They have lost their fucking minds, full stop period.

Private business creates jobs.
And maybe, just maybe I will decide to hire someone.
If I want to.
NO ONE has a right to a job. A job is EARNED.



Since, ten years of tax cuts has not caused economic growth, since high corporate profits are not causing economic growth, and since history has repeatedly shown that high taxes are accompanied by increases in GDP, its time to cut the BULLSHIT, increase taxes and get this economy growing again!

Nobody gives a shit if you want to hire anybody. You'll hire when it's profitable to do so, not out of the goodness of your heart. It will become profitable when taxs are increased and you are forced to increase your work force to meet your profit goals.

BTW, the government has created millions of reasonably paying jobs with great benefits - one whole hell of a lot better jobs than most of what the private sector offers.

When the government hires more people, it forces the private sector to to offer higher wages and better benefits in order to attract quality employees.

Anybody that believes that the private sector is going to save this economy is a fool!

Respectfully, only an idiot believesgovernment solves economic problems in a capitalist sodiety. News flash Moe: We B a capitalist society. Move to Venuzuelaif you like. Delta is ready when you are.
Jobs are earned. No one has a right to a job. You have to earn your keep.
You have obviously never hired anyone, run a business and seen the current demands employees, most young with no skills or common sense, have on small business.
But you are young so we will give you a pass.
Your theory is that those that are lazy, live unhealthy lifestyles, fail to educate themselves for what is in demand and incompetent deserve ajob with fair pay and fair working conditions.
You can go ahead and hire all you want. Have at it Moe. Pay them all 100K a year for a 30 hour week. I will support you 100%.
But get your God Damn hands out of my pocket.
Last edited:
Private business creates jobs.
And maybe, just maybe I will decide to hire someone.
If I want to.
NO ONE has a right to a job. A job is EARNED.



Since, ten years of tax cuts has not caused economic growth, since high corporate profits are not causing economic growth, and since history has repeatedly shown that high taxes are accompanied by increases in GDP, its time to cut the BULLSHIT, increase taxes and get this economy growing again!

Nobody gives a shit if you want to hire anybody. You'll hire when it's profitable to do so, not out of the goodness of your heart. It will become profitable when taxs are increased and you are forced to increase your work force to meet your profit goals.

BTW, the government has created millions of reasonably paying jobs with great benefits - one whole hell of a lot better jobs than most of what the private sector offers.

When the government hires more people, it forces the private sector to to offer higher wages and better benefits in order to attract quality employees.

Anybody that believes that the private sector is going to save this economy is a fool!

Respectfully, only an idiot believesgovernment solves economic problems in a capitalist sodiety. News flash Moe: We B a capitalist society. Move to Venuzuelaif you like. Delta is ready when you are.
Jobs are earned. No one has a right to a job. You have to earn your keep.
You have obviously never hired anyone, run a business and seen the current demands employees, most young with no skills or common sense, have on small business.
But you are young so we will give you a pass.
Your theory is that those that are lazy, live unhealthy lifestyles, fail to educate themselves for what is in demand and incompetent deserve ajob with fair pay and fair working conditions.
You can go ahead and hire all you want. Have at it Moe. Pay them all 100K a year for a 30 hour week. I will support you 100%.
But get your God Damn hands out of my pocket.
This notion of fair wage, living wage, right to a job is predicated on the Left's conclusion that all business owners are greedy people with tons of money that they have kept from the gnaves. Oh puhhhhhhhhhhhhhllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeze.
Most employers especially in small business value their people and pay them well. That's a fact.
Ok ,so many small business owners cannot afford health insurance or top level wages. What they do provide is stability and the support they give to their workers.
Most people haven't a clue what it means or requires to operate a business.
Private business creates jobs.
And maybe, just maybe I will decide to hire someone.
If I want to.
NO ONE has a right to a job. A job is EARNED.



