Zone1 Things that block people from God

Wow, that is way, WAY off. In fact, it's the exact opposite. Christianity teaches to not waste this life, to make the best use of our short time here in this world. To enjoy life, but also to gain wisdom while we're here and be fruitful. In my view, it is typically nonbelievers who waste this life away on things that are ultimately unimportant... things that just pass the time, or things that merely entertain, as opposed to things that make a difference.

Just because the bible says that this life is short doesn't mean that it says it's not real. It is simply comparing this temporary life against eternity. In the grand scheme of things, it IS like a vapor, but it certainly is not unreal.

And your statement about salvation is also a total strawman. Salvation doesn't start in the afterlife. It starts in the here and now, immediately upon getting saved. In fact, I don't even think about the afterlife, and no Christians I know sit around and only think about the afterlife. They are living in the here and now, and they are busy living a life with purpose and meaning, and doing really cool things, and continually learning and growing as the years go by.

Sorry, I don't know what your personal experience was with Christianity (I don't even know why your screen name is "Christian man" if you are anti-Christian) but you are flatly wrong in your perception.

Btw, did you change your screen name from something else..... something to do with communism? You remind me of another poster here, who had a communist-looking avatar, and that poster seemed to be an ex-Christian.
What a bunch of malarky. Christianity, along with all Abrahamic religions, is nothing more than barbarism, that undermines human survival, demeaning humanity and the only life we have. In your lust for eternal life, you'll serve anyone, even an invisible tyrant that is willing to keep his human creation in a state of eternal, excruciating torment. What does that say about your character? You're willing to bend the knee to a being that keeps people conscious in hell forever, because they didn't convert to a particular religion? What utter nonsense. How can anyone in their right mind, believe in such ridiculous lies? How is this good news? Where is the "good news"?

God is a sadistic torturer, but wait!!! If you convert to Christianity he won't torture you! Isn't this "good news"? Your mother, father, your brothers and sisters, your grandparents who just died without converting to Christianity, your spouse, your children, might get tortured in hell for all eternity because they weren't religious, BUT you don't have to be tortured in hell for all eternity by the heavenly tyrant. You can convert to Christianity and go to the eternal, heavenly Six Flags Waterpark. Sure your family might be getting burned in the fires of hell for all eternity, by the heavenly tyrant god, but not you. You can convert to Christianity, isn't that wonderful? This is "good news", wow. How "good".
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  1. Sin (Isaiah 59:2, Colossians 1:21)
  2. Pride (Psalm 10:4, James 4:6)
  3. The enemy (2 Corinthians 4:4)
  4. Preoccupation with this world (1 John 2:15, Romans 1:25)

Sometimes I hear nonbelievers say things like "I would like to believe, but I just don't." So for the sake of those who say that with sincerity, I felt it would be worthwhile to point out that certain things can block people from God. Or another way to put it is, there are certain things that are blinding.

This may not be a complete list, so if you're a believer, feel free to add to this list, in case I left anything out.
Believing in mythology
What a bunch of malarky. Christianity, along with all Abrahamic religions, is nothing more than barbarism, that undermines human survival, demeaning humanity and the only life we have. In your lust for eternal life, you'll serve anyone, even an invisible tyrant that is willing to keep his human creation in a state of eternal, excruciating torment. What does that say about your character? You're willing to bend the knee to a being that keeps people conscious in hell forever, because they didn't convert to a particular religion? What utter nonsense. How can anyone in their right mind, believe in such ridiculous lies? How is this good news? Where is the "good news"?

God is a sadistic torturer, but wait!!! If you convert to Christianity he won't torture you! Isn't this "good news"? Your mother, father, your brothers and sisters, your grandparents who just died without converting to Christianity, your spouse, your children, might get tortured in hell for all eternity because they weren't religious, BUT you don't have to be tortured in hell for all eternity by the heavenly tyrant. You can convert to Christianity and go to the eternal, heavenly Six Flags Waterpark. Sure your family might be getting burned in the fires of hell for all eternity, by the heavenly tyrant god, but not you. You can convert to Christianity, isn't that wonderful? This is "good news", wow. How "good".
Logic doesn't exclude a cruel God but it precludes a merciful one.
What a bunch of malarky. Christianity, along with all Abrahamic religions, is nothing more than barbarism, that undermines human survival, demeaning humanity and the only life we have. In your lust for eternal life, you'll serve anyone, even an invisible tyrant that is willing to keep his human creation in a state of eternal, excruciating torment. What does that say about your character? You're willing to bend the knee to a being that keeps people conscious in hell forever, because they didn't convert to a particular religion? What utter nonsense. How can anyone in their right mind, believe in such ridiculous lies? How is this good news? Where is the "good news"?

