They will always lie


Platinum Member
Apr 1, 2020
and take advantage.
from the link;

"The Kung Flu Insanity Down Under

This is why, even vaccinated and supporting vaccinations, will rabidly stand against government health mandates. Lockdowns are not science anymore but a tool of absolute control. If you have done the same thing 5 times already and did not work, what in Hera’s name makes you think this time will work? The answer is: They know it won’t work for whatever they sold you it was needed but it is working charmingly for their purposes.
Back in the US, we need to wrestle away control from the ultra politized CDC and let the individual states come up with their own strategies for vaccination and disease control. The Center for Disease Control should be nothing more than a Federal Health Costco where states go to get their supplies and maybe a roasted chicken or a hot dog to go; no mandates, no directives, specially from people who probably were ranked 101 out of the bottom 100 in Med School or worse: have zero medical expertise but are experts in Red Tape and Making Shit Up.
If this pandemic proved something was the wisdom of President Reagan”

“The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the Government, and I’m here to help. “
No kidding, Ronnie."

It's always about imposing control.
It is. .. but in some places, where there is push back, the tide may be turning. . . :eusa_think:

We must not stop now. . . the pressure must be kept up. Who knows yet?

Morning Update: Alberta’s COVID-19 plan to drop almost all restrictions panned by medical experts​

and take advantage.
from the link;

"The Kung Flu Insanity Down Under

This is why, even vaccinated and supporting vaccinations, will rabidly stand against government health mandates. Lockdowns are not science anymore but a tool of absolute control. If you have done the same thing 5 times already and did not work, what in Hera’s name makes you think this time will work? The answer is: They know it won’t work for whatever they sold you it was needed but it is working charmingly for their purposes.
Back in the US, we need to wrestle away control from the ultra politized CDC and let the individual states come up with their own strategies for vaccination and disease control. The Center for Disease Control should be nothing more than a Federal Health Costco where states go to get their supplies and maybe a roasted chicken or a hot dog to go; no mandates, no directives, specially from people who probably were ranked 101 out of the bottom 100 in Med School or worse: have zero medical expertise but are experts in Red Tape and Making Shit Up.
If this pandemic proved something was the wisdom of President Reagan”

No kidding, Ronnie."

It's always about imposing control.

The musings and associated games of the most bloodthirsty gangs in human history—modern governments—will continue to run their courses through our lives and the lives of all simple, peasant peoples, until someone or some group makes a historical stand and forms an even more bloodthirsty gang. Our era is THE golden age of the apex of human oppression. Decadence, hedonism, mass homicide, genocide, democide—ours is THE time of the most tyrannical kings and queens to ever consolidate and wield power over the masses. Sitting around and bitching about it (COVID Mandates/genocide) is akin writing complaint letters to Caligula. Every American wants to bitch and moan. No American wants burn down the system and come up with a "better" one. Silly rabbits.
and take advantage.
from the link;

"The Kung Flu Insanity Down Under

This is why, even vaccinated and supporting vaccinations, will rabidly stand against government health mandates. Lockdowns are not science anymore but a tool of absolute control. If you have done the same thing 5 times already and did not work, what in Hera’s name makes you think this time will work? The answer is: They know it won’t work for whatever they sold you it was needed but it is working charmingly for their purposes.
Back in the US, we need to wrestle away control from the ultra politized CDC and let the individual states come up with their own strategies for vaccination and disease control. The Center for Disease Control should be nothing more than a Federal Health Costco where states go to get their supplies and maybe a roasted chicken or a hot dog to go; no mandates, no directives, specially from people who probably were ranked 101 out of the bottom 100 in Med School or worse: have zero medical expertise but are experts in Red Tape and Making Shit Up.
If this pandemic proved something was the wisdom of President Reagan”

No kidding, Ronnie."

It's always about imposing control.
images (17).jpeg
From the link;

"COVID Vaxx Not Mandated For CDC

h/t Phil

Laws For Thee, But Not For Me
And why would they mandate that?
The shot doesn't work to prevent COVID transmission;
The vaccinated are just as contagious as the unvaccinated;
Vaccine passports based on the jab are pointless, worthless, and stupid;
And even getting the shot doesn't eliminate the need for masks in public venues.
But they're still thinking of going for a third dose of the pointless vaxx!!
Don't believe me. Listen to the head of the CDC >spit!< tell you herself:
Oh, wait, you can't do that because the CNN interview on YouTube was already pulled, in less than 24 hours after it escaped into the wild. Bravo, Comrade Partyline! Motherland Is Proud!
Too bad it was uploaded to Rumble already.
Watch it here.

Stick a fork in the cover stories. They're done.
As for the population Control Freaks (for all values of that phrase):
Oak stake through the heart, or bayonet through the liver.
Dealer's choice. Either one robustly recommended."
From the link;

"COVID Vaxx Not Mandated For CDC

h/t Phil

Laws For Thee, But Not For Me
And why would they mandate that?
The shot doesn't work to prevent COVID transmission;
The vaccinated are just as contagious as the unvaccinated;
Vaccine passports based on the jab are pointless, worthless, and stupid;
And even getting the shot doesn't eliminate the need for masks in public venues.
But they're still thinking of going for a third dose of the pointless vaxx!!
Don't believe me. Listen to the head of the CDC >spit!< tell you herself:
Oh, wait, you can't do that because the CNN interview on YouTube was already pulled, in less than 24 hours after it escaped into the wild. Bravo, Comrade Partyline! Motherland Is Proud!
Too bad it was uploaded to Rumble already.
Watch it here.

Stick a fork in the cover stories. They're done.
As for the population Control Freaks (for all values of that phrase):
Oak stake through the heart, or bayonet through the liver.
Dealer's choice. Either one robustly recommended."
Your RWNJ blog is not evidence of anything. I can't find any mention of this anywhere. Show me something real.
Your RWNJ blog is not evidence of anything. I can't find any mention of this anywhere. Show me something real.
That you're having so much trouble finding it, should be a warning by itself.
and take advantage.
from the link;

"The Kung Flu Insanity Down Under

This is why, even vaccinated and supporting vaccinations, will rabidly stand against government health mandates. Lockdowns are not science anymore but a tool of absolute control. If you have done the same thing 5 times already and did not work, what in Hera’s name makes you think this time will work? The answer is: They know it won’t work for whatever they sold you it was needed but it is working charmingly for their purposes.
Back in the US, we need to wrestle away control from the ultra politized CDC and let the individual states come up with their own strategies for vaccination and disease control. The Center for Disease Control should be nothing more than a Federal Health Costco where states go to get their supplies and maybe a roasted chicken or a hot dog to go; no mandates, no directives, specially from people who probably were ranked 101 out of the bottom 100 in Med School or worse: have zero medical expertise but are experts in Red Tape and Making Shit Up.
If this pandemic proved something was the wisdom of President Reagan”

No kidding, Ronnie."

It's always about imposing control.
Grow the fuck up.
I volunteered last summer. I really am in the trials.
Good for you.

You don't get to coerce other people into volunteering.

When I was in the Army, there was this charity thing called the CFC; you could pick something and donate a small allotment from your pay to it, as little as a buck a month, IIRC.
Now the problem was, the 1st Sgt always wanted to get that bullet point on his NCOER that said his unit contributed 100% to the CFC, so what he would do is pass out the forms and everybody would get quietly told that no one was going home for the day until we had 100% participation.
Most everyone would give in, sooner or later.

But it was extortion, and we all knew it.

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