Since, ten years of tax cuts has not caused economic growth, since high corporate profits are not causing economic growth, and since history has repeatedly shown that high taxes are accompanied by increases in GDP, its time to cut the BULLSHIT, increase taxes and get this economy growing again!

Nobody gives a shit if you want to hire anybody. You'll hire when it's profitable to do so, not out of the goodness of your heart. It will become profitable when taxs are increased and you are forced to increase your work force to meet your profit goals.

BTW, the government has created millions of reasonably paying jobs with great benefits - one whole hell of a lot better jobs than most of what the private sector offers.

When the government hires more people, it forces the private sector to to offer higher wages and better benefits in order to attract quality employees.

Anybody that believes that the private sector is going to save this economy is a fool!

Respectfully, only an idiot believesgovernment solves economic problems in a capitalist sodiety. News flash Moe: We B a capitalist society. Move to Venuzuelaif you like. Delta is ready when you are.
Jobs are earned. No one has a right to a job. You have to earn your keep.
You have obviously never hired anyone, run a business and seen the current demands employees, most young with no skills or common sense, have on small business.
But you are young so we will give you a pass.
Your theory is that those that are lazy, live unhealthy lifestyles, fail to educate themselves for what is in demand and incompetent deserve ajob with fair pay and fair working conditions.
You can go ahead and hire all you want. Have at it Moe. Pay them all 100K a year for a 30 hour week. I will support you 100%.
But get your God Damn hands out of my pocket.

New Flash, idiot! America has not been a purely capitalist society since the 1890s, and in many senses never has been. For the past 80 years we've been a hybrid capitalist/socialist society.

Everyone has a right to a lively hood. That may not explicitly be in the Constitution, but the phrase "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", surely means a right to a lively hood - and therefore a job.

Whats more, your assumption that

"those that are lazy, live unhealthy lifestyles, fail to educate themselves for what is in demand and incompetent deserve ajob with fair pay and fair working"

is ludacrious! With every right comes responsibilty. "Fair pay" means just that. Those that deserve low pay, should recieve low pay (which would mean most executives and lawyers for a start).

BTW, in a free country, peoples lifestlyes are none of your fucking business!

We'll get our hands out of your pockets when you've paid your fair contribution to the soceity upon which you depend.


Since, ten years of tax cuts has not caused economic growth, since high corporate profits are not causing economic growth, and since history has repeatedly shown that high taxes are accompanied by increases in GDP, its time to cut the BULLSHIT, increase taxes and get this economy growing again!

Nobody gives a shit if you want to hire anybody. You'll hire when it's profitable to do so, not out of the goodness of your heart. It will become profitable when taxs are increased and you are forced to increase your work force to meet your profit goals.

BTW, the government has created millions of reasonably paying jobs with great benefits - one whole hell of a lot better jobs than most of what the private sector offers.

When the government hires more people, it forces the private sector to to offer higher wages and better benefits in order to attract quality employees.

Anybody that believes that the private sector is going to save this economy is a fool!

Respectfully, only an idiot believesgovernment solves economic problems in a capitalist sodiety. News flash Moe: We B a capitalist society. Move to Venuzuelaif you like. Delta is ready when you are.
Jobs are earned. No one has a right to a job. You have to earn your keep.
You have obviously never hired anyone, run a business and seen the current demands employees, most young with no skills or common sense, have on small business.
But you are young so we will give you a pass.
Your theory is that those that are lazy, live unhealthy lifestyles, fail to educate themselves for what is in demand and incompetent deserve ajob with fair pay and fair working conditions.
You can go ahead and hire all you want. Have at it Moe. Pay them all 100K a year for a 30 hour week. I will support you 100%.
But get your God Damn hands out of my pocket.

New Flash, idiot! America has not been a purely capitalist society since the 1890s, and in many senses never has been. For the past 80 years we've been a hybrid capitalist/socialist society.

Everyone has a right to a lively hood. That may not explicitly be in the Constitution, but the phrase "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", surely means a right to a lively hood - and therefore a job.

