They have lost their fucking minds, full stop period.

I doubt you earn half of what either me or my wife make!

My political views are NOT based on my own welfare, like your's apparently are. My political views are based on love for my country and for my fellow Americans.

Something that I doubt you would understand!
Ollie is retired career military.........He understands far more about love of country and his fellow american citizens then you obviously do.

Just admit it, you're a fuckin' socialist to the core.

Retired military? A few years ago if we had encountered each other he would have called me 'Sir'!

Don't give me that Military= patriot bullshit. I've worked with military people for years. Most are jackasses and dumbasses, which is why I was doing what they could not.

And no, I'm not a socialist, in a real sense of the word. I'm some one that believes in the philosophies of the founding fathers, not the cold war bullshit (British Conservative party)that we've been fed.

You should read some Thomas Paine!

I have serious doubts I would have ever called you Sir.
Fuck you Dickweed. I've given my fair share and then some. And still giving. You on the other hand seem to be one of the takers The gimme it's my right type. Well BS to that, You get off your ass and earn what you get like I had to.

I doubt you earn half of what either me or my wife make!

My political views are NOT based on my own welfare, like your's apparently are. My political views are based on love for my country and for my fellow Americans.

Something that I doubt you would understand!

I don't understand love of country? That just got you a big fucking negative asswipe. Do you have any fucking clue as to what SFC stands for and what I still do every week? Obviously you don't........ But thats OK, I can't stand your socialist ass anyway.

Career Military!


You get your paycheck from the government!

You have unlimited job security!

You get a government healthcare and benefits plan!

You get a government pension!


Even Milton Freiedman says so!

What a fucking joke...Mr. SOCIALIST HIMSELF Preaching the capitalist gospel!

Try living in the working world of the private enterprise society sometime, like I have. Then you can talk about capitalism vs. socialism.

Until then STFU!
First, I didn't say that all employers should be responsible for 100% employment. But the government should be.

Second, just about all business owners are very greedy people, and though there are some that truly cannot afford health insurance and benefits, there are many that can, but do not.

Thirdly, most small business owners treat their employees (and customers) like shit. They'll pay as little as they can get away with - and give as little benefits as well.

Ask yourself this:

How many employers are members of country clubs?

How many could provide benefits to their employees just by foregoing their country-club membership?

Their greed is manifest thru their high standards of living - they may not see themselves as greedy, but everytime they buy a lexus as opposed to a chevy, everytime they buy a summer home or a Disney vacation they are choosing to engorge themselves instead of providing their employees with a reasonable standard of living.

Of course this is why the Libs want socialized healthcare.
Just about all business owners are greedy?.......Got a link to prove that?

Most small business owners treat their employees (and customers) like shit?.......Yeah....Once again, got proof?......Sounds to me like you're just pissed because you can't keep a job, and probably get treated like shit as a customer because you're an uppity idiot.

How many employers are members of country clubs?........Who gives a shit, seriously?

How many could provide benefits to their employees just by foregoing their country club membership......Who the fuck are you to tell them what to do with their money?

Who the fuck are you tell them what kind of car to by. When they can buy a summer home, or take a Disney vacation?

I'm sitting poolside right now, outside our 4000 SF home, overlooking one of the most beautiful ocean views in the world....Just got back last week from a two week vacation to Italy with the wife. Took a carribean cruise with my twin daughters for a lil' father daughter time just before that.......Got an H3 hummer, Mercedes CL63 AMG, 3 custom classic muscle cars, a Harley Heritage, Custom West Coast Choppers Rigid Lowrider, and the wife is out in her Escalade as we speak...Kids college funds are fully set. They don't have to worry about shit...This was all obtained by being a responsible business owner......Nothing was handed to us......So tell me, why should I give a rats ass what you think?......It's our money, not yours. You are not entitled to one red cent of it.

You are responsible for yourself. Nobody owes you anything.

You owe the people that earned your wealth (that would be your employees) fair pay.

You may congradulate yourself for being a successful thief, but it's doubtful that you have ever contributed to this soceity on a par with your life style.

BTW, you sound like you live in my Dad's neighborhood.
I earned my wealth by busting my ass right alongside my employees. I took good care of my employees. Provided them benefits with good pay......But in no way was I obligated too, nor was anybody going to force me to do it.........Nor did any of my employees have a RIGHT to their jobs, or benefits......If they sucked, they were sent packing without a second thought. I certainly never lost sleep in having to do away with dead weight.

