They're NOT going to charge the cop in Ferguson!

'Big Mike' was going to 'College' all right. The 'College' is nothing more than a portable trailer planted in the post office back parking lot with a sign saying "College" on it.
What happens in the 'college' is if you are a 'minority' and sign up for the free tuition you get your grade twelve (Cough) 'Degree' at the end of three months. "Attendance is optional'.
This then 'qualifies' you to work at Wendy's.
Never mind if you're not intelligent enough to know if a duck is a bird.
Or maybe Peach would prefer the cops to just sit in their car?
"Well there's the simians attacking that old lady to steal her purse. Are you getting out to go help her?" "No fucking way pal. Why don't you go help?" "Not fucking me! The last time I tried that I had to run back to the car and lock the doors before they caught up with me".
If that Officer is not fired and put in jail the people in Ferguson will go WILD

Are you sure about that? The people coming into Ferguson to loot and destroy might go wild. I'm not sure about the people who live in Ferguson.

We have no idea what Michael Brown's relationship with the community was like. We know that Darren Wilson never had a single complaint against him. We don't know how many people Brown robbed, beat up or just intimidated. Just because the family describes him as a gentle giant doesn't mean he was. The ease with which he robbed that store indicates that this was not his first act of violence. How many people in that community have a grudge against Michael Brown? Do you know?
It's interesting to see that each and every person here who is trying to blame the cop, also blamed Zimmerman. The left never ever varies from the narrative. It won't matter what happens or what the evidence shows.
Are you sure about that? The people coming into Ferguson to loot and destroy might go wild. I'm not sure about the people who live in Ferguson.

We have no idea what Michael Brown's relationship with the community was like. We know that Darren Wilson never had a single complaint against him. We don't know how many people Brown robbed, beat up or just intimidated. Just because the family describes him as a gentle giant doesn't mean he was. The ease with which he robbed that store indicates that this was not his first act of violence. How many people in that community have a grudge against Michael Brown? Do you know?

No he doesn't know. He knows nothing. Liberals don't know anything at all, and what's worse, they simply will not learn, ever.
To answer a question in this thread. The officer is White. Someone took pics of him off of his Mothers Facebook page and posted them online. They posted his home as well as the school his children go to.
This fiasco is NOT the majority of Ferguson, it is a small few who are continuing the violence, some reported to not be from Mo. The few who don't have any brains, conscience.
Hopefully they will be brought to justice and damn soon!
The Officers life has forever changed as well as his family and friends. He did NOT want this to happen but he was simply doing his job.
Take a look at Mike Browns Facebook page and see his pic, gun in hand, money in mouth, alcohol on table. What the hell is that about??? Yea...gentle Mike as the family would call him. To them, he probably was gentle but in reality he is another thug, bully and most likely would have killed someone himself because of his attitude and size. Justice WAS served when Officer Wilson shot him down. Now lets clean up the streets! Then lets clean up the White House and Congress!
Are you sure about that? The people coming into Ferguson to loot and destroy might go wild. I'm not sure about the people who live in Ferguson.

As someone who lives in Oakland, and has observed many violent protests, I'm 100% certain that the violence is caused by anarchists and professional agitators who are not part of the community.

We had another example of this last Saturday night, replete with the Anarchist graffiti tags to memorialize their violence.
Are you sure about that? The people coming into Ferguson to loot and destroy might go wild. I'm not sure about the people who live in Ferguson.

We have no idea what Michael Brown's relationship with the community was like. We know that Darren Wilson never had a single complaint against him. We don't know how many people Brown robbed, beat up or just intimidated. Just because the family describes him as a gentle giant doesn't mean he was. The ease with which he robbed that store indicates that this was not his first act of violence. How many people in that community have a grudge against Michael Brown? Do you know?
Brown didn't live in that community, he was visiting his Grandmother.
It's interesting to see that each and every person here who is trying to blame the cop, also blamed Zimmerman. The left never ever varies from the narrative. It won't matter what happens or what the evidence shows.
The media can always find a victim for liberals to defend. When the truth starts coming out they all have to back pedal quickly. Time and time again.
So then why don't the 'peaceful' protestors have the collective courage to kick the agitators out of the demonstrations? Are they all cowards? There are supposedly many more peaceful people on the street than 'bad guys'.
I'll give you the easy answer: Because the Black community is not capable of policing themselves. Never have been.
Their historic past going back thousands of years shows that they have always depended on someone to tell them what to do. Those were the tribal chiefs. Today their 'tribal chiefs' are Sharpton and Jackson and especially Obama.
Brown didn't live in that community, he was visiting his Grandmother.
Prove it. Funny thing is the simian who helped him commit strong arm burglary told the cameras that he and "Big Mike" were childhood friends". Maybe they were both "visiting his Grandmother".
Funny thing is 'Big Mikes' mother has lived in Ferguson for many years.
So then why don't the 'peaceful' protestors have the collective courage to kick the agitators out of the demonstrations? Are they all cowards? There are supposedly many more peaceful people on the street than 'bad guys'.
I'll give you the easy answer: Because the Black community is not capable of policing themselves. Never have been.
Their historic past going back thousands of years shows that they have always depended on someone to tell them what to do. Those were the tribal chiefs. Today their 'tribal chiefs' are Sharpton and Jackson and especially Obama.
I don't agree. A few in this community are being played and used by outsiders. Sadly they fail to see their actions are only further hurting them and putting money in the pockets of those who have learned to make money off of their circustances
Prove it. Funny thing is the simian who helped him commit strong arm burglary told the cameras that he and "Big Mike" were childhood friends". Maybe they were both "visiting his Grandmother".
Funny thing is 'Big Mikes' mother has lived in Ferguson for many years.
Get a grip.

“He was a good kid. He didn’t live around here,” said Desuirea Harris, grandmother of the victim. “He came to visit me and they did that to him for no reason.”Multiple investigations underway in Ferguson shooting | St. Louis

Read the whole article and you'll see the lies put forth prior to any facts being released

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