God is a sadistic torturer, but wait!!! If you convert to Christianity he won't torture you! Isn't this "good news"? Your mother, father, your brothers and sisters, your grandparents who just died without converting to Christianity, your spouse, your children, might get tortured in hell for all eternity because they weren't religious, BUT you don't have to be tortured in hell for all eternity by the heavenly tyrant. You can convert to Christianity and go to the eternal. heavenly Six Flags Waterpark. Sure your family might be getting burned in the fires of hell for all eternity, by the heavenly tyrant god, but not you. You can convert to Christianity, isn't that wonderful? This is "good news", wow. How "good".

Ok, thanks for sharing your opinion. Not really the topic, and I don't want to get sidetracked with an apologetics debate, especially with someone so angry and emotional, so again thanks and if you want to debate those things, you should start a new thread.
Ok, thanks for sharing your opinion. Not really the topic, and I don't want to get sidetracked with apologetics, especially with someone so angry and emotional, so again thanks and if you want to debate those things, you should start a new thread.
Gaslight me and run. That's all you religious folks can do. Is that what religion is, opinion? In your opinion, there's a heavenly tyrant that tortures his human creation in a fiery hell forever if they don't convert to the "right religion", does that sound rational or reasonable to you? Isn't it self-evident to you that Christianity is a bunch of nonsensical gobbledygook?

How can a truly good, ALMIGHTY GOD, torture people in hell for all eternity because they didn't adopt a bunch of nonsensical religious beliefs? Do words have any meaning to you at all? How is Christianity "good news"? It's horrible news. God is supposedly omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and yet he keeps people alive in a state of eternal torment because they didn't convert to a religion. Your religious beliefs are self-evidently false, if not immoral.
Thanks so much for the encouragement! I was starting to feel alone on this thread, lol. I appreciate it. :)
I could see that and nothing you have said has been off. The God haters don't know Him like you or I do and unless they humble themselves they may never know the true goodness of God. I admire you for standing up to them and being a true disciple of our Lord. God bless you in all that you do!
I could see that and nothing you have said has been off. The God haters don't know Him like you or I do and unless they humble themselves they may never know the true goodness of God. I admire you for standing up to them and being a true disciple of our Lord. God bless you in all that you do!
I don't reject "GOD", I reject your obscene beliefs and claims about God. Your so-called "God" is clearly NOT God or one worthy of anyone's love and devotion. Only morally deficient cowards would believe in your religious "Christian" tripe.
Gaslight me and run. That's all you religious folks can do. Is that what religion is, opinion? In your opinion, there's a heavenly tyrant that tortures his human creation in a fiery hell forever if they don't convert to the "right religion", does that sound rational or reasonable to you? Isn't it self-evident to you that Christianity is a bunch of nonsensical gobbledygook?

How can a truly good, ALMIGHTY GOD, torture people in hell for all eternity because they didn't adopt a bunch of nonsensical religious beliefs? Do words have any meaning to you at all? How is Christianity "good news"? It's horrible news. God is supposedly omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, and yet he keeps people alive in a state of eternal torment because they didn't convert to a religion. Your religious beliefs are self-evidently false, if not immoral.

No, that's not my view of God at all. Again, I don't know what your personal experience was, but keep in mind there's a huge difference between religion and God. Often people with a bad experience with the former will have a bad view of the latter. And often they'll throw the baby out with the bathwater (which is what I did in the past.) But again, you're bringing up other topics and I'm sorry but again feel free to start a new thread on those topics. I already stated at least three times that I don't want this thread to be yet another theist vs atheist debate with angry atheists, who most likely wouldn't be convinced no matter what is presented. As I said to another guy earlier, in many cases it's not about lack of evidence, it's a heart issue.

Again, why the screen name "Christian man" if you're anti-Christian?

ETA: correction, I don't know if you're an atheist or not, but the same thing applies, you're an angry anti-christian.
I don't reject "GOD", I reject your obscene beliefs and claims about God. Your so-called "God" is clearly NOT God or one worthy of anyone's love and devotion. Only morally deficient cowards would believe in your religious "Christian" tripe.
You not only don't know me and what I believe but you also do not know God very well. I suggest that you revisit the teachings of Jesus Christ and you may eventually come to understand his perfect love.
No, that's not my view of God at all. Again, I don't know what your personal experience was, but keep in mind there's a huge difference between religion and God. Often people with a bad experience with the former will have a bad view of the latter. And often they'll throw the baby out with the bathwater (which is what I did in the past.) But again, you're bringing up other topics and I'm sorry but again feel free to start a new thread on those topics. I already stated at least three times that I don't want this thread to be yet another theist vs atheist debate with angry atheists, who most likely wouldn't be convinced no matter what is presented. As I said to another guy earlier, in many cases it's not about lack of evidence, it's a heart issue.

Again, why the screen name "Christian man" if you're anti-Christian?

