They finally did it.. mandate gone

People are going to die. What a monster you republicans are.

You want to roll around in your shit while the rest of society goes straight to hell. You just sold America down the fucking river and you're too effin stupid to realize right now but you will.
You have a real problem letting people make their own choices don't you?

If people make the choice not to have insurance, are you ok with ERs and Hospitals making the choice to only treat what can be paid for up front?

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I have no problem with that.

If we do that then people will choose to buy health insurance of some sort won't they?

Unfortunately as a society we will not allow that to happen and we have laws that force the medical care provider to provide service irregardless of the patients ability to pay for them, thus there is not only no consequence for not having insurance but there is an incentive as you can get things for free

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People are going to die. What a monster you republicans are.

You want to roll around in your shit while the rest of society goes straight to hell. You just sold America down the fucking river and you're too effin stupid to realize right now but you will.
You have a real problem letting people make their own choices don't you?

If people make the choice not to have insurance, are you ok with ERs and Hospitals making the choice to only treat what can be paid for up front?

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I have no problem with that.

If we do that then people will choose to buy health insurance of some sort won't they?

Unfortunately as a society we will not allow that to happen and we have laws that force the medical care provider to provide service irregardless of the patients ability to pay for them, thus there is not only no consequence for not having insurance but there is an incentive as you can get things for free

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like welfare
food stamps...
People are going to die. What a monster you republicans are.

You want to roll around in your shit while the rest of society goes straight to hell. You just sold America down the fucking river and you're too effin stupid to realize right now but you will.

How so ? How many people did Obama care save?

Give me links please and thank you.. I
Link something that shows it's a good thing, first, ms. Op.

If you don't know who my aviator is. an idiot

Two an idiot

And three why are you even doing on a political message board?
It's that attractive blonde that the white supremacists have been fantasizing about. Parading her picture around to advance your purge. It's dishonorable.
People are going to die. What a monster you republicans are.

You want to roll around in your shit while the rest of society goes straight to hell. You just sold America down the fucking river and you're too effin stupid to realize right now but you will.

Lol. No, they finally got rid of that worthless law. Ocare killed hundreds of thousands. You should be ashamed of yourself for promoting such trash.
People are going to die. What a monster you republicans are.

You want to roll around in your shit while the rest of society goes straight to hell. You just sold America down the fucking river and you're too effin stupid to realize right now but you will.
It is interesting watching a party destroy itself. When rates go up even more, Americans will know who to blame. The Republicans are likely to lose the House in 2018. The mandate was created by the CONSERVATIVE Heritage Foundation. They recognized the fact that a lot of people would not get health insurance until they were sick. That raised the cost of insurance. You do not have the freedom to freeload.
Who gives a shit about the insurance companies... lol
See ya Obama care:)

And don't hit the door when you leave..


Good, now they should make a law that seniors have,

a penalty for each year you do not have health ins, like Medicare Part B and D.

You had best hope that they do not repeal the pre-existing condition law before you do get insurance.
I think the damages the insurance companies and the federal government is a good thing for the country
Cool, now I can pay even more for premiums and co-pays and co-insurance and fees to cover those who can't, and then access their care for "free".

Boy, our "leaders" REALLY have this health care thing NAILED.

Freedom 'n liberty 'n stuff!

The mandate was only about control, fuck the federal government and their deep state
The mandate was only about control, fuck the federal government and their deep state
Well, I admit I don't know much about the deep state and all that, my scorecard was worn out long ago.

What I do know is that we have all the pieces for a health care system that blends the best of safety net coverage and dynamic, innovative free market competition, and that partisan politics is wrecking our chances of getting there.
People are going to die. What a monster you republicans are.

You want to roll around in your shit while the rest of society goes straight to hell. You just sold America down the fucking river and you're too effin stupid to realize right now but you will.
You have a real problem letting people make their own choices don't you?

If people make the choice not to have insurance, are you ok with ERs and Hospitals making the choice to only treat what can be paid for up front?

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Make the insurance companies pay ER visits... Fuck the insurance companies
The mandate was only about control, fuck the federal government and their deep state
Well, I admit I don't know much about the deep state and all that, my scorecard was worn out long ago.

What I do know is that we have all the pieces for a health care system that blends the best of safety net coverage and free market competition, and that partisan politics is wrecking our chances of getting there.
Obamacare is 100 percent about control and has nothing to do with healthcare
See ya Obama care:)

And don't hit the door when you leave..


Obama sold it to the public as a penalty, but his lawyers argued in court that it was a tax which is how it got by the SCOTUS. His own BS was his ultimate undoing.
The mandate was only about control, fuck the federal government and their deep state
Well, I admit I don't know much about the deep state and all that, my scorecard was worn out long ago.

What I do know is that we have all the pieces for a health care system that blends the best of safety net coverage and free market competition, and that partisan politics is wrecking our chances of getting there.
Obamacare is 100 percent about control and has nothing to do with healthcare
Right now we have seven (7) different, separate payment systems all banging up against each other, and neither party wants to address that fact.

Talk about inefficient and wasteful.

That has nothing to do with actual healthcare either, but neither party cares.

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