They're NOT going to charge the cop in Ferguson!

If the young man was lunging forward, then the officer was justified in shooting.
And the far right reactionaries show their true colors: if the officer had wrongly shot the officer, they would have backed him.
And the far right reactionaries show their true colors: if the officer had wrongly shot the officer, they would have backed him.

Nope. If he murdered that kid I'd be the first one to shout for his arrest.

No one knows what happened but I find it hard to believe a decorated LEO would just shoot someone. I also find it hard to believe that all the folks on this board would actually believe that he did.
Nope. If he murdered that kid I'd be the first one to shout for his arrest.

No one knows what happened but I find it hard to believe a decorated LEO would just shoot someone. I also find it hard to believe that all the folks on this board would actually believe that he did.

Sure, they would.

That's what they do.
Nope. If he murdered that kid I'd be the first one to shout for his arrest.

No one knows what happened but I find it hard to believe a decorated LEO would just shoot someone. I also find it hard to believe that all the folks on this board would actually believe that he did.

100% right. No cop wants that. It is a career killer at best. At worst, you become demonized worldwide and will never live a normal life again, like this INNOCENT cop will now go through.
To answer a question in this thread. The officer is White. Someone took pics of him off of his Mothers Facebook page and posted them online. They posted his home as well as the school his children go to.
This fiasco is NOT the majority of Ferguson, it is a small few who are continuing the violence, some reported to not be from Mo. The few who don't have any brains, conscience.
Hopefully they will be brought to justice and damn soon!
The Officers life has forever changed as well as his family and friends. He did NOT want this to happen but he was simply doing his job.
Take a look at Mike Browns Facebook page and see his pic, gun in hand, money in mouth, alcohol on table. What the hell is that about??? Yea...gentle Mike as the family would call him. To them, he probably was gentle but in reality he is another thug, bully and most likely would have killed someone himself because of his attitude and size. Justice WAS served when Officer Wilson shot him down. Now lets clean up the streets! Then lets clean up the White House and Congress!
Now hearing that the pic on Facebook was not the real Mike Brown. Some cop from Kansas City posted it and now hes arrested. Anyone hear about this? Even still he was breaking the law...robbing and we can probably agree most likely assaulting an officer.
Something else to think about from a STL paramedic:
I'm a Paramedic, the injury on Michael Browns right hand is..........

Consistent with an injury one would received by grabbing the barrel of a firearm at time of discharge.I've seen it many times. It's not bullet contact damage, it's the damage the force of the blast causes. It rips the flesh away in a pattern like a speed boat makes going through the water. I would say that Mr. Browns hand was on the police officers hand gun at some point.
nothing seems to be getting better in Ferguson

Sadly, its not. Another kid killed by two cops today....just another day
Sun going down.....see what the night brings. There are already masses of so-called "protesters" forming in another area outside of Ferguson over the latest shooting.
Sadly, its not. Another kid killed by two cops today....just another day
Sun going down.....see what the night brings. There are already masses of so-called "protesters" forming in another area outside of Ferguson over the latest shooting.

"Another kid" ......who happened to be committing an armed robbery with a knife.

St Louis Police Shoot and Kill Alleged Robber 3 Miles from Michael Brown Shooting | KTXL FOX40

ST. LOUIS, MO (KTVI) – Authorities are responding to a report of an officer involved shooting in north St. Louis. It happened just before 1 p.m. Tuesday at Mclaran and Riverview outside a market.

Authorities say a man tried to rob the 5-Star Market convenience store with a knife.

The store owner says he got into a dispute with the man.

Police were called but the suspect refused to put down the weapon. He tried to attack police and was shot and killed.

Another good shoot.
Grand Jury meets tomorrow, witnesses UNavailable for the AG; not surprising. Wonder if the prosecutor even has the state police report, or the autopsy; of course it will make his "case" quicker without them. I sat on a Grand Jury once, two months after the alleged murder.

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