Think the Koch Brothers Are Among the Top 10 All-Time Political Donors?

Think the Koch Brothers Are Among the Top 10 All-Time Political Donors? Sorry, You Are Wrong. Very Wrong. |

Nope the highest donors are UNIONS which give most money to Dems so the next time you say something about the Koch brothers you might want to say the same thing about the UNIONS !!
UNIONS are the biggest Money Laundering scheme the Democrats have going, and frankly why they stay in power...Criminals helping other criminals. Gotta love it.
Think the Koch Brothers Are Among the Top 10 All-Time Political Donors? Sorry, You Are Wrong. Very Wrong. |

Nope the highest donors are UNIONS which give most money to Dems so the next time you say something about the Koch brothers you might want to say the same thing about the UNIONS !!
UNIONS are the biggest Money Laundering scheme the Democrats have going, and frankly why they stay in power...Criminals helping other criminals. Gotta love it.

Yep, and that is what the GM bailout was all about, saving the UAW and keeping its cash flowing to the DNC. So the dems used OUR money to bribe the auto union. Think about that, what would the media be saying if a republican president did something like that?
Think the Koch Brothers Are Among the Top 10 All-Time Political Donors? Sorry, You Are Wrong. Very Wrong. |

Nope the highest donors are UNIONS which give most money to Dems so the next time you say something about the Koch brothers you might want to say the same thing about the UNIONS !!
UNIONS are the biggest Money Laundering scheme the Democrats have going, and frankly why they stay in power...Criminals helping other criminals. Gotta love it.

Yep, and that is what the GM bailout was all about, saving the UAW and keeping its cash flowing to the DNC. So the dems used OUR money to bribe the auto union. Think about that, what would the media be saying if a republican president did something like that?

The UAW ain't real happy today. They just got bitch-slapped by the workers at VW

Volkswagen workers reject UAW in huge blow to union
Between 1989 and 2014....The Kochs only gave $18 million in donations. Yeah.

Does anyone have trouble believing that?
Note: Percentages may not add up to 100% as money can be given to third party
candidates or outside spending groups and PACs not affiliated with either party.

ROFL....the data doesn't include PACs....what a joke...the Kochs give almost ALL their money to PACs, it doesn't include anything from them hardly
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Cut-n-Paste Lovebear strikes again! :lol:

Bodecea uncomfortable with the facts again...! :eusa_whistle:

I don't get it bodecea, you've expressed outrage over the Koch brothers. Where is your outrage at the unions? Why do you attack the messenger instead of the message? Is the realization that you are just a useful idiot to your Dumbocrat masters that uncomfortable for you? :eusa_eh:
Between 1989 and 2014....The Kochs only gave $18 million in donations. Yeah.

Does anyone have trouble believing that?
Note: Percentages may not add up to 100% as money can be given to third party
candidates or outside spending groups and PACs not affiliated with either party.
ROFL....the data doesn't include PACs....what a joke...the Kochs give almost ALL their money to PACs, it doesn't include anything from them hardly
TELL us about the UNIONS though, will you? How about George Soros?

Between 1989 and 2014....The Kochs only gave $18 million in donations. Yeah.

Does anyone have trouble believing that?
Note: Percentages may not add up to 100% as money can be given to third party
candidates or outside spending groups and PACs not affiliated with either party.
ROFL....the data doesn't include PACs....what a joke...the Kochs give almost ALL their money to PACs, it doesn't include anything from them hardly
TELL us about the UNIONS though, will you? How about George Soros?


tell you how dumb Unions can Union (N.A.L.C.) supported Feinstein and that little worm Waxmen....even after they both fucked them....they still have them on their "Friends in Congress" list....
Between 1989 and 2014....The Kochs only gave $18 million in donations. Yeah.

Does anyone have trouble believing that?
ROFL....the data doesn't include PACs....what a joke...the Kochs give almost ALL their money to PACs, it doesn't include anything from them hardly
TELL us about the UNIONS though, will you? How about George Soros?


tell you how dumb Unions can Union (N.A.L.C.) supported Feinstein and that little worm Waxmen....even after they both fucked them....they still have them on their "Friends in Congress" list....
Have to be careful of your associations...and watch your back...

So WHY do people vote for these worms?
The Kochs and other GOP billiannaires also fund all the GW deniers, GOP ''think tanks'', radio charlatans, internet propagandists, lobbyists etc etc. The dupes are totally clueless...
Cut-n-Paste Lovebear strikes again! :lol:

Typical non-response. Are you able to give an actual opinion on something or are hit and run posts the extent of your ability to add to a conversation?

The Koch brothers are constantly bashed by the left for being big donors to Republicans as if they are doing something unique. Now that the facts show they can't light a candle to the amount donated by unions, we just get more insults.

Did the OP hit a nerve and is that why you opted for a personal attack instead of commenting on the facts?
Think the Koch Brothers Are Among the Top 10 All-Time Political Donors? Sorry, You Are Wrong. Very Wrong. |

Nope the highest donors are UNIONS which give most money to Dems so the next time you say something about the Koch brothers you might want to say the same thing about the UNIONS !!

Consider not only how much they donate, but why and who benefits. I know, that requires thinking and not simply acceptance of a stand alone statistic. One reason Mark Twain has been attributed to this comment: "There are liars, damn liars and statistics".
Koch-backed political network, built to shield donors, raised $400 ...
Koch-backed political network, built to shield donors, raised $400 million in 2012 elections - The Washington Post
Jan 5, 2014 ... Koch-backed political coalition, designed to shield donors, raised ... for
Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan group that tracks money in politics.
An amazing map of the Koch brothers massive political network
Jan 6, 2014 ... Tracing the flow of money required pouring through hundreds of pages of tax
returns and mapping out the connections between the groups.
Liberals are allowed to do whatever they like, even violate the law to go after conservatives.

If a conservative speaks up, spends money, etc to counter them...then liberals send the IRS, FBI, EPA, etc after them to throw them in jail or scare them into stopping their campaign against liberalism.

Just this week we see liberal scum in the Senate demanding the IRS go after conservative groups AGAIN over political ads exposing the obamacare lies. We are dealing with evil criminals....
Liberals are allowed to do whatever they like, even violate the law to go after conservatives.

If a conservative speaks up, spends money, etc to counter them...then liberals send the IRS, FBI, EPA, etc after them to throw them in jail or scare them into stopping their campaign against liberalism.

Just this week we see liberal scum in the Senate demanding the IRS go after conservative groups AGAIN over political ads exposing the obamacare lies. We are dealing with evil criminals....

Under George W. Bush, the IRS went after the NAACP, Greenpeace and even a liberal church

Darrell Issa requested IRS scrutiny of liberal groups not be released, to "focus on tea party organizations"

Elijah Cummings Releases IRS Transcript - Darrell Issa Gets Played for releasing "cherry picked" list

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