They have lost their fucking minds, full stop period.

1979....openings at the PO.....i went down applied ....weeks one of those jobs created to deliver the Mail.....

Let me guess.

Since then you have learned to walk two or three routes in the same time it used to take you to do 1. Keep the job another 25 years and you will soon prove that the speed of light is not an actual limitation that the government recognizes.

Mail carriers generally don't walk routes. They drive them. Too many people, too much mail to be carried.

That depends on where the route is.
depends on the neighborhood....and the type of delivery they have....the older ones your still walking......the newer ones usually have boxes out by the sidewalks.....some have curbside.....

House I grew up in was a walker, mailbox next to the front door. Now virtually everything I see is box at the curb. Out here in the woods, I also see what appear to be a lot of private contractors driving modified Ford Explorers and whatnot.

you live on a Rural Route.....those guys negotiate with the PO on how much they will get paid to deliver the route.....but if they want a day off or go on vacation they must find someone to do the route.....thats what i understand anyway.....
I have nothing against the PS.........Nominal charge for pretty amazing service is quite cool.......And, our Mail Dude is excellent. Always tip him a couple o' hundred bones for Xmas......But, the local sort center or whatever they call it, recently installed some new sorting system, and it has seriously slowed up certian things........It takes me more than two weeks to receive all the rent checks on our rental properties, when I used to receive them all within a three day period......It's a friggin' pisser, and pain in the ass.
Just a word of caution...don't do whatever it is your Rice Crispies are telling you to do.
When poll results show that just 20% of those polled identify themselves as liberal or progressive, it is advisable to look at one's self for problems and lash out at others.
It is well documented that the lib/socialist/progressive agenda is vastly unpopular.
Do you really think one of your candidates could win an election if he or she ran on "higher taxes" and "more government control over you lives"?

Nice try, but Tea Baggism is running a lot more unpopular than liberal is these days. The Tea Party is actually less favorably viewed than Socialism...

Socialism is more favored than the Tea Party

And that was from January. Since the Tea Party downgrade, I'm sure they are even MORE unpopular now.

And yes, a candidate running on raising taxes and more regulation could certainly win. Perhaps you've heard of Barack Obama?

It doesn't bother you to be used by a group of people to spread a lie? Tea Party downgrade. for shame you can't think for yourself.

And you are really proud to post a poll that say people prefer socialism just to put down your fellow American citizens? is Socialism how you want to live?
come Oct i will be on my Govt job 32 years....
I ha

I have a problem with anyone who views government service as a career. Working for government is public service. Not a career.
You get in, do your thing for a 10 year stretch and get out.
Government service used to be this way. In fact younger people viewed a government job as a stepping stone to something better which was found in the private sector.
Unions are what made government work a career by driving up salaries and benefits to what now far and away exceeds those found in the private sector. Meanwhile we the taxpayers keep forking over more and more to fund this nonsense.
The fact is federal government is bloated and overstuffed. There is no way in hell the federal government should be the nation's largest employer.
We are being fleeced.

so Spoon are telling me i should have just worked ten and got out?....
Under the circumstances, with government employment being far more lucrative and ridiculously out of proportion with the private sector, feeding from the public trough is not a bad idea.
What I am stating to you is, there was never any intent for people to work for government their entire career.
Those days are about to come to an end. Taxpayers can no longer afford, nor do they wish to pay for endless government careers. We want the unions which drive the cost of government work to absurd levels, to go away. We want government workers to pay into the social security system. We want the playing field leveled. We want government employment to revert back to being "in service to the country".
We're sick of career politicians and entrenched government employees who produce nothing but billable hours trying to figure ways to keep their cushy jobs.
Just a word of caution...don't do whatever it is your Rice Crispies are telling you to do.
When poll results show that just 20% of those polled identify themselves as liberal or progressive, it is advisable to look at one's self for problems and lash out at others.
It is well documented that the lib/socialist/progressive agenda is vastly unpopular.
Do you really think one of your candidates could win an election if he or she ran on "higher taxes" and "more government control over you lives"?

