They Whisper About You. Lincoln Project New Ad

The lincoln project is born from the hatred George Conway has for his wife. Attacking Trump is how he gets back at her.

The Lincoln Project is NOT just George Conway. It's George Conway, Steve Schmidt, John Weaver, Rick Wilson, Jennifer Horn, Ron Steslow, Reed Galen and Mike Madrid.

Steve Schmidt is a long-time Republican communications director and strategist who has worked for the George W. Bush and the John McCain Presidential campaigns and Arnold Schwarzenegger's campaign for governor. John Weaver worked for the John Kasich Campaign, as well as McCain's Presidential run.

Rick Wilson makes TV commercials for polical campaigns. Author of "Running Against the Devil".

This is a professional and well organized group, and Wilson's commercials are devasting.

NeverTrumpers all. Got their asses kicked in 2016, then ran off and joined the Sith.

Their commercials are hysterically funny.

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