They Don’t Just Hate America, They Hate Civilization

Try to read a book once in your life.

Book: a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.

Begin with the Bible, and explain which of the values in the Ten Commandments you refuse to incorporate in your 'value system.'
None. I'm a big fan of the Bible. My family is Christian.

I'm also an historian, and I have a degree in comparative religion. I study "belief". Which, at the end of the day, turns out to be more math than anything else. Philosophy, yes - logic - but all that is math.

In math, they have something called a "lemma". It's almost like what we would call in philosophical logic a "fundamental assumption". If you were a computer programmer it would be like a "let" statement, like "let" x=5.

All of math (or most of it, anyway) is based on these lemmas. We "assume" certain things to be true, we make certain fundamental assumptions - and all the rest of our beliefs and values are just the math (the "logic") around those assumptions
Opinion. Give me some Scripture. Christians believe in Scripture. I can show you from Scripture where prosperity is Scriptural. Go for it.
Prosperity theology (or prosperity gospel) isn't an opinion. It isn't even my opinion.

For fucks sake, magaturd, you have Innert00bs. Try to sound like you have a least an inkling of a clue.
Opinion. Give me some Scripture. Christians believe in Scripture. I can show you from Scripture where prosperity is Scriptural. Go for it.


Christians are a diverse bunch.

In the old days, most of our Founders we're "Deists", they weren't denominational. Some were, but many weren't.

But these people, if you asked them, IMO, would consider themselves good Christians and speak to that effect.

Christians are a diverse bunch.

In the old days, most of our Founders we're "Deists", they weren't denominational. Some were, but many weren't.

But these people, if you asked them, IMO, would consider themselves good Christians and speak to that effect.
Prosperity theology (or prosperity gospel) isn't an opinion. It isn't even my opinion.

For fucks sake, magaturd, you have Innert00bs. Try to sound like you have a least an inkling of a clue.
So in other words, you don't really know what you're talking about, just parroting what someone else said because you are prejudiced. Got it.

Christians are a diverse bunch.

In the old days, most of our Founders we're "Deists", they weren't denominational. Some were, but many weren't.

But these people, if you asked them, IMO, would consider themselves good Christians and speak to that effect.
Yes, that's the usual leftist argument. Our founders were mostly Bible believing Christians. Period.
So in other words, you don't really know what you're talking about, just parroting what someone else said because you are prejudiced. Got it.
I've researched it enough to know the magaturd movement is cauterized around the 'prosperity gospel'. You, by default apparently have absolutely nothing tangible to discuss this particular topic with in that melon you call a brain.

Revel in ignorance if you want.
None. I'm a big fan of the Bible. My family is Christian.

I'm also an historian, and I have a degree in comparative religion. I study "belief". Which, at the end of the day, turns out to be more math than anything else. Philosophy, yes - logic - but all that is math.

In math, they have something called a "lemma". It's almost like what we would call in philosophical logic a "fundamental assumption". If you were a computer programmer it would be like a "let" statement, like "let" x=5.

All of math (or most of it, anyway) is based on these lemmas. We "assume" certain things to be true, we make certain fundamental assumptions - and all the rest of our beliefs and values are just the math (the "logic") around those assumptions

You just proved my point about values.

The Judeo-Christian values are what built Western Civilization.
Lauren Boebert (Q-CO):

"The church is supposed to direct the government. I'm tired of this church and state junk".

Here we go, gang.

If you read her actual statement in full, you'd know she was complaining about the church's compliance with overreaching legislation. That is actually the church going along with the State. Never underestimate the Democrat-controlled media's propensity to take a statement and editorialize it to mean just the opposite and then spew it out over their mostly radical leftist media.
11. The premise of this thread bears repeating: rather than continuing the advance of humanity, under the governance of the Left….Democrats, Nazis, Marxists, Maoists, all collectivists, all socialists…..we are devolving.

“…piracy and banditry became common in Europe; but it was probably towards the end of the third millenium B.C., around the time of that early Napoleon, Sargon of Akkad (2350 B.C.). The first walled cities date from about six hundred years before Sargon, suggesting that war was becoming the rule rather than the exception.” Colin Wilson, “A Criminal History of Mankind”

Today, each of us building his wall has again become necessary, due to the efforts of the Democrat Party as it incited, ordered, and applauded hordes of its supporters to mount over 12 thousand riots, arsons, assaults and acts of anarchistic terrorism as part of the party’s efforts to unseat Trump.
And if you plan any other defense, other than the walling yourself up away from your life and interests......keep in mind how the Democrat DA threw aged immigrant Jose Alba in prison for defending himself from a Democrat felon.

And don't forget what Kyle Rittenhouse went through for the same infraction.

12. This is not the ordered and lawful civilization that we once had, or at least were near to accomplishing.

This is what we had within our grasp: Compared to an earlier time, mothers and their children can expect to survive childbirth, and their children live another eight decades. Almost every American lives in a climate-controlled home with food and a TV. They have a car, refrig, microwave, and a cell phone. We have computers with internet, buy products from all over the globe, and cheaply, at that. None will be enslaved, few murdered, and free to have unpopular views or lifestyles. You can worship as you wish, or not at all. There is no institutional racism, and no governmental requirement to have or not have children. There is no aristocracy, no perennial wealth class, and most will die richer than when they were born. Western Civilization, here, and promised to the whole world.

It is clear where we are heading…..and to many, that it is no accident.
It's Democrat policies in action.
Right over you and your tribe whether you like it or not. Now just try to accept your fate.
Wow. Spoken like a true authoritarian.


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