Nice try, but Tea Baggism is running a lot more unpopular than liberal is these days. The Tea Party is actually less favorably viewed than Socialism...

Socialism is more favored than the Tea Party

And that was from January. Since the Tea Party downgrade, I'm sure they are even MORE unpopular now.

And yes, a candidate running on raising taxes and more regulation could certainly win. Perhaps you've heard of Barack Obama?
It is? SO where did you get your data from, CNN? MSNBC? Gallup?
Obama did not run on higher taxes and more government control of our everyday lives. Though is was his intent, he never used those words. No politician could or would and expect victory.
The spin the MSM about the Tea Party losing popularity is just that, Spin and nothing else.
The fact that you and your side cannot silence the Tea Party and the conservative movement has you people incensed. Good. Be pissed off. While you people are so busy trying to cut us down, you're not dealing with the issues. No one is going to be interested in candidates that instead of running FOR something, run AGAINST many things.
The country is sick of big government libs and progressives.
We are fighting back. 2010 was just the beginning. 600 federal and state seats changed from democrat to republican. More to come.
Just a word of caution...don't do whatever it is your Rice Crispies are telling you to do.
When poll results show that just 20% of those polled identify themselves as liberal or progressive, it is advisable to look at one's self for problems and lash out at others.
It is well documented that the lib/socialist/progressive agenda is vastly unpopular.
Do you really think one of your candidates could win an election if he or she ran on "higher taxes" and "more government control over you lives"?

Nice try, but Tea Baggism is running a lot more unpopular than liberal is these days. The Tea Party is actually less favorably viewed than Socialism...

Socialism is more favored than the Tea Party

And that was from January. Since the Tea Party downgrade, I'm sure they are even MORE unpopular now.

And yes, a candidate running on raising taxes and more regulation could certainly win. Perhaps you've heard of Barack Obama?
Man, you are about as dumb as they come.

Tea Party downgrade?.........Tea Party rep's voted against the bill, you assclown.

And who signed the bill. Who had Veto power, you slapdick?

It's the Obama economy. It's the Obama failures..........It's the OBAMA downgrade.

CUT CAP AND BALANCE, had it been passed, seeing as though it's the only way to change things, the downgrade would have NEVER happened.......And that comes straight from S&P.

Christ, you Obamabots are friggin' idiots!
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House I grew up in was a walker, mailbox next to the front door. Now virtually everything I see is box at the curb. Out here in the woods, I also see what appear to be a lot of private contractors driving modified Ford Explorers and whatnot.

you live on a Rural Route.....those guys negotiate with the PO on how much they will get paid to deliver the route.....but if they want a day off or go on vacation they must find someone to do the route.....thats what i understand anyway.....
Correct. Most RR carriers are contractors and NOT employees of the postal service. MY carrier told me he does quite well. In fact he said he would not, if the opportunity came up ,become a USPS employee.

i dont blame him, he would be like a new employee and would be at the bottom of the seniority list....and right now the ones with under 7 years seniority may be let go....
Let me guess.

Since then you have learned to walk two or three routes in the same time it used to take you to do 1. Keep the job another 25 years and you will soon prove that the speed of light is not an actual limitation that the government recognizes.

come on down QW.....give it a try.....when i started street times on routes were 2-4 hours depending on the are 7-10.....come on down any one of you fuckers and show us how its done......we will be glad to watch ya's make idiots out of yourselves....

