slow the spread and stop the spike.

But because of the coming election, the President has been unwilling to take that step. Maybe in a couple months, when we know the results of the election.
Of course it is NOT SPIKING.

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But this is not "BREAKING" News for me.
I've been saying (and posting this all along) with evidence. Hell, they've been pulling dead bodies out car accidents, and calling it Covid. Hospitals and clinics have been getting PAID MONEY by how many Covid deaths they report.

The more Covid deaths reported, the more money they got. Would anybody not predict this was gonna happen ? As I've been saying, the true deaths number is probably about 7,000.
So our actually number of deaths is around 100,000 from Covid? And many if not most of those were spread to them purposely by democrat governors wanting to increase the death numbers.

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