Things Our Fearless Leaders Have Done or Said Recently that Make You Go "Hmmmmm"


Eternal optimist
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 11, 2007
There were those government health officials who shut down the little girl's lemonade stand because she didn't have a business license.

And then there was that firefighter promotion exam that everybody, including ALL the African Americans, agreed was in no way discriminatory or racist but was thrown out because no African Americans scored high enough on it to merit promotion.

And the news blurb that President Obama helicoptered eight miles to deliver a speech on clean energy.

And Harry Reid saying that he can't understand how anybody of Hispanic Heritage could be a Republican.

Or Robert Gibbs saying that those who criticize President Obama and/or the administration should be drug tested.

This thread is targeted at those quirks and foibles of those who govern and government in the news that don't really merit a whole thread, but do make a person go "Hmmmmm."
I'll start.

Wednesday, August 11th at 10:06PM EDT

Here is Nancy Pelosi’s twitter feed.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (SpeakerPelosi) on Twitter

Today she wished Muslims celebrating Ramadan “joy, wisdom, and countless blessings.”

On August 3rd, she wished the Sing Tao newspaper a happy 35th birthday.

On July 6th Nancy Pelosi wished the Dalai Lama a happy 75th birthday.

On July 4th the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives . . . oh, you’ve figured it out. Nancy Pelosi didn’t do a darn thing on Twitter for the 4th of July — no “Happy Birthday America” or “God/Allah/Aqua Buddha bless the USA” or anything else. . . .
Nancy Pelosi Wishes Everyone Well But Americans | RedState

Doesn't that make you go hmmm?
George Bush announces the start of war on Iraq. "My fellow citizens. At this hour, American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger."

i'm sorry, but after this whopper, i lost my ability to go hmmmmm
So that one incident has consumed your entire life, thoughts, and ability to think Del? Surely not.

But perhaps you missed the thread title?:

Things Our Fearless Leaders Have Done or Said Recently that Make You Go "Hmmmmm"

You've got the right idea, but I don't want to dredge up a bunch of old issues that have already been hashed out on dozens of threads.
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So that one incident has consumed your entire life, thoughts, and ability to think Del? Surely not.

But perhaps you missed the thread title?

Things Our Fearless Leaders Have Done or Said Recently that Make You Go "Hmmmmm"

You've got the right idea, but I don't want to dredge up a bunch of old issues that have already been hashed out on dozens of threads.

surely not indeed, but it is the biggest load of crap i've heard in the past 10 or so years, which at my age qualifies as recent.

sorry if that's not what your looking for.

But I would like to keep it pretty current if we could.
"You have to pass the bill to find out what is in it" -Nancy Pelosi

[ame=]YouTube - Pelosi: "We Have to Pass the Bill So That You Can Find Out What Is In It"[/ame]
And I would also like this to be a very ecumenical thread open to perplexities regardless of ideology, political party etc.

Here's one that definitely made me go Hmmmm:

A Note To Conservatives Who Wanted to Suck Up to the Quayle Family
Posted by Erick Erickson (Profile)
Wednesday, August 11th at 8:00AM EDT

Look, I get it. Dan and Marilyn Quayle are tremendous people. So when they call and say you should back their son who is running for Congress, you tend to say okay.

But Ben Quayle is imploding. He did a “rent-a-family” mail piece purported showing him with his daughters, but he has none. Now, it turns out that Ben Quayle has a bit of a scandal on his hands.

He helped set up a website called The Dirty and wrote there under the name of a porn star about all the hot chicks at Scottsdale, AZ nightclubs.

His denial of the allegations also shows he’s a pretty bad liar. . . .

A Note To Conservatives Who Wanted to Suck Up to the Quayle Family | RedState
When it comes the daily news coming out of this Obama Regime, my response of choice is usually: "What the fuck?"
When it comes the daily news coming out of this Obama Regime, my response of choice is usually: "What the fuck?"

Examples friend. We need specific examples. :)
Like this one:

In 1939, the Daughters of the American Revolution refused to let Marian Anderson perform before an integrated audience at Constitution Hall. The Board of Education of the then-segregated District also refused to let her perform in the auditorium of a white public high school. So Anderson turned to a symbol of freedom: the Lincoln Memorial.

That April, Anderson held an open-air concert on the steps of the monument to the end of slavery and the ideals of the Republic. Stepping up before a racially mixed audience of more than 75,000, Anderson began with "My Country, ‘Tis of Thee."

Two months ago, at the same memorial, a group of students were confronted by a security guard for singing the national anthem.

The students, members of the conservative Young America’s Foundation, were told by U.S. Park Police that they were "were in violation of federal law and their impromptu performance constituted a demonstration in an area that must remain 'completely content neutral,'" reports

"The area they were standing in and singing is an area that is restricted for this type of activity," said Sgt. David Schlosser. "The United States Park Police is absolutely content-neutral when it comes to any sort of demonstrations in these areas."
Students Silenced for Singing Anthem at Lincoln Memorial | NBC Washington

So the Lincoln Memorial must be 'content neutral' even for singing of the National Anthem?

THAT'S a WTF!!!!!
"Islam has absolutely no connection to the perpetrators of the crime against our nation on 9/11." --Zead Ramanda, president of the Council on American Islamic Relations
When it comes to Congress, the voters are tough graders. Almost no Americans give this Congress an 'A' or a 'B' despite the passage of landmark legislation." --Democrat pollster Mark Penn (Maybe Congress doesn't get and "A" or "B" BECAUSE of the landmark legislation they have passed.)
"I hear these people saying [Obama's] like George Bush. Those people ought to be drug tested. I mean, it's crazy. ... The professional left ... will be satisfied when we have Canadian health care and we've eliminated the Pentagon. That's not reality." --Robert Gibbs
We have been able to deliver the most progressive legislative agenda -- one that helps working families -- not just in one generation, maybe two, maybe three." --Barack Obama
‘Read the bill'... What good is reading the bill if it’s a thousand pages and you don’t have two days and two lawyers to find out what it means after you read the bill?”

John Conyers- late 2009

Of course he's a Democrat.
"I don't know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican, okay? Do I need to say more?" --Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid
Read in the Albuquerque Journal this morning that France is expelling all its gypsies. But all the turmoil in France these days seems to be difficulties with a growing and increasingly demanding Muslim minority. Wouldn't it more make sense to expel demanding Muslims and keep the gypsies? But what do I know?

But for this morning's offering there is this:

I can’t express my utter contempt any better than Allahpundit did here in response to Johnny-come-lately’s shameless new border enforcement ad:

"I don’t know what to say, guys. I’m genuinely speechless. Pandering is one thing, shameless careerist pandering is something else, and then there’s John “Goddamned Fence” McCain marching along the border in a badass Navy baseball cap looking like he could choke out a coyote with his bare hands. And you know what? If he thought he’d get a few points’ bounce from it, I bet he’d do it too. How long before he’s spotted on the trail wearing a “Viva Los 1070″ t-shirt?"​

Yep, now he’s wrapping himself in the very same border fence he was cursing during his presidential campaign in the company of liberal Vanity Fair reporters.

The man who proudly named Soros-funded, open-borders radical Juan Hernandez as his Hispanic Outreach Director is now traipsing around with the Border Patrol promising to fix the fence he cursed and make Americans safe. After trashing immigration enforcement activists as nativists for years, he’s now “one of us:”
Michelle Malkin Johnny-come-lately McCain: The sickly smell of desperation

Hypocrisy isn't the unique property of the Democrats and Left folks.

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