Whats more, your assumption that

"those that are lazy, live unhealthy lifestyles, fail to educate themselves for what is in demand and incompetent deserve ajob with fair pay and fair working"

is ludacrious! With every right comes responsibilty. "Fair pay" means just that. Those that deserve low pay, should recieve low pay (which would mean most executives and lawyers for a start).

BTW, in a free country, peoples lifestlyes are none of your fucking business!

We'll get our hands out of your pockets when you've paid your fair contribution to the soceity upon which you depend.

Just more loony liberal drivel, and revisionist BS.

Tell ya' what, buddy........Come put your hand anywhere near MY pocket, and see what happens.
What can Congress do to create jobs? Five Republican proposals. - REINS Act -

1. REINS Act
The signature jobs initiative for Republicans when Congress returns in September is an attempt to pass the REINS Act (Regulation from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny).

The REINS Act would require Congress to approve every major new regulation proposed by the White House before it takes effect. If Congress does not act within 70 days, the rule is void.

This would severely limit the power of the executive branch, since no regulations – such as the Environmental Protection Agency's regulation of greenhouse gases – could become effective without approval from both houses of Congress, a high bar. In this way, congressional Republicans are seeking to bring back to Congress the regulatory powers that have gradually devolved to the executive branch during the past 50 years.

Sponsors include Rep. Geoff Davis (R) of Kentucky and Sen. Rand Paul (R) of Kentucky. The bill is endorsed by business groups, including the US Chamber of Commerce, which is launching a summer regulation road show to boost public support.

It stops any chance of a dictatorship you should be happy about that


Since, ten years of tax cuts has not caused economic growth, since high corporate profits are not causing economic growth, and since history has repeatedly shown that high taxes are accompanied by increases in GDP, its time to cut the BULLSHIT, increase taxes and get this economy growing again!

Nobody gives a shit if you want to hire anybody. You'll hire when it's profitable to do so, not out of the goodness of your heart. It will become profitable when taxs are increased and you are forced to increase your work force to meet your profit goals.

BTW, the government has created millions of reasonably paying jobs with great benefits - one whole hell of a lot better jobs than most of what the private sector offers.

When the government hires more people, it forces the private sector to to offer higher wages and better benefits in order to attract quality employees.

Anybody that believes that the private sector is going to save this economy is a fool!

Respectfully, only an idiot believesgovernment solves economic problems in a capitalist sodiety. News flash Moe: We B a capitalist society. Move to Venuzuelaif you like. Delta is ready when you are.
Jobs are earned. No one has a right to a job. You have to earn your keep.
You have obviously never hired anyone, run a business and seen the current demands employees, most young with no skills or common sense, have on small business.
But you are young so we will give you a pass.
Your theory is that those that are lazy, live unhealthy lifestyles, fail to educate themselves for what is in demand and incompetent deserve ajob with fair pay and fair working conditions.
You can go ahead and hire all you want. Have at it Moe. Pay them all 100K a year for a 30 hour week. I will support you 100%.
But get your God Damn hands out of my pocket.

New Flash, idiot! America has not been a purely capitalist society since the 1890s, and in many senses never has been. For the past 80 years we've been a hybrid capitalist/socialist society.

Everyone has a right to a lively hood. That may not explicitly be in the Constitution, but the phrase "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", surely means a right to a lively hood - and therefore a job.

Whats more, your assumption that

"those that are lazy, live unhealthy lifestyles, fail to educate themselves for what is in demand and incompetent deserve ajob with fair pay and fair working"

is ludacrious! With every right comes responsibilty. "Fair pay" means just that. Those that deserve low pay, should recieve low pay (which would mean most executives and lawyers for a start).

BTW, in a free country, peoples lifestlyes are none of your fucking business!

We'll get our hands out of your pockets when you've paid your fair contribution to the soceity upon which you depend.

lol I stopped reading at 'lively hood.' Livelihood would be the word you're looking for you useless leftist drone.
they will stop at nothing.

