They have lost their fucking minds, full stop period.

LOL, you whine about peoples Disrespectful depiction of OUR PRESIDENT then turn around and call people, teabaggers.
and what disrespectful depiction of OUR PRESIDENT would you be talking about?

See, that's just it, I wasn't the one were. I merely pointed out how ironic it was that you would be sniveling and crying about my calling the Tea Baggers a title they themselves adopted while at the same time displaying a disrespectfully photoshopped picture of the President of the United States.

Yeah sure. Carry on. and consider yourself a USEFUL tool..

And Stephanie slinks out with a sad little whimper. Buh bye...
they will stop at nothing.

I fear some foreign power is guiding thesse idiots to try and distory our country

Only until they are back in power...then they'll end up doing all the things that the President has been trying to do. Of course, by then it might be too late.

Either that or it's the Shock Doctrine.

Maybe a combination of both...

I like how you mention this but not how Obama did the same thing with W's policies.

As for your sig, you sound like every other Democrat. Why exactly do you object to voting for Democrats?
they will stop at nothing.

I fear some foreign power is guiding thesse idiots to try and distory our country

Only until they are back in power...then they'll end up doing all the things that the President has been trying to do. Of course, by then it might be too late.

Either that or it's the Shock Doctrine.

Maybe a combination of both...

I like how you mention this but not how Obama did the same thing with W's policies.

As for your sig, you sound like every other Democrat. Why exactly do you object to voting for Democrats?

Because I'd much rather be voting for actual liberals.
Only until they are back in power...then they'll end up doing all the things that the President has been trying to do. Of course, by then it might be too late.

Either that or it's the Shock Doctrine.

Maybe a combination of both...

I like how you mention this but not how Obama did the same thing with W's policies.

As for your sig, you sound like every other Democrat. Why exactly do you object to voting for Democrats?

Because I'd much rather be voting for actual liberals.

Granted I'm relatively new to the board and I've only read a fraction of your posts, but I regularly bash Republicans. I oppose for example the wars in the middle east (not for defense of the US), the war on drugs and government banning abortion. I was a Republican, now I'm not. I never see you taking Democratic politicians or members of the board to task for not being liberal ever. Why is that?
What can Congress do to create jobs? Five Democratic proposals. - Extend stimulus spending, lite -

But liberal Democrats are calling for a program along the lines of the $809 billion stimulus plan that Congress passed in 2009 – only more. Many Democrats still say that their stimulus failed only because it was not robust enough.

Another $809 billion of failed stimulus money? Are you frigging kidding me!!!!!

Screw that shit.

The Republican plans all suck but none as much as bringing the Stimulus money up to $1.6 trillion! You have got to be kidding me! Assholes, that is all that can be said about them.


I think Lunatics might be more appropriate.
See, that's just it, I wasn't the one were. I merely pointed out how ironic it was that you would be sniveling and crying about my calling the Tea Baggers a title they themselves adopted while at the same time displaying a disrespectfully photoshopped picture of the President of the United States.

Yeah sure. Carry on. and consider yourself a USEFUL tool..

And Stephanie slinks out with a sad little whimper. Buh bye...
Ignoring hypocrisy doesn't eliminate it, but rather illuminates it.
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they will stop at nothing.

I fear some foreign power is guiding thesse idiots to try and distory our country

Nothing has actually frightened me about the Republicans until this article. Mental illness in a position of power is not a place this country needs to go.

Lemme guess, you're the product of a drunken back-seat grope fest and a broken condom between rdean and Truthmatters? Talk about thinning the gene pool.


I don't need to guess. You are an old bitch with a dirty mind.
What can Congress do to create jobs? Five Democratic proposals. - Extend stimulus spending, lite -

But liberal Democrats are calling for a program along the lines of the $809 billion stimulus plan that Congress passed in 2009 – only more. Many Democrats still say that their stimulus failed only because it was not robust enough.

Another $809 billion of failed stimulus money? Are you frigging kidding me!!!!!

Screw that shit.

The Republican plans all suck but none as much as bringing the Stimulus money up to $1.6 trillion! You have got to be kidding me! Assholes, that is all that can be said about them.


I think Lunatics might be more appropriate.

I'll compromise... lunatic assholes, but I won't give any more ground.

What can Congress do to create jobs? Five Republican proposals. - REINS Act -

1. REINS Act
The signature jobs initiative for Republicans when Congress returns in September is an attempt to pass the REINS Act (Regulation from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny).

The REINS Act would require Congress to approve every major new regulation proposed by the White House before it takes effect. If Congress does not act within 70 days, the rule is void.

This would severely limit the power of the executive branch, since no regulations – such as the Environmental Protection Agency's regulation of greenhouse gases – could become effective without approval from both houses of Congress, a high bar. In this way, congressional Republicans are seeking to bring back to Congress the regulatory powers that have gradually devolved to the executive branch during the past 50 years.