You seem to think that slackers and the irresposible are entitled by RIGHT to good pay and benefits......BULLSHIT!

Thief?'re a fucking idiot.

Andif your father can afford to live in this neighborhood, he must be a thief, and one of those people socialist lefty's like you despise, correct?
Last edited:
Ollie is retired career military.........He understands far more about love of country and his fellow american citizens then you obviously do.

Just admit it, you're a fuckin' socialist to the core.

Retired military? A few years ago if we had encountered each other he would have called me 'Sir'!

Don't give me that Military= patriot bullshit. I've worked with military people for years. Most are jackasses and dumbasses, which is why I was doing what they could not.

And no, I'm not a socialist, in a real sense of the word. I'm some one that believes in the philosophies of the founding fathers, not the cold war bullshit (British Conservative party)that we've been fed.

You should read some Thomas Paine!

I have serious doubts I would have ever called you Sir.

Woulda had to, not that I liked it, but military personnel were required. I pretty much only associated with senior officers (and a few congress people occasionally).
Just about all business owners are greedy?.......Got a link to prove that?

Most small business owners treat their employees (and customers) like shit?.......Yeah....Once again, got proof?......Sounds to me like you're just pissed because you can't keep a job, and probably get treated like shit as a customer because you're an uppity idiot.

How many employers are members of country clubs?........Who gives a shit, seriously?

How many could provide benefits to their employees just by foregoing their country club membership......Who the fuck are you to tell them what to do with their money?

Who the fuck are you tell them what kind of car to by. When they can buy a summer home, or take a Disney vacation?

I'm sitting poolside right now, outside our 4000 SF home, overlooking one of the most beautiful ocean views in the world....Just got back last week from a two week vacation to Italy with the wife. Took a carribean cruise with my twin daughters for a lil' father daughter time just before that.......Got an H3 hummer, Mercedes CL63 AMG, 3 custom classic muscle cars, a Harley Heritage, Custom West Coast Choppers Rigid Lowrider, and the wife is out in her Escalade as we speak...Kids college funds are fully set. They don't have to worry about shit...This was all obtained by being a responsible business owner......Nothing was handed to us......So tell me, why should I give a rats ass what you think?......It's our money, not yours. You are not entitled to one red cent of it.

You are responsible for yourself. Nobody owes you anything.

You owe the people that earned your wealth (that would be your employees) fair pay.

You may congradulate yourself for being a successful thief, but it's doubtful that you have ever contributed to this soceity on a par with your life style.

BTW, you sound like you live in my Dad's neighborhood.
I earned my wealth by busting my ass right alongside my employees. I took good care of my employees. Provided them benefits with good pay......But in no way was I obligated too, nor was anybody going to force me to do it.........Nor did any of my employees have a RIGHT to their jobs, or benefits......If they sucked, they were sent packing without a second thought. I certainly never lost sleep in having to do away with dead weight.

You seem to think that slackers and the irresposible are entitled by RIGHT to good pay and benefits......BULLSHIT!

Thief?'re a fucking idiot.

Andif your father can afford to live in this neighborhood, he must be a thief, and one of those people socialist lefty's like you despise, correct?

Can't you fucking read!

I said FAIR PAY, not neccessarily GOOD PAY.

Employees have a responsibilty (those go along with rights), to do a good job. If people are 'SLACKERS), which most employees are not, then they deserver apy commenssurate with what they deserve.

BTW, even the latest Catholic catechism cites that underpaying employees is a form of thievery.

And yes, I believe that my Wall St. executive father was grossly overpaid.

Also, as you said you made your money by "busting my ass right alongside my employees".

Did your employees get paid equivalently?
Retired military? A few years ago if we had encountered each other he would have called me 'Sir'!

Don't give me that Military= patriot bullshit. I've worked with military people for years. Most are jackasses and dumbasses, which is why I was doing what they could not.

And no, I'm not a socialist, in a real sense of the word. I'm some one that believes in the philosophies of the founding fathers, not the cold war bullshit (British Conservative party)that we've been fed.

You should read some Thomas Paine!

I have serious doubts I would have ever called you Sir.