I fear some foreign power is guiding thesse idiots to try and distory our country

Nothing has actually frightened me about the Republicans until this article. Mental illness in a position of power is not a place this country needs to go.

So you want a dictator?

No more of obama acting on his own behalf. Cry me a river.


Since, ten years of tax cuts has not caused economic growth, since high corporate profits are not causing economic growth, and since history has repeatedly shown that high taxes are accompanied by increases in GDP, its time to cut the BULLSHIT, increase taxes and get this economy growing again!

Nobody gives a shit if you want to hire anybody. You'll hire when it's profitable to do so, not out of the goodness of your heart. It will become profitable when taxs are increased and you are forced to increase your work force to meet your profit goals.

BTW, the government has created millions of reasonably paying jobs with great benefits - one whole hell of a lot better jobs than most of what the private sector offers.

When the government hires more people, it forces the private sector to to offer higher wages and better benefits in order to attract quality employees.

Anybody that believes that the private sector is going to save this economy is a fool!

Respectfully, only an idiot believesgovernment solves economic problems in a capitalist sodiety. News flash Moe: We B a capitalist society. Move to Venuzuelaif you like. Delta is ready when you are.
Jobs are earned. No one has a right to a job. You have to earn your keep.
You have obviously never hired anyone, run a business and seen the current demands employees, most young with no skills or common sense, have on small business.
But you are young so we will give you a pass.
Your theory is that those that are lazy, live unhealthy lifestyles, fail to educate themselves for what is in demand and incompetent deserve ajob with fair pay and fair working conditions.
You can go ahead and hire all you want. Have at it Moe. Pay them all 100K a year for a 30 hour week. I will support you 100%.
But get your God Damn hands out of my pocket.
This notion of fair wage, living wage, right to a job is predicated on the Left's conclusion that all business owners are greedy people with tons of money that they have kept from the gnaves. Oh puhhhhhhhhhhhhhllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeze.
Most employers especially in small business value their people and pay them well. That's a fact.
Ok ,so many small business owners cannot afford health insurance or top level wages. What they do provide is stability and the support they give to their workers.
Most people haven't a clue what it means or requires to operate a business.

First, I didn't say that all employers should be responsible for 100% employment. But the government should be.

Second, just about all business owners are very greedy people, and though there are some that truly cannot afford health insurance and benefits, there are many that can, but do not.

Thirdly, most small business owners treat their employees (and customers) like shit. They'll pay as little as they can get away with - and give as little benefits as well.

Ask yourself this:

How many employers are members of country clubs?

How many could provide benefits to their employees just by foregoing their country-club membership?

Their greed is manifest thru their high standards of living - they may not see themselves as greedy, but everytime they buy a lexus as opposed to a chevy, everytime they buy a summer home or a Disney vacation they are choosing to engorge themselves instead of providing their employees with a reasonable standard of living.

Of course this is why the Libs want socialized healthcare.
What can Congress do to create jobs? Five Republican proposals. - REINS Act -

1. REINS Act
The signature jobs initiative for Republicans when Congress returns in September is an attempt to pass the REINS Act (Regulation from the Executive In Need of Scrutiny).

The REINS Act would require Congress to approve every major new regulation proposed by the White House before it takes effect. If Congress does not act within 70 days, the rule is void.

This would severely limit the power of the executive branch, since no regulations – such as the Environmental Protection Agency's regulation of greenhouse gases – could become effective without approval from both houses of Congress, a high bar. In this way, congressional Republicans are seeking to bring back to Congress the regulatory powers that have gradually devolved to the executive branch during the past 50 years.

