They have lost their fucking minds, full stop period.

they will stop at nothing.

I fear some foreign power is guiding thesse idiots to try and distory our country

Only until they are back in power...then they'll end up doing all the things that the President has been trying to do. Of course, by then it might be too late.

Either that or it's the Shock Doctrine.

Maybe a combination of both...
Once again we have one liberal quoting another liberal........And neither one of 'em can offer up anything of substance.

Friggin' idiots.......No wonder the liberal progressive agenda is going down the friggin' tubes.....The entire agenda is suppoprted by abjectly stupid assclowns.
they will stop at nothing.

I fear some foreign power is guiding thesse idiots to try and distory our country

Only until they are back in power...then they'll end up doing all the things that the President has been trying to do. Of course, by then it might be too late.

Either that or it's the Shock Doctrine.

Maybe a combination of both...
Once again we have one liberal quoting another liberal........And neither one of 'em can offer up anything of substance.

Friggin' idiots.......No wonder the liberal progressive agenda is going down the friggin' tubes.....The entire agenda is suppoprted by abjectly stupid assclowns.

Just a word of caution...don't do whatever it is your Rice Crispies are telling you to do.
What can Congress do to create jobs? Five Republican proposals. - REINS Act -

1. REINS Act
The signature jobs initiative for Republicans when Congress returns in September is an attempt to pass the REINS Act (Regulation from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny).

The REINS Act would require Congress to approve every major new regulation proposed by the White House before it takes effect. If Congress does not act within 70 days, the rule is void.

This would severely limit the power of the executive branch, since no regulations – such as the Environmental Protection Agency's regulation of greenhouse gases – could become effective without approval from both houses of Congress, a high bar. In this way, congressional Republicans are seeking to bring back to Congress the regulatory powers that have gradually devolved to the executive branch during the past 50 years.

Sponsors include Rep. Geoff Davis (R) of Kentucky and Sen. Rand Paul (R) of Kentucky. The bill is endorsed by business groups, including the US Chamber of Commerce, which is launching a summer regulation road show to boost public support.

Republicans and Democrats both back an overhaul to simplify the US tax code, but Republicans would use the savings from such a purge to lower the tax rate for business and the highest-income individuals to 25 percent, down from the current rate of 35 percent.

By comparison, tax rates for the highest-income earners were 69.1 percent in the first year of Ronald Reagan's presidency in 1981 and 94 percent the last year of World War II.

In addition, Republicans are calling for the extension of all the Bush tax cuts, including those for the highest-income brackets, now set to expire on Dec. 31. Republicans also favor allowing US corporations to repatriate profits earned overseas at a lower tax rate.

In a sharp disagreement with Democrats and the White House, Republicans say that the country spends too much, not taxes too little.
Same URL. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo: COMPLETELY unhinged, the lot of 'em.

Can you explain what, exactly, makes either of those proposals completely unhinged?
government produces nothing?

military weaponry

and that's just in ten seconds off the top of my head. government also provides vital services

do you people really think if you say the same thing over and over it makes those tings true?
Jillian....Who builds those roads and bridges?.......The private sector.

Trains.......Yeah, the government runs Amtrak........When has it EVER pulled a profit?......And Obama's stupid ass want to go high speed?........What a fuckin' joke.

Schools......Yeah, just look at the state of our public school system......Way to go government!

Military weaponry?........Built by the private sector.

Hospitals.......Again, private sector.

the government pays for those roads and bridges. those jobs wouldn't exist without the government. and government absolutely has construction and maintenance workers.

the nyc subway, t in boston, bart in san francisco, and the metro in DC are government projects... .all get federal subsidies.

schools... you get out what you put in. my son's in an amazing school and getting an amazing education... as did i. so perhaps if you are displeased with your schools, the problem isn't the government...

weaponry PAID FOR by the government... and wouldn't exist without government funding.

Try again...

ALL of those jobs exist because of the government and all of those things are done because government pays for them.

and medical research... also largely government funded.

Umm.....The government pays for them? And where does the government get the money to pay for those things? Is the government efficient? Does the government waste tons of money needlessly? In most cases private companies are contracted by the government to do those things anyway. But the bureaucracies are like throwing money in the garbage

The Democratic Party 5 step program.

