Zone1 Things that block people from God

I don't at all believe that that's the way God sees you. And I certainly never used words like that. So you are putting up a big strawman. But one that's easy to knock down.

But I do have to say... you are actually proving the bible correct, because it describes the very thing that you are showing (thinking the Gospel is absurd.)

The natural person does not accept the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he is not able to understand them because they are spiritually discerned.​
1 Corinthians 2:14​
How original. If you don't believe my bullshit you are foolish.

Really ? I’m supposed to have expectations ? Isn’t that the prerogative of believers who have no more evidence than me.
There is evidence the sun rises in the east. How does knowing that change your life?
You want to stay out of trouble? On Monday nights?
Sure. That was some of its usefulness. Like all religions, it is useful for social connections for vulnerable kids in their teen years. I never said religion didn‘t serve a purpose for social connection and to control the conduct of the masses and to stem the loneliness of the elderly facing death alone.
It’s easier. It’s hard to deal with reality, easy just to kiss it off as “gods will”. Let’s assume there is a god, HTF do we really know what his “will” is. We could be his pets. After all, god is much higher life form than we are.

This idea that it's easier to be a Christian is simply not true.

In many ways, it's HARD to be a Christian in this world. Usually harder than not. But it's definitely worth it.

But if what you meant by that is a discomfort or fear of what might come after death, that's another huge strawman. Before I became a believer, I had no fear whatsoever about that, for the same reason you probably don't. Because I simply didn't believe at that time. :dunno: And then once I became a believer, I still had no fear, because I have no reason to. There is no fear in love. Perfect love casts out fear.
Sure. That was some of its usefulness. Like all religions, it is useful for social connections for vulnerable kids in their teen years. I never said religion didn‘t serve a purpose for social connection and to control the conduct of the masses and to stem the loneliness of the elderly facing death alone.
Religion is not for people who want to control you. It is for those who live outside such controls.
How original. If you don't believe my bullshit you are foolish.


That's not what I said, and that's not what the scripture said. Re-read it. The scripture said that to a 'natural person', the Gospel is foolishness. Do you disagree with that?
  1. Sin (Isaiah 59:2, Colossians 1:21)
  2. Pride (Psalm 10:4, James 4:6)
  3. The enemy (2 Corinthians 4:4)
  4. Preoccupation with this world (1 John 2:15, Romans 1:25)

Sometimes I hear nonbelievers say things like "I would like to believe, but I just don't." So for the sake of those who say that with sincerity, I felt it would be worthwhile to point out that certain things can block people from God. Or another way to put it is, there are certain things that are blinding.

This may not be a complete list, so if you're a believer, feel free to add to this list, in case I left anything out.
Your religion destroys the world and humanity, by demonizing it and claiming the "real life" isn't here but in some imaginary dimension, after one dies. That's tragic. This might be the only life we have, and your ideology essentially tells people to commit themselves to an afterlife, rather than the life they actually have now. You're relying on invisible entities to save you from death or annihilation, rather than investing all of your time and effort in making this world better.

Salvation, as well as heaven, is here on Earth, not in some ethereal, pie-in-the-sky, Casper the friendly ghost world that probably, most likely, doesn't even exist. What a tragedy, how pathetic can the religious be, that they invest all of their lives, the only life they actually have, focused on a non-existent "afterlife". How sad.
Your religion destroys the world and humanity, by demonizing it and claiming the "real life" isn't here but in some imaginary dimension, after one dies. That's tragic. This might be the only life we have, and your ideology essentially tells people to commit themselves to an afterlife, rather than the life they actually have now. You're relying on invisible entities to save you from death or annihilation, rather than investing all of your time and effort in making this world better.

Salvation, as well as heaven, is here on Earth, not in some ethereal, pie-in-the-sky, Casper the friendly ghost world that probably, most likely, doesn't even exist. What a tragedy, how pathetic can the religious be, that they invest all of their lives, the only life they actually have, focused on a non-existent "afterlife". How sad.

Wow, that is way, WAY off. In fact, it's the exact opposite. Christianity teaches to not waste this life, to make the best use of our short time here in this world. To enjoy life, but also to gain wisdom while we're here and be fruitful. In my view, it is typically nonbelievers who waste this life away on things that are ultimately unimportant... things that just pass the time, or things that merely entertain, as opposed to things that make a difference.

Just because the bible says that this life is short doesn't mean that it says it's not real. It is simply comparing this temporary life against eternity. In the grand scheme of things, it IS like a vapor, but it certainly is not unreal.

And your statement about salvation is also a total strawman. Salvation doesn't start in the afterlife. It starts in the here and now, immediately upon getting saved. In fact, I don't even think about the afterlife, and no Christians I know sit around and only think about the afterlife. They are living in the here and now, and they are busy living a life with purpose and meaning, and doing really cool things, and continually learning and growing as the years go by.

Sorry, I don't know what your personal experience was with Christianity (I don't even know why your screen name is "Christian man" if you are anti-Christian) but you are flatly wrong in your perception.

Btw, did you change your screen name from something else..... something to do with communism? You remind me of another poster here, who had a communist-looking avatar, and that poster seemed to be an ex-Christian.
It's becoming and being the best version of you.
Best ? That’s a loaded statement. Christianity is quite explicit. It’s not the best version of yourself, it’s being the best version Christianity models for you, Christ.
Speaking of spiritual blindness, don't laugh but many years ago I made this little video about this topic. It's just a little animated whiteboard video, basically saying the same things stated in the OP but expanding on them a bit.

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Wow, that is way, WAY off. In fact, it's the exact opposite. Christianity teaches to not waste this life, to make the best use of our short time here in this world. To enjoy life, but also to gain wisdom while we're here and be fruitful. In my view, it is typically nonbelievers who waste this life away on things that are ultimately unimportant... things that just pass the time, or things that merely entertain, as opposed to things that make a difference.

Just because the bible says that this life is short doesn't mean that it says it's not real. It is simply comparing this temporary life against eternity. In the grand scheme of things, it IS like a vapor, but it certainly is not unreal.

And your statement about salvation is also a total strawman. Salvation doesn't start in the afterlife. It starts in the here and now, immediately upon getting saved. In fact, I don't even think about the afterlife, and no Christians I know sit around and only think about the afterlife. They are living in the here and now, and they are busy living a life with purpose and meaning, and doing really cool things, and continually learning and growing as the years go by.

Sorry, I don't know what your personal experience was with Christianity (I don't even know why your screen name is "Christian man" if you are anti-Christian) but you are flatly wrong in your perception.

Btw, did you change your screen name from something else..... something to do with communism? You remind me of another poster here, who had a communist-looking avatar, and that poster seemed to be an ex-Christian.
Buttercup, you are a true disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ!

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