Keep running. That's all you can do apparently. Gaslighting me doesn't strengthen your position. You opened this thread and made several assertions about nonbelievers and now that a non-believer is here responding to your charges, you run like a coward. You wrote:


Things that block people from God

  1. Sin (Isaiah 59:2, Colossians 1:21)
  2. Pride (Psalm 10:4, James 4:6)
  3. The enemy (2 Corinthians 4:4)
  4. Preoccupation with this world (1 John 2:15, Romans 1:25)

Sometimes I hear nonbelievers say things like "I would like to believe, but I just don't." So for the sake of those who say that with sincerity, I felt it would be worthwhile to point out that certain things can block people from God. Or another way to put it is, there are certain things that are blinding. This may not be a complete list, so if you're a believer, feel free to add to this list, in case I left anything out. "

How about ridiculous, obscene claims made by Christianity and other religions? You didn't add that, did you? Why should any rational, decent person, believe in your heavenly tyrant that tortures people in hell for all eternity for not converting to Christianity? It's not self-evident to you that your version of Christianity and God demand people to "block out" your obscene version of God? You lack discernment.

I call myself "Christian Man" to make fun of wicked Christians like you. You're all a bunch of hypocrites.
Keep running. That's all you can do apparently. Gaslighting me doesn't strengthen your position. You opened this thread and made several assertions about nonbelievers and now that a non-believer is here responding to your charges, you run like a coward. You wrote:


Things that block people from God​

  1. Sin (Isaiah 59:2, Colossians 1:21)
  2. Pride (Psalm 10:4, James 4:6)
  3. The enemy (2 Corinthians 4:4)
  4. Preoccupation with this world (1 John 2:15, Romans 1:25)

Sometimes I hear nonbelievers say things like "I would like to believe, but I just don't." So for the sake of those who say that with sincerity, I felt it would be worthwhile to point out that certain things can block people from God. Or another way to put it is, there are certain things that are blinding. This may not be a complete list, so if you're a believer, feel free to add to this list, in case I left anything out. "

How about ridiculous, obscene claims made by Christianity and other religions? You didn't add that, did you? Why should any rational, decent person, believe in your heavenly tyrant that tortures people in hell for all eternity for not converting to Christianity? It's not self-evident to you that your version of Christianity and God demand people to "block out" your obscene version of God? You lack discernment.

I call myself "Christian Man" to make fun of wicked Christians like you. You're all a bunch of hypocrites.

I'm not running. I'm here, if you want to have an actual discussion about the topic and be civil. But what I'm seeing from you is angry hateful rants against Christianity and Christians.... and bringing up other topics that would derail the thread.

You already stated your thoughts on the topic, you clearly don't agree that the things in the OP block you from God, you basically said you don't believe because you think the Christian God is a horrible tyrannical evil God. And I tried having an actual conversation with you, and I replied saying that your perception is wrong. But I can see that trying to convince you is pointless, so why is it so hard for you to simply accept that I'm not here to argue with you? This thread is not an apologetics thread, it's not about trying to convince you of God or Christianity. Again, especially with anyone filled with so much anger and hate.
  1. Sin (Isaiah 59:2, Colossians 1:21)
  2. Pride (Psalm 10:4, James 4:6)
  3. The enemy (2 Corinthians 4:4)
  4. Preoccupation with this world (1 John 2:15, Romans 1:25)

Sometimes I hear nonbelievers say things like "I would like to believe, but I just don't." So for the sake of those who say that with sincerity, I felt it would be worthwhile to point out that certain things can block people from God. Or another way to put it is, there are certain things that are blinding.

This may not be a complete list, so if you're a believer, feel free to add to this list, in case I left anything out.

1) According to some people/the Bible/whatever, ALL PEOPLE sin. So, if sin blocks people from God, wouldn't ALL PEOPLE be blocked?

2) Pride, I doubt it. Most people's religion is formed at an early age, and depends on those around them. I went to church, and didn't like it, it seemed pointless to me.

3) Who is "the enemy"?

4) We live in this world, I'm sure almost everyone is preoccupied with this world.
I could see that and nothing you have said has been off. The God haters don't know Him like you or I do and unless they humble themselves they may never know the true goodness of God. I admire you for standing up to them and being a true disciple of our Lord. God bless you in all that you do!

Thanks, again. You bring up a good point, about personal knowledge and experience, which I think is necessary for anyone to believe and have faith in God. And I don't remember if it was you or someone else who posted the verse "knock and the door will be opened to you".....but an actual encounter or experience is what causes all sorts of people from all different religious backgrounds to come to that life-changing radical change of mind/heart, and come to faith in Jesus. I brought up earlier that no one truly comes to God unless God draws that person in (John 6:44) and that is something that I don't think will happen, if one has that stubborn, prideful, rebellious hateful closedminded attitude. But hey, maybe even with those types, it is still possible, but I think far more unlikely.
1) According to some people/the Bible/whatever, ALL PEOPLE sin. So, if sin blocks people from God, wouldn't ALL PEOPLE be blocked?

