They Did It AGAIN - 6 Jan Committee Caught Altering Evidence Then Lied About It


nothing in either article about him being a front runner
Democrats altered Trump text messages to fit their narrative.

"There is absolutely no validity to the complaints about the way this text was excerpted during the House debate on holding Meadows in contempt," argued Norm Eisen, senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution, who was co-counsel for the House Judiciary Committee during the first impeachment of Donald Trump.

"The fact that a period was inserted, possibly inadvertently, instead of an ellipsis on a graphic presentation is irrelevant. The use of a period versus an ellipsis doesn't change the meaning of the deeply troubling and false statement that the vice president should tamper with electoral votes," Eisen told Newsweek in an email.

Eisen added that it is normal to excerpt portions of materials when you are presenting such material in graphic form during a congressional debate, as there wouldn't have been enough room for all the words in the original text.

6 Jan Democrats altered Trump text messages to fit their narrative. That is a crime.

§ 11.440 Tampering with or fabricating physical evidence.
-- It's a

When President Trump was the acting President of the US, D-Schiff and D-Swalwell criminally manufactured and altered evidence IOT criminally remove a US President from office, to overthrow the US govt.

"The general conspiracy statute, 18 U.S.C. § 371, creates an offense "f two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose."

Conspiracy, Perjury, Sedition, Treason...

D-Adam Schiff and D-Swalwell conspired to overthrow the US govt by illegally removing a sitting President of the United States by manufacturing false evidence, altering existing evidence, and by falsely claiming to have a whistleblower, who did not exist.

Attempting to criminally remove a President of the United States, attempting to overthrow the govt of the United States makes Schiff, Swalwell, Nancy Pelosi, and other co-conspirators criminals, traitors, and enemies of the United States.

These crimes have been defended and minimized as 'acceptable' partisan practices ... because the President at the time sent out mean tweets and Democrats did not like him.

Those who continue to defend these individuals have chosen:

- Party over country

- Party over Constitution

- Party over US Law

- Partisan party enemies of the state over the United States

Democrats / liberals/ snowflakes HATE Trump, for various reasons - I understand that. Despite your hatred for Trump, none of those reasons why you hate him or believe he is a criminal has anything to do with the fact that these Democrats committed extremely serious crimes that threatened to CRIMINALLY overthrow the US govt....and none of your reasons to hate Trump justifies or excuses THOSE crimes!
you keep repeating that claim, but failing every time

Yeah, that's a great topic. It would make sense that, as a person becomes more tribal, it becomes more personal to them.
Hey stupid - threaten someone's kids and see how personal it gets.

These fucking progTARDS have ZERO regard for humanity. They're truly fucked up human beings.

"There is absolutely no validity to the complaints about the way this text was excerpted during the House debate on holding Meadows in contempt," argued Norm Eisen, senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution, who was co-counsel for the House Judiciary Committee during the first impeachment of Donald Trump.

"The fact that a period was inserted, possibly inadvertently, instead of an ellipsis on a graphic presentation is irrelevant. The use of a period versus an ellipsis doesn't change the meaning of the deeply troubling and false statement that the vice president should tamper with electoral votes," Eisen told Newsweek in an email.

Eisen added that it is normal to excerpt portions of materials when you are presenting such material in graphic form during a congressional debate, as there wouldn't have been enough room for all the words in the original text.

hahahah so some lawyer, from the leftist Brookings Inst., who actually worked for Adam Shifty, is claiming Adam Shifty etc, accidently used a period! hahah

Nah it was was done on purpose.

"There is absolutely no validity to the complaints about the way this text was excerpted during the House debate on holding Meadows in contempt," argued Norm Eisen, senior fellow in governance studies at the Brookings Institution, who was co-counsel for the House Judiciary Committee during the first impeachment of Donald Trump.

"The fact that a period was inserted, possibly inadvertently, instead of an ellipsis on a graphic presentation is irrelevant. The use of a period versus an ellipsis doesn't change the meaning of the deeply troubling and false statement that the vice president should tamper with electoral votes," Eisen told Newsweek in an email.

Eisen added that it is normal to excerpt portions of materials when you are presenting such material in graphic form during a congressional debate, as there wouldn't have been enough room for all the words in the original text.

