Thinning the herd... Looters shot in Kenosha

That's a bunch of double talk. Being at will has nothing to do with insurance. If you were given insurance as a benefit and hurt your knee, then you were covered for the period you were covered for. Letting you go would mean you dont' get future insurance, it would not mean you didn't have insurance when you did. Someone can be sued. Depends on how the insurance was set up and the laws in your state. But no attorney said sorry, there is no one to sue.

Actually, I sue my employer... they fire me. They ended up firing me anyway, but still, not worth suing over at the end of the day. My out of pocket ended up being about $20,000. A lawyer would have cost me a lot more than that

If they were charging you hourly instead of charging contingency then again you're proving the lawyer told you that you had no case, the crap policy you bought didn't cover more than they paid. If you had a case, they'd have piled on pain and suffering and you would have made more than $20K after paying them.

You really are a bad liar. You don't realize when you're talking to someone who knows more than you about what you're talking about
And if it was that major of a case, then of course you would have followed up. And why was your attorney talking about age discrimination for a case you weren't covered for? Again, he told you that you should have bought better insurance

Actually, he talked about it related to why I was let go... but that's a longer story.

The boss pretty much blurted out that I was "too old" in front of several witnesses. He also fired two female employees after he found out they were pregnant. Swell guy, but not even the worst piece of shit I ever had to work for.

You were fired for your bad attitude. He just got tired of it.

You didn't even have to hire an attorney for being fired for retaliation. You could have filed a retaliation claim with the government. Firing for retaliation is illegal even in work at will States
Once again the greedy leftist thinks you can buy any shit policy and they have to pay any and every bill, not just what you contracted them to pay.

I kept telling you that obviously you wanted Cadillac coverage and you shouldn't buy the cheapest shit policy you could, but you didn't listen to me. Or all the lawyers you called ...

I signed up for the best coverage they had. I still had to fight with them to get every fucking therapy session.

I'm not sure why a bean counter at an insurance company SHOULD be the one making medical decisions. What medical school did he attend?

Look Joe. Anyone who spends three seconds thinking about this knows you're lying. We all see the endless television ads, billboards etc. from attorneys begging for work suing insurance companies. And yet your case was a major case and they all passed.

OBVIOUSLY you're not telling the truth. Explain why the lawyers who advertise things like "we have the resources to take on the insurance companies" turned you down. Every one of them said no to your case. Be honest and explain why they did that when they are fighting so hard to get any case

I got hurt on the job with Walley World. They did everything to keep me hurt. In the end, they offered a settlement. I settle because I thought I still had a job. Guess again. After the settlement, my hours disappeared. Oh they promised to change their ways but by then I didn't believe anything they said. It was pretty well apparent that it was company policy. And no Lawyer would take it up since it was the loss of full use of an arm. Now, if it had been a leg, they said I would have a leg to stand on. (get it?)

Did you talk to an employment attorney? Retaliation is illegal

Yes I did. Did you think I would know by myself that just an arm was not enough to sue over? I may be bright but I ain't no friggin genius.
If they were charging you hourly instead of charging contingency then again you're proving the lawyer told you that you had no case, the crap policy you bought didn't cover more than they paid. If you had a case, they'd have piled on pain and suffering and you would have made more than $20K after paying them.

I never even bothered talking to a lawyer about the health care thing. Again, as stated, I would have had no standing to sue Cigna. I never signed a contract with Cigna.

As for my employer. "At Will Employment". No standing there either.

I did have a case for Age and Health discrimination, but again, six or seven years to litigate, lots of expenses, and a permanent mark on my background check that I like to sue employers.... Um, yeah, hard pass.

You really are a bad liar. You don't realize when you're talking to someone who knows more than you about what you're talking about

I'm sure your sleazy little companies get sued all the time and lose... In the real world, it's very difficult to bring actions against real corporations and win.

You were fired for your bad attitude. He just got tired of it.

You didn't even have to hire an attorney for being fired for retaliation. You could have filed a retaliation claim with the government. Firing for retaliation is illegal even in work at will States

Actually, my reviews were exemplary... And it was kind of hard to argue about being fired in 2008 when half the country was being downsized. They could have easily pointed at their books and whined that they couldn't buy Dressage Horsies.
a few hundred dead commies and blacks in the streets across the country will send the assholes back to moms basement

I think the sleeping giant is gonna be pissed
The msm is gonna go frigging bezerker
This is exactly what I have been saying for some time.....the real numbers are actually on the right and when they finally wake up and are forced to defend themselves the onslaught is going to be merciless.

If they were charging you hourly instead of charging contingency then again you're proving the lawyer told you that you had no case, the crap policy you bought didn't cover more than they paid. If you had a case, they'd have piled on pain and suffering and you would have made more than $20K after paying them.

