They've Got Hillarys Emails And Getting Them Out

Oh, so when Nazis do it it's great, but if Americans do it it's "illegal" somehow.

So why haven't you Nazi fucks tried to arrest the Americans in congress who challenged the Reich?

You mean if she colluded with Russia to overthrow the president of the United States?

Oh, that's exactly what she did.
why hasnt anyone in congress been arrested? because thats the last step, at the end of due process of law. Nazis dont follow due process, in our country we follow due process. it looks like trump's inner circle has more to do with this attempted coup rather than anybody in congress.

the steele dossier is raw intelligence, meaning it is unverified and uncorroborated. the fbi always treated it as such. it was though, one bit of potential evidence to keep any eye on russian influence in our 2016 election. clinton campaigned against trump in 2016, but how does that turn into overthrowing the president,. hmm.
why hasnt anyone in congress been arrested? because thats the last step, at the end of due process of law. Nazis dont follow due process, in our country we follow due process. it looks like trump's inner circle has more to do with this attempted coup rather than anybody in congress.

the steele dossier is raw intelligence, meaning it is unverified and uncorroborated. the fbi always treated it as such. it was though, one bit of potential evidence to keep any eye on russian influence in our 2016 election. clinton campaigned against trump in 2016, but how does that turn into overthrowing the president,. hmm.

The Steele Dossier is Kremlin disinformation purchased from Putin by Hillary and the Nazi democrat vermin.

The FBI acknowledged that the Kremlin Dossier was shit early on, yet Strzok and McCabe still used it for cover to engage in treason.

Fucking traitors.
The Steele Dossier is Kremlin disinformation purchased from Putin by Hillary and the Nazi democrat vermin.

The FBI acknowledged that the Kremlin Dossier was shit early on, yet Strzok and McCabe still used it for cover to engage in treason.

Fucking traitors.
the steele dossier is from anti-putin russians, however the kremlin did inject mis-information into it.
Strzok and Mccabe are free and clear. If there were any crimes among those who, durham or bill bar whould have done something about them. Treason is delusional.
Worse news for democrat shitheads in general, actually. The only Clinton campaign will be to attempt to "suicide" anyone who has dirt on them.
Wow, I hope Biden was able to overcome this "scandal". How'd the election turn out again?

Judging by the current state of the union, it was a disaster. You're far too brainwashed and stupid to either see or admit it, though, cuntycorn.
Stock Market--record highs
Afghanistan done
Infrastructure done
Vaccines distributed
Jobs added every month
Normalcy returned.'s a disaster for you guys.
the steele dossier is from anti-putin russians,

The Kremlin isn't "anti-Putin" shit fer brains.

When trapped, you start lying

however the kremlin did inject mis-information into it.
Strzok and Mccabe are free and clear. If there were any crimes among those who, durham or bill bar whould have done something about them. Treason is delusional.

Strzok and McCabe are proven traitors who committed high treason and tried to overthrow the government of the United States

Worse news for democrat shitheads in general, actually. The only Clinton campaign will be to attempt to "suicide" anyone who has dirt on them.

With the attack on Jullian Assange, WIkiLeaks has now dumped their entire archive, including proof that the Las Vegas massacre was conducted by FBI agents and a copy of the kill order for Seth Rich who was a source for Wikileaks.

Here are the entire archives.

I guess FBI and NSA killers will be working through the holidays.

Here is a specific look at the murder of Seth Rich by the party.

what clinton emails are we talking about, do you know??? The emails they already had that judicial watch sued the State dept for and got and released a couple of years back?

Or the 33k emails that were allegedly bleach bit and gone 4ever, that were personal??

Show that our president was right all along about what, exactly???? :)

ALL of them, Frau Braun.

Twitter has suppressed, Fascistbook has suppressed.

But it's impossible to bury something of the magnitude. No doubt the FBI will murder thousands to silence this and the Reich Media will spike any mention - but it's out there now.
The Kremlin isn't "anti-Putin" shit fer brains.