Sponsors include Rep. Geoff Davis (R) of Kentucky and Sen. Rand Paul (R) of Kentucky. The bill is endorsed by business groups, including the US Chamber of Commerce, which is launching a summer regulation road show to boost public support.

freaking loons...

where are all the pretend constitutionalists talking about congress trying to usurp the power of the executive ... in violation of the constitution?

hmmmmmmm?? :eusa_whistle:

This is what you call checks and balences. Sorry Jillian if you think it's unconstitutional.
Respectfully, only an idiot believesgovernment solves economic problems in a capitalist sodiety. News flash Moe: We B a capitalist society. Move to Venuzuelaif you like. Delta is ready when you are.
Jobs are earned. No one has a right to a job. You have to earn your keep.
You have obviously never hired anyone, run a business and seen the current demands employees, most young with no skills or common sense, have on small business.
But you are young so we will give you a pass.
Your theory is that those that are lazy, live unhealthy lifestyles, fail to educate themselves for what is in demand and incompetent deserve ajob with fair pay and fair working conditions.
You can go ahead and hire all you want. Have at it Moe. Pay them all 100K a year for a 30 hour week. I will support you 100%.
But get your God Damn hands out of my pocket.

New Flash, idiot! America has not been a purely capitalist society since the 1890s, and in many senses never has been. For the past 80 years we've been a hybrid capitalist/socialist society.

Everyone has a right to a lively hood. That may not explicitly be in the Constitution, but the phrase "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", surely means a right to a lively hood - and therefore a job.

Whats more, your assumption that

"those that are lazy, live unhealthy lifestyles, fail to educate themselves for what is in demand and incompetent deserve ajob with fair pay and fair working"

is ludacrious! With every right comes responsibilty. "Fair pay" means just that. Those that deserve low pay, should recieve low pay (which would mean most executives and lawyers for a start).

BTW, in a free country, peoples lifestlyes are none of your fucking business!

We'll get our hands out of your pockets when you've paid your fair contribution to the soceity upon which you depend.

lol I stopped reading at 'lively hood.' Livelihood would be the word you're looking for you useless leftist drone.

Not much of a come back. :eek:


Since, ten years of tax cuts has not caused economic growth, since high corporate profits are not causing economic growth, and since history has repeatedly shown that high taxes are accompanied by increases in GDP, its time to cut the BULLSHIT, increase taxes and get this economy growing again!

Nobody gives a shit if you want to hire anybody. You'll hire when it's profitable to do so, not out of the goodness of your heart. It will become profitable when taxs are increased and you are forced to increase your work force to meet your profit goals.

BTW, the government has created millions of reasonably paying jobs with great benefits - one whole hell of a lot better jobs than most of what the private sector offers.

When the government hires more people, it forces the private sector to to offer higher wages and better benefits in order to attract quality employees.

Anybody that believes that the private sector is going to save this economy is a fool!

Respectfully, only an idiot believesgovernment solves economic problems in a capitalist sodiety. News flash Moe: We B a capitalist society. Move to Venuzuelaif you like. Delta is ready when you are.
Jobs are earned. No one has a right to a job. You have to earn your keep.
You have obviously never hired anyone, run a business and seen the current demands employees, most young with no skills or common sense, have on small business.
But you are young so we will give you a pass.
Your theory is that those that are lazy, live unhealthy lifestyles, fail to educate themselves for what is in demand and incompetent deserve ajob with fair pay and fair working conditions.
You can go ahead and hire all you want. Have at it Moe. Pay them all 100K a year for a 30 hour week. I will support you 100%.
But get your God Damn hands out of my pocket.

New Flash, idiot! America has not been a purely capitalist society since the 1890s, and in many senses never has been. For the past 80 years we've been a hybrid capitalist/socialist society.

Everyone has a right to a lively hood. That may not explicitly be in the Constitution, but the phrase "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", surely means a right to a lively hood - and therefore a job.

Whats more, your assumption that

"those that are lazy, live unhealthy lifestyles, fail to educate themselves for what is in demand and incompetent deserve ajob with fair pay and fair working"

is ludacrious! With every right comes responsibilty. "Fair pay" means just that. Those that deserve low pay, should recieve low pay (which would mean most executives and lawyers for a start).

BTW, in a free country, peoples lifestlyes are none of your fucking business!