Woulda had to, not that I liked it, but military personnel were required. I pretty much only associated with senior officers (and a few congress people occasionally).
You're a fuckin' liar.........No officer I ever served with would talk about the military like you do. They damn sure wouldn't talk about career NCO's the way you do. They fully understand, that without those NCO's who are the backbone of the military running the show, they would be left standing there with their lil' needledicks in their hands.
I have serious doubts I would have ever called you Sir.

Woulda had to, not that I liked it, but military personnel were required. I pretty much only associated with senior officers (and a few congress people occasionally).
You're a fuckin' liar.........No officer I ever served with would talk about the military like you do. They damn sure wouldn't talk about career NCO's the way you do. They fully understand, that without those NCO's who are the backbone of the military running the show, they would be left standing there with their lil' needledicks in their hands.

I wasn't in the military, idiot, so I could speak my mind. Like I said, I'm a private industry type of guy. Not a military socialist like you.
I doubt you earn half of what either me or my wife make!

My political views are NOT based on my own welfare, like your's apparently are. My political views are based on love for my country and for my fellow Americans.

Something that I doubt you would understand!

I don't understand love of country? That just got you a big fucking negative asswipe. Do you have any fucking clue as to what SFC stands for and what I still do every week? Obviously you don't........ But thats OK, I can't stand your socialist ass anyway.

Career Military!


You get your paycheck from the government!

You have unlimited job security!

You get a government healthcare and benefits plan!

You get a government pension!


Even Milton Freiedman says so!

What a fucking joke...Mr. SOCIALIST HIMSELF Preaching the capitalist gospel!

Try living in the working world of the private enterprise society sometime, like I have. Then you can talk about capitalism vs. socialism.

Until then STFU!

Hey dumb ass, I was the General manager of a home improvement company for many years after I left the service. Do play again sometime.

And the military is not socialist, I don't see how you idiots can believe that dribble. You think we didn't earn every dime we ever got? And there is no free healthcare for a military retiree today. Bet you didn't know that either. In fact congress is talking shit about charging us more for our healthcare again...... But we're used to it, every time congress needs money it seems they look at us first. But what would you know or care about that, you got yours right?
Why not come join me while I put in my volunteer hours at the VA clinic each week, or come stand over some veterans grave while we fire our rifles in honor to him, or like yesterday when we presented a new flag to a section 8 housing apartment for single seniors. Or how about spending a few hours doing research to find a veterans discharge so you can get VA to make a grave marker because his grave is unmarked.

You haven't a clue................................
You owe the people that earned your wealth (that would be your employees) fair pay.

You may congradulate yourself for being a successful thief, but it's doubtful that you have ever contributed to this soceity on a par with your life style.

BTW, you sound like you live in my Dad's neighborhood.
I earned my wealth by busting my ass right alongside my employees. I took good care of my employees. Provided them benefits with good pay......But in no way was I obligated too, nor was anybody going to force me to do it.........Nor did any of my employees have a RIGHT to their jobs, or benefits......If they sucked, they were sent packing without a second thought. I certainly never lost sleep in having to do away with dead weight.

You seem to think that slackers and the irresposible are entitled by RIGHT to good pay and benefits......BULLSHIT!

Thief?'re a fucking idiot.

Andif your father can afford to live in this neighborhood, he must be a thief, and one of those people socialist lefty's like you despise, correct?

Can't you fucking read!

I said FAIR PAY, not neccessarily GOOD PAY.

Employees have a responsibilty (those go along with rights), to do a good job. If people are 'SLACKERS), which most employees are not, then they deserver apy commenssurate with what they deserve.

BTW, even the latest Catholic catechism cites that underpaying employees is a form of thievery.

And yes, I believe that my Wall St. executive father was grossly overpaid.

Also, as you said you made your money by "busting my ass right alongside my employees".

Did your employees get paid equivalently?
Why should they have been paid equivalently?

It wasn't their risk.

It wasn't their credit on the line.

It wasn't their reputation on the line.

It wasn't their headaches.

They weren't signing the checks.

They got paid for what they did. I owed them nothing more, period.
I don't understand love of country? That just got you a big fucking negative asswipe. Do you have any fucking clue as to what SFC stands for and what I still do every week? Obviously you don't........ But thats OK, I can't stand your socialist ass anyway.

Career Military!


You get your paycheck from the government!

You have unlimited job security!

You get a government healthcare and benefits plan!

You get a government pension!


Even Milton Freiedman says so!

