They Don’t Hate Donald Trump—They Hate You


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

They hate you because you disagree with their desire to turn this great nation into a socialist sewer.

In the scant two-and-a-half years since his inauguration, on every field, from national security, to economics, to domestic policy, to our global standing, the 45th president has proven that not only are we a great nation but that we are again the greatest nation on the Earth. That is what the Left hates him. But they hated you first because you believed it too and you made his victory possible.

Savor that thought today, as you celebrate our Republic and as the those who loathe America stew in their own bile.

Happy Independence Day America.

More @ They Don’t Hate Donald Trump—They Hate You

They hate you because you disagree with their desire to turn this great nation into a socialist sewer.

In the scant two-and-a-half years since his inauguration, on every field, from national security, to economics, to domestic policy, to our global standing, the 45th president has proven that not only are we a great nation but that we are again the greatest nation on the Earth. That is what the Left hates him. But they hated you first because you believed it too and you made his victory possible.

Savor that thought today, as you celebrate our Republic and as the those who loathe America stew in their own bile.

Happy Independence Day America.

More @ They Don’t Hate Donald Trump—They Hate You
The Left have one agenda - the destruction of Western Civilization.
Make no mistake....

They hate Trump for empowering US......

They hate you because you disagree with their desire to turn this great nation into a socialist sewer.

In the scant two-and-a-half years since his inauguration, on every field, from national security, to economics, to domestic policy, to our global standing, the 45th president has proven that not only are we a great nation but that we are again the greatest nation on the Earth. That is what the Left hates him. But they hated you first because you believed it too and you made his victory possible.

Savor that thought today, as you celebrate our Republic and as the those who loathe America stew in their own bile.

Happy Independence Day America.

More @ They Don’t Hate Donald Trump—They Hate You

If you aren't reading Kurt Schlichter's weekly columns, you should........

What Will It Take To Make You Understand And Accept That They Hate You?

You better get your head in the game or you’ll find your head in a guillotine – definitely figuratively, maybe literally.

You want to reject this reality, to dismiss it, to wave it off as crazy talk. But listen to what they say. Watch what they do. Have the strength to accept the harsh truth that is punching you in the face.

They hate you for not submitting, for being an obstacle to their rule.

The problem is that you are nice, and you project your niceness. Projection is human nature. So while leftist spittle-spewing sociopaths project their own shriveled morality when they shriek about how we’re all racist fascists of fascist racism when racist fascism is actually their jam, we Normals tend to project our decency when we assume that our opponents are just confused friends who are in the throes of a grievous misunderstanding about us that we can remedy with facts and evidence.

That’s 100 percent wrong. Facts and evidence don’t matter because the trial is already over and you’ve already been condemned because of who you are.

You can’t ever clear yourself with the left because they don’t hate you for what you did or will do, but for who you are.

That’s where the babble about “white privilege” comes from – if you’re white and conservative you’re wrong, and if you’re not white and conservative, you’re even…wronger
Progressives hate anybody that disagrees with them, they will not tolerate it.

Political correctness is all about control, they need to get rid of the Second Amendment and the first amendment to have total control.

Without socialist style healthcare they cannot control families… Any form of freedom cannot exist in a socialist society… Fact
Progressives hate anybody that disagrees with them, they will not tolerate it.

Political correctness is all about control, they need to get rid of the Second Amendment and the first amendment to have total control.

Without socialist style healthcare they cannot control families… Any form of freedom cannot exist in a socialist society… Fact

It really is a mental illness.
Progressives hate anybody that disagrees with them, they will not tolerate it.

Political correctness is all about control, they need to get rid of the Second Amendment and the first amendment to have total control.

Without socialist style healthcare they cannot control families… Any form of freedom cannot exist in a socialist society… Fact

It really is a mental illness.
Socialism is a disease that just keeps on resurfacing after countless failures, the reason why we know what socialism is a disease... Hitler/Joseph Stalin embraced socialism... fact
Another thread proving any moron can push “post”. I love coming on here now. I feel so morally and intellectually superior. :)
Progressives hate anybody that disagrees with them, they will not tolerate it.

Political correctness is all about control, they need to get rid of the Second Amendment and the first amendment to have total control.

Without socialist style healthcare they cannot control families… Any form of freedom cannot exist in a socialist society… Fact

It really is a mental illness.
Socialism is a disease that just keeps on resurfacing after countless failures, the reason why we know what socialism is a disease... Hitler/Joseph Stalin embraced socialism... fact

Hitler was an extreme Right Wing Fascist while Stalin was an extreme Left Wing Communist. You really need to get your BS straight. Socialism is just a catchy little phrase both used to try and make their really bad choice of governments sound good.
Progressives hate anybody that disagrees with them, they will not tolerate it.

Political correctness is all about control, they need to get rid of the Second Amendment and the first amendment to have total control.

Without socialist style healthcare they cannot control families… Any form of freedom cannot exist in a socialist society… Fact

It really is a mental illness.
Socialism is a disease that just keeps on resurfacing after countless failures, the reason why we know what socialism is a disease... Hitler/Joseph Stalin embraced socialism... fact

Hitler was an extreme Right Wing Fascist while Stalin was an extreme Left Wing Communist. You really need to get your BS straight. Socialism is just a catchy little phrase both used to try and make their really bad choice of governments sound good.

Wrong....they were both left wing socialists.....fascism is simply a different type of socialism. Moron, Socialism is supposed to be the last step before true communism...where the government controls the means of production until true communism can be reached.....socialism is simply the government controlling the means of production.

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