They finally did it.. mandate gone

See ya Obama care:)

And don't hit the door when you leave..

The morbidly obese Naked Emperor sold you a repeal and replace, and you dumb rubes just accepted a forgery! :lol:

The employer mandate has not been repealed.

The health insurance exchanges have not been repealed.

The insurance subsidies have not been repealed.

ObamaCare has not been repealed. Trump couldn't even manage that one thing.

All Trump has accomplished is making health insurance and medical treatment even MORE expensive.

So when you open your record high insurance and medical bills, try to keep that stupid ignorant tard grin on your face we have come to know so well. Try to tell yourself Trump didn't fuck you in the ass.
Obamacare will now survive or fail on its own, no longer propped up by threats of fines and tax refund confiscations from the Federal government.

Congress will quietly backfill it with other tax incentives that accomplish the same goal (funneling money to the insurance industry).

I believe you are thinking of a different mandate. This one eliminates folks
that don't buy insurance from being fined. (8 million of them last year)
Plus 13 other million of them that purchased insurance, even when they didn't want it, are not required to buy it.

21 million Americans just pocketed a lot of money. Their OWN Money.
Obamacare will now survive or fail on its own, no longer propped up by threats of fines and tax refund confiscations from the Federal government.

Congress will quietly backfill it with other tax incentives that accomplish the same goal (funneling money to the insurance industry).

I believe you are thinking of a different mandate. This one eliminates folks
that don't buy insurance from being fined. (8 million of them last year)
Plus 13 other million of them that purchased insurance, even when they didn't want it, are not required to buy it.

21 million Americans just pocketed a lot of money. Their OWN Money.

Yes, and those fines can be replaced with tax incentives that will have the same effect. Meanwhile, the insurance lobby will go to work on the states.
People are going to die. What a monster you republicans are.

You want to roll around in your shit while the rest of society goes straight to hell. You just sold America down the fucking river and you're too effin stupid to realize right now but you will.
--------------------------------------------------- -- IF -- unAmerican 'obamacare' Mandate disappears its a good thing simply because it was unAmerican SRocks .
and its all part of 'mrobamas' wonderful diminishing and disappearing legacy SRocks.
People are going to die. What a monster you republicans are.

You want to roll around in your shit while the rest of society goes straight to hell. You just sold America down the fucking river and you're too effin stupid to realize right now but you will.

How so ? How many people did Obama care save?

Give me links please and thank you.. I
---------------------------------- doesn't matter how many people were save by the mandate as the mandate was unAmerican , imo Bear ,
See ya Obama care:)

And don't hit the door when you leave..


The removal of the mandate did nothing to change the hospital killing regulations that were the true problem with ObamaCare.
93 percent of hospitals say obamacare makes healthcare better. actually they say it makes them more money. Any business will tank with less customers.

Your article is from 2013 and speaks of what they thought was going to happen.

Rural hospitals are closing down due to ObamaCare.

Hospitals are spending more and more money to make their patients happy instead of making them well as reimbursement rates are tied to patient satisfaction now thanks to ObamaCare.

If you go to the hospital for a specific reason and while there they discover 4 other health issues the hospital will not get paid for treating those other 4 unless they are life threatening.

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Yes that is why we have a new state of the art hospital going up ,planned the last five years, they need more room.

Yep the big corporate hospitals are doing fine and they do need the room to make up for the smaller rural hospitals that are closing.

Also my wife’s hospital built a shiny new campus as well so they could convert all their rooms to single rooms vice doubles. They did this to try and get better “happiness” scores from their patients so they can get full reimbursement from the Govt. To offset the cost of single rooms there is now a higher patient to nurse ratio and less PCTs as well.

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Thank god that Obamacare is now kaput.

It's Kaput? No it's just now trumpcare.

Without the stupid oppressive mandate Nobody has to participate if they want. That means the only people that would chose to participate are the filthy ass welfare queens expecting to get subsides but there aren't going to be anybody paying the subsidies. That will have the long term effect of driving down the cost of premiums for the paying customers and that is a good thing.

It is not a full scale repeal of Obamacare but it is the next best thing. God bless Trump! MAGA Baby!

By the way. Five of the idiots on the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare because it was a tax. Now that the requirement to participate has been removed under a tax bill don't you think it is time for the Supreme Court to go back and revisit the case?
Latest PROG whining....

The tax cuts aren't enough to REALLY matter, so why do it at all?

Fucking assholes, every last one.


How tough it that to understand?
...Huh? If you get sick when you're uninsured you pay for treatment. Sounds fair to me...
And if you cannot pay, our society should let you die, 'and thereby decrease the surplus population', right?


"Today's Republican Party... transforming America from Bedford Falls to Pottersville, one sick, dying child at a time."

The "cannot pays" were already covered. There were many failings. We are agreed on that. One of the complaints was that you needed to be rich or broke to get treated.

See ya Obama care:)

And don't hit the door when you leave..


The removal of the mandate did nothing to change the hospital killing regulations that were the true problem with ObamaCare.

There were no hospital killing regulations. That is nonsense for those who have no sense.

You are very mistaken and clearly do not know anyone that works in a hospital

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Name (and link) one 'hospital-killing' regulation imposed by the ACA and give us a link to a credible narrative outlining one hospital was put out of business by same, please.
Obamacare Is Killing Rural Hospitals and Their Patients
Latest PROG whining....

The tax cuts aren't enough to REALLY matter, so why do it at all?

Fucking assholes, every last one.


How tough it that to understand?

So if it's people money why should anyone be compelled to pay taxes at all?

I don't want to pay taxes - ITS MY MONEY DONCHA KNOW! :rolleyes: at stupidity.
Thank god that Obamacare is now kaput.

It's Kaput? No it's just now trumpcare.

Without the stupid oppressive mandate Nobody has to participate if they want. That means the only people that would chose to participate are the filthy ass welfare queens expecting to get subsides but there aren't going to be anybody paying the subsidies. That will have the long term effect of driving down the cost of premiums for the paying customers and that is a good thing.

It is not a full scale repeal of Obamacare but it is the next best thing. God bless Trump! MAGA Baby!

By the way. Five of the idiots on the Supreme Court upheld Obamacare because it was a tax. Now that the requirement to participate has been removed under a tax bill don't you think it is time for the Supreme Court to go back and revisit the case?

When does that take effect?
lol, Trump is now claiming that Obamacare has been repealed.

Considering the mandate was put in at the last minute and demanded by the insurance companies just let his goofy followers and he think it's repealed. Everything else is there.

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