We'll get our hands out of your pockets when you've paid your fair contribution to the soceity upon which you depend.

Fuck you Dickweed. I've given my fair share and then some. And still giving. You on the other hand seem to be one of the takers The gimme it's my right type. Well BS to that, You get off your ass and earn what you get like I had to.
Respectfully, only an idiot believesgovernment solves economic problems in a capitalist sodiety. News flash Moe: We B a capitalist society. Move to Venuzuelaif you like. Delta is ready when you are.
Jobs are earned. No one has a right to a job. You have to earn your keep.
You have obviously never hired anyone, run a business and seen the current demands employees, most young with no skills or common sense, have on small business.
But you are young so we will give you a pass.
Your theory is that those that are lazy, live unhealthy lifestyles, fail to educate themselves for what is in demand and incompetent deserve ajob with fair pay and fair working conditions.
You can go ahead and hire all you want. Have at it Moe. Pay them all 100K a year for a 30 hour week. I will support you 100%.
But get your God Damn hands out of my pocket.
This notion of fair wage, living wage, right to a job is predicated on the Left's conclusion that all business owners are greedy people with tons of money that they have kept from the gnaves. Oh puhhhhhhhhhhhhhllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeze.
Most employers especially in small business value their people and pay them well. That's a fact.
Ok ,so many small business owners cannot afford health insurance or top level wages. What they do provide is stability and the support they give to their workers.
Most people haven't a clue what it means or requires to operate a business.

First, I didn't say that all employers should be responsible for 100% employment. But the government should be.

Second, just about all business owners are very greedy people, and though there are some that truly cannot afford health insurance and benefits, there are many that can, but do not.

Thirdly, most small business owners treat their employees (and customers) like shit. They'll pay as little as they can get away with - and give as little benefits as well.

Ask yourself this:

How many employers are members of country clubs?

How many could provide benefits to their employees just by foregoing their country-club membership?

Their greed is manifest thru their high standards of living - they may not see themselves as greedy, but everytime they buy a lexus as opposed to a chevy, everytime they buy a summer home or a Disney vacation they are choosing to engorge themselves instead of providing their employees with a reasonable standard of living.

Of course this is why the Libs want socialized healthcare.
Just about all business owners are greedy?.......Got a link to prove that?

Most small business owners treat their employees (and customers) like shit?.......Yeah....Once again, got proof?......Sounds to me like you're just pissed because you can't keep a job, and probably get treated like shit as a customer because you're an uppity idiot.

How many employers are members of country clubs?........Who gives a shit, seriously?

How many could provide benefits to their employees just by foregoing their country club membership?......Who the fuck are you to tell them what to do with their money?

Who the fuck are you tell them what kind of car to by. When they can buy a summer home, or take a Disney vacation?

I'm sitting poolside right now, outside our 4000 SF home, overlooking one of the most beautiful ocean views in the world....Just got back last week from a two week vacation to Italy with the wife. Took a carribean cruise with my twin daughters for a lil' father daughter time just before that.......Got an H3 hummer, Mercedes CL63 AMG, 3 custom classic muscle cars, a Harley Heritage, Custom West Coast Choppers Rigid Lowrider, and the wife is out in her Escalade as we speak...Kids college funds are fully set. They don't have to worry about shit...This was all obtained by being a responsible business owner......Nothing was handed to us......So tell me, why should I give a rats ass what you think?......It's our money, not yours. You are not entitled to one red cent of it.

You are responsible for yourself. Nobody owes you anything.
Last edited:
Respectfully, only an idiot believesgovernment solves economic problems in a capitalist sodiety. News flash Moe: We B a capitalist society. Move to Venuzuelaif you like. Delta is ready when you are.
Jobs are earned. No one has a right to a job. You have to earn your keep.
You have obviously never hired anyone, run a business and seen the current demands employees, most young with no skills or common sense, have on small business.
But you are young so we will give you a pass.
Your theory is that those that are lazy, live unhealthy lifestyles, fail to educate themselves for what is in demand and incompetent deserve ajob with fair pay and fair working conditions.
You can go ahead and hire all you want. Have at it Moe. Pay them all 100K a year for a 30 hour week. I will support you 100%.
But get your God Damn hands out of my pocket.

