Think the Koch Brothers Are Among the Top 10 All-Time Political Donors?

Between 1989 and 2014....The Kochs only gave $18 million in donations. Yeah.

Does anyone have trouble believing that?
Note: Percentages may not add up to 100% as money can be given to third party
candidates or outside spending groups and PACs not affiliated with either party.
ROFL....the data doesn't include PACs....what a joke...the Kochs give almost ALL their money to PACs, it doesn't include anything from them hardly
So, where is your bitch-fest about the Unions and the billions they give?
Skipped right over the facts, eh, dupe. 400 MILLION DOLLARS ON THE DL, MAINLY TO DUPE YOU- worked like a charm...

Koch-backed political network, built to shield donors, raised $400 ...
Koch-backed political network, built to shield donors, raised $400 million in 2012 elections - The Washington Post
Jan 5, 2014 ... Koch-backed political coalition, designed to shield donors, raised ... for
Responsive Politics, a nonpartisan group that tracks money in politics.
An amazing map of the Koch brothers massive political network
Jan 6, 2014 ... Tracing the flow of money required pouring through hundreds of pages of tax
returns and mapping out the connections between the groups.

and by that I mean LIES, not the good Dem stuff...

Frankie you cant discuss things of this nature with someone like are too far up the Democrats ass......i have at least seen Wry question Democrats.....something you never do....when you told me Democrats never lie,never do anything that brings up a question.....that told me all i needed to know about you......
Unions don't fight for pollution or screwing the workers...chump of the greedy idiot rich...

you say that about the Democrats too Frankie.....yet my Union and its workers have been screwed by two of their so called "friends".....Feinstein and Waxmen....
The lib cocksuckers here need to explain to us these money baggers for Obama that got ambassador nominations but showed in hearings they don't know what they fuck they are doing.

The countries they are going to are China, Argentina, Norway and Hungary.

The people of Norway are already protesting the shitbag Obama picked for them after he insulted the Progressive Party there and claimed they had a President.

Max Baucas, now out of work because of obamacare, is chosen for China and admitted he didn't know about China's ADIZ and their expansion of it. He didn't even know what ADIZ is.....
The Koch brothers combined contribute as much as the unions.

Those nasty unions representing the working man instead of the extraction companies.

What are they thinking?

Why does the "working man" need someone to "represent" him? Because he's too inept and too lazy? Skilled and talented people don't need unions. They are in demand 24/7 and make good money.

Perhaps the worthless, lazy union worker should become skilled and dedicated and they won't need the union to "represent" them.
The left is only upset with big money being donated to Republicans.

[MENTION=20112]bodecea[/MENTION] proved that when she got her panties in a bunch over the info here. Funny how she becomes an unhinged broad over the Koch brothers but won't say a word about the union donations - instead she attacks the OP for providing fact with her immature and nonsensical "cut & paste" theory.

That's right folks - don't you dare post fact that doesn't agree with her uninformed ideology or you too will be accused of being "cut & paste" :lmao:
George Soros and Warren Buffett have more money than the Koch brothers, yet we never hear libs talk trash about their rich liberal scumbags....
The left is only upset with big money being donated to Republicans.

[MENTION=20112]bodecea[/MENTION] proved that when she got her panties in a bunch over the info here. Funny how she becomes an unhinged broad over the Koch brothers but won't say a word about the union donations - instead she attacks the OP for providing fact with her immature and nonsensical "cut & paste" theory.

That's right folks - don't you dare post fact that doesn't agree with her uninformed ideology or you too will be accused of being "cut & paste" :lmao:

Tissue, little puppy?
The Koch brothers combined contribute as much as the unions.

Those nasty unions representing the working man instead of the extraction companies.

What are they thinking?

Why does the "working man" need someone to "represent" him? Because he's too inept and too lazy? Skilled and talented people don't need unions. They are in demand 24/7 and make good money.

Perhaps the worthless, lazy union worker should become skilled and dedicated and they won't need the union to "represent" them.

there are lots of Union workers Rotty who are not "Worthless and Lazy"....geezus....that gets old....
The Koch brothers combined contribute as much as the unions.

Those nasty unions representing the working man instead of the extraction companies.

What are they thinking?

Why does the "working man" need someone to "represent" him? Because he's too inept and too lazy? Skilled and talented people don't need unions. They are in demand 24/7 and make good money.