What a fucking joke...Mr. SOCIALIST HIMSELF Preaching the capitalist gospel!

Try living in the working world of the private enterprise society sometime, like I have. Then you can talk about capitalism vs. socialism.

Until then STFU!

Hey dumb ass, I was the General manager of a home improvement company for many years after I left the service. Do play again sometime.

And the military is not socialist, I don't see how you idiots can believe that dribble. You think we didn't earn every dime we ever got? And there is no free healthcare for a military retiree today. Bet you didn't know that either. In fact congress is talking shit about charging us more for our healthcare again...... But we're used to it, every time congress needs money it seems they look at us first. But what would you know or care about that, you got yours right?
Why not come join me while I put in my volunteer hours at the VA clinic each week, or come stand over some veterans grave while we fire our rifles in honor to him, or like yesterday when we presented a new flag to a section 8 housing apartment for single seniors. Or how about spending a few hours doing research to find a veterans discharge so you can get VA to make a grave marker because his grave is unmarked.

You haven't a clue................................

Hey, I'm sure that you do very nice things. Overall, I have a huge respect for the military.

But that doesn't change the fact the the military is a SOCIALIST organization.

And if you've had your career in the military, then you are a de facto socialist, regardless of what you preach.

Just listen to what you said:

"In fact congress is talking shit about charging us more for our healthcare again"

You get you benefits at the descretion of CONGRESS.

That makes you a:

Career Military!


You get your paycheck from the government!

You have unlimited job security!

You get a government healthcare and benefits plan!

You get a government pension!


Even Milton Freiedman says so!

What a fucking joke...Mr. SOCIALIST HIMSELF Preaching the capitalist gospel!

Try living in the working world of the private enterprise society sometime, like I have. Then you can talk about capitalism vs. socialism.

Until then STFU!

Hey dumb ass, I was the General manager of a home improvement company for many years after I left the service. Do play again sometime.

And the military is not socialist, I don't see how you idiots can believe that dribble. You think we didn't earn every dime we ever got? And there is no free healthcare for a military retiree today. Bet you didn't know that either. In fact congress is talking shit about charging us more for our healthcare again...... But we're used to it, every time congress needs money it seems they look at us first. But what would you know or care about that, you got yours right?
Why not come join me while I put in my volunteer hours at the VA clinic each week, or come stand over some veterans grave while we fire our rifles in honor to him, or like yesterday when we presented a new flag to a section 8 housing apartment for single seniors. Or how about spending a few hours doing research to find a veterans discharge so you can get VA to make a grave marker because his grave is unmarked.

You haven't a clue................................

Hey, I'm sure that you do very nice things. Overall, I have a huge respect for the military.

But that doesn't change the fact the the military is a SOCIALIST organization.

And if you've had your career in the military, then you are a de facto socialist, regardless of what you preach.

Just listen to what you said:

"In fact congress is talking shit about charging us more for our healthcare again"

You get you benefits at the descretion of CONGRESS.

That makes you a:


Believe what you like, personally I believe you are probably a




I earned my wealth by busting my ass right alongside my employees. I took good care of my employees. Provided them benefits with good pay......But in no way was I obligated too, nor was anybody going to force me to do it.........Nor did any of my employees have a RIGHT to their jobs, or benefits......If they sucked, they were sent packing without a second thought. I certainly never lost sleep in having to do away with dead weight.

You seem to think that slackers and the irresposible are entitled by RIGHT to good pay and benefits......BULLSHIT!

Thief?'re a fucking idiot.

Andif your father can afford to live in this neighborhood, he must be a thief, and one of those people socialist lefty's like you despise, correct?

Can't you fucking read!

I said FAIR PAY, not neccessarily GOOD PAY.

Employees have a responsibilty (those go along with rights), to do a good job. If people are 'SLACKERS), which most employees are not, then they deserver apy commenssurate with what they deserve.

BTW, even the latest Catholic catechism cites that underpaying employees is a form of thievery.

And yes, I believe that my Wall St. executive father was grossly overpaid.

Also, as you said you made your money by "busting my ass right alongside my employees".

Did your employees get paid equivalently?
Why should they have been paid equivalently?

It wasn't their risk.

It wasn't their credit on the line.

It wasn't their reputation on the line.

It wasn't their headaches.

They weren't signing the checks.

They got paid for what they did. I owed them nothing more, period.