During the 1st Impeachment Schiff actually criminally authored his own seperate telephone transcript he claimed Trump had with the new leader if Ukraine. The day before the actual transcript had been submitted as evidence, so Schiff's illegal fake evidence was busted immediately (on top of his already criminal perjury, falsely claiming he had and had talked to a whistke blower).

In the 2nd Impeachment Swalwell was busted fir using photoshop to criminally alter Trump's texts.

So cut the shit, snowflake.

Even bigger than altering Trump's exact 6 Jan words / texts was the fact that the 6 Jan political theater clowns intentionally omitted his exact words with which he called for peace, non-violence, obeying the police, etc....

Of course the Democrats could not present Trump's exact words because they completely destroyed their false accusations and narrative.
- Crime of intetional lying / deceit through OMISSION

Maddow took a huge dump on their lies / deceit by pointing out how Trump's speech was not what caused the riot at the Capitol, how the people at Trump's speech / rally were not yet at the Capitol when the riot started.

The 6 Jan ass clowns lies and deceitful tactics have been exposed, their false narratives / accusations debunked / destroyed .... by their own leftist warriors lime Rachel Maddow.

The untainted has been pulled back, they are not fooling anyone, they aren't conning anyone, they aren't convincing anyone.

The nutjobs like yourself who are emotionally invested in hating Trump and buying the false narratives will continue to ignore the evidence and drink the piss.

The rest of us, the majority, will continue to see this whe thing for what it is and move on to way more important issues... Bidinflation, plunging markets, enemy energy dependence, high gas prices, formula shortages, food shortages, supply chain crisis, and the other painful burdens resulting from Biden's failed policies, horrendous destructive behavior, and crimes.
You are making laughing stocks of yourselves the whole world over.

You fuckers are embarrassing.
That's okay. American voters forgot that Bush 2 made a laughing stock of us in 8 years. They'll soon forget. Same with his daddy. 8 years later they forgot and elected his idiot son.

All it takes is inflation and I see the American people will elect the Nazi party just like Germans did in the 1930's. I'm sure the party that Hitler beat was dealing with inflation at the time.

Senior staffers said Trump rejected their advice and listened to a drunk Rudy Giuliani instead.

Former Fox News political editor: Trump claimed victory based on a “red mirage.”

William Barr: Claims about defective voting machines were “complete nonsense.”

Bill Stepien: Trump ran a “structurally and fiscally deficient” reelection campaign.

Trump’s mind was “made up” on mail-in ballots, regardless of the evidence, Stepien said.

Investigators said the “Big Lie” was a big windfall for Trump.

In addition to attempting to overturn the results of the election, investigators say Trump used his election fraud lies to reap a financial windfall from aggrieved voters.

The Justice Department looked into Giuliani and Trump’s fraud allegations in swing states and found nothing.

“Not only was there not evidence of 8,000 dead voters voting in Pennsylvania, there wasn’t evidence of eight,” said Al Schmidt, a Republican former Philadelphia city commissioner. Schmidt noted that he and his family were subjected to disturbing threats after Trump personally named him on Twitter.
Rich Donoghue, the former acting deputy U.S. attorney general, also recalled the difficulty of briefing Trump on the specific findings in the states.
“Sir, we’ve done dozens of investigations, hundreds of interviews,” he recalled telling Trump. “The major allegations are not supported by the evidence developed. We’ve looked in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Nevada. We’re doing our job. Much of the info you’re getting is false.”
“There were so many of these allegations that when you gave him a very direct answer on one of them, he wouldn’t fight us on it, but he would move to another allegation,” Donoghue said.
“I told him flat-out that the evidence he’s getting is false.”
It it walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, chances are good it's a duck
Yes, I know how you folks are...

After that show last night, Trump is going to have to react in order to reduce the momentum building against him. Even his dotter was intimidated into lying, by the panel. She looked just like a deer in the headlights when she spilt the beans on daddy!

Will Trump openly incite violence or will he do it covertly? Or will he be able to wait until the panel if finished producing the facts/false evidence that condemns him?
The linked "article" is about hyper-partisan Jim Jordan complaining.

One day these people are laughing this stuff off, the next day they're going drama queen.

What matters is what, if anything, the DOJ does anyway.
Yes, yes, leave it to a hack like Merrick Garland to carry forward the lies about the former President, all because he triggered you with tweets from the toilet at 3

Thank God Garland wasn't elevated to the SCOTUS...He didn't deserve the promotion...

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