I heard it directly from a supervisor a few years ago when I was having problems with my mail. I told him I understood, and really didn't care what time of the say the mail got there, as long as it actually got there. Mine was lost in limbo somewhere for two months, I was not even getting junk mail.

you were having trouble with your mail and the guy tells you that a carrier can carry 3 routes in the time that he used to do one?......i dont get it.......i think there was a mis-communication between you guys....he had to have meant something one can do that.....well maybe Superman or the Flash....
I have nothing against the PS.........Nominal charge for pretty amazing service is quite cool.......And, our Mail Dude is excellent. Always tip him a couple o' hundred bones for Xmas......But, the local sort center or whatever they call it, recently installed some new sorting system, and it has seriously slowed up certian things........It takes me more than two weeks to receive all the rent checks on our rental properties, when I used to receive them all within a three day period......It's a friggin' pisser, and pain in the ass.

are you serious?.....dam i want you on my route......:lol:......i had a guy that had a business and i caught a mistake he made with the IRS and told him what he might be able to do to get the date changed on mail he was sending them tax payments or he did it and the PO corrected the date for him.....anyway if they would have went out like they were he said it would have cost him like 7-8 thousand bucks in penalties.......the fucker did not even tip me 5 bucks at X-mas.....
Under the circumstances, with government employment being far more lucrative and ridiculously out of proportion with the private sector, feeding from the public trough is not a bad idea.
What I am stating to you is, there was never any intent for people to work for government their entire career.
Those days are about to come to an end. Taxpayers can no longer afford, nor do they wish to pay for endless government careers. We want the unions which drive the cost of government work to absurd levels, to go away. We want government workers to pay into the social security system. We want the playing field leveled. We want government employment to revert back to being "in service to the country".
We're sick of career politicians and entrenched government employees who produce nothing but billable hours trying to figure ways to keep their cushy jobs.

We want government workers to pay into the social security system.

i believe they the PO anyone hired after 1986 is in SS ....i believe the other branches are too....
What can Congress do to create jobs? Five Republican proposals. - REINS Act -

1. REINS Act
The signature jobs initiative for Republicans when Congress returns in September is an attempt to pass the REINS Act (Regulation from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny).

The REINS Act would require Congress to approve every major new regulation proposed by the White House before it takes effect. If Congress does not act within 70 days, the rule is void.

This would severely limit the power of the executive branch, since no regulations – such as the Environmental Protection Agency's regulation of greenhouse gases – could become effective without approval from both houses of Congress, a high bar. In this way, congressional Republicans are seeking to bring back to Congress the regulatory powers that have gradually devolved to the executive branch during the past 50 years.

Sponsors include Rep. Geoff Davis (R) of Kentucky and Sen. Rand Paul (R) of Kentucky. The bill is endorsed by business groups, including the US Chamber of Commerce, which is launching a summer regulation road show to boost public support.
Actually, this should be applied to EVERY regulatory agency and legal opinion from the bench that writes law.
come on down QW.....give it a try.....when i started street times on routes were 2-4 hours depending on the are 7-10.....come on down any one of you fuckers and show us how its done......we will be glad to watch ya's make idiots out of yourselves....

I heard it directly from a supervisor a few years ago when I was having problems with my mail. I told him I understood, and really didn't care what time of the say the mail got there, as long as it actually got there. Mine was lost in limbo somewhere for two months, I was not even getting junk mail.

you were having trouble with your mail and the guy tells you that a carrier can carry 3 routes in the time that he used to do one?......i dont get it.......i think there was a mis-communication between you guys....he had to have meant something one can do that.....well maybe Superman or the Flash....

You are missing my point. He was talking about how his bosses expect him to get carriers to do impossible things. I had no complaint about the carrier on my route, and had actually asked her about the mail. She recommended I file a complaint through the USPS website. I got an email that I had to take something to the local branch office. I don't remember the details as it was over ten years ago, but I do remember the conversation about carriers and routes.
I heard it directly from a supervisor a few years ago when I was having problems with my mail. I told him I understood, and really didn't care what time of the say the mail got there, as long as it actually got there. Mine was lost in limbo somewhere for two months, I was not even getting junk mail.

you were having trouble with your mail and the guy tells you that a carrier can carry 3 routes in the time that he used to do one?......i dont get it.......i think there was a mis-communication between you guys....he had to have meant something one can do that.....well maybe Superman or the Flash....

