Think the Koch Brothers Are Among the Top 10 All-Time Political Donors?

Oh look, the shitstain is doing its monkey trained diversion tactics.

A scumbag Democrap like you was on FOXNews last week downplaying the IRS scandal but was slammed when the host pointed out around 200 conservative groups out of 7 liberal groups got "extra reviews" by the IRS, and the liberal groups got their issues worked out quicker while some conservative groups never got approved. :eusa_whistle:

Shut the fuck up, monkey.

Liberals are allowed to do whatever they like, even violate the law to go after conservatives.

If a conservative speaks up, spends money, etc to counter them...then liberals send the IRS, FBI, EPA, etc after them to throw them in jail or scare them into stopping their campaign against liberalism.

Just this week we see liberal scum in the Senate demanding the IRS go after conservative groups AGAIN over political ads exposing the obamacare lies. We are dealing with evil criminals....

Under George W. Bush, the IRS went after the NAACP, Greenpeace and even a liberal church

Darrell Issa requested IRS scrutiny of liberal groups not be released, to "focus on tea party organizations"

Elijah Cummings Releases IRS Transcript - Darrell Issa Gets Played for releasing "cherry picked" list
Between 1989 and 2014....The Kochs only gave $18 million in donations. Yeah.

Does anyone have trouble believing that?
Note: Percentages may not add up to 100% as money can be given to third party
candidates or outside spending groups and PACs not affiliated with either party.

ROFL....the data doesn't include PACs....what a joke...the Kochs give almost ALL their money to PACs, it doesn't include anything from them hardly

Wow! The Kochs give almost ALL their money to PACs? I wonder what soup kitchen they eat at.
Think the Koch Brothers Are Among the Top 10 All-Time Political Donors? Sorry, You Are Wrong. Very Wrong. |

Nope the highest donors are UNIONS which give most money to Dems so the next time you say something about the Koch brothers you might want to say the same thing about the UNIONS !!

Consider not only how much they donate, but why and who benefits. I know, that requires thinking and not simply acceptance of a stand alone statistic. One reason Mark Twain has been attributed to this comment: "There are liars, damn liars and statistics".
Applies to BOTH sides, right Fly Snatcher?:eusa_whistle:
Notice how no one believes the bullshit OP not even the OP lmao.

Then notice how union contributions are the only contributions that are bad? Curious?
Oh look, the shitstain is doing its monkey trained diversion tactics.

A scumbag Democrap like you was on FOXNews last week downplaying the IRS scandal but was slammed when the host pointed out around 200 conservative groups out of 7 liberal groups got "extra reviews" by the IRS, and the liberal groups got their issues worked out quicker while some conservative groups never got approved. :eusa_whistle:

Shut the fuck up, monkey.

Liberals are allowed to do whatever they like, even violate the law to go after conservatives.

If a conservative speaks up, spends money, etc to counter them...then liberals send the IRS, FBI, EPA, etc after them to throw them in jail or scare them into stopping their campaign against liberalism.

Just this week we see liberal scum in the Senate demanding the IRS go after conservative groups AGAIN over political ads exposing the obamacare lies. We are dealing with evil criminals....

Under George W. Bush, the IRS went after the NAACP, Greenpeace and even a liberal church

Darrell Issa requested IRS scrutiny of liberal groups not be released, to "focus on tea party organizations"

Elijah Cummings Releases IRS Transcript - Darrell Issa Gets Played for releasing "cherry picked" list

Can you link to those numbers? Cuz this looks like a lot more than "7".

Table 1. Nonconservative 'Centralized' Tax-Exempt Organizations

Organization Name Status Mission or Description

1. Across the 501(c)(3) Educational arm of No
Aisle Foundation Labels, a centrist
policy advocacy group;
bipartisanship on
Capitol Hill.

2. ALICE (American 501(c)(3) Provides a Web-based
Legislative and public library of
Issue Campaign progressive law on a
Exchange) wide range of issues in
state and local policy
("a very partial
antidote to ALEC
[American Legislative
Exchange Council], the

3. Chattanooga 501(c)(3) Helps individuals and
Organized For organizations "to build
Action the power of everyday
people from
marginalized and
oppressed communities
to take control of the
circumstances of their

4. Comeback 501(c)(3) "[Promotes] fiscal
America Initiative responsibility and
Inc. sustainability by
engaging the public and
assisting key
policymakers on a
nonpartisan basis in
order to achieve
solutions to U.S.
fiscal imbalances."
Former U.S. Comptroller
General David Walker is

5. Corporate 501(c)(3) A project of
Accountability Philadelphia-based
Project ActionPA; "provides
educational organizing
resources for fighting
corporate power."