Sponsors include Rep. Geoff Davis (R) of Kentucky and Sen. Rand Paul (R) of Kentucky. The bill is endorsed by business groups, including the US Chamber of Commerce, which is launching a summer regulation road show to boost public support.
whats the matter with that??sounds like a hell of a good plan to me!!! ps...the lefts attack on America is being stopped and reversed .....did you actually believe we would let a bunch of filthy hippies destroy our country??:cuckoo:
What can Congress do to create jobs? Five Republican proposals. - REINS Act -

1. REINS Act
The signature jobs initiative for Republicans when Congress returns in September is an attempt to pass the REINS Act (Regulation from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny).

The REINS Act would require Congress to approve every major new regulation proposed by the White House before it takes effect. If Congress does not act within 70 days, the rule is void.

This would severely limit the power of the executive branch, since no regulations – such as the Environmental Protection Agency's regulation of greenhouse gases – could become effective without approval from both houses of Congress, a high bar. In this way, congressional Republicans are seeking to bring back to Congress the regulatory powers that have gradually devolved to the executive branch during the past 50 years.

Sponsors include Rep. Geoff Davis (R) of Kentucky and Sen. Rand Paul (R) of Kentucky. The bill is endorsed by business groups, including the US Chamber of Commerce, which is launching a summer regulation road show to boost public support.

I fail to see the problem.
Private business creates jobs.
And maybe, just maybe I will decide to hire someone.
If I want to.
NO ONE has a right to a job. A job is EARNED.



Since, ten years of tax cuts has not caused economic growth, since high corporate profits are not causing economic growth, and since history has repeatedly shown that high taxes are accompanied by increases in GDP, its time to cut the BULLSHIT, increase taxes and get this economy growing again!

Nobody gives a shit if you want to hire anybody. You'll hire when it's profitable to do so, not out of the goodness of your heart. It will become profitable when taxs are increased and you are forced to increase your work force to meet your profit goals.

BTW, the government has created millions of reasonably paying jobs with great benefits - one whole hell of a lot better jobs than most of what the private sector offers.

When the government hires more people, it forces the private sector to to offer higher wages and better benefits in order to attract quality employees.

Anybody that believes that the private sector is going to save this economy is a fool!
What can Congress do to create jobs? Five Republican proposals. - REINS Act -

1. REINS Act
The signature jobs initiative for Republicans when Congress returns in September is an attempt to pass the REINS Act (Regulation from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny).

The REINS Act would require Congress to approve every major new regulation proposed by the White House before it takes effect. If Congress does not act within 70 days, the rule is void.

This would severely limit the power of the executive branch, since no regulations – such as the Environmental Protection Agency's regulation of greenhouse gases – could become effective without approval from both houses of Congress, a high bar. In this way, congressional Republicans are seeking to bring back to Congress the regulatory powers that have gradually devolved to the executive branch during the past 50 years.

Sponsors include Rep. Geoff Davis (R) of Kentucky and Sen. Rand Paul (R) of Kentucky. The bill is endorsed by business groups, including the US Chamber of Commerce, which is launching a summer regulation road show to boost public support.

I fail to see the problem.

You don't think that special interests and lobbyists would strongly influence individual congressman and effectively insure that there was no regulation whatsoever?

Did it ever occur to you that the vast majority of regulations are for very good reasons, that each and every one of them comes only with a strong fight against special interests and lobbyists?

Did it ever occur to you tha some of these regulations are for the good of the American people?

Look what happened when derivatives were deregulated did you learn anything!

You don't think that special interests and lobbyists would strongly influence individual congressman and effectively insure that there was no regulation whatsoever?

Did it ever occur to you that the vast majority of regulations are for very good reasons, that each and every one of them comes only with a strong fight against special interests and lobbyists?

Did it ever occur to you tha some of these regulations are for the good of the American people?

Look what happened when derivatives were deregulated did you learn anything!

I prefer that the executive branch only have the powers given to it in the constitution. We seem to get further away from that with each little regulation.......... And I don't give a flying rats ass if one person thinks it's for the good of the people.
I fail to see the problem.

You don't think that special interests and lobbyists would strongly influence individual congressman and effectively insure that there was no regulation whatsoever?

Did it ever occur to you that the vast majority of regulations are for very good reasons, that each and every one of them comes only with a strong fight against special interests and lobbyists?

Did it ever occur to you tha some of these regulations are for the good of the American people?

Look what happened when derivatives were deregulated did you learn anything!

I prefer that the executive branch only have the powers given to it in the constitution. We seem to get further away from that with each little regulation.......... And I don't give a flying rats ass if one person thinks it's for the good of the people.

I think that you need to study the Constitution a bit closer. Somehow multiple supreme courts have upheld regulations - many, many times over.

