They Want To Shut You Up

If Trump is a wise man, America is in worst shape than even the most pessimistic souls can imagine.

'Donald Trump's 13 Biggest Business Failures Donald Trump's 13 Biggest Business Failures

Read: 'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken

Our draft dodger in charge,
Trump Airlines, failed
Trump Casinos, failed
Trump Marriages, failed
Trump Mortgage, failed
Trump University, failed
Trump Vodka, failed
Trump Steaks, failed

Bankruptcies, four so far, draft dodger Trump pays no taxes and cheats on taxes. So remind us again, what makes him such a winner. Oh enjoy supporting his family and him these next four years with your taxes, his one success was bamboozling insecure Americans that he was their savior. Good luck with that too.
There were a lot of things he had no previous knowledge, or inclination to consider prior to stepping through that WH door as he campaigned to get there. I think he will do okay as he is pretty sharp, and a quick learner.
You think so huh?

I just think you don't pay attention much to what is going on. Trump is a lot smarter than most of you folks.

Kissinger: Don't expect Trump to maintain all his promises

Trump meets with Henry Kissinger

Trump to meet with Kissinger Tuesday

Report: Trump Considering Richard Haass as No. 2 at State Dept.
I suppose you can think what you like but that doesn't make it necessarily true.

What, you don't think Trump was talking to Kissinger and Haas?
I am sure he talked with them. Your point is? Kissinger and Haass have been involved in foreign policy making for years. Why wouldn't he talk with them, and all of the others whom we never know their names, that are behind the scenes? It appears that you may be the one with a limited mindset and capacity here to see beyond what is reported by the media moguls.

Okay, so let me lay the cards on the table here.

Clinton is friends with Haas and Kissinger.

All of her policies are those that I posted on the right hand column of the meme.

I didn't vote for either in the election, because I knew, after Trump met with both of these globalists, that he was a puppet, after all, he is friends with the Clinton's and a known Machiavellian negotiator.

Now, in less than one hundred days after the election, I believe YOU are the one that is in denial, because I have used simple deductive reasoning, by concluding from his known associations and his previously known way of doing business, that he was going to be a "business as usual" establishment shill.

Why are you in denial?
There were a lot of things he had no previous knowledge, or inclination to consider prior to stepping through that WH door as he campaigned to get there. I think he will do okay as he is pretty sharp, and a quick learner.
You think so huh?

I just think you don't pay attention much to what is going on. Trump is a lot smarter than most of you folks.

Kissinger: Don't expect Trump to maintain all his promises

Trump meets with Henry Kissinger

Trump to meet with Kissinger Tuesday

Report: Trump Considering Richard Haass as No. 2 at State Dept.
I suppose you can think what you like but that doesn't make it necessarily true.

What, you don't think Trump was talking to Kissinger and Haas?
I am sure he talked with them. Your point is? Kissinger and Haass have been involved in foreign policy making for years. Why wouldn't he talk with them, and all of the others whom we never know their names, that are behind the scenes? It appears that you may be the one with a limited mindset and capacity here to see beyond what is reported by the media moguls.

Okay, so let me lay the cards on the table here.

Clinton is friends with Haas and Kissinger.

All of her policies are those that I posted on the right hand column of the meme.

I didn't vote for either in the election, because I knew, after Trump met with both of these globalists, that he was a puppet, after all, he is friends with the Clinton's and a known Machiavellian negotiator.

Now, in less than one hundred days after the election, I believe YOU are the one that is in denial, because I have used simple deductive reasoning, by concluding from his known associations and his previously known way of doing business, that he was going to be a "business as usual" establishment shill.

Why are you in denial?
Why do you assume I am in denial about anything? Again you have tunnel vision and a very limited mind at that.
Gawd forbid that a wise man never changes his mind.
Change his mind to everything that Hillary was going to do?

Hillary had plans to raise taxes and continue the regulations pile on. No plans to trim government that I ever heard. She was fine with common core and obiecare, Trump is wanting to change it. Hillary wanted more immigrants, legal and illegal. You are confused.
If Trump is a wise man, America is in worst shape than even the most pessimistic souls can imagine.