6. East Hampton 501(c)(3) Promotes improved local
Group for Good government in East
Government Inc. Hampton, N.Y.

7. Engage San 501(c)(3) San Diego-based
Diego "regional network of
organizations working
in historically
underrepresented and
socially responsible

8. Intersections 501(c)(3) A network of ministries
Inc. to empower young people
in American Samoa
"through programs that
combine the arts and
technology with the
vocational, and
spiritual disciplines."

9. Miami-Dade 501(c)(3) "An independent,
Taxpayers Alliance nonpartisan research
Inc. institute dedicated to
better stewardship of
Miami-Dade County's tax

10. National Jobs 501(c)(3) "Committed to building
for All Coalition a new movement for full
employment at livable
wages." Affiliated with
many liberal

11. Northeast Ohio 501(c)(3) "Enables and expands
Voter Advocacy voter education and
Inc. registration in
underrepresented areas
of the City of
Cleveland, Cuyahoga
County, and other
counties of northeast

12. Open Sky 501(c)(3) Nebraska-based fiscal
Policy Institute policy research group;
generally opposes
income tax cuts.

13. Progress 501(c)(3) "Multi-issue
Missouri Education progressive advocacy
Fund organization" focused
on state and local

14. Public Works: 501(c)(3) Director previously
The Center for the founded the Texas-based
Public Sector Center for Public
Policy Priorities, a
nonprofit, nonpartisan
organization committed
to building the
economic and social
well-being of
low-income Texans.

15. Rebellious 501(c)(3) Seeks to "unveil the
Truths curtain of dastardly
deeds and the cobweb of
lies entangling

16. Restoration 501(c)(3) Grass-roots
Philadelphia Inc. organization made up of
individuals, churches,
and ministries
committed to
"mobilizing the Church
of Philadelphia to
fulfill its destiny and
restoring the City of
Brotherly Love, so that
the vision of William
Penn's Holy Experiment
becomes a reality and
the Glory of God is
revealed all."

17. Sarasota Tiger 501(c)(3) Nonpartisan political
Bay Club Inc. organization that hosts
debates, forums, and
speakers in central

18. Center for 501(c)(3) San Francisco-based
Election Science group dedicated to

19. Center for 501(c)(3) Conducts research and
Health Care Policy analysis necessary for
the creation of a
single-payer healthcare

20. Alliance for a 501(c)(4) Multi-issue education
Better Utah Inc. and advocacy
organization promoting
progressive ideas and

21. Campaign for 501(c)(4) Advocates for greater
Vermont Prosperity state government
Inc. transparency and
accountability and a
stronger economy with
more and better-paying
jobs while espousing a
commitment to social
responsibility and

22. Coffee Party 501(c)(4) Founded on the
USA underlying principle
that the government "is
not the enemy of the
people." Seeks to
remove corporate
influence from

23. Committee for 501(c)(4) Focuses on the roles
a Fair Judiciary and responsibilities of
senators in the
judicial selection
process and seeks to
educate the public
about how the process
works and how it could
work better.

24. Freedom Club 501(c)(4) Aims to guide members
to financial, health,
emotional, and
spiritual freedoms ("to
raise the life energy
of Mother Earth and
Mankind to new heights
and welcome in the new
era of Love, Prosperity
and Cooperation").

25. Delawareans 501(c)(4) National coalition of
for Social and community-based
Economic Justice organizations composed
of parents and students
in low-income
communities focused on
unveiling a report on
schools that are
eligible for federal

26. Grantville 501(c)(4) Local government group
Action Group in San Diego that
opposes development.

27. Homeless but 501(c)(4) Registers voters at
Not Powerless shelters, soup
kitchens, parks, and

28. League of 501(c)(4) State chapter of
Women Voters of national organization
Hawaii to educate policymakers
and the public on

29. Louisiana 501(c)(4) Advances progressive
Progress Action state policy solutions.
Fund Inc.

30. Middle Class 501(c)(4) San Diego-based
Taxpayers organization that
Association serves as a voice for
those "not served by
big business-funded
taxpayer groups."

31. Missourians 501(c)(4) Group opposing
for Fair Taxation reductions in income
tax that are paid for
through sales tax

32. New American 501(c)(4) Coalition of CEOs,
Economy Action start-up founders, and
Fund venture capitalists
formed to press
Congress to pass
immigration reform that
would encourage
innovation and create

33. New York Civic 501(c)(4) Associated with
Action Inc. left-leaning network
action groups.

34. Nicolas 501(c)(4) Dedicated to the design
Berggruen and implementation of
Institute new ideas of good
governance that can be
brought to bear on the
common challenges of
globalization in the
21st century.

35. No on 22 -- 501(c)(4) Opposes California
Citizens Against Proposition 22, which
Taxpayer Giveaways would give money to
redevelopment agencies
at the expense of state
core services such as
public education.
Sponsored by

36. Progressive 501(c)(4) Brings diverse and
Leadership potentially competing
Alliance of Nevada organizations together
into one cohesive force
for social and
environmental justice
in Nevada.