  1. Take the initiative? How will that create jobs?
  2. Tax cuts. Wait, didn't you just say tax cuts were completely unhinged? Democrat tax cuts = low blood pressure, Republican tax cuts = high blood pressure. Sounds like the problem is you.
  3. Tax credits. AKA Tax cuts.
  4. Infrastructure bank. Sounds like a wonderful idea. Instead of Congress being able to decide who gets the money to build windmills, the Executive branch gets to. I can understand why Obama the power mad dictator likes this, why do you?
  5. Revamp the tax code. Again, you like it when one side says it, and hate it when the other side does, Still seems like your problem, and not the Republicans.
What is it about this plan you like, other than the Democrats being for it?
Obama Visits Corporation Where His Stimulus Created 'Green' Jobs at $2 Million Per Job


President Barack Obama on Thursday toured a vehicle battery plant in Michigan, touting his administration’s focus on green technology and jobs, at a corporation where federal money authorized by the economic stimulus law that Obama signed at the beginning of his presidency had created "green" jobs at a cost of about $2 million in federal subsidies per job.

Obama told the employees of Johnson Controls Inc., in Holland, Mich., gathered at the factory that they represented how America can come out of a recession by making products that can be sold around the world.

“Look what’s happening in Holland, Mich.,” said the president. “Every day, hundreds of people are going to work on the technologies that are helping us fight our way out of this recession. Every day you’re building high-tech batteries so that we lead the world in manufacturing the best cars and the best trucks -- that just doesn’t mean jobs in Michigan. You’re buying equipment and parts from suppliers in Florida and New Mexico and Ohio and Wisconsin, all across America.”

The economic stimulus, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, provided $2.4 billion in grants to advanced vehicle batteries technology. From that amount, $300 million in grants went to Johnson Controls to manufacture batteries.

According to the White House, thus far the firm has added 150 jobs because of the grant. That means the government spent about $2 million per job, but only if no more jobs are added.
Obama Visits Corporation Where His Stimulus Created 'Green' Jobs at $2 Million Per Job |
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What can Congress do to create jobs? Five Republican proposals. - REINS Act -

1. REINS Act
The signature jobs initiative for Republicans when Congress returns in September is an attempt to pass the REINS Act (Regulation from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny).

The REINS Act would require Congress to approve every major new regulation proposed by the White House before it takes effect. If Congress does not act within 70 days, the rule is void.

This would severely limit the power of the executive branch, since no regulations – such as the Environmental Protection Agency's regulation of greenhouse gases – could become effective without approval from both houses of Congress, a high bar. In this way, congressional Republicans are seeking to bring back to Congress the regulatory powers that have gradually devolved to the executive branch during the past 50 years.

Sponsors include Rep. Geoff Davis (R) of Kentucky and Sen. Rand Paul (R) of Kentucky. The bill is endorsed by business groups, including the US Chamber of Commerce, which is launching a summer regulation road show to boost public support.

freaking loons...

where are all the pretend constitutionalists talking about congress trying to usurp the power of the executive ... in violation of the constitution?

hmmmmmmm?? :eusa_whistle:

Excuse me?

Can you show me where in the Constitution it spells out that the Executive Branch has the power to regulate anything? If you knew anything about the law at all you would know that Congress delegates the authority to the Executive to make regulations instead of them making laws. They do this, in general, because they are a bunch of lazy fucks who prefer to get paid ridiculous sums of money to do as little work as possible.

Thanks for proving you never actually read the Constitution, studied history, or paid any attention to any news story over the last few decades.
What can Congress do to create jobs? Five Republican proposals. - REINS Act -

1. REINS Act
The signature jobs initiative for Republicans when Congress returns in September is an attempt to pass the REINS Act (Regulation from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny).

The REINS Act would require Congress to approve every major new regulation proposed by the White House before it takes effect. If Congress does not act within 70 days, the rule is void.

