They have lost their fucking minds, full stop period.

were in the hell have you been dipshit?.....the PO has not relied on tax dollars since the 70's....

They havent? Who keeps bailing them out? They lose billions every quarter.

33 Billion this year alone.

The Add they are running right now, is a complete Lie. When the PO breaks even or makes money we don't pay for it.

When it runs 33 Billion Dollar loses, Tax Dollars are used to make up the gap.

Well you know what greenspan said. We can just print money
Private business creates jobs.
And maybe, just maybe I will decide to hire someone.
If I want to.
NO ONE has a right to a job. A job is EARNED.

and yet, you didn't create a job in 8 years of tax cuts for the "job creators".

both government and the private sector create jobs. if the private sector is hoarding cash, as it is now, then government needs to step in.

stop ranting...

you pathetic rightwingnut ideologues haven't gotten it right yet.
Provide evidence where government creates jobs. Federal employment does not apply.
Private industry is sitting back and waiting to see how federal policy is going to affect their businesses. No sane individual or company would expand in this current environment.
Government needs to step in? And do what? Nationalize all business and make new law mandating all companies hire and keep a minimum number employees, limit the power of a business to hire and fire, mandate all companies participate in union contracts, and of course mandate the so-called "living(myth) wage?
Of course you realize the above would result in very high unemployment and all other sorts of calamities.
Look, if you want nationalized industry and an all powerful, all encompassing federal government, please find another country in which to live.
Private business creates jobs.
And maybe, just maybe I will decide to hire someone.
If I want to.
NO ONE has a right to a job. A job is EARNED.

and yet, you didn't create a job in 8 years of tax cuts for the "job creators".

both government and the private sector create jobs. if the private sector is hoarding cash, as it is now, then government needs to step in.

stop ranting...

you pathetic rightwingnut ideologues haven't gotten it right yet.
Provide evidence where government creates jobs. Federal employment does not apply.
Private industry is sitting back and waiting to see how federal policy is going to affect their businesses. No sane individual or company would expand in this current environment.
Government needs to step in? And do what? Nationalize all business and make new law mandating all companies hire and keep a minimum number employees, limit the power of a business to hire and fire, mandate all companies participate in union contracts, and of course mandate the so-called "living(myth) wage?
Of course you realize the above would result in very high unemployment and all other sorts of calamities.
Look, if you want nationalized industry and an all powerful, all encompassing federal government, please find another country in which to live.

According to democrats they can make you buy anything. So forcing employers shouldnt be that far fetched of an idea.
they will stop at nothing.

I fear some foreign power is guiding thesse idiots to try and distory our country

Nothing has actually frightened me about the Republicans until this article. Mental illness in a position of power is not a place this country needs to go.

Lemme guess, you're the product of a drunken back-seat grope fest and a broken condom between rdean and Truthmatters? Talk about thinning the gene pool.


That's fuckin funny!

What's wrong with letting the elected reps of the people review edicts put forth by King Obama?
A republican House wouldn’t consider such a measure if a republican president were in office, issuing equally capricious edicts, signing statements, and EOs.
So you've sucked on the tax payer tit for 32 years? When is enough enough?

were in the hell have you been dipshit?.....the PO has not relied on tax dollars since the 70's....

They havent? Who keeps bailing them out? They lose billions every quarter.

they make their own money.....the only tax money i know of is this......

The USPS does get some taxpayer support. Around $96 million is budgeted annually by Congress for the "Postal Service Fund." These funds are used to compensate USPS for postage-free mailing for all legally blind persons and for mail-in election ballots sent from US citizens living overseas. A portion of the funds also pays USPS for providing address information to state and local child support enforcement agencies.

and they have to pre-fund the Health Care and Pension fund each year ....they are Mandated by Congress to pay 5 Billion Dollars a other Govt Agency or Company in the US have to do far it is estimated that they have overpaid something like 75 Billion since this has been Mandated......and Congress does not want to give it back to them......i wonder why?....
were in the hell have you been dipshit?.....the PO has not relied on tax dollars since the 70's....

They havent? Who keeps bailing them out? They lose billions every quarter.

