Zone1 Things that block people from God

I didn't say that the source of all wisdom is a book. The source of all wisdom is the Creator, the source for truth itself, and creation.

If you actually do want to be convinced of God, then I suggest going one step at a time.... one doesn't need to jump ahead to the Bible to understand certain things that are evident in life. But now this is starting to get into that other topic again....which as I said is a topic for a thread of its own.
I don’t mean to be convinced of anything. But opening * up your mind to god means closing it to general inquiry
Is today opposite day? I just finished saying the exact opposite. Legitimate inquiry is a GOOD thing, what's not a good thing is to have a closed mind and a stubborn pride from the get-go. Pride is blinding, and blocks people from truth, and closed-mindedness is only going to make it that much harder to ever learn something new.
At what point is opening up your mind when done without evidence.
Greed and the evil within them. Men are evil. They are more evil when they don't believe they answer to anyone else. It's a.vicious cycle.
This - right there. I think that's why I reject it all more than anything else. What a dismal fucking view.
At what point is opening up your mind when done without evidence.

Who said anything about no evidence? I would not be a believer today if there was no evidence. I was having fun and content with my life before I became a Christian, so why would I let my life be radically changed if there was no evidence or valid reason to?

But again (and I'm sorry, I don't want to keep repeating myself) you keep steering this discussion toward the existence of God, and that is not the topic here. You say you don't want to be convinced, but almost every reply of yours has that tone of "convince me and maybe I'll believe." Like I said before, feel free to start a new thread if you want to debate the existence of God or the truth of Christianity. But I don't want this thread to turn into that, that's a topic of its own.
Who said anything about no evidence? I would not be a believer today if there was no evidence. I was having fun and content with my life before I became a Christian, so why would I let my life be radically changed if there was no evidence or valid reason to?

But again (and I'm sorry, I don't want to keep repeating myself) you keep steering this discussion toward the existence of God, and that is not the topic here. You say you don't want to be convinced, but almost every reply of yours has that tone of "convince me and maybe I'll believe." Like I said before, feel free to start a new thread if you want to debate the existence of God or the truth of Christianity. But I don't want this thread to turn into that, that's a topic of its own.
Amazing. You think that what’s blocking people from god has nothing to do with people who don’t see that one ever existed ? Seriously ? Maybe you need to go back and read the OP.
I’ll tell ya what

If God comes up to me, I will sit down and have a beer with him
Till then, I will be skeptical
If When God comes to you you will fall on your face and tremble with fear. God is not your buddy. You are not His equal.
This - right there. I think that's why I reject it all more than anything else. What a dismal fucking view.
Men often overstate the evil and understate the good. Must be a human nature thing. But for the life of me I can't see how that should influence your decisions. Unless of course you are admitting you transfer your control to external sources.
If When God comes to you you will fall on your face and tremble with fear. God is not your buddy. You are not His equal.

The God you worship is a nasty SOB
My God would sit down with you and have a Beer

Why would you worship a God you have to fear?
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Another reason is that a lot of people are unwilling to perform the mental gymnastics required to believe.
Amazing. You think that what’s blocking people from god has nothing to do with people who don’t see that one ever existed ? Seriously ? Maybe you need to go back and read the OP.

Of course I knew that would be one of the main responses from atheists or agnostics.

But what you don't get (and I was the same way, so I get where you're coming from) is that there is evidence all around you, but the problem is "spiritual blindness".... which is basically what this topic is about. There are certain things that are blinding, and those things prevent people from believing. (Or they can block believers from God too, but I digress.) That is the topic. Not trying to "prove" the existence of God or the truth of Christianity to you. But again (I've lost count how many times I've said this) if that's what you want to focus on, then please go ahead and start a thread. Like I said, I might join in when I have the time. Because it is a good topic.

I have to go somewhere right now, so I'l be back a little later, but I just wanted to reply to your last reply real quick.

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