They have lost their fucking minds, full stop period.

and i got enough worn out body parts including knee surgery to prove it....i dont know any Carrier who has 25 years in who doesnt have one of the following or a few of the following......bad Ankles,knees,lower back problems,shoulder problems and many of the Woman have Wrist problems.......

Okay, I have to ask what are the ladies doing for you that cause their wrist problems? I mean, maybe I should apply at the local post office! :lol:


PS Sorry that is truly an obscene question or at least the implications are obscene.

if you must know......lifting 30-50 pound trays of mail around the truck seems to take its toll on the fairer sex....some of the fairer guys have problems too....

Did you have to spoil the image of what goes on behind closed PO doors? :lol:

How, specifically, does a govt agency create a job? I am curious.

1979....openings at the PO.....i went down applied ....weeks one of those jobs created to deliver the Mail.....

Let me guess.

Since then you have learned to walk two or three routes in the same time it used to take you to do 1. Keep the job another 25 years and you will soon prove that the speed of light is not an actual limitation that the government recognizes.

Mail carriers generally don't walk routes. They drive them. Too many people, too much mail to be carried.
The ultimate goal of this research is gene therapy, which replaces the damaged genes in obamanized cells with normal genes to stop the abnormal behavior of these cells. For example, scientists have learned that there is an abnormality of chromosome 3 in many vaginas.

Better understanding of how this may play a role in the development of the liberals might lead to better treatment for liberalism.

Studies are under way to determine the best way to combine external beam therapy and brachytherapy to treat the obamanized cells and limit damage to normal tissue.

researchers do say it's Obama's fault and feel certain he will blame George W Bush
What can Congress do to create jobs? Five Republican proposals. - REINS Act -

1. REINS Act
The signature jobs initiative for Republicans when Congress returns in September is an attempt to pass the REINS Act (Regulation from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny).

The REINS Act would require Congress to approve every major new regulation proposed by the White House before it takes effect. If Congress does not act within 70 days, the rule is void.

This would severely limit the power of the executive branch, since no regulations – such as the Environmental Protection Agency's regulation of greenhouse gases – could become effective without approval from both houses of Congress, a high bar. In this way, congressional Republicans are seeking to bring back to Congress the regulatory powers that have gradually devolved to the executive branch during the past 50 years.

Sponsors include Rep. Geoff Davis (R) of Kentucky and Sen. Rand Paul (R) of Kentucky. The bill is endorsed by business groups, including the US Chamber of Commerce, which is launching a summer regulation road show to boost public support.
Okay, I have to ask what are the ladies doing for you that cause their wrist problems? I mean, maybe I should apply at the local post office! :lol:


PS Sorry that is truly an obscene question or at least the implications are obscene.

if you must know......lifting 30-50 pound trays of mail around the truck seems to take its toll on the fairer sex....some of the fairer guys have problems too....

Did you have to spoil the image of what goes on behind closed PO doors? :lol:


you did ask.....:eusa_angel:
1979....openings at the PO.....i went down applied ....weeks one of those jobs created to deliver the Mail.....

Let me guess.

Since then you have learned to walk two or three routes in the same time it used to take you to do 1. Keep the job another 25 years and you will soon prove that the speed of light is not an actual limitation that the government recognizes.

Mail carriers generally don't walk routes. They drive them. Too many people, too much mail to be carried.

depends on the neighborhood....and the type of delivery they have....the older ones your still walking......the newer ones usually have boxes out by the sidewalks.....some have curbside.....
Let me guess.

Since then you have learned to walk two or three routes in the same time it used to take you to do 1. Keep the job another 25 years and you will soon prove that the speed of light is not an actual limitation that the government recognizes.

Mail carriers generally don't walk routes. They drive them. Too many people, too much mail to be carried.

depends on the neighborhood....and the type of delivery they have....the older ones your still walking......the newer ones usually have boxes out by the sidewalks.....some have curbside.....

Here in Tucson, there's no such thing as a walking route. They all have those little trucks with the steering wheel on the right side.
The ultimate goal of this research is gene therapy, which replaces the damaged genes in obamanized cells with normal genes to stop the abnormal behavior of these cells. For example, scientists have learned that there is an abnormality of chromosome 3 in many vaginas.

