Things I've learned from the right on why I shouldn't vote for Obama

How did we miss all this?

17. Voting for Obama will help repair our standing with the rest of the world. The rest of the world loved Clinton. When Bush visited France, they had to close down a 4 block radius for fear someone would kill him.

18. This will do wonders for our black community. God forbid.

hey, einstein.
it's a joke thread
lighten up, francois.
it's friday.
The only thing I look at is he is way to liberal for my liking. Therefore no vote for me.

Just like they said about Clinton.

He's going to force you to get an abortion and marry a gay guy by taking your guns away and then give you a $2500 tax break. LOL

Actually, Obama is one of those guys who doesn't do everything to the left, like Bush does everything from the right. Obama just does what is right. If you ever actually listened to him, you'd know he makes perfect sense.

Corporations and the top 1% are going to have to pay higher/more taxes. It won't kill business. Them going overseas is killing our economy.

Reagan lowered Corporate taxes too much and Bush 1 & 2 lowered them even more. Don't you get that? Will you be happy when corporations pay zero taxes?

Most firms pay no income taxes - Congress
Study finds that the majority of domestic and foreign corporations in the United States avoid paying federal income taxes.

Majority of corporations avoid federal income taxes - study - Aug. 12, 2008

Come on man! You got your way for 6 plus years and it didn't work. It actually HURT!!!
hey, einstein.
it's a joke thread
lighten up, francois.
it's friday.

I was kidding too, hense the HOW DID WE MISS THESE THINGS comment.

But malibuman wasn't joking, so sorry because I replied seriously.

I'll leave your fun thread now. :(
I was kidding too, hense the HOW DID WE MISS THESE THINGS comment.

But malibuman wasn't joking, so sorry because I replied seriously.

I'll leave your fun thread now. :(

it's not my thread and you don't have to leave.

i just didn't want you to waste any righteous fervor ;)
He can't swim.
He doesn't tip.
He never knew his father.
He loves fried chicken and watermelon.
And I guess they are to you. Which shows:

A.) How brainwashed you are by the right wing.

B.) How fucking loony you really are.

Kindly explain how not wanting a socialist president proves I'm brainwashed?

Do only non-brainwashed people vote lefty?

What's loony about having a problem with terrorists? You like them, I suppose?
He's uppity. Doesn't know his place. NOT a credit to his race.

Also, he's a Cylon.
One. I don't know anything about him.

Two. I hate change. Last night I went to a drive-through at this fast food place. The total was $5.01, and I gave the lady a 10 dollar bill. She gave me 4 dollar bills and 99 cents in change. I asked her nicely if I could just get a 5 telling her I don't like change. Then she had the nerve to ask me for a penny! Like I'm some fucking socialist who had a penny to spare in this economy. I promptly reiterated my stance in a more reasonable tone. "I JUST TOLD YOU I DON'T LIKE CHANGE. WHY WOULD YOU THINK I HAVE A PENNY!?" But it's okay, I got back in time for the O'reilly Factor.

Case in point: I hate change.
Dont forget about all those block parties he will throw on the Whitehouse lawn and the fact he will refer to Nancy Pelosi and other female representatives as bitches and hoes.
I learned that he doesn't put down the toilet seat after using the bathroom.

I learned that he doesn't put down the toilet seat after using the bathroom.


I don't put it up before I pee. But don't worry Jillian because I rarely miss. Unless it's the middle of the night or I have a morning hard on. Then I hit even the back rest. :eusa_shifty:
dont forget he is unamerican in every way,will "fine" you if your a small business and dont go with his health plan,raise taxes on you if you have a small business,add nauseum....add nuseum....the attacks are endless

How can they be an attack if they're true? He has actually stated that businesses who fail to provide health insurance will be "required" to donate to a fund.
1. He's a terrorist
2. He's a socialist
3. He's a communist
4. He's a Muslim
5. He's an illegal alien
6. He hates white people
7. He hates the poor members of his extended family
8. He doesn't eat his veggies
9. He kicks puppies
10. He's a crack head
11. He smokes
12. He thinks he's Jesus
13. He hates America
14. He's Godless
15. He force feeds poison to children
16. He hates Jews (maybe, thinking he's Jesus, he's a self-loathing Jew?)
Anyone else?

Obama is not an illegal alien.

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