33 Billion this year alone.

The Add they are running right now, is a complete Lie. When the PO breaks even or makes money we don't pay for it.

When it runs 33 Billion Dollar loses, Tax Dollars are used to make up the gap.

33 BILLION?.....were the hell did you dig that up?.....try 6-8 billion.....and if they did not have to pay the 5 Billion it would only be 1-3 Billion which is along the lines of normalcy for them....
and yet, you didn't create a job in 8 years of tax cuts for the "job creators".

both government and the private sector create jobs. if the private sector is hoarding cash, as it is now, then government needs to step in.

stop ranting...

you pathetic rightwingnut ideologues haven't gotten it right yet.

I created TWO (2)
And bought 2 distressed properties for cheap. Last week they announced that a 350 bed hospital on 150 acres of land will be built in the next 5 years 1/2 mile from it.
Government does not creat ONE JOB. Never has and never will.
The citizen, NOT THE GOVERNMENT, pays for every job in the government sector.
Government is a nothing, a non entity. They do not have to make a profit.
Government IS THE CITIZENS. And citizens are ALL PRIVAT SECTOR.
And I am not right wing. May be pathetic, but sticks and stones. I work.

that's someone who ran my own practice for many years, i salute you and give kudos for setting up your own concern. but we need to create 210,000 jobs a month to keep up with population growth and new potentital employees entering the job market. small business can only do a part of that. and it can only do it when demand is already stimulated.

in june, lost government jobs dragged down the jobs numbers. do you have any idea how many people lost jobs because of the absurdist policies of the right?

government doesn't create jobs?

really? that's an absolute lie...

With about 2.0 million civilian employees, the Federal Government, excluding the Postal Service, is the Nation's largest employer.
About 85 percent of Federal employees work outside the Washington, DC metropolitan area.
A substantial number of job openings will arise as many Federal workers are expected to retire over the next decade; competition is high during times of economic uncertainty, however, when workers seek the stability of Federal employment.

Federal Government
Government employment does NOTHING to stimulate the economy. Government produces NOTHING. It only consumes.
A great economy begins and is maintained in the private sector. Government subverts and smothers private enterprise while creating nothing out of the waste left behind after chewing up( taxing) the private sector and spitting it out.
were in the hell have you been dipshit?.....the PO has not relied on tax dollars since the 70's....

They havent? Who keeps bailing them out? They lose billions every quarter.

they make their own money.....the only tax money i know of is this......

The USPS does get some taxpayer support. Around $96 million is budgeted annually by Congress for the "Postal Service Fund." These funds are used to compensate USPS for postage-free mailing for all legally blind persons and for mail-in election ballots sent from US citizens living overseas. A portion of the funds also pays USPS for providing address information to state and local child support enforcement agencies.

and they have to pre-fund the Health Care and Pension fund each year ....they are Mandated by Congress to pay 5 Billion Dollars a other Govt Agency or Company in the US have to do far it is estimated that they have overpaid something like 75 Billion since this has been Mandated......and Congress does not want to give it back to them......i wonder why?....

A $4 billion bailout for the Postal Service? - David Rogers -

DAMN GOOGLE SUCKS, The crap you must wade through. There does appear to be a legitimate argument saying there is not. So will postpone money owed and let them continue to lose money. GREAT PLAN!
BS waste of time Pub electioneering, absolutely no chance of becoming law...Pubcrappe for the dupes, dismal A-holes...pfffft.
Jobs, jobs, jobs...Don't the dupes EVER get tired of being screwed and lied to? GD MORONS...
Last edited:
BS waste of time Pub electioneering, absolutely no chance of becoming law...Pubcrappe for the dupes, dismal A-holes...pfffft.
Once again, you offer up a real intelligent addition to the conversation.

Once again, proof of liberal "higher education" is fully proven, by yet another dumbass liberal burn out!