Good question. Well this is just my view, but I think there's a difference between messing up from time to time yet trying to do the right thing..... and a lifestyle of continuous unrepentant sin. I think the latter is more of a barrier to God. I think after a while it can actually desensitize or "deaden" one's conscience. And when that happens, it's very bad news, because when one doesn't have a functioning conscience, eventually anything goes.

2) Pride, I doubt it. Most people's religion is formed at an early age, and depends on those around them. I went to church, and didn't like it, it seemed pointless to me.

I think pride is very blinding. Not just in this context, when it comes to faith in God... but in general, too.

Also, I disagree that most people's religion is formed at an early age. Well, let me clarify that... religion? Yes, in the sense that people are usually brought up with a particular religion or worldview. But true beliefs/faith? That is something that has to be a person's own individual decision, it can't be anyone else's, or else it's not genuine. For example, sometimes kids who were raised in a Christian home rebel and go out into the world to experience what the world has to offer. (Kind of like the story of the Prodigal Son) And once they experience life on their own, they either decide to stay away from the religion they were raised in, or they come back to it, but when they come back to it, it's because they came to that decision on their own, and they have to have their own 'walk with God', or else it's not a true faith, but mere empty religion.

3) Who is "the enemy"?

The spiritual enemy of God, aka the dark side. From a biblical perspective, there is a spiritual realm, and it's either of God or it isn't. But the scripture I brought up in that particular point was about the lowercase "god of this world" (satan, which means adversary) who is the temporary power of this world.

4) We live in this world, I'm sure almost everyone is preoccupied with this world.

Yes, but there are certain things that people can become too focused on in this world. When I talk about this world or "worldy" things, I mean things that are of this temporal world that can be distracting from more important matters. For example, someone who is addicted to watching celebrities on TV like the Kardashians, or only being interested in partying, or being overly focused on things like fashion and keeping up with the Joneses, etc, etc. From a biblical perspective, if our attention is only on things of this world, then it's not going to be on weightier matters and seeking truth.

Thanks for being civil and reasonable, btw.
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Good question. Well this is just my view, but I think there's a difference between messing up from time yet trying to do the right thing..... and a lifestyle of continuous unrepentant sin. I think the latter is more of a barrier to God. I think after a while it can actually desensitize or "deaden" one's conscience. And when that happens, it's very bad news, because when one doesn't have a functioning conscience, eventually anything goes.

I think pride is very blinding. Not just in this context, when it comes to faith in God... but in general, too.

Also, I disagree that most people's religion is formed at an early age. Well, let me clarify that... religion? Yes, in the sense that people are usually brought up with a particular religion or worldview. But true beliefs/faith? That is something that has to be a person's own individual decision, it can't be anyone else's, or else it's not genuine. For example, sometimes kids who were raised in a Christian home rebel and go out into the world to experience what the world has to offer. (Kind of like the story of the Prodigal Son) And once they experience life on their own, they either decide to stay away from the religion they were raised in, or they come back to it, but when they come back to it, it's because they came to that decision on their own, and they have to have their own 'walk with God', or else it's not a true faith, but mere empty religion.

The spiritual enemy of God, aka the dark side. From a biblical perspective, there is a spiritual realm, and it's either of God or it isn't. But the scripture I brought up in that particular point was about the lowercase "god of this world" (satan, which means adversary) who is the temporary power of this world.

Yes, but there are certain things that people can become too focused on in this world. When I talk about this world or "worldy" things, I mean things that are of this temporal world that can be distracting from more important matters. For example, someone who is addicted to watching celebrities on TV like the Kardashians, or only being interested in partying, or being overly focused on things like fashion and keeping up with the Joneses, etc, etc. From a biblical perspective, if our attention is only on things of this world, then it's not going to be on weightier matters and seeking truth.

Thanks for being civil and reasonable, btw.

I think that the way God acted in Noah's Ark time, where he killed all humans, except Noah and his family, and all animals except "two of every type", might suggest that God doesn't really differentiate between the two.

And then there are plenty of people who aren't religious, but aren't bad people either. I'm not religious and I don't go around killing people, fighting, drinking, doing bad things. So... why would I be "blocked"? When there are plenty of religious people who are not good people.

I still don't see how pride can impact people. Again, a lot of people with too much pride are religious.

For me "the enemy" seems so vague... it doesn't actually mean anything.

The problem with number four is that if a person doesn't have religion, they'll be focused on "worldly things", so how do babies, who are focused on worldly things, get unblocked and believe in God to them not be so interested in worldly things? Seems you have to be unblocked first....

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