"They're all afraid!" Tucker Carlson illustrates what media can be with courage.


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
In a recent interview with "Die Weltwoche" (a popular Swiss news magazine), Tucker Carlson expresses his new freedom to interview interesting people all over the world from Mohamed bin Zayed, President of the United Arab Emirates to Larry Sinclair. It is a readable and fascinating interview.

It illustrates what media should look like when it actually reports all news and does so providing all points of view instead of being a fearful propaganda machine.

He touches on a wide variety of topics but all related to getting information out in a way that the public is actually informed of all sides of a story instead of the one the media wants the people to see.

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Some excerpts from the interview:

Carlson: "Who is running the government? If you can't answer that question, you're not doing your job in the media, it would seem to me. Whatever."

Carlson: "I tried to interview Vladimir Putin, and the US government stopped me. So, think about that for a minute."

Carlson: (re his colleagues in the press) "“They're all fearful people. . . Instead of holding the powerful to account, “they do exactly the opposite.” Indeed, “they do their bidding.”

Carlson: "The Gulf Arabs that I’ve dealt with, over the years, are far more tolerant than your average white, secular liberal in America — far more tolerant. They have a bigger and more Christian Christmas celebration in Abu Dhabi than we have in New York."

Carlson: ". . .liars, proven liars like Ben Smith, at Politico at the time, were able to get out there and tell us that everything Larry Sinclair said was false. Okay, that's Ben Smith's position. Here's Larry Sinclair's position. It seems like I'm the balance, as far as I'm concerned. Does that make sense?"

Carlson: ". . .they're trying to put Trump in prison for the crime of running against Joe Biden. I'm just speaking in my capacity as a voter. That's all I need to know.
Do I think if Trump were to take over, tomorrow, that he would make the CIA accountable to voters? No, I don't. Do I think he'd build a wall? I don't know. I hope so.
I know that you cannot allow, you absolutely cannot allow a political party to use our system of justice to imprison the president's chief opponent. You can't do that. That's just absolutely not allowed.
From my perspective, that's what this election's about. Are we going to allow that, or aren't we? And I just don't think we can."
In a recent interview with "Die Weltwoche" (a popular Swiss news magazine), Tucker Carlson expresses his new freedom to interview interesting people all over the world from Mohamed bin Zayed, President of the United Arab Emirates to Larry Sinclair. It is a readable and fascinating interview.

It illustrates what media should look like when it actually reports all news and does so providing all points of view instead of being a fearful propaganda machine.

He touches on a wide variety of topics but all related to getting information out in a way that the public is actually informed of all sides of a story instead of the one the media wants the people to see.

Tucker knows as well as anybody that US foreign policy is guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity, that need to be kept covered up. If the truth comes out then Biden can be impeached on the damning evidence and should also be convicted.

Will the Repubs remain patriots to the cause of defeating Russia or will they need to favour their domestic political agenda?
Tucker knows as well as anybody that US foreign policy is guilty of war crimes and crimes against humanity, that need to be kept covered up. If the truth comes out then Biden can be impeached on the damning evidence and should also be convicted.

Will the Repubs remain patriots to the cause of defeating Russia or will they need to favour their domestic political agenda?
His point here though is that the U.S. media is protecting people like Biden and ignores any misconduct by him or others in the Democrat controlled government. A free and honorable press would be holding ALL leaders and everyone in government accountable for their actions by reporting what is actually happening.

Instead they deep six almost all news unfavorable to the existing government--at least that which Biden/Democrats are responsible for and post non specific but unflattering or inflammatory comments about any opposition, i.e. "Republicans distance themselves from McCarthy" without giving any specifics of what Republicans or why. "Trump who repeatedly lies. . ." without stating what the lie or lies are. That is not news reporting. That is propaganda.
In a recent interview with "Die Weltwoche" (a popular Swiss news magazine), Tucker Carlson expresses his new freedom to interview interesting people all over the world from Mohamed bin Zayed, President of the United Arab Emirates to Larry Sinclair. It is a readable and fascinating interview.

It illustrates what media should look like when it actually reports all news and does so providing all points of view instead of being a fearful propaganda machine.

He touches on a wide variety of topics but all related to getting information out in a way that the public is actually informed of all sides of a story instead of the one the media wants the people to see.

This is the guy who privately in emails laughed at the orange douchebag and his claims about the election and yet on air said something else?

And when those emails came out, his employer had to pay a record $800 million to Dominion? That guy?

Now, Tucker is talking about "...actually reporting all news..." :laughing0301:

Gad, you retards believe anything, don't you?
This is the guy who privately in emails laughed at the orange douchebag and his claims about the election and yet on air said something else?