This would severely limit the power of the executive branch, since no regulations – such as the Environmental Protection Agency's regulation of greenhouse gases – could become effective without approval from both houses of Congress, a high bar. In this way, congressional Republicans are seeking to bring back to Congress the regulatory powers that have gradually devolved to the executive branch during the past 50 years.

Sponsors include Rep. Geoff Davis (R) of Kentucky and Sen. Rand Paul (R) of Kentucky. The bill is endorsed by business groups, including the US Chamber of Commerce, which is launching a summer regulation road show to boost public support.

Upon closer inspection, this article states "The REINS Act would require Congress to approve every major new regulation proposed by the White House before it takes effect......."

Yet it makes no mention that it's only on laws that would cost more than $100 million

You do not expect honesty, do you?
How, specifically, does a govt agency create a job? I am curious.

1979....openings at the PO.....i went down applied ....weeks one of those jobs created to deliver the Mail.....

Let me guess.

Since then you have learned to walk two or three routes in the same time it used to take you to do 1. Keep the job another 25 years and you will soon prove that the speed of light is not an actual limitation that the government recognizes.
This would severely limit the power of the executive branch, since no regulations – such as the Environmental Protection Agency's regulation of greenhouse gases – could become effective without approval from both houses of Congress, a high bar. In this way, congressional Republicans are seeking to bring back to Congress the regulatory powers that have gradually devolved to the executive branch during the past 50 years.
What the GOP would like is to have such a provision apply only to democratic presidents.

Many republican presidents have gleefully wallowed in the mud hole of the Imperial Presidency.

Although returning the Executive to the original intent of the Framers – where the office is passive, with little power, and mostly administrative – may at first sight seem desirable, unfortunately the effort is tainted with partisan opportunism rather than good faith, as with the notion to repeal the 17th Amendment.

Indeed, this has noting to do with ‘original intent’ but is a partisan effort by the right to undermine the hated administrative entities which conflicts with its ideology. It’s telling the article notes the EPA, as the High Court recently upheld as Constitutional the Agency’s regulatory authority.

Nothing has actually frightened me about the Republicans until this article. Mental illness in a position of power is not a place this country needs to go.
The GOP has been completely unhinged since Obama took office. Some of it has to do with the GOP perceiving the WH as its ‘birth right,’ that only Patrician republicans are ‘worthy’ to be C-in-C.

If you were honest you would support it just because there will eventually be a Republican president that wants to expand power in a way you do not like. Instead you rant and rave because it is going against a president you actually like.


The Democratic Party 5 step program.

  1. Take the initiative? How will that create jobs?
  2. Tax cuts. Wait, didn't you just say tax cuts were completely unhinged? Democrat tax cuts = low blood pressure, Republican tax cuts = high blood pressure. Sounds like the problem is you.
  3. Tax credits. AKA Tax cuts.
  4. Infrastructure bank. Sounds like a wonderful idea. Instead of Congress being able to decide who gets the money to build windmills, the Executive branch gets to. I can understand why Obama the power mad dictator likes this, why do you?
  5. Revamp the tax code. Again, you like it when one side says it, and hate it when the other side does, Still seems like your problem, and not the Republicans.
What is it about this plan you like, other than the Democrats being for it?

Wait a minute. I read that link and either number 2 or number 3 was another $809 billion thrown down the Stimulus drain.

It is number 2:

But liberal Democrats are calling for a program along the lines of the $809 billion stimulus plan that Congress passed in 2009 – only more. Many Democrats still say that their stimulus failed only because it was not robust enough.

What can Congress do to create jobs? Five Democratic proposals. - Extend stimulus spending, lite -

More spending of money we don't have... higher deficits... higher debt and lower credit ratings. Where does it stop?

Only until they are back in power...then they'll end up doing all the things that the President has been trying to do. Of course, by then it might be too late.

Either that or it's the Shock Doctrine.

Maybe a combination of both...
Once again we have one liberal quoting another liberal........And neither one of 'em can offer up anything of substance.

Friggin' idiots.......No wonder the liberal progressive agenda is going down the friggin' tubes.....The entire agenda is suppoprted by abjectly stupid assclowns.