You are missing my point. He was talking about how his bosses expect him to get carriers to do impossible things. I had no complaint about the carrier on my route, and had actually asked her about the mail. She recommended I file a complaint through the USPS website. I got an email that I had to take something to the local branch office. I don't remember the details as it was over ten years ago, but I do remember the conversation about carriers and routes.

ok...that cleared that up.....the middle management guys still are expecting the impossible......they see no reason why a broken down 60 year old carrier cant handle 2 more hours of street time added to his route and then still do his route in 8 hours.....
When poll results show that just 20% of those polled identify themselves as liberal or progressive, it is advisable to look at one's self for problems and lash out at others.
It is well documented that the lib/socialist/progressive agenda is vastly unpopular.
Do you really think one of your candidates could win an election if he or she ran on "higher taxes" and "more government control over you lives"?

Nice try, but Tea Baggism is running a lot more unpopular than liberal is these days. The Tea Party is actually less favorably viewed than Socialism...

Socialism is more favored than the Tea Party

And that was from January. Since the Tea Party downgrade, I'm sure they are even MORE unpopular now.

And yes, a candidate running on raising taxes and more regulation could certainly win. Perhaps you've heard of Barack Obama?

It doesn't bother you to be used by a group of people to spread a lie? Tea Party downgrade. for shame you can't think for yourself.

I'm sorry if you don't like what the S&P had to say about the downgrade...really I am. Doesn't change the fact that they put the blame pretty squarely on the heads of those not willing to consider revenue increases. That's the Tea Baggers.

And you are really proud to post a poll that say people prefer socialism just to put down your fellow American citizens? is Socialism how you want to live?

Perhaps you should slow down and actually read what was written. I said that not only is "liberalism" more popular than the Tea Baggers, I said that socialism was more popular. Pay better attention next time.
Nice try, but Tea Baggism is running a lot more unpopular than liberal is these days. The Tea Party is actually less favorably viewed than Socialism...

Socialism is more favored than the Tea Party

And that was from January. Since the Tea Party downgrade, I'm sure they are even MORE unpopular now.

And yes, a candidate running on raising taxes and more regulation could certainly win. Perhaps you've heard of Barack Obama?

It doesn't bother you to be used by a group of people to spread a lie? Tea Party downgrade. for shame you can't think for yourself.

I'm sorry if you don't like what the S&P had to say about the downgrade...really I am. Doesn't change the fact that they put the blame pretty squarely on the heads of those not willing to consider revenue increases. That's the Tea Baggers.

And you are really proud to post a poll that say people prefer socialism just to put down your fellow American citizens? is Socialism how you want to live?

Perhaps you should slow down and actually read what was written. I said that not only is "liberalism" more popular than the Tea Baggers, I said that socialism was more popular. Pay better attention next time.

well all you show here is you are not mature enough to bother speaking with.. calling people Tea Baggers and taking your marching orders from MOVEON to call this, the The Tea Party Downgrade, so you are now dismissed. you should stay at moveon. and take a few of the knuckleheads who came over from those site back with you...bye bye
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When poll results show that just 20% of those polled identify themselves as liberal or progressive, it is advisable to look at one's self for problems and lash out at others.
It is well documented that the lib/socialist/progressive agenda is vastly unpopular.
Do you really think one of your candidates could win an election if he or she ran on "higher taxes" and "more government control over you lives"?

Nice try, but Tea Baggism is running a lot more unpopular than liberal is these days. The Tea Party is actually less favorably viewed than Socialism...

Socialism is more favored than the Tea Party

And that was from January. Since the Tea Party downgrade, I'm sure they are even MORE unpopular now.

And yes, a candidate running on raising taxes and more regulation could certainly win. Perhaps you've heard of Barack Obama?
It is? SO where did you get your data from, CNN? MSNBC? Gallup?
Obama did not run on higher taxes and more government control of our everyday lives. Though is was his intent, he never used those words. No politician could or would and expect victory.
The spin the MSM about the Tea Party losing popularity is just that, Spin and nothing else.
The fact that you and your side cannot silence the Tea Party and the conservative movement has you people incensed. Good. Be pissed off. While you people are so busy trying to cut us down, you're not dealing with the issues. No one is going to be interested in candidates that instead of running FOR something, run AGAINST many things.
The country is sick of big government libs and progressives.
We are fighting back. 2010 was just the beginning. 600 federal and state seats changed from democrat to republican. More to come.