And when those emails came out, his employer had to pay a record $800 million to Dominion? That guy?

Now, Tucker is talking about "...actually reporting all news..." :laughing0301:

Gad, you retards believe anything, don't you?
Okay you got in your insults. Now would you like to comment on or discredit anything he said in that interview? good luck on that.
His point here though is that the U.S. media is protecting people like Biden and ignores any misconduct by him or others in the Democrat controlled government. A free and honorable press would be holding ALL leaders and everyone in government accountable for their actions by reporting what is actually happening.
The free press is honourable in that they aren't compromising America's foreign policy secrets that plainly include war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Perhaps start thinking of an event equivalent to the MyLai massacre that will blow America's cover and then move the people to real opposition of the war against Russia.
The free press is honourable in that they aren't compromising America's foreign policy secrets that plainly include war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Perhaps start thinking of an event equivalent to the MyLai massacre that will blow America's cover and then move the people to real opposition of the war against Russia.
The U.S. Press, in our distant past, has usually been responsible when reporting something that could compromise U.S. security. War correspondents traveling with our troops in WWII knew of impending offensives and strategy that needed to be kept secret from the enemy. And they responsibly withheld that information until after the fact.

Our U.S. press has no such ethics. They haven't had for some time. One of my acquaintances was in a U.S. Marine force in the clandestine nighttime invasion of Somalia in 1992 in "Operation Hope" to oust an illegal regime. The group of Marines were suddenly confronted by bright television lights from a CNN crew recording the invasion. As my friend said, had there been Somali soldiers out there that night, there would have been a lot of dead U.S. Marines.

At any rate the mission failed. We fought a small war there until 1994 when the press images became so awful President Clinton withdrew all American forces.
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At any rate the mission failed. We fought a small war there until 1994 when the press images became so awful President Clinton withdrew all American forces.
The press and the media become cheerleaders of an antiwar movement that grows legs under it.

Very little of America's WW2 war crimes and crimes against humanity has ever been exposed. Nor would most Americans care!

The atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki being unnecessary and therefore crimes against humanity.
Some excerpts from the interview:

Carlson: "Who is running the government? If you can't answer that question, you're not doing your job in the media, it would seem to me. Whatever."

Carlson: "I tried to interview Vladimir Putin, and the US government stopped me. So, think about that for a minute."

Carlson: (re his colleagues in the press) "“They're all fearful people. . . Instead of holding the powerful to account, “they do exactly the opposite.” Indeed, “they do their bidding.”

Carlson: "The Gulf Arabs that I’ve dealt with, over the years, are far more tolerant than your average white, secular liberal in America — far more tolerant. They have a bigger and more Christian Christmas celebration in Abu Dhabi than we have in New York."

Carlson: ". . .liars, proven liars like Ben Smith, at Politico at the time, were able to get out there and tell us that everything Larry Sinclair said was false. Okay, that's Ben Smith's position. Here's Larry Sinclair's position. It seems like I'm the balance, as far as I'm concerned. Does that make sense?"

Carlson: ". . .they're trying to put Trump in prison for the crime of running against Joe Biden. I'm just speaking in my capacity as a voter. That's all I need to know.
Do I think if Trump were to take over, tomorrow, that he would make the CIA accountable to voters? No, I don't. Do I think he'd build a wall? I don't know. I hope so.
I know that you cannot allow, you absolutely cannot allow a political party to use our system of justice to imprison the president's chief opponent. You can't do that. That's just absolutely not allowed.
From my perspective, that's what this election's about. Are we going to allow that, or aren't we? And I just don't think we can."
Why did Carlson reify xianity at the expense of all other religions while simultaneously invoking Islam? The Catholic mafia began the journal, Islamochristiana in 1972. Is Carlson adapting to the times because one of their puppets is in the WH?

Carlson's is a vote of no confidence for Trump opposing the CIA, though that's a CIA puppet now in the White House who is being told to do another Bojangles imitation by panhandling for Ukraine dollars.
The press and the media become cheerleaders of an antiwar movement that grows legs under it.

Very little of America's WW2 war crimes and crimes against humanity has ever been exposed. Nor would most Americans care!

The atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki being unnecessary and therefore crimes against humanity.
I frankly wish you would start your own thread to list all of America's sins. It becomes really tiresome when the thread is targeted at something else.
Why did Carlson reify xianity at the expense of all other religions while simultaneously invoking Islam? The Catholic mafia began the journal, Islamochristiana in 1972. Is Carlson adapting to the times because one of their puppets is in the WH?