Just a word of caution...don't do whatever it is your Rice Crispies are telling you to do.
When poll results show that just 20% of those polled identify themselves as liberal or progressive, it is advisable to look at one's self for problems and lash out at others.
It is well documented that the lib/socialist/progressive agenda is vastly unpopular.
Do you really think one of your candidates could win an election if he or she ran on "higher taxes" and "more government control over you lives"?
Once again we have one liberal quoting another liberal........And neither one of 'em can offer up anything of substance.

Friggin' idiots.......No wonder the liberal progressive agenda is going down the friggin' tubes.....The entire agenda is suppoprted by abjectly stupid assclowns.

Just a word of caution...don't do whatever it is your Rice Crispies are telling you to do.
When poll results show that just 20% of those polled identify themselves as liberal or progressive, it is advisable to look at one's self for problems and lash out at others.
It is well documented that the lib/socialist/progressive agenda is vastly unpopular.
Do you really think one of your candidates could win an election if he or she ran on "higher taxes" and "more government control over you lives"?

Nice try, but Tea Baggism is running a lot more unpopular than liberal is these days. The Tea Party is actually less favorably viewed than Socialism...

Socialism is more favored than the Tea Party

And that was from January. Since the Tea Party downgrade, I'm sure they are even MORE unpopular now.

And yes, a candidate running on raising taxes and more regulation could certainly win. Perhaps you've heard of Barack Obama?

come Oct i will be on my Govt job 32 years....
I ha

I have a problem with anyone who views government service as a career. Working for government is public service. Not a career.
You get in, do your thing for a 10 year stretch and get out.
Government service used to be this way. In fact younger people viewed a government job as a stepping stone to something better which was found in the private sector.
Unions are what made government work a career by driving up salaries and benefits to what now far and away exceeds those found in the private sector. Meanwhile we the taxpayers keep forking over more and more to fund this nonsense.
The fact is federal government is bloated and overstuffed. There is no way in hell the federal government should be the nation's largest employer.
We are being fleeced.

so Spoon are telling me i should have just worked ten and got out?....
No, he didn't. He worked for his money.

and i got enough worn out body parts including knee surgery to prove it....i dont know any Carrier who has 25 years in who doesnt have one of the following or a few of the following......bad Ankles,knees,lower back problems,shoulder problems and many of the Woman have Wrist problems.......

Okay, I have to ask what are the ladies doing for you that cause their wrist problems? I mean, maybe I should apply at the local post office! :lol:


PS Sorry that is truly an obscene question or at least the implications are obscene.

if you must know......lifting 30-50 pound trays of mail around the truck seems to take its toll on the fairer sex....some of the fairer guys have problems too....
How, specifically, does a govt agency create a job? I am curious.

1979....openings at the PO.....i went down applied ....weeks one of those jobs created to deliver the Mail.....

Let me guess.

Since then you have learned to walk two or three routes in the same time it used to take you to do 1. Keep the job another 25 years and you will soon prove that the speed of light is not an actual limitation that the government recognizes.

come on down QW.....give it a try.....when i started street times on routes were 2-4 hours depending on the are 7-10.....come on down any one of you fuckers and show us how its done......we will be glad to watch ya's make idiots out of yourselves....
Just a word of caution...don't do whatever it is your Rice Crispies are telling you to do.
When poll results show that just 20% of those polled identify themselves as liberal or progressive, it is advisable to look at one's self for problems and lash out at others.
It is well documented that the lib/socialist/progressive agenda is vastly unpopular.
Do you really think one of your candidates could win an election if he or she ran on "higher taxes" and "more government control over you lives"?

Nice try, but Tea Baggism is running a lot more unpopular than liberal is these days. The Tea Party is actually less favorably viewed than Socialism...

Socialism is more favored than the Tea Party

And that was from January. Since the Tea Party downgrade, I'm sure they are even MORE unpopular now.

And yes, a candidate running on raising taxes and more regulation could certainly win. Perhaps you've heard of Barack Obama?

Obama didn't run on raising taxes. Remember his words about promising never to raise taxes on people earning less than $250k? The promise he broke within a week of entering office by raising cigarette taxes.


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