But, I'm sure that you hold yourself to be more knowledgeable about the Constitution that several generations of supreme court justices, right?
You don't think that special interests and lobbyists would strongly influence individual congressman and effectively insure that there was no regulation whatsoever?

Did it ever occur to you that the vast majority of regulations are for very good reasons, that each and every one of them comes only with a strong fight against special interests and lobbyists?

Did it ever occur to you tha some of these regulations are for the good of the American people?

Look what happened when derivatives were deregulated did you learn anything!

I prefer that the executive branch only have the powers given to it in the constitution. We seem to get further away from that with each little regulation.......... And I don't give a flying rats ass if one person thinks it's for the good of the people.

I think that you need to study the Constitution a bit closer. Somehow multiple supreme courts have upheld regulations - many, many times over.

But, I'm sure that you hold yourself to be more knowledgeable about the Constitution that several generations of supreme court justices, right?

Nope, never said I knew more than anyone. But I do know for a fact that you are reaching up your ass on this. The USSC has upheld some regulations, they have not ruled at all on most regulations. Nice try though.......
And BTW, my opinion is as good as anyones. Better than some.
And my knowledge depends greatly upon the subject. As my Grandfather would say: " I know enough about everything to understand that I know everything about nothing."
Private business creates jobs.
And maybe, just maybe I will decide to hire someone.
If I want to.
NO ONE has a right to a job. A job is EARNED.



Since, ten years of tax cuts has not caused economic growth, since high corporate profits are not causing economic growth, and since history has repeatedly shown that high taxes are accompanied by increases in GDP, its time to cut the BULLSHIT, increase taxes and get this economy growing again!

Nobody gives a shit if you want to hire anybody. You'll hire when it's profitable to do so, not out of the goodness of your heart. It will become profitable when taxs are increased and you are forced to increase your work force to meet your profit goals.

BTW, the government has created millions of reasonably paying jobs with great benefits - one whole hell of a lot better jobs than most of what the private sector offers.

When the government hires more people, it forces the private sector to to offer higher wages and better benefits in order to attract quality employees.

Anybody that believes that the private sector is going to save this economy is a fool!
Oh please spare us the "workers unite!" nonsense.
The economy was in great shape prior to 2008. Perhaps a little overheated. As a matter of fact, the federal reserve should have raised interest rates to slow the economy.

Now....on to your point.
There is no "right to employment". If there were, then every single applicant would have to be hired.
However, pay should be "reasonable" not "fair"...Fair is much to broad a term and open to wide interpretation.
The argument that business is hanging onto assets rather than expanding and hiring so that profits can be maximized is inaccurate.
Generally, business is in a holding pattern due to the policies of the current presidential administration's policies. The expectation of higher taxes and more crushing regulation is the key element.
Filling government employment rolls does nothing to add or grow the economy. With each hire, government must extract tax dollars from the private sector. Tax dollars from individuals who then have less to spend and less savings. Extract from business which has less to invest and expand.
The facts are clear. Big government with it's multi trillion dollar deficits has the economy of this country growing at a rate under 1%.
SO ,you really want to stick with your story that government is the answer to everything?
Please stop the nonsense.
You don't think that special interests and lobbyists would strongly influence individual congressman and effectively insure that there was no regulation whatsoever?

Did it ever occur to you that the vast majority of regulations are for very good reasons, that each and every one of them comes only with a strong fight against special interests and lobbyists?

Did it ever occur to you tha some of these regulations are for the good of the American people?

Look what happened when derivatives were deregulated did you learn anything!

I prefer that the executive branch only have the powers given to it in the constitution. We seem to get further away from that with each little regulation.......... And I don't give a flying rats ass if one person thinks it's for the good of the people.

I think that you need to study the Constitution a bit closer. Somehow multiple supreme courts have upheld regulations - many, many times over.

But, I'm sure that you hold yourself to be more knowledgeable about the Constitution that several generations of supreme court justices, right?
Please provide examples.
Private business creates jobs.
And maybe, just maybe I will decide to hire someone.
If I want to.
NO ONE has a right to a job. A job is EARNED.



Since, ten years of tax cuts has not caused economic growth, since high corporate profits are not causing economic growth, and since history has repeatedly shown that high taxes are accompanied by increases in GDP, its time to cut the BULLSHIT, increase taxes and get this economy growing again!

Nobody gives a shit if you want to hire anybody. You'll hire when it's profitable to do so, not out of the goodness of your heart. It will become profitable when taxs are increased and you are forced to increase your work force to meet your profit goals.

BTW, the government has created millions of reasonably paying jobs with great benefits - one whole hell of a lot better jobs than most of what the private sector offers.

When the government hires more people, it forces the private sector to to offer higher wages and better benefits in order to attract quality employees.

Anybody that believes that the private sector is going to save this economy is a fool!
Next time, before you post, you might want to know what the hell you're talking about.

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