Business risk has been minimal in the U.S. for the past 80 years or more, return for risk is so overblown by employers it's incredible.

You were their headache and every day they had risk.

Did they really get paid for what they did or just a percentage of it.

It's not impossible that an employers treats employees fairly, but I've never seen it, and I've worked for quite a few small and medium empoyeers. I'm also good at estimating the true value of my work, and none has paid on par with what I've earned.

That's the nature of 'Profit', getting more out of something than you put into it. SOme profit for risk is reasonable, but most employers believe in unlimited profit.

I'll bet you paid yourself an indulgent salary and got profits to boot. Did you offer profit sharing?
Hey dumb ass, I was the General manager of a home improvement company for many years after I left the service. Do play again sometime.

And the military is not socialist, I don't see how you idiots can believe that dribble. You think we didn't earn every dime we ever got? And there is no free healthcare for a military retiree today. Bet you didn't know that either. In fact congress is talking shit about charging us more for our healthcare again...... But we're used to it, every time congress needs money it seems they look at us first. But what would you know or care about that, you got yours right?
Why not come join me while I put in my volunteer hours at the VA clinic each week, or come stand over some veterans grave while we fire our rifles in honor to him, or like yesterday when we presented a new flag to a section 8 housing apartment for single seniors. Or how about spending a few hours doing research to find a veterans discharge so you can get VA to make a grave marker because his grave is unmarked.

You haven't a clue................................

Hey, I'm sure that you do very nice things. Overall, I have a huge respect for the military.

But that doesn't change the fact the the military is a SOCIALIST organization.

And if you've had your career in the military, then you are a de facto socialist, regardless of what you preach.

Just listen to what you said:

"In fact congress is talking shit about charging us more for our healthcare again"

You get you benefits at the descretion of CONGRESS.

That makes you a:


Believe what you like, personally I believe you are probably a





I know, the truth hurts.
So here we have a person who talks like a socialist on welfare yet wants us to believe he did business with Congressmen and only the upper echelon of the military. He believes that all business men and employers cheat they're workers and believes that all workers should get a share of the profit because businesses are not a risk.

Oh and wants us to believe that his own father was a big shot executive on Wall Street who was over payed.

Is this clown for real?
What a fucking joke.
Can't you fucking read!

I said FAIR PAY, not neccessarily GOOD PAY.

Employees have a responsibilty (those go along with rights), to do a good job. If people are 'SLACKERS), which most employees are not, then they deserver apy commenssurate with what they deserve.

BTW, even the latest Catholic catechism cites that underpaying employees is a form of thievery.

And yes, I believe that my Wall St. executive father was grossly overpaid.

Also, as you said you made your money by "busting my ass right alongside my employees".

Did your employees get paid equivalently?
Why should they have been paid equivalently?

It wasn't their risk.

It wasn't their credit on the line.

It wasn't their reputation on the line.

It wasn't their headaches.

They weren't signing the checks.

They got paid for what they did. I owed them nothing more, period.

Business risk has been minimal in the U.S. for the past 80 years or more, return for risk is so overblown by employers it's incredible.

You were their headache and every day they had risk.

Did they really get paid for what they did or just a percentage of it.

It's not impossible that an employers treats employees fairly, but I've never seen it, and I've worked for quite a few small and medium empoyeers. I'm also good at estimating the true value of my work, and none has paid on par with what I've earned.

That's the nature of 'Profit', getting more out of something than you put into it. SOme profit for risk is reasonable, but most employers believe in unlimited profit.

I'll bet you paid yourself an indulgent salary and got profits to boot. Did you offer profit sharing?
Seriously dude, you're a fucking clown.

Why would I offer profit sharing?.........It was my business, not there's. It was my profits in the end.......Btw, they were paid through the profits. No profits mean no pay. No profits mean no business. No profits means no jobs.

What, would be the point of risking everything just to break even?

BTW, in the restaurant business, you generally don't make shit the first 6 months to a year after opening a new venture. Many end up closing in that time, if no safety net is in place.... So in that time, they were paid straight through my wife and I. In that first year or so, we basically lived off what was left of the bank loan, and my wifes salary as a court reporter. I didn't make a damn dime in that time.

I was paid after the bills of doing business were paid. Once the overhead was paid. My employees were paid BEFORE me.
So here we have a person who talks like a socialist on welfare yet wants us to believe he did business with Congressmen and only the upper echelon of the military. He believes that all business men and employers cheat they're workers and believes that all workers should get a share of the profit because businesses are not a risk.