Yeah, you liberals sure are an intelligent lot.......Thanks for playin', Sparky
BS waste of time Pub electioneering, absolutely no chance of becoming law...Pubcrappe for the dupes, dismal A-holes...pfffft.
Jobs, jobs, jobs...Don't the dupes EVER get tired of being screwed and lied to? GD MORONS...
Who knew Tourette syndrome affected one's fingers?:lol:
I created TWO (2)
And bought 2 distressed properties for cheap. Last week they announced that a 350 bed hospital on 150 acres of land will be built in the next 5 years 1/2 mile from it.
Government does not creat ONE JOB. Never has and never will.
The citizen, NOT THE GOVERNMENT, pays for every job in the government sector.
Government is a nothing, a non entity. They do not have to make a profit.
Government IS THE CITIZENS. And citizens are ALL PRIVAT SECTOR.
And I am not right wing. May be pathetic, but sticks and stones. I work.

that's someone who ran my own practice for many years, i salute you and give kudos for setting up your own concern. but we need to create 210,000 jobs a month to keep up with population growth and new potentital employees entering the job market. small business can only do a part of that. and it can only do it when demand is already stimulated.

in june, lost government jobs dragged down the jobs numbers. do you have any idea how many people lost jobs because of the absurdist policies of the right?

government doesn't create jobs?

really? that's an absolute lie...

With about 2.0 million civilian employees, the Federal Government, excluding the Postal Service, is the Nation's largest employer.
About 85 percent of Federal employees work outside the Washington, DC metropolitan area.
A substantial number of job openings will arise as many Federal workers are expected to retire over the next decade; competition is high during times of economic uncertainty, however, when workers seek the stability of Federal employment.

Federal Government
Government employment does NOTHING to stimulate the economy. Government produces NOTHING. It only consumes.
A great economy begins and is maintained in the private sector. Government subverts and smothers private enterprise while creating nothing out of the waste left behind after chewing up( taxing) the private sector and spitting it out.

government produces nothing?

military weaponry

and that's just in ten seconds off the top of my head. government also provides vital services

do you people really think if you say the same thing over and over it makes those tings true?

I think what they're trying to say is that govt doesn't produce money making ventures. Almost all those things you mention in your list (except for military weaponry) do not create any wealth. They do provide jobs for sure, but they do not create wealth. But they're not supposed to, that is why they are called services.
that's someone who ran my own practice for many years, i salute you and give kudos for setting up your own concern. but we need to create 210,000 jobs a month to keep up with population growth and new potentital employees entering the job market. small business can only do a part of that. and it can only do it when demand is already stimulated.

in june, lost government jobs dragged down the jobs numbers. do you have any idea how many people lost jobs because of the absurdist policies of the right?

government doesn't create jobs?

really? that's an absolute lie...

Federal Government
Government employment does NOTHING to stimulate the economy. Government produces NOTHING. It only consumes.
A great economy begins and is maintained in the private sector. Government subverts and smothers private enterprise while creating nothing out of the waste left behind after chewing up( taxing) the private sector and spitting it out.

government produces nothing?

military weaponry

and that's just in ten seconds off the top of my head. government also provides vital services

do you people really think if you say the same thing over and over it makes those tings true?
Jillian....Who builds those roads and bridges?.......The private sector.

Trains.......Yeah, the government runs Amtrak........When has it EVER pulled a profit?......And Obama's stupid ass want to go high speed?........What a fuckin' joke.

Schools......Yeah, just look at the state of our public school system......Way to go government!

Military weaponry?........Built by the private sector.

Hospitals.......Again, private sector.
come Oct i will be on my Govt job 32 years....

So you've sucked on the tax payer tit for 32 years? When is enough enough?

No, he didn't. He worked for his money.

and i got enough worn out body parts including knee surgery to prove it....i dont know any Carrier who has 25 years in who doesnt have one of the following or a few of the following......bad Ankles,knees,lower back problems,shoulder problems and many of the Woman have Wrist problems.......
So you've sucked on the tax payer tit for 32 years? When is enough enough?

No, he didn't. He worked for his money.

and i got enough worn out body parts including knee surgery to prove it....i dont know any Carrier who has 25 years in who doesnt have one of the following or a few of the following......bad Ankles,knees,lower back problems,shoulder problems and many of the Woman have Wrist problems.......

Which is one of the reasons I oppose raising the SS eligibility age. It would discriminate against those who work physical jobs there entire lives.

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