New Flash, idiot! America has not been a purely capitalist society since the 1890s, and in many senses never has been. For the past 80 years we've been a hybrid capitalist/socialist society.

Everyone has a right to a lively hood. That may not explicitly be in the Constitution, but the phrase "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", surely means a right to a lively hood - and therefore a job.

Whats more, your assumption that

"those that are lazy, live unhealthy lifestyles, fail to educate themselves for what is in demand and incompetent deserve ajob with fair pay and fair working"

is ludacrious! With every right comes responsibilty. "Fair pay" means just that. Those that deserve low pay, should recieve low pay (which would mean most executives and lawyers for a start).

BTW, in a free country, peoples lifestlyes are none of your fucking business!

We'll get our hands out of your pockets when you've paid your fair contribution to the soceity upon which you depend.

Fuck you Dickweed. I've given my fair share and then some. And still giving. You on the other hand seem to be one of the takers The gimme it's my right type. Well BS to that, You get off your ass and earn what you get like I had to.

I doubt you earn half of what either me or my wife make!

My political views are NOT based on my own welfare, like your's apparently are. My political views are based on love for my country and for my fellow Americans.

Something that I doubt you would understand!
New Flash, idiot! America has not been a purely capitalist society since the 1890s, and in many senses never has been. For the past 80 years we've been a hybrid capitalist/socialist society.

Everyone has a right to a lively hood. That may not explicitly be in the Constitution, but the phrase "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", surely means a right to a lively hood - and therefore a job.

Whats more, your assumption that

"those that are lazy, live unhealthy lifestyles, fail to educate themselves for what is in demand and incompetent deserve ajob with fair pay and fair working"

is ludacrious! With every right comes responsibilty. "Fair pay" means just that. Those that deserve low pay, should recieve low pay (which would mean most executives and lawyers for a start).

BTW, in a free country, peoples lifestlyes are none of your fucking business!

We'll get our hands out of your pockets when you've paid your fair contribution to the soceity upon which you depend.

Fuck you Dickweed. I've given my fair share and then some. And still giving. You on the other hand seem to be one of the takers The gimme it's my right type. Well BS to that, You get off your ass and earn what you get like I had to.

I doubt you earn half of what either me or my wife make!

My political views are NOT based on my own welfare, like your's apparently are. My political views are based on love for my country and for my fellow Americans.

Something that I doubt you would understand!
Ollie is retired career military.........He understands far more about love of country and his fellow american citizens then you obviously do.

Just admit it, you're a fuckin' socialist to the core.
This notion of fair wage, living wage, right to a job is predicated on the Left's conclusion that all business owners are greedy people with tons of money that they have kept from the gnaves. Oh puhhhhhhhhhhhhhllllllleeeeeeeeeeeeeze.
Most employers especially in small business value their people and pay them well. That's a fact.
Ok ,so many small business owners cannot afford health insurance or top level wages. What they do provide is stability and the support they give to their workers.
Most people haven't a clue what it means or requires to operate a business.

First, I didn't say that all employers should be responsible for 100% employment. But the government should be.

Second, just about all business owners are very greedy people, and though there are some that truly cannot afford health insurance and benefits, there are many that can, but do not.

Thirdly, most small business owners treat their employees (and customers) like shit. They'll pay as little as they can get away with - and give as little benefits as well.

Ask yourself this:

How many employers are members of country clubs?

How many could provide benefits to their employees just by foregoing their country-club membership?

Their greed is manifest thru their high standards of living - they may not see themselves as greedy, but everytime they buy a lexus as opposed to a chevy, everytime they buy a summer home or a Disney vacation they are choosing to engorge themselves instead of providing their employees with a reasonable standard of living.