37. Progress 501(c)(4) Promotes a stronger
Missouri Inc. progressive movement in
Missouri and advances
in progressive public

38. Progress Texas 501(c)(4) Organizes rapid
response communications
in opposition to
conservative groups.

39. Progressive 501(c)(4) "We advocate for
USA Inc. sensible policy
solutions, hold our
nation's elected
officials accountable
for their actions and
take head-on the flawed
policies and hypocrisy
of the radical right."

40. Progressives 501(c)(4) Opposes corporate
United Inc. influence in the
political system.

41. Progress Now 501(c)(4) Progressive campaign.

42. Rebuild the 501(c)(4) Supports pro-union
Dream demonstrations in

43. RVA Alliance 501(c)(4) Affiliated with the
Inc. Alliance for
Progressive Values.

44. Texas Business 501(c)(4) Promotes education with
for Higher no apparent political
Education agenda.

45. Tie the Knot 501(c)(4) Sells bow ties to raise
money to promote
legalizing same-sex

46. TN Fair Tax 501(c)(4) Promotes the creation
of a progressive
Tennessee state tax
structure that ensures
adequate revenues.

47. U.S. Common 501(c)(4) Group's president is
Action affiliated with
California Common
Sense, a group
dedicated to open

48. U.S. Health 501(c)(4) Promotes the right to
Freedom Coalition access alternative
Inc. medical treatments such
as naturopathy.

Proof the IRS Didn't Target Just Conservatives

See how that works? You lie and call others "shitstain" because they don't believe your lies. But see, it's the shitstain who lies. Shitstain, such as yourself. A true "shitstain".
The Kochs and other GOP billiannaires also fund all the GW deniers, GOP ''think tanks'', radio charlatans, internet propagandists, lobbyists etc etc. The dupes are totally clueless...

talk about "dupes"......and Frankie shows up every do realize Frankie you are a left wing "dupe".....never question anything said or done by the Democrats....just go along with the program.....and of course.....those who dont look at things like me....are "rw dupes"....
Think the Koch Brothers Are Among the Top 10 All-Time Political Donors? Sorry, You Are Wrong. Very Wrong. |

Nope the highest donors are UNIONS which give most money to Dems so the next time you say something about the Koch brothers you might want to say the same thing about the UNIONS !!

Consider not only how much they donate, but why and who benefits. I know, that requires thinking and not simply acceptance of a stand alone statistic. One reason Mark Twain has been attributed to this comment: "There are liars, damn liars and statistics".

Wry your right....but how are those guys any different than the big rich donors on the other side?......why and who benefits with them?.....either way you know the regular people are being fucked over somewhere....
Skipped right over the facts, eh, dupe. 400 MILLION DOLLARS ON THE DL, MAINLY TO DUPE YOU- worked like a charm...

Koch-backed political network, built to shield donors, raised $400 ...
Koch-backed political network, built to shield donors, raised $400 million in 2012 elections - The Washington Post
Jan 5, 2014 ... Koch-backed political coalition, designed to shield donors, raised ... for
Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan group that tracks money in politics.
An amazing map of the Koch brothers massive political network
Jan 6, 2014 ... Tracing the flow of money required pouring through hundreds of pages of tax
returns and mapping out the connections between the groups.

and by that I mean LIES, not the good Dem stuff...
The Koch brothers combined contribute as much as the unions.

Those nasty unions representing the working man instead of the extraction companies.

What are they thinking?
ie- a tidal wave of lies for polution and pandering to the greedy rich, and there are no Dem donors or funders ANYWHERE near as big as the Kochs, Adison, or the Moonies- the guys who run the Examiner, the DC Times, or Fox, Rush etc etc...
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So much under the table secret money to spread lies, pander to the greedy rich, and misinform the country, actually- a disgrace.

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The Kochs and other GOP billiannaires also fund all the GW deniers, GOP ''think tanks'', radio charlatans, internet propagandists, lobbyists etc etc. The dupes are totally clueless...

Not nearly as clueless as the likes of you and your ilk.
ie- a tidal wave of lies for polution and pandering to the greedy rich, and there are no Dem donors or funders ANYWHERE near as big as the Kochs, Adison, or the Moonies- the guys who run the Examiner, the DC Times, or Fox, Rush etc etc...

Soros, Buffet for starters sure are. Then again you are only concerned about GOP big donors.
Campaign donations are a tiny part of what the Kochs and other Pub billionnaires are up to, and their motives suq...FOR pollution, screwing workers, misinformation, cutting their own taxes- the opposite of Buffett and Soros, hater dupes.
Yep the commies complain that the GOP is in the pockets of corporations, guess what commies, unions are corporations also and your folks are bought a paid for just as much as any other.

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