Perhaps the worthless, lazy union worker should become skilled and dedicated and they won't need the union to "represent" them.

there are lots of Union workers Rotty who are not "Worthless and Lazy"....geezus....that gets old....
True. Some are FORCED to join...and that has to cease.
George Soros and Warren Buffett have more money than the Koch brothers, yet we never hear libs talk trash about their rich liberal scumbags....

when Chris was shown how much money the Kochs give to Medical and Scientific research in a thread a while back.....he said well im not talking about that money,im talking Political money.....ok...someone then pointed out how he was saying they are basterds and dont give fuck about anyone,so why would they donate to Science and Medicine?.....he did what he usually does.....mysteriously "disappear" .....
George Soros and Warren Buffett have more money than the Koch brothers, yet we never hear libs talk trash about their rich liberal scumbags....

when Chris was shown how much money the Kochs give to Medical and Scientific research in a thread a while back.....he said well im not talking about that money,im talking Political money.....ok...someone then pointed out how he was saying they are basterds and dont give fuck about anyone,so why would they donate to Science and Medicine?.....he did what he usually does.....mysteriously "disappear" .....

Our resident libturds are good at making shit up out of thin air.

Then, when you shove it up their nose, they're nowhere to be found.

About two weeks later, they'll be back making the same baseless claims and stating the same lies as fact again.

You shove it up their nose again, and in two weeks later (sometimes the next day), the same libturd is back repeating the same lie.

You shove that one up his/her/its nose and two weeks, the same lie emerges from the same retard.

You prove them to be liars again, and two weeks later......

dimocraps lie. It's what they do.

In fact, it's worse than lying.... They just invent shit without giving anything they say a thought. They have no idea whether it's true, false, in between or as relevant as rat shit on Mars.

They don't care. They have no regard for the truth, facts or learning. None.

They honestly just don't care.
Why does the "working man" need someone to "represent" him? Because he's too inept and too lazy? Skilled and talented people don't need unions. They are in demand 24/7 and make good money.

Perhaps the worthless, lazy union worker should become skilled and dedicated and they won't need the union to "represent" them.

there are lots of Union workers Rotty who are not "Worthless and Lazy"....geezus....that gets old....
True. Some are FORCED to join...and that has to cease.

the union i was in T you were not required to join....but those non-Union guys still got the same pay and benefits we Union guys got.....i was against that,they should of had to take whatever the PO wanted to give them....also something that pissed me off....most of the grievances in my office was by 2 of the non-union guys....and the Union HAD to defend them....they should of had to go it alone or join....
there are lots of Union workers Rotty who are not "Worthless and Lazy"....geezus....that gets old....
True. Some are FORCED to join...and that has to cease.

the union i was in T you were not required to join....but those non-Union guys still got the same pay and benefits we Union guys got.....i was against that,they should of had to take whatever the PO wanted to give them....also something that pissed me off....most of the grievances in my office was by 2 of the non-union guys....and the Union HAD to defend them....they should of had to go it alone or join....
Interesting HD. Thanks for sharing that. I'm sure there are other stories like yours...
Think the Koch Brothers Are Among the Top 10 All-Time Political Donors? Sorry, You Are Wrong. Very Wrong. |

Nope the highest donors are UNIONS which give most money to Dems so the next time you say something about the Koch brothers you might want to say the same thing about the UNIONS !!

Unions donate primarily to political campaigns as well as fund education and safety programs for their members in the trades. Cokes, De Vos, and other right wing multi billionaires influence the average right wing voter with their various institutes. Cato, freedom works, on and on goes the list. They have plenty of money to invest in campaigns even on the lower levels of counties and cities. To add insult to injury their efforts are tax deductible. The IRS never looked at the cokes, de vos, prince, and many others on the right. Obama's no threat to the very wealthy and corporations. He recently appointed a vehement anti labor, anti union multi billionairess to secretary of commerce. It's working. More and more gullible working class repubs like yourself are becoming convinced that all our economic problems are caused by people getting food stamps, nutrition programs for children, and public workers.
The Koch brothers combined contribute as much as the unions.

Those nasty unions representing the working man instead of the extraction companies.

What are they thinking?

uhm dude, if the unions are doing such a great job representing the working man, why is there such a disparity between the rich and the poor? why is the working man struggling to get by? Why can't he afford insurance? Why are his jobs going offshore? Exactly what the hell are the unions doing for the working man?
ie- a tidal wave of lies for polution and pandering to the greedy rich, and there are no Dem donors or funders ANYWHERE near as big as the Kochs, Adison, or the Moonies- the guys who run the Examiner, the DC Times, or Fox, Rush etc etc...

Soros, Buffet for starters sure are. Then again you are only concerned about GOP big donors.

Soros mainly funds political campaigns. The left wing doesn't buy out vast media which influences opinion like the right has done the last few decades though.
The Koch brothers combined contribute as much as the unions.

Those nasty unions representing the working man instead of the extraction companies.

What are they thinking?

uhm dude, if the unions are doing such a great job representing the working man, why is there such a disparity between the rich and the poor? why is the working man struggling to get by? Why can't he afford insurance? Why are his jobs going offshore? Exactly what the hell are the unions doing for the working man?

Union membership has been decimated. They have very little power any more. Time to celebrate the ascendance of 1% over the rest of us.

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