Of course this is why the Libs want socialized healthcare.
Just about all business owners are greedy?.......Got a link to prove that?

Most small business owners treat their employees (and customers) like shit?.......Yeah....Once again, got proof?......Sounds to me like you're just pissed because you can't keep a job, and probably get treated like shit as a customer because you're an uppity idiot.

How many employers are members of country clubs?........Who gives a shit, seriously?

How many could provide benefits to their employees just by foregoing their country club membership......Who the fuck are you to tell them what to do with their money?

Who the fuck are you tell them what kind of car to by. When they can buy a summer home, or take a Disney vacation?

I'm sitting poolside right now, outside our 4000 SF home, overlooking one of the most beautiful ocean views in the world....Just got back last week from a two week vacation to Italy with the wife. Took a carribean cruise with my twin daughters for a lil' father daughter time just before that.......Got an H3 hummer, Mercedes CL63 AMG, 3 custom classic muscle cars, a Harley Heritage, Custom West Coast Choppers Rigid Lowrider, and the wife is out in her Escalade as we speak...Kids college funds are fully set. They don't have to worry about shit...This was all obtained by being a responsible business owner......Nothing was handed to us......So tell me, why should I give a rats ass what you think?......It's our money, not yours. You are not entitled to one red cent of it.

You are responsible for yourself. Nobody owes you anything.

You owe the people that earned your wealth (that would be your employees) fair pay.

You may congradulate yourself for being a successful thief, but it's doubtful that you have ever contributed to this soceity on a par with your life style.

BTW, you sound like you live in my Dad's neighborhood.
Fuck you Dickweed. I've given my fair share and then some. And still giving. You on the other hand seem to be one of the takers The gimme it's my right type. Well BS to that, You get off your ass and earn what you get like I had to.

I doubt you earn half of what either me or my wife make!

My political views are NOT based on my own welfare, like your's apparently are. My political views are based on love for my country and for my fellow Americans.

Something that I doubt you would understand!
Ollie is retired career military.........He understands far more about love of country and his fellow american citizens then you obviously do.

Just admit it, you're a fuckin' socialist to the core.

Retired military? A few years ago if we had encountered each other he would have called me 'Sir'!

Don't give me that Military= patriot bullshit. I've worked with military people for years. Most are jackasses and dumbasses, which is why I was doing what they could not.

And no, I'm not a socialist, in a real sense of the word. I'm some one that believes in the philosophies of the founding fathers, not the cold war bullshit (British Conservative party)that we've been fed.

You should read some Thomas Paine!
New Flash, idiot! America has not been a purely capitalist society since the 1890s, and in many senses never has been. For the past 80 years we've been a hybrid capitalist/socialist society.

Everyone has a right to a lively hood. That may not explicitly be in the Constitution, but the phrase "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", surely means a right to a lively hood - and therefore a job.

Whats more, your assumption that

"those that are lazy, live unhealthy lifestyles, fail to educate themselves for what is in demand and incompetent deserve ajob with fair pay and fair working"

is ludacrious! With every right comes responsibilty. "Fair pay" means just that. Those that deserve low pay, should recieve low pay (which would mean most executives and lawyers for a start).

BTW, in a free country, peoples lifestlyes are none of your fucking business!

We'll get our hands out of your pockets when you've paid your fair contribution to the soceity upon which you depend.

Fuck you Dickweed. I've given my fair share and then some. And still giving. You on the other hand seem to be one of the takers The gimme it's my right type. Well BS to that, You get off your ass and earn what you get like I had to.

I doubt you earn half of what either me or my wife make!

My political views are NOT based on my own welfare, like your's apparently are. My political views are based on love for my country and for my fellow Americans.

Something that I doubt you would understand!

I don't understand love of country? That just got you a big fucking negative asswipe. Do you have any fucking clue as to what SFC stands for and what I still do every week? Obviously you don't........ But thats OK, I can't stand your socialist ass anyway.

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