Zone1 Things that block people from God

It’s the constant going in and out of reality.
Yup. But most stick with it because it makes them feel good about themselves. Just think, all of creation happened with my dumb ass in mind. Makes me feel sooooooooo special.
Yup. But most stick with it because it makes them feel good about themselves. Just think, all of creation happened with my dumb ass in mind. Makes me feel sooooooooo special.
And then ol Jesus gave his life for my sins. 2000 years before I was able to do any sinning.
Yup. But most stick with it because it makes them feel good about themselves. Just think, all of creation happened with my dumb ass in mind. Makes me feel sooooooooo special.
It’s easier. It’s hard to deal with reality, easy just to kiss it off as “gods will”. Let’s assume there is a god, HTF do we really know what his “will” is. We could be his pets. After all, god is much higher life form than we are.
It’s easier. It’s hard to deal with reality, easy just to kiss it off as “gods will”. Let’s assume there is a god, HTF do we really know what his “will” is. We could be his pets. After all, god is much higher life form than we are.
I can understand that some people just can't deal with reality and look for an escape in various intoxicating substances. I personally would prefer a good strain of Diesel.
Yes, I confess. I’m blind when it comes to spirits.

Cute, but it's not about "spirits." From a Christian perspective, spiritual blindness is about not being able to see / believe in Christ, and that means not being able to see God. It's also about not seeing that this world, all of existence, is more than just physical / material. You are more than just a bag of bones and flesh.

And it's starting to get funny how many times I've quoted C.S Lewis on this thread, but that reminds me of one more quote...

"Humans are amphibians - half spirit and half animal. As spirits they belong to the eternal world, but as animals they inhabit time."​

Again, even when Jesus walked this earth, there were people who saw Him and the things he did, and did not believe. That was spiritual blindness then, and that same blindness exists today.
And then ol Jesus gave his life for my sins. 2000 years before I was able to do any sinning.

Why is it a point of contention that what Jesus did back then applied to all people, including people in the future?
  1. Sin (Isaiah 59:2, Colossians 1:21)
  2. Pride (Psalm 10:4, James 4:6)
  3. The enemy (2 Corinthians 4:4)
  4. Preoccupation with this world (1 John 2:15, Romans 1:25)

Sometimes I hear nonbelievers say things like "I would like to believe, but I just don't." So for the sake of those who say that with sincerity, I felt it would be worthwhile to point out that certain things can block people from God. Or another way to put it is, there are certain things that are blinding.

This may not be a complete list, so if you're a believer, feel free to add to this list, in case I left anything out.

There are ZERO facts in the Bible that says for a FACT that some God Exists in the Heavens/Skies/Universe/EmptySpace.
Why is it a point of contention that what Jesus did back then applied to all people, including people in the future?
I'm a responsible adult. I prefer to die for my own sins. This whole human sacrifice thing is off-putting, so primitive.
Cute, but it's not about "spirits." From a Christian perspective, spiritual blindness is about not being able to see / believe in Christ, and that means not being able to see God. It's also about not seeing that this world, all of existence, is more than just physical / material. You are more than just a bag of bones and flesh.

And it's starting to get funny how many times I've quoted C.S Lewis on this thread, but that reminds me of one more quote...

"Humans are amphibians - half spirit and half animal. As spirits they belong to the eternal world, but as animals they inhabit time."​

Again, even when Jesus walked this earth, there were people who saw Him and the things he did, and did not believe. That was spiritual blindness then, and that same blindness exists today.
Being that literacy was less than 10% everything was word of mouth.,
No one took notes, let alone take pictures. The believability of occurrences and reliability is dependent upon the education level of populace. It was low, akin to third world nations.
You‘re quoting scribes of the era who worked at the behest of the ruling class who’s object was to control the behavior of the subjects.

Scholars can’t even agree if Christ was literate. If they can’t agree on that, how accurate can a portrayal of his activities be ?
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I'm a responsible adult. I prefer to die for my own sins. This whole human sacrifice thing is off-putting, so primitive.

I hear ya. But don't miss the more important truth because the way it came about might seem strange or off-putting. I don't know if you're a parent....but I think it's safe to say that any good loving parent would take a bullet for their child. Why, because of love. So think of it in that way. We can never measure of up to God's standard, which is perfection. So, even one sin requires forgiveness / salvation. And because God loves you, He made a way for you to have a clean slate and be reconciled to God... by paying the price for you (us.)

I don't know if this will help but here's another analogy... Think of a financial debt. When a person racks up a huge debt, at some point they just can't pay it themselves. So they can go to jail... but if someone offers to pay that debt for them, they can be pardoned. If someone offered that, out of love, then it's OK to accept it. And in the case of salvation, it's the best decision you can ever make, and will change your life forever, for the better.
If god is that powerful, why doesn’t everyone and not just a few including you, get a revelation ?
What kind of revelation would you accept? How would you and your life change after that revelation?
I hear ya. But don't miss the more important truth because the way it came about might seem strange or off-putting. I don't know if you're a parent....but I think it's safe to say that any good loving parent would take a bullet for their child. Why, because of love. So think of it in that way. We can never measure of up to God's standard, which is perfection. So, even one sin requires forgiveness / salvation. And because God loves you, He made a way for you to have a clean slate and be reconciled to God... by paying the price for you (us.)

I don't know if this will help but here's another analogy... Think of a financial debt. When a person racks up a huge debt, at some point they just can't pay it themselves. So they can go to jail... but if someone offers to pay that debt for them, they can be pardoned. If someone offered that, out of love, then it's OK to accept it. And in the case of salvation, it's the best decision you can ever make, and will change your life forever, for the better.
The whole ridiculous idea that a person born in the future would be so disgusting, spoiled, damaged that a death sentence is required is something that I refuse to wrap my head around. Just NO
The whole Bible is an insult to intelligence.
The whole ridiculous idea that a person born in the future would be so disgusting, spoiled, damaged that a death sentence is required is something that I refuse to wrap my head around. Just NO
The whole Bible is an insult to intelligence.
Well, it’s a well written stony to keep the peasants at bay.
The whole ridiculous idea that a person born in the future would be so disgusting, spoiled, damaged that a death sentence is required is something that I refuse to wrap my head around. Just NO
The whole Bible is an insult to intelligence.

I don't at all believe that that's the way God sees you. And I certainly never used words like that. So you are putting up a big strawman. But one that's easy to knock down.

But I do have to say... you are actually proving the bible correct, because it describes the very thing that you are showing (thinking the Gospel is absurd.)

The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.

1 Corinthians 2:14​
The whole ridiculous idea that a person born in the future would be so disgusting, spoiled, damaged that a death sentence is required is something that I refuse to wrap my head around. Just NO
The whole Bible is an insult to intelligence.
1. Sins are forgiven.
2. The perfect sacrifice is obedience to God.

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