When trapped, you start lying

Strzok and McCabe are proven traitors who committed high treason and tried to overthrow the government of the United States

i see the problem, you have complete shit news sources. the daily caller is complete crap, and the other story is just a video of trump.

the dossier came from anti-putin sources from within russia, however the kremlin did inject mis-information into the steele dossier. yes the kremlin is pro putin because putin runs the kremlin, but steele's sources were operating in secret opposition to the kremlin. one of steele's sources was poisoned by putin, and perhaps more than one.

also understand that putin absolutely hated hillary, because when hillary was secretary of state, she called out putin's sham election.
i see the problem, you have complete shit news sources. the daily caller is complete crap, and the other story is just a video of trump.

Oh, there you go.

When confronted with facts, attack the source.

Rules for Radicals #17

the dossier came from anti-putin sources from within russia, however the kremlin did inject mis-information into the steele dossier. yes the kremlin is pro putin because putin runs the kremlin, but steele's sources were operating in secret opposition to the kremlin. one of steele's sources was poisoned by putin, and perhaps more than one.

If you can't refute the facts, lie.

Rules for Radicals #1

also understand that putin absolutely hated hillary, because when hillary was secretary of state, she called out putin's sham election.

Must be why he paid her so much in bribes.

See Rules for Radicals #1
Oh, there you go.

When confronted with facts, attack the source.

Rules for Radicals #17

If you can't refute the facts, lie.

Rules for Radicals #1

Must be why he paid her so much in bribes.

See Rules for Radicals #1
in this case, the source does deserved to be attacked, look how awful they are:

i wont waste my time reading disreputable websites; give me good sources. If its factual, there will always be a reputable source. Its easy for me to find a source for the same story, such as this. The important point here is that the dossier was only used as one source to keep on the investigation on Carter Page. Carter Page was under investigation long before trump's 2016 campaign even started. Once it was found that Carter Page wasnt a big deal, the dossier wasnt used for anything else, since it was already known it was mostly bunk. The real deal came years later, when the republican senate released a report detailing trump's campaign workings with russia -and- that the steele dossier was crap, both. Pay special attention to the section "FBI comes under criticism", you see what youre looking for.

if you know why Putin hates Hillary, youd know that putin would never give hillary anything.
in this case, the source does deserved to be attacked, look how awful they are:

i wont waste my time reading disreputable websites; give me good sources. If its factual, there will always be a reputable source. Its easy for me to find a source for the same story, such as this. The important point here is that the dossier was only used as one source to keep on the investigation on Carter Page. Carter Page was under investigation long before trump's 2016 campaign even started. Once it was found that Carter Page wasnt a big deal, the dossier wasnt used for anything else, since it was already known it was mostly bunk. The real deal came years later, when the republican senate released a report detailing trump's campaign workings with russia -and- that the steele dossier was crap, both. Pay special attention to the section "FBI comes under criticism", you see what youre looking for.

if you know why Putin hates Hillary, youd know that putin would never give hillary anything.

Oh look, a radical left fact changer - how impressive!



These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.

And Putin hates Hillary... :lmao: :lol::rofl:

Key players in a main component of the reset — a Moscow-based Silicon Valley-styled campus for developing biomed, space, nuclear and IT technologies called “Skolkovo” — poured tens of millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation, the report by journalist Peter Schweizer alleges.

As the Obama administration’s top diplomat, Hillary Clinton was at the center of US efforts on the reset in general and Skolkovo in particular, Schweizer argues.


Yet, “Of the 28 US, European and Russian companies that participated in Skolkovo, 17 of them were Clinton Foundation donors” or sponsored speeches by former President Bill Clinton, Schweizer told The Post. (snip)

“I think the idea that you’re going to help develop a Russian version of Silicon Valley, which, by the way, will be controlled by the Russian government, and then not to expect that the technology will be siphoned off for military uses, is incredibly naive,” Schweizer said.

As early as 2010, Cybersecurity experts also expressed deep concerns about Russia using Skolkovo to develop hacking capabilities.

Russia’s FSB spy agency — the successor agency to the KGB — reportedly keeps two of its information warfare “security centers” at Skolkovo, the report says.

“There certainly is an irony that as we are now concerned about Russian cyber attacks on the US, that the reset played a role in enhancing their cyber-capabilities,” Schweizer said.}

Funny, he was bribing her for 20 fucking years.
Oh look, a radical left fact changer - how impressive!