'Donald Trump's 13 Biggest Business Failures Donald Trump's 13 Biggest Business Failures

Read: 'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken

Our draft dodger in charge,
Trump Airlines, failed
Trump Casinos, failed
Trump Marriages, failed
Trump Mortgage, failed
Trump University, failed
Trump Vodka, failed
Trump Steaks, failed

Bankruptcies, four so far, draft dodger Trump pays no taxes and cheats on taxes. So remind us again, what makes him such a winner. Oh enjoy supporting his family and him these next four years with your taxes, his one success was bamboozling insecure Americans that he was their savior. Good luck with that too.
How many business ventures did Hillary and Obama start? He succeeded more times than not and has done quite well, you obviously know little about it. But you have hate and stupidity in ample supply. Losers are always the most critical of a successful man, they need it to feel a little better about themselves.
If you go back to the days where the 3 big networks controlled 100% of the news, they were already spinning a left narrative. They enjoyed having total control over the information most people consumed. That's how Democrats controlled congress for 40 years straight. That's why they are freaking out now and want to regain that control.
If Trump is a wise man, America is in worst shape than even the most pessimistic souls can imagine.

'Donald Trump's 13 Biggest Business Failures Donald Trump's 13 Biggest Business Failures

Read: 'The Making of Donald Trump' by David Cay Johnston

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken

Our draft dodger in charge,
Trump Airlines, failed
Trump Casinos, failed
Trump Marriages, failed
Trump Mortgage, failed
Trump University, failed
Trump Vodka, failed
Trump Steaks, failed

Bankruptcies, four so far, draft dodger Trump pays no taxes and cheats on taxes. So remind us again, what makes him such a winner. Oh enjoy supporting his family and him these next four years with your taxes, his one success was bamboozling insecure Americans that he was their savior. Good luck with that too.
How many business ventures did Hillary and Obama start?

Fuck all that's how many, both families have sponged off taxpayers for most of their lives. Trump paid more in taxes in one year than the Clintons and Obama's have their entire lives.
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Well Obiecare is not off the table, they don't have the votes for now, that's not Trump's fault. We should respect Russia and they us. When did he say otherwise? America is still first in his agenda, last I heard. It's a hack job by some idiot.
If America is first, how many home bound seniors could be fed for the the amount of cuts in the budget to cover the cost of Trump's every weekend jaunts down to Mar-a-Largo?

As far as the ACA being off the Table? Sure, time will tell. We'll just have to see, won't we?

However, I'm willing to wager not only will it not be off the table, but medical care will be even more socialized by 2030, along with higher education. Government gets bigger and more controlling as time progresses. Don't you understand this stuff at all? Can't you understand how the bureaucracy and government work?

I will cede to you two points about the cutting of government. One, after WWI and WWII, there was a drastic cut in the operation and scope of government spending and control.

And two, after the tea-party revolution came in, there was a mandatory freeze placed on the budget for the first time in history. Since then, Obama panicked. This was the whole reason the elites put Trump in office, to get Congress to repeal that freeze. Apparently, it is not only going to work, but they are now going to convince some districts to throw out some of these tea party politicians in favor of neo-cons that will approve corporatist candidates. The neo-cons will approve war spending and corporatist Wall Street give aways once again.


Gawd forbid that a wise man never changes his mind.
Change his mind to everything that Hillary was going to do?

Hillary had plans to raise taxes and continue the regulations pile on. No plans to trim government that I ever heard. She was fine with common core and obiecare, Trump is wanting to change it. Hillary wanted more immigrants, legal and illegal. You are confused.
Deficit spending is no solution either.

Trump won't change it. He'll create more debt, which will stagnate the economy even more, if not crash it entirely.

Immigration was dropping under Obama, you know that. That weren't coming here b/c the economy was so poor.

As far as the regulation pile? Obviously you are watching TV, right?
If America is first, how many home bound seniors could be fed for the the amount of cuts in the budget to cover the cost of Trump's every weekend jaunts down to Mar-a-Largo?

As far as the ACA being off the Table? Sure, time will tell. We'll just have to see, won't we?
Yeah, sure. Back up your wild ass claims with polemics. I guess no politician ever put America first with your definitions.
Gawd forbid that a wise man never changes his mind.
Change his mind to everything that Hillary was going to do?

Hillary had plans to raise taxes and continue the regulations pile on. No plans to trim government that I ever heard. She was fine with common core and obiecare, Trump is wanting to change it. Hillary wanted more immigrants, legal and illegal. You are confused.
Deficit spending is no solution either.

Trump won't change it. He'll create more debt, which will stagnate the economy even more, if not crash it entirely.

Immigration was dropping under Obama, you know that. That weren't coming here b/c the economy was so poor.

As far as the regulation pile? Obviously you are watching TV, right?

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