They're NOT going to charge the cop in Ferguson!

Officer Wilson did the right thing. He is the real victim here.
Yep. Eric Holder will trump up some federal charge in order to keep The Base enraged up through the midterm elections.

It would be quite wonderful to find out that the cop is actually black, so that Holder would be forced to relabel him a White African American.
Poll shows 80% of Blacks feel the officer was wrong, only 37% of Whites. Nixon is toast in his re-election for criticizing the police. The truth will come out and Ferguson police response will be vindicated as well. People are trying to scapegoat them. They responded with appropriate force.
So? People are getting tired of negro lawlessness. There will be a backlash.

you think they rioting now in Ferguson you watch what happens if the officer is not charged with anything. People will be snapping
you think they rioting now in Ferguson you watch what happens if the officer is not charged with anything. People will be snapping

That's fine.
Let them burn it to the ground. Let them run wild.

This is serving as a wake up call to a lot of people.
Because I know that all races have uncivilized people
You do?
You know that?
Good for you!
I think you're right. All races have uncivilized people.

but...negroes commit over HALF of ALL violent crime in america...despite only making up 13% of the population. Compare that with asian crime rates...white crime rates in america.
Explain the discrepancy.
I hope you know white people commit more crimes overall

We pay more taxes, too.

The facts are that negroes commit over HALF of ALL violent crime in the u.s. despite only making up 13% of the population.

I hope you aren't going to pretend that you don't understand how percentages and correlation work?
I'd rather wait for the FBI's report than listen to little racist girlie men like you.

Oh, an no gunpowder on Brown's body....Means he wasn't shot at close range.


What a fucking joke! You're a fucking joke! You've been practically leading the lynch mob going after the cop!

You'd rather wait... Fucking liar.
You see the danger in mob rules?? This is why we are not a nation of men, but instead a nation of laws.

With each passing day, the evidence supports the cop and not the cigar-stealing thug. But this is not the desired narrative of the left, or the media or the race baiters....oh, perhaps that was redundant.

If you don't know what I'm talking about, then you know precious little about this issue. Seek and you will find....
There is nothing to charge the officer with as of now. Every post is interpreted "FOR" or "AGAINST" some other poster's closed mindset. Sickening; the first need is for calm in the area, and the investigations to be completed(.)
That police officers life has been ruined.

Even if he's found innocent and is found to have acted within the law he's still ruined. Wilson was an award winning officer.

If Wilson had been black Sharpton and the rest of those parasites wouldn't be in Missouri and you can bet there would have been no rioting or looting. The black community wouldn't have said word one.

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