View attachment 575899

These media sources are moderately to strongly biased toward liberal causes through story selection and/or political affiliation. They may utilize strong loaded words (wording that attempts to influence an audience by using appeal to emotion or stereotypes), publish misleading reports and omit reporting of information that may damage liberal causes. Some sources in this category may be untrustworthy. See all Left Bias sources.

And Putin hates Hillary... :lmao: :lol::rofl:

Key players in a main component of the reset — a Moscow-based Silicon Valley-styled campus for developing biomed, space, nuclear and IT technologies called “Skolkovo” — poured tens of millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation, the report by journalist Peter Schweizer alleges.

As the Obama administration’s top diplomat, Hillary Clinton was at the center of US efforts on the reset in general and Skolkovo in particular, Schweizer argues.


Yet, “Of the 28 US, European and Russian companies that participated in Skolkovo, 17 of them were Clinton Foundation donors” or sponsored speeches by former President Bill Clinton, Schweizer told The Post. (snip)

“I think the idea that you’re going to help develop a Russian version of Silicon Valley, which, by the way, will be controlled by the Russian government, and then not to expect that the technology will be siphoned off for military uses, is incredibly naive,” Schweizer said.

As early as 2010, Cybersecurity experts also expressed deep concerns about Russia using Skolkovo to develop hacking capabilities.

Russia’s FSB spy agency — the successor agency to the KGB — reportedly keeps two of its information warfare “security centers” at Skolkovo, the report says.

“There certainly is an irony that as we are now concerned about Russian cyber attacks on the US, that the reset played a role in enhancing their cyber-capabilities,” Schweizer said.}

Funny, he was bribing her for 20 fucking years.
i wouldnt use a left bias source with mixed factual reporting.
that Skolkovo company didnt ever help hillary Kremlin has no evidence Hillary Clinton supported Skolkovo
i wouldnt use a left bias source with mixed factual reporting.
that Skolkovo company didnt ever help hillary Kremlin has no evidence Hillary Clinton supported Skolkovo

You rarely use any source for your idiocy.

If you do it's MSNBCCP, TASS, or CCPNN.

Hillary was and is in Putin's pocket - just like Quid Pro.

Even the Voice of the Reich admitted as much.

The New York Times is suggesting Hillary Clinton took actions as secretary of state because of financial donations that were made to the Clinton Foundation by Russians pushing for a Canadian uranium company.

The Times reported in an explosive piece on Thursday that Canadian records show the chairman of Russian-owned Uranium One gave over $2 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation, which the Clintons’ didn’t disclose. At the same time, Russia pushed for control of a Canadian Uranium company.}

You can cherry-pick all you'd like, kid. Biden has been an unmitigated disaster and his plummeting poll numbers show it.

You a sad little man.

Infrastructure was something your blob campaigned on. He failed. Biden didn't.
Leaving Afghanistan was something your blob campaigned on. He failed. Biden didn't.
Distributing vaccines is a bad thing? Nope.

Your blob signed off on two were all for that. Yet Biden does it and it's a bad thing?

Your hackdom is showing.
You rarely use any source for your idiocy.

If you do it's MSNBCCP, TASS, or CCPNN.

Hillary was and is in Putin's pocket - just like Quid Pro.

Even the Voice of the Reich admitted as much.

The New York Times is suggesting Hillary Clinton took actions as secretary of state because of financial donations that were made to the Clinton Foundation by Russians pushing for a Canadian uranium company.

The Times reported in an explosive piece on Thursday that Canadian records show the chairman of Russian-owned Uranium One gave over $2 million in donations to the Clinton Foundation, which the Clintons’ didn’t disclose. At the same time, Russia pushed for control of a Canadian Uranium company.}

Hillary only had a tiny fraction part of the approval process for Uranium One. The primary approval is from our nuclear regulatory commission (NRC). $2 million is pocket change in this context, hardly anything to create such an influence.

Your really beating a dead horse trying to find a way for Putin to like Clinton, but it wont be possible because Putin hates her.

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