By all means, you are free to find a poll that is contrary to that. All the ones that have come out lately puts the Tea Baggers as less popular than gonorrhea.

And yes, Barack Obama ran on higher taxes and on regulation.


In an effort to appeal to labor unions and environmentalists during the campaign, Barack Obama promised that he "will use trade agreements to spread good labor and environmental standards around the world."
Include environmental and labor standards in trade agreements

"I'll put in place the common-sense regulations and rules of the road I've been calling for since March -- rules that will keep our market free, fair, and honest; rules that will restore accountability and responsibility in our corporate boardrooms."
Create new financial regulations

Higher Taxes:

Senator Obama has called for extending the tax cuts affecting the middle class while eliminating those benefitting the wealthiest Americans.
An Updated Analysis of the 2008 Presidential Candidates’ Tax Plans: Revised August 15, 2008
It doesn't bother you to be used by a group of people to spread a lie? Tea Party downgrade. for shame you can't think for yourself.

I'm sorry if you don't like what the S&P had to say about the downgrade...really I am. Doesn't change the fact that they put the blame pretty squarely on the heads of those not willing to consider revenue increases. That's the Tea Baggers.

And you are really proud to post a poll that say people prefer socialism just to put down your fellow American citizens? is Socialism how you want to live?

Perhaps you should slow down and actually read what was written. I said that not only is "liberalism" more popular than the Tea Baggers, I said that socialism was more popular. Pay better attention next time.

well all you show here is you are not mature enough to bother speaking with.. calling people Tea Baggers and taking your marching orders from MOVEON to call this, the The Tea Party Downgrade, so you are now dismissed. you should stay at moveon.

I don't think I've ever intentionally visited Have you? If the Tea Baggers didn't like their title, they should not have adopted it for themselves. As to my maturity, I'll take your disdain of it with a grain of salt...considering your disrespectful depiction of our President.
I'm sorry if you don't like what the S&P had to say about the downgrade...really I am. Doesn't change the fact that they put the blame pretty squarely on the heads of those not willing to consider revenue increases. That's the Tea Baggers.

Perhaps you should slow down and actually read what was written. I said that not only is "liberalism" more popular than the Tea Baggers, I said that socialism was more popular. Pay better attention next time.

well all you show here is you are not mature enough to bother speaking with.. calling people Tea Baggers and taking your marching orders from MOVEON to call this, the The Tea Party Downgrade, so you are now dismissed. you should stay at moveon.

I don't think I've ever intentionally visited Have you? If the Tea Baggers didn't like their title, they should not have adopted it for themselves. As to my maturity, I'll take your disdain of it with a grain of salt...considering your disrespectful depiction of our President.

LOL, you whine about peoples Disrespectful depiction of OUR PRESIDENT then turn around and call people, teabaggers.
and what disrespectful depiction of OUR PRESIDENT would you be talking about?
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LOL, you whine about peoples Disrespectful depiction of OUR PRESIDENT then turn around and call people, teabaggers.
and what disrespectful depiction of OUR PRESIDENT would you be talking about?

See, that's just it, I wasn't the one were. I merely pointed out how ironic it was that you would be sniveling and crying about my calling the Tea Baggers a title they themselves adopted while at the same time displaying a disrespectfully photoshopped picture of the President of the United States.
LOL, you whine about peoples Disrespectful depiction of OUR PRESIDENT then turn around and call people, teabaggers.
and what disrespectful depiction of OUR PRESIDENT would you be talking about?

See, that's just it, I wasn't the one were. I merely pointed out how ironic it was that you would be sniveling and crying about my calling the Tea Baggers a title they themselves adopted while at the same time displaying a disrespectfully photoshopped picture of the President of the United States.

Yeah sure. Carry on. and consider yourself a USEFUL tool..

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