Better understanding of how this may play a role in the development of the liberals might lead to better treatment for liberalism.

Studies are under way to determine the best way to combine external beam therapy and brachytherapy to treat the obamanized cells and limit damage to normal tissue.

researchers do say it's Obama's fault and feel certain he will blame George W Bush

And if anybody is still wondering why most people perceive RWNJs to be incredibly unintelligent, I hereby present the above quote as Exhibit A.
The ultimate goal of this research is gene therapy, which replaces the damaged genes in obamanized cells with normal genes to stop the abnormal behavior of these cells. For example, scientists have learned that there is an abnormality of chromosome 3 in many vaginas.

Better understanding of how this may play a role in the development of the liberals might lead to better treatment for liberalism.

Studies are under way to determine the best way to combine external beam therapy and brachytherapy to treat the obamanized cells and limit damage to normal tissue.

researchers do say it's Obama's fault and feel certain he will blame George W Bush

And if anybody is still wondering why most people perceive RWNJs to be incredibly unintelligent, I hereby present the above quote as Exhibit A.

You're just a nasty piece of work. But what Obamabot cult follower, isn't.
What's wrong with letting the elected reps of the people review edicts put forth by King Obama?

Sounds like you're the unhinged one.

Soggy the prop-o-gandist seem to think the president is wielding King like powers. :lol:Hahahaha:lol: (watch out for his internet blog-snooping Czar:eek:). No way it passes. It's just more political theater to distract the masses. They (GOP) know it can't pass and they don't want it to because in a few years their man may be in the White House and they simple would not want the Congress to have that power.

Almost Nothing the GOP controlled house Wants to do has a chance of Passing. WTF is your point?

It's just more political theater to distract the masses.
What can Congress do to create jobs? Five Republican proposals. - REINS Act -

1. REINS Act
The signature jobs initiative for Republicans when Congress returns in September is an attempt to pass the REINS Act (Regulation from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny).

The REINS Act would require Congress to approve every major new regulation proposed by the White House before it takes effect. If Congress does not act within 70 days, the rule is void.

This would severely limit the power of the executive branch, since no regulations – such as the Environmental Protection Agency's regulation of greenhouse gases – could become effective without approval from both houses of Congress, a high bar. In this way, congressional Republicans are seeking to bring back to Congress the regulatory powers that have gradually devolved to the executive branch during the past 50 years.

Sponsors include Rep. Geoff Davis (R) of Kentucky and Sen. Rand Paul (R) of Kentucky. The bill is endorsed by business groups, including the US Chamber of Commerce, which is launching a summer regulation road show to boost public support.

Republicans and Democrats both back an overhaul to simplify the US tax code, but Republicans would use the savings from such a purge to lower the tax rate for business and the highest-income individuals to 25 percent, down from the current rate of 35 percent.

By comparison, tax rates for the highest-income earners were 69.1 percent in the first year of Ronald Reagan's presidency in 1981 and 94 percent the last year of World War II.

In addition, Republicans are calling for the extension of all the Bush tax cuts, including those for the highest-income brackets, now set to expire on Dec. 31. Republicans also favor allowing US corporations to repatriate profits earned overseas at a lower tax rate.

In a sharp disagreement with Democrats and the White House, Republicans say that the country spends too much, not taxes too little.
Same URL. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: COMPLETELY unhinged, the lot of 'em.

Can you explain what, exactly, makes either of those proposals completely unhinged?

Beacuse the MediaMatters e-mail said so :cuckoo:
Private business creates jobs.
And maybe, just maybe I will decide to hire someone.
If I want to.
NO ONE has a right to a job. A job is EARNED.

Private industry doesn't create lasting jobs either.

What it creates is wealth for a very few people.
The ultimate goal of this research is gene therapy, which replaces the damaged genes in obamanized cells with normal genes to stop the abnormal behavior of these cells. For example, scientists have learned that there is an abnormality of chromosome 3 in many vaginas.

Better understanding of how this may play a role in the development of the liberals might lead to better treatment for liberalism.

Studies are under way to determine the best way to combine external beam therapy and brachytherapy to treat the obamanized cells and limit damage to normal tissue.

researchers do say it's Obama's fault and feel certain he will blame George W Bush

And if anybody is still wondering why most people perceive RWNJs to be incredibly unintelligent, I hereby present the above quote as Exhibit A.

