They whined about cheating and collusion, and now we know.... they did it

If you are mad about why Lynch did, you must be really pissed about Trumps obstruction wh comey.!
That post has me thinking you've just been triggered. lol

Guess you won't be answering the question snowflake .

It's wasn't a question, moron.

It was a statement of conjecture on your part.
See my other post when I give you dunderpates a simple two option answer .
If you are mad about why Lynch did, you must be really pissed about Trumps obstruction wh comey.!
That post has me thinking you've just been triggered. lol

Guess you won't be answering the question snowflake .

It's wasn't a question, moron.

It was a statement of conjecture on your part.
See my other post when I give you dunderpates a simple two option answer .
Most people are smart enough to know when to STFU. Just saying. :)

Democrats should never call for investigations, because investigations bust Democrats.

What were Loretta Lynch's qualifications for US AG?

1. bigot
2. traitor
3. liar
4. kleptocrat
Moron thinks the Russian scandal investigation is about Loretta Lynch.

It's a separate investigation apart from the Russian influence investigation Senator Feinstein (D) demanded it. :)

Looks like things are really heating up with Lynch and McCabe both under investigation now.


Grassley, Feinstein want answers from Loretta Lynch
By Austin Wright

06/23/2017 01:30 PM EDT

Updated 06/23/2017 04:46 PM EDT

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The leaders of the Senate Judiciary Committee have officially launched their investigation into former Attorney General Loretta Lynch, trying to get to the bottom of whether she assured the Hillary Clinton campaign that the FBI probe into Clinton’s emails wouldn’t go too far.

The Judiciary panel announced Friday it had sent letters to Lynch and other officials — the opening bid in what Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) said last week would be separate investigations into the firing of former FBI Director James Comey and whether the Obama administration attempted to influence FBI investigations.

The letters announced Friday are signed by Grassley and his Democratic counterpart, Sen. Dianne Feinstein of California, along with leaders of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Crime and Terrorism, Chairman Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and ranking Democrat Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island.

The senators are seeking answers about a Russian intelligence memo — which was obtained by the FBI — that suggested Lynch had assured a member of the Clinton campaign, Amanda Renteria, that the investigation into Clinton’s emails would not go too far.

More at link:

Grassley, Feinstein want answers from Loretta Lynch
If you are mad about why Lynch did, you must be really pissed about Trumps obstruction wh comey.!
That post has me thinking you've just been triggered. lol

Guess you won't be answering the question snowflake .
Try asking a legible question. lol

Which is worse ?

1- Lynch changing a word from "investigation ".

2- Trunp "hoping" Comey would stop the Flynn investigation.

I made it easy for you ! Just pick a number !

Hoping vs. telling someone to lie about an investigation.

Ya see the difference Timothy? Even your savior Lassie is smart enough to see the difference.
If you are mad about why Lynch did, you must be really pissed about Trumps obstruction wh comey.!
That post has me thinking you've just been triggered. lol

Guess you won't be answering the question snowflake .
Try asking a legible question. lol

Which is worse ?

1- Lynch changing a word from "investigation ".

2- Trunp "hoping" Comey would stop the Flynn investigation.

I made it easy for you ! Just pick a number !

Hoping vs. telling someone to lie about an investigation.

Ya see the difference Timothy? Even your savior Lassie is smart enough to see the difference.

Where this is going to get dicey for Comey is that in his testimony he stated that Trump also wanted him to keep going on the Russian investigation because if any of his "satellites" did anything wrong he wanted them to get "flushed" out. How the hell Comey thought he was supposed to drop the investigation is beyond reason.

Trump repeated in his interview with Lester Holt that he wanted the Russian investigation to continue.

"HOLT: Did you ask him to drop the investigation?

TRUMP: No, never.

HOLT: Did anyone from the White House...

TRUMP: No. In fact, I want the investigation speeded up...


HOLT: Did anyone from the White House ask him to -- to end the investigation?

TRUMP: No, no. Why would we do that?

HOLT: Any -- any surrogates on behalf of the White House?

TRUMP: Not that I know of. Look, I want to find out if there was a problem with an election having to do with Russia. Or by the way any -- but -- any -- anybody else. Any other country.

And I want that to be so strong and so good. And I want it to happen.

I also want to have a really competent, capable director. He's not. He's a show boater.

He's not my man or not my man. I didn't appoint him. He was appointed long before me.

But I want somebody who's going to do a great job. And I will tell you, we're looking at candidates right now who could be spectacular. And that's what I want for the FBI"

President Trump's Full Interview With Lester Holt: Firing Of James Comey

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