They Don’t Just Hate America, They Hate Civilization

All that Dem propaganda won't save Dems from the people's wrath this Nov when the Dem party suffers an obliteration at the polls.
You may very well be right...

The only possible fly in that particular ointment is the SCOTUS reversal of the Roe v. Wade ruling...

THAT pissed off a great many women-folk on BOTH sides of the aisle...

But... given the wide-open border and gas prices and staggering inflation... all or most of it self-inflicted by the Dems... a big Pub victory is within reach...

I'll be very curious to see what happens in November... could go either way, after the SCOTUS ruling... we'll see...
You may very well be right...

The only possible fly in that particular ointment is the SCOTUS reversal of the Roe v. Wade ruling...

THAT pissed off a great many women-folk on BOTH sides of the aisle...

But... given the wide-open border and gas prices and staggering inflation... all or most of it self-inflicted by the Dems... a big Pub victory is within reach...

I'll be very curious to see what happens in November... could go either way, after the SCOTUS ruling... we'll see...
Only the stupid people believe voting democrat in November will affect the Supreme Court.
Only the stupid people believe voting democrat in November will affect the Supreme Court.
If the Idiot Democrats obtain a Big Enough Win, then they can pack SCOTUS to their little hearts' content...

But I don't believe that there's a Democratic landslide on the near-term horizon...

Then again, the Idiot Republicans have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory more than once... ;)
In his book by that name Eric Hoffer wrote that true believers are motivated by self contempt for having failed at what is essential to their self image.
It's clear that many of these people only value Christianity insofar that it serves as a tool to advance their various bigotries and political agendas. So, they weaponize it when it serves them, and ignore it the rest of the time. While Trump is the most obvious, craven and glaring example, his disciples (pun intended) are right there with him.

It's such a damn shame that religion -- valuable in its ability to provide answers, comfort, strength and guidance -- has been so perverted and insulted and mocked by people like this around the world. These people claim to follow the teachings of Jesus, and then they...

Well, it's just ugly to watch.
If the Idiot Democrats obtain a Big Enough Win, then they can pack SCOTUS to their little hearts' content...

But I don't believe that there's a Democratic landslide on the near-term horizon...

Then again, the Idiot Republicans have snatched defeat from the jaws of victory more than once... ;)
Packing the court is a bluff. Not gonna happen. Cooler Democrat heads know what that will lead to.
It's clear that many of these people only value Christianity insofar that it serves as a tool to advance their various bigotries and political agendas. So, they weaponize it when it serves them, and ignore it the rest of the time. While Trump is the most obvious, craven and glaring example, his disciples (pun intended) are right there with him.

It's such a damn shame that religion -- valuable in its ability to provide answers, comfort, strength and guidance -- has been so perverted and insulted and mocked by people like this around the world. These people claim to follow the teachings of Jesus, and then they...

Well, it's just ugly to watch.
So you're a Bible scholar on the teachings of Jesus. Give us an example of how Christians are missing the mark.
I've always been a student of psychiatry, kind of a life long hobby.

One thing I found out early on, way back when, is how to tell how much someone hates and despises themselves, by how much hatred the express to others.

Hitler loathed himself to the extreme, as do most warlords.
The DemonicRats despise themselves as equally, if not more, than Hitler did himself.

This is a product of humans putting other humans in charge, and not keeping a tight grip on those who are supposed to work for the benefit of the people, and not their own self-serving interests. Much like a monstrous toddler going rampant because the parents refuse to keep a reign on him/her.

If you want to place the TRUE blame, take a look in the mirror. We the people are in charge, and we have done nothing to harness these psychotic toddlers going on their little rampages.

Have you looked into how the German People came to support Adolf Hitler?

How about the Italians, have you looked into how they came to support Mussolini? Do you know what Italy looked like before Mussolini got there?

I've heard the theories about mass psychosis, but IMO this is less about psychiatry and more about cultural anthropology. Study the Cargo Cults.
Normative opinions are not truths about the universe. They are facts about the person who feels that way. Although you claim to have attended Columbia I doubt you know the difference between an normative opinion, and an empirical opinion.
^^^ elitist liberal alert!

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