You're just a nasty piece of work. But what Obamabot cult follower, isn't.

And your all sweetness and light.

:lol: :eusa_shhh:
Private business creates jobs.
And maybe, just maybe I will decide to hire someone.
If I want to.
NO ONE has a right to a job. A job is EARNED.

Private industry doesn't create lasting jobs either.

What it creates is wealth for a very few people.

And you would invest your life savings starting a business, work 80 hour weeks risking your entire life savings and not want to get wealthy doing so.
You would want to make sure your employees had a lasting job instead of protecting your investment?
Sure, right.
But I believe it as that mentality has us where we are now. Those that dare take the risks of their entire life savings, bust their ass doing so, are looked down upon as greedy because they do not treat their employees, those that risk NOTHING, ahead of their own interests.
Let me guess.

Since then you have learned to walk two or three routes in the same time it used to take you to do 1. Keep the job another 25 years and you will soon prove that the speed of light is not an actual limitation that the government recognizes.

Mail carriers generally don't walk routes. They drive them. Too many people, too much mail to be carried.

depends on the neighborhood....and the type of delivery they have....the older ones your still walking......the newer ones usually have boxes out by the sidewalks.....some have curbside.....

House I grew up in was a walker, mailbox next to the front door. Now virtually everything I see is box at the curb. Out here in the woods, I also see what appear to be a lot of private contractors driving modified Ford Explorers and whatnot.
Mail carriers generally don't walk routes. They drive them. Too many people, too much mail to be carried.

depends on the neighborhood....and the type of delivery they have....the older ones your still walking......the newer ones usually have boxes out by the sidewalks.....some have curbside.....

House I grew up in was a walker, mailbox next to the front door. Now virtually everything I see is box at the curb. Out here in the woods, I also see what appear to be a lot of private contractors driving modified Ford Explorers and whatnot.

you live on a Rural Route.....those guys negotiate with the PO on how much they will get paid to deliver the route.....but if they want a day off or go on vacation they must find someone to do the route.....thats what i understand anyway.....
depends on the neighborhood....and the type of delivery they have....the older ones your still walking......the newer ones usually have boxes out by the sidewalks.....some have curbside.....

House I grew up in was a walker, mailbox next to the front door. Now virtually everything I see is box at the curb. Out here in the woods, I also see what appear to be a lot of private contractors driving modified Ford Explorers and whatnot.

you live on a Rural Route.....those guys negotiate with the PO on how much they will get paid to deliver the route.....but if they want a day off or go on vacation they must find someone to do the route.....thats what i understand anyway.....
Correct. Most RR carriers are contractors and NOT employees of the postal service. MY carrier told me he does quite well. In fact he said he would not, if the opportunity came up ,become a USPS employee.
Private business creates jobs.
And maybe, just maybe I will decide to hire someone.
If I want to.
NO ONE has a right to a job. A job is EARNED.

Private industry doesn't create lasting jobs either.

What it creates is wealth for a very few people.
HUH?!!!! You are a space shot. Jesus Christ.
Your statement is not only inaccurate, it is untrue.
Private business creates jobs.
And maybe, just maybe I will decide to hire someone.
If I want to.
NO ONE has a right to a job. A job is EARNED.

Private industry doesn't create lasting jobs either.

What it creates is wealth for a very few people.
Yeah, ok son, we believe ya'!:eusa_whistle:

Christ, children these days. Just goes to show how truly screwed up our public education system truly is.:(
1979....openings at the PO.....i went down applied ....weeks one of those jobs created to deliver the Mail.....

Let me guess.

Since then you have learned to walk two or three routes in the same time it used to take you to do 1. Keep the job another 25 years and you will soon prove that the speed of light is not an actual limitation that the government recognizes.

come on down QW.....give it a try.....when i started street times on routes were 2-4 hours depending on the are 7-10.....come on down any one of you fuckers and show us how its done......we will be glad to watch ya's make idiots out of yourselves....

I heard it directly from a supervisor a few years ago when I was having problems with my mail. I told him I understood, and really didn't care what time of the say the mail got there, as long as it actually got there. Mine was lost in limbo somewhere for two months, I was not even getting junk mail.

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