Think About It


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
Israel is attacked by Hamas without warning, killing over 1200 Israeli's & visitors plus taking hostages. So what shall Israel do about it?

Is it better for Israel to not retaliate to kill the enemy, be praised by much of the world & be dead? Or shall Israel retaliate to kill the enemy, be condemned by much of the world & live?

It's not just Hamas. The Zionist regime may have walked into Iran's and their numerous proxies' trap.

It's also suspected that Iran is now acting as a proxy for China and Russia.
Justice must be sought and achieved. In the end, that is the bottom line. When you also consider the national security of Israel and its citizens, it is clear that Hamas cannot continue to exist.

They have the option to surrender. The Japanese, Italians and Germans surrendered. So did Iraq when they accepted the peace terms laid out by the Americans after Desert Storm. Many militaries have surrendered in history,

Hamas has hostages, They are using them as a means to demand a full ceasefire. If Israel gives in to this blackmail than ANY nation of soldiers will just kidnap citizens in times of war and expect that it will lead to a ceasefire.

This is akin to Japan saying "we have your POWs so you better not drop another bomb", or the Germans holding Russian citizens and telling the charging Russian army to go back home.

War is vicious and evil. Ending it is noble, but it can only end if one surrenders or both sides decide they have had enough. Israel have Hamas pinned down like cockroaches, why would they allow them to become free after the murder and kidnapping they committed?

I am a peaceful man. As such,, I believe that Hamas have a right to surrender and while waving the white flag, the IDF shouldn't fire a shot.

I am also a just man, this means that Israel must ensure justice prevails.

The choice is really Hamas at this point because Israel is rightfully saying "we will not stop until they are no longer a threat, or, they surrender (along with handing over the hostages)." No one should be surprised by this position,
Hamas has hostages, They are using them as a means to demand a full ceasefire. If Israel gives in to this blackmail than ANY nation of soldiers will just kidnap citizens in times of war and expect that it will lead to a ceasefire.
It's called, 'taking prisoners' and it's a long known tactic in all wars.
"Taking prisoners" usually applies to military combattants, not innocent civilians as is the case with Hamas.
Is that what you think?
Then Hamas isn't fighting fair.

In real wars you take prisoners and keep them well as long as they can be used as bargaining chips. If they're of no value you shoot them. That's how the lady basketball player got to go home.
Is that what you think?
Then Hamas isn't fighting fair.

In real wars you take prisoners and keep them well as long as they can be used as bargaining chips. If they're of no value you shoot them. That's how the lady basketball player got to go home.
No doubt about that Hamas isn't fighting fair. Ask yourself how many innocent civilians Israel has taken as prisoners? Face it, Hamas made a bad mistake costing many thousands of Palestinian lives.
No doubt about that Hamas isn't fighting fair. Ask yourself how many innocent civilians Israel has taken as prisoners? Face it, Hamas made a bad mistake costing many thousands of Palestinian lives.
I'm not sure that Hamas has any regrets. Or more to the point, Iran doesn't?

This question needs to be considered on the basis of whether or not Iran has established 'power to escalate' over the power that was formerly the Zionist regime's?

Do you understand what 'power to escalate' means? And if so then what's your opinion?
I'm not sure that Hamas has any regrets. Or more to the point, Iran doesn't?

This question needs to be considered on the basis of whether or not Iran has established 'power to escalate' over the power that was formerly the Zionist regime's?

Do you understand what 'power to escalate' means? And if so then what's your opinion?
Indeed Hamas has no regrets. They still refuse to release all hostages giving Israel good reason to continue on as is. As to "power to escalate", there lies a possibility of a far greater conflict with many countries capable.
Indeed Hamas has no regrets. They still refuse to release all hostages giving Israel good reason to continue on as is. As to "power to escalate", there lies a possibility of a far greater conflict with many countries capable.
You're like a breathe of fresh coffee around here!
I'll only disagree that the Zionist regime needing a 'hostages' excuse to continue the genocide, isn't likely. It's only a very effective talking point.

As to the power to escalate and your comment on that, I didn't get your intent.

I'll just surmise that Russia and/or China has provided Iran the necessary weapons with which Iran now has the power to escalate. It seems to me to be the obvious.

If true, think of what that implies!
You're like a breathe of fresh coffee around here!
I'll only disagree that the Zionist regime needing a 'hostages' excuse to continue the genocide, isn't likely. It's only a very effective talking point.

As to the power to escalate and your comment on that, I didn't get your intent.

I'll just surmise that Russia and/or China has provided Iran the necessary weapons with which Iran now has the power to escalate. It seems to me to be the obvious.

If true, think of what that implies!
We agree on that. Like I said, the power to escalate involves several countries with a far greater conflict possible than any now.
We agree on that. Like I said, the power to escalate involves several countries with a far greater conflict possible than any now.
What’s that guy talking about with his repeated references to “the Zionist Regime”? Would that be the government that wants Israel to continue to exist? Otherwise, there is no Zionist Regime.
Israel has had enough. Attack them and they are going to attack you back.
The point all of you are missing is that the Zionist regime has always attacked first, in their mission of taking more Palestinian terrirtory. Now there's a situation created in which an attack by them will be responded to by Iran, with equal or greater force and damage.
The more balanced power in the ME could save many lives! It is our hope that neither side will attack another with impunity without understanding that they risk their own.

If the war against Russia can be concluded with a peace settlement, there's hope for all of our futures!
We agree on that. Like I said, the power to escalate involves several countries with a far greater conflict possible than any now.
You've stated your point in an awkward way but I think I get it.
Although it has little to do with the point I've made on Iran's ability.
I suppose you're referring to the abilities of the superpowers?
On that we can agree that each nuclear power will have their proxies fighting the wars.
Israel has NEVER stopped attacking the Pales in the West Bank via paramilitary "settlers." But then Hamas never stopped attacking Israel.

Maybe the US should either try a different tactic or just exit the conflict.
The point all of you are missing is that the Zionist regime has always attacked first, in their mission of taking more Palestinian terrirtory. Now there's a situation created in which an attack by them will be responded to by Iran, with equal or greater force and damage.
The more balanced power in the ME could save many lives! It is our hope that neither side will attack another with impunity without understanding that they risk their own.

If the war against Russia can be concluded with a peace settlement, there's hope for all of our futures!
1) There is no Zionist regime.

2) And you’re trying to claim that Israel attacks first? What was October 7th?

3) Israel offered land-for-peace deals before, but the Jew-hating “Palestinians” turned them down.
Israel has NEVER stopped attacking the Pales in the West Bank via paramilitary "settlers." But then Hamas never stopped attacking Israel.

Maybe the US should either try a different tactic or just exit the conflict.
Oye. Another leftist. ^^^

Israel attacked first in the current war?

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