They lied…mutilating and sterilizing children does not save them….

Andrew Klavan covered this on hos podcast last week.......researchers who look at transgender issues face a backlash.....he interviewed a journalist looking at two researchers on transgender medical from Brown and thw other from Northwestern.....the reseqrcher feom Brown was pushed out of the university and the Northwestern researcher found that transgender kids have underlying mental health issues before they start on transgenderism......
Sterilizing, trannifying, mutilating and pussyfying kids has never been needed to save kids for thousands of years. Who in their right mind would think it suddenly saves kids now?

Here.......Andrew Klavan and a journalist discuss why there is so little research on this can ruin your career ....

Sterilizing, trannifying, mutilating and pussyfying kids has never been needed to save kids for thousands of years. Who in their right mind would think it suddenly saves kids now?

I know.

We are living through mentally sick times!

Sadly, the parents a lot of times just aren’t happy they got a boy or girl when they wanted the opposite. The child isn’t really making the choice, the parents are pushing the child into a disastrous life-altering decision. Then they act surprised when the child is suffering mental issues by their teens.
Sadly, the parents a lot of times just aren’t happy they got a boy or girl when they wanted the opposite. The child isn’t really making the choice, the parents are pushing the child into a disastrous life-altering decision. Then they act surprised when the child is suffering mental issues by their teens.

Also.....research is showing that the mothers of these children are also suffering from mental illness....

I would suggest they suffer a form of munchausen by proxy.....that they get stimulation from transitioning their kids and the reinforcement from friends and the medical community now....

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