Carlson's is a vote of no confidence for Trump opposing the CIA, though that's a CIA puppet now in the White House who is being told to do another Bojangles imitation by panhandling for Ukraine dollars.
Carlson is absolutely frank in making the points he makes. That he noted that United Arab Emirates, a nation you would expect to be primarily Muslim, allows more freedom for Christian expression than does the United States was to make a point about liberty in the United States. He didn't have to include any other religion etc. to make that point.

Does Tucker think Trump would be able to ferret the deep state swamp out of the CIA and other government entities? No he doesn't. Neither do I. Neither do I think anybody else can without a super majority in Congress of similar mind to do just that.

Does He think that disqualifies Trump from being President? No he does not.

But he is absolutely certain the media will do their best to help the Democrats destroy Trump or anybody else who even makes an effort to do so.
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I frankly wish you would start your own thread to list all of America's sins. It becomes really tiresome when the thread is targeted at something else.
My diversions are covered by the topic, so no!

And in fact the diversion, if it can be called that, was by you in your #8.
Carlson is absolutely frank in making the points he makes. That he noted that United Arab Emirates, a nation you would expect to be primarily Muslim, allows more freedom for Christian expression than does the United States was to make a point about liberty in the United States. It does not 'leave out' anything else.

Does Tucker think Trump would be able to ferret the deep state swamp out of the CIA and other government entities? No he doesn't. Neither do I. Neither do I think anybody else can without a super majority in Congress of similar mind to do just that.

Does He think that disqualifies Trump from being President? No he does not.

But he is absolutely certain the media will do their best to help the Democrats destroy Trump or anybody else who even makes an effort to do so.
So now all your diversions are fine, but mine aren't?

The all encompassiig issue here is America's war against Russia and that can be made to work on at least half of the new discussions. And so the parallel to any of America's wars works too. You made it work.
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My diversions are covered by the topic, so no!

And in fact the diversion, if it can be called that, was by you in your #8.

So now all your diversions are fine, but mine aren't?
The topic is an interview Tucker did with Die Weltwoche that included his comments re Christians and how much more liberty they have to express their faith in the United Arab Emirates than they do here. He commented that Trump would not clean up the CIA. (He didn't elaborate why that is the case, but just that it is a fact.)

There was nothing in the interview about war crimes.
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The topic is an interview Tucker did with Die Weltwoche that included his comments re Christians and how much more liberty they have to express their faith in the United Arab Emirates than they do here.

There was nothing in the interview about war crimes.
clandestine nighttime invasion of Somalia in 1992 in "Operation Hope" to oust an illegal regime.

Did it contain that? LOL
Did it contain that? LOL
No. That was my own commentary to illustrate my response to your assertion that the press is honorable to protect necessary secrets. They aren't honorable about that or much of anything else these days. Which is most of what Tucker focused on in the interview. The modern MSM doesn't give a damn about ethics for the most part.
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In a recent interview with "Die Weltwoche" (a popular Swiss news magazine), Tucker Carlson expresses his new freedom to interview interesting people all over the world from Mohamed bin Zayed, President of the United Arab Emirates to Larry Sinclair. It is a readable and fascinating interview.

It illustrates what media should look like when it actually reports all news and does so providing all points of view instead of being a fearful propaganda machine.

He touches on a wide variety of topics but all related to getting information out in a way that the public is actually informed of all sides of a story instead of the one the media wants the people to see.
So Tucker now has the ability to lie as much as he cares to? Don't expect me to celebrate.
So Tucker now has the ability to lie as much as he cares to? Don't expect me to celebrate.
Perhaps you could point out a lie he told in that interview or a point he made that might have other perspective?
No. That was my own commentary to illustrate my response to your assertion that the press is honorable to protect necessary secrets. They aren't honorable about that or much of anything else these days. Which is most of what Tucker focused on in the interview.
If we're going to talk to each other, we need to talk about something more relevant. I'll leave that up to you.
If we're going to talk to each other, we need to talk about something more relevant. I'll leave that up to you.
I am talking about the Die Welkwoche article interviewing Tucker Carlson. The points Tucker makes is what I would like discussed in this thread.

Those who want to talk about something else, I would like those to start their own thread on that subject.

For instance Tucker said in that interview: "Who is running the government? If you can't answer that question, you're not doing your job in the media, it would seem to me. Whatever."

Is he right about that? I certainly think he is. We all know that the mentally challenged Joe Biden is certainly not calling any shots these days. So who is? The incredible lack of curiosity about that from the U.S. media is both astounding and alarming. How can ANYBODY call themselves a news reporter or editor or broadcaster and not be investigating and reporting on that?

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