Oh and wants us to believe that his own father was a big shot executive on Wall Street who was over payed.

Is this clown for real?
What a fucking joke.

It's kind of odd that you think of yourself as being a patriot.

You should really read up on the philosophies of the founding fathers. In particular Thomas Paine. It seems to me that first you should understand America before you declare your patriotism.

You seem to believe more in the philosophies of the european conservatives, than in American philosophy.

BTW, I did not do business with the military or congress. I worked for a contractor that did.

One of those small overseas operations that has civilians working in somewhat military roles...I'm sure your familiar with that type of operation...just about everyone else is.

Or maybe an SFC doesn't mix with that sort of company.
So here we have a person who talks like a socialist on welfare yet wants us to believe he did business with Congressmen and only the upper echelon of the military. He believes that all business men and employers cheat they're workers and believes that all workers should get a share of the profit because businesses are not a risk.

Oh and wants us to believe that his own father was a big shot executive on Wall Street who was over payed.

Is this clown for real?
What a fucking joke.
No shit, Sarge.

And i'm sure he was bitching his ass off while his father probably afforded him a very comfortable life, while being overpayed.

And then, he calls me a "thief", but his father was just "overpayed".

Something tells me he wouldn't call his father a thief to his face, 'cause of the risk of having the gravy train derailed.
So here we have a person who talks like a socialist on welfare yet wants us to believe he did business with Congressmen and only the upper echelon of the military. He believes that all business men and employers cheat they're workers and believes that all workers should get a share of the profit because businesses are not a risk.

Oh and wants us to believe that his own father was a big shot executive on Wall Street who was over payed.

Is this clown for real?
What a fucking joke.
No shit, Sarge.

And i'm sure he was bitching his ass off while his father probably afforded him a very comfortable life, while being overpayed.

And then, he calls me a "thief", but his father was just "overpayed".

Something tells me he wouldn't call his father a thief to his face, 'cause of the risk of having the gravy train derailed.

And now I do believe he wants us to believe he was some special agent type for Blackwater...........

LOL This is too funny...................
So here we have a person who talks like a socialist on welfare yet wants us to believe he did business with Congressmen and only the upper echelon of the military. He believes that all business men and employers cheat they're workers and believes that all workers should get a share of the profit because businesses are not a risk.

Oh and wants us to believe that his own father was a big shot executive on Wall Street who was over payed.

Is this clown for real?
What a fucking joke.
No shit, Sarge.

And i'm sure he was bitching his ass off while his father probably afforded him a very comfortable life, while being overpayed.

And then, he calls me a "thief", but his father was just "overpayed".

Something tells me he wouldn't call his father a thief to his face, 'cause of the risk of having the gravy train derailed.

And now I do believe he wants us to believe he was some special agent type for Blackwater...........

LOL This is too funny...................

Hey idiot, I'm an Electrical Engineer. Your military experience should tell you that the military puts VERY HIGH VALUE on people like me. Especially ones that they can get to work at remote places overseas.

Nope. I wasn't a special agent type for blackwater. I was more the guy that the special agents from forgien countries would have liked to kill.

That's why I had quite a few grunts watching my behind. (As you know they weren't there to protect me).
So here we have a person who talks like a socialist on welfare yet wants us to believe he did business with Congressmen and only the upper echelon of the military. He believes that all business men and employers cheat they're workers and believes that all workers should get a share of the profit because businesses are not a risk.

Oh and wants us to believe that his own father was a big shot executive on Wall Street who was over payed.

Is this clown for real?
What a fucking joke.

It's kind of odd that you think of yourself as being a patriot.

You should really read up on the philosophies of the founding fathers. In particular Thomas Paine. It seems to me that first you should understand America before you declare your patriotism.

You seem to believe more in the philosophies of the european conservatives, than in American philosophy.

BTW, I did not do business with the military or congress. I worked for a contractor that did.

One of those small overseas operations that has civilians working in somewhat military roles...I'm sure your familiar with that type of operation...just about everyone else is.

Or maybe an SFC doesn't mix with that sort of company.

It's kind of odd that you think of yourself as being a patriot.

hold on their asshat Ollies patriotism has never once been in questioned I suggest you put on a uniform and kiss his ass.

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