They Do Hitler Proud

I agree with the liberal professors equally defending historic art
as making a statement AGAINST exclusion and CAPTURING the native conditions:
Richard Walker, a professor emeritus of geography at the University of California, Berkeley and director of the history project, Living New Deal, said the Washington mural is meant to show the “uncomfortable facts” about America’s first president. For that, it was among many New Deal works of art considered radical when created.

“We on the left ought to welcome the honest portrayal,” Walker said, adding that destroying a piece of art “is the worst way we can deal with historic malfeasance, historic evils.”

Mark Sanchez, vice president of the school board and a third-grade teacher, said students who must walk past the mural during the school day don’t have a choice about seeing the harmful images. “Painting it over represents not only a symbolic fresh start, but a real fresh start,” he said.

Lope Yap, Jr., vice president of the Washington High School Alumni Association and a 1970 graduates, disagreed, saying when he was a student and saw the mural he was “awed by the subtle ways Arnautoff was able to critique American history.” He said the depictions are “treasures, priceless art” and painting it over is tantamount to pretending the history depicted never happened.

“I’m not into censorship,” Yap said. “I would want to deal with history so we can prevent this from ever happening again.”

NOTE: Two other similar situations I can cite off hand:
1. Recent protests against the song "This is Land is Your Land"
brought out the fact it was actually WRITTEN by a communist sympathizer
in DEFENSE of Native American tradition that the Earth is shared by EVERYONE.

Censoring that song is wiping out the very message that inspired it!

2. Freedmen's Town near Downtown Houston TX
is also fighting to preserve National Landmarked history
as the last Freed Slave Settlement built by the first wave of
FREED Blacks before they were citizens, so it's like a Tribal Settlement
and deserves protections not being enforced under Federal Laws and subgrant agreements.

Recently the community won a lawsuit against the City of Houston
for continuing to destroy historic brick streets of hand made clay laid by the founding ministers
back in the 1860's after Emancipation.

Wiping out the history is doing the OPPOSITE
and killing the very native communities and protection of the diverse cultural history!

They would be defeating their own purpose,
like amputating so much of the body to try to save it
that you end up killing the patient.

Whitewashing History.

(is that comment racist?)
Next they will be burning Mark Twain books.

Bunch of fascists, the lot of them.

Today the paintings. Tomorrow the book burning.

And these twats will be upset when the sort of neo-Hitler than want arrives and turns on them. But that's because they will have forced themselves to forget any history they might accidentally have learned.

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