I never even bothered talking to a lawyer about the health care thing. Again, as stated, I would have had no standing to sue Cigna. I never signed a contract with Cigna.

As for my employer. "At Will Employment". No standing there either.

I did have a case for Age and Health discrimination, but again, six or seven years to litigate, lots of expenses, and a permanent mark on my background check that I like to sue employers.... Um, yeah, hard pass.

You really are a bad liar. You don't realize when you're talking to someone who knows more than you about what you're talking about

I'm sure your sleazy little companies get sued all the time and lose... In the real world, it's very difficult to bring actions against real corporations and win.

You were fired for your bad attitude. He just got tired of it.

You didn't even have to hire an attorney for being fired for retaliation. You could have filed a retaliation claim with the government. Firing for retaliation is illegal even in work at will States

Actually, my reviews were exemplary... And it was kind of hard to argue about being fired in 2008 when half the country was being downsized. They could have easily pointed at their books and whined that they couldn't buy Dressage Horsies.

You never did understand at will employment. That means your company can let you go any time for any reason other than some Federal exceptions (e.g., for race or gender). However, they cannot fail to pay you for work while you worked for them. Insurance was part of your compensation. They cannot withhold it for the period you did work for them.

The only way you could not have sued Cigna was if your employer self insured and they just contracted with your employer to manage the plan. If you had a policy with them, you could sue them.

If everything you are saying is true, you were completely inept by not talking to a lawyer. I guess it's the downside of you knowing everything and everything you know is wrong
You never did understand at will employment. That means your company can let you go any time for any reason other than some Federal exceptions (e.g., for race or gender). However, they cannot fail to pay you for work while you worked for them. Insurance was part of your compensation. They cannot withhold it for the period you did work for them.

Which isn't the case here. The case here was the insurance company refused to pay for treatments my doctor deemed were necessary. I couldn't sue the insurance company because I have no standing. I couldn't sue my employer because they weren't the ones making the decisions on coverage.

If everything you are saying is true, you were completely inept by not talking to a lawyer. I guess it's the downside of you knowing everything and everything you know is wrong

Actually, uh. No. I had no standing to sue Cigna and no standing to sue my employer. But even if I did, it would have taken YEARS to sort out.
Too late. I have an entire gun collection of handguns, shotguns, rifles. I have a civil war bayonet. Come over and play, Joe.

Don't worry, the ATF will be over to have a word soon enough.... I hope you go all David Koresh on them.

Again more of your stupid crap. I'm the one arguing pro-law enforcement. How stupid are you?

And you said I'm safe since I'm white. You're just showing again you're a liar, it's that simple

Very, very stupid. Only a statist dumbshit, like joe, can say only cops should have guns, then complain when cops get heavy handed.
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Very, very stupid. Only a statist dumbshit, like joe, can say only cops should have guns, then complain when cops get heavy handed.

Not at all...

Cops are responsible for 1000 gun deaths a year. Some of those are even justified.

The rest of you fucking idiots manage to kill 39,000 people a year. Almost none of those are justified.
You never did understand at will employment. That means your company can let you go any time for any reason other than some Federal exceptions (e.g., for race or gender). However, they cannot fail to pay you for work while you worked for them. Insurance was part of your compensation. They cannot withhold it for the period you did work for them.

Which isn't the case here. The case here was the insurance company refused to pay for treatments my doctor deemed were necessary. I couldn't sue the insurance company because I have no standing. I couldn't sue my employer because they weren't the ones making the decisions on coverage

To be serious for one post. [serious]

If this is true, then you seriously should have talked to a lawyer because you don't understand the law at all. I hope someone didn't tell you this and you believed them because if they did, they totally fucked you.

One thing though, you said, "the insurance company refused to pay for treatments my doctor deemed were necessary." That isn't the standard. The standard is if those treatments are covered under your policy.

You never answered if your employer is self insured, but if they weren't, then you certainly had standing to sue the insurance company because you had a policy with them. If your employer was self insured and the insurance company was just administering the plan, you had standing to sue someone, but it's trickier, that's why you should have talked to a lawyer at the time and not have waited until you'd signed a settlement

If everything you are saying is true, you were completely inept by not talking to a lawyer. I guess it's the downside of you knowing everything and everything you know is wrong

Actually, uh. No. I had no standing to sue Cigna and no standing to sue my employer. But even if I did, it would have taken YEARS to sort out.

Those two statements cannot both be true. You had standing to sue one or the other. The only question is how the policy was set up and the laws in your State. Seriously, Joe, it's not possible that you couldn't sue for breach

Too late. I have an entire gun collection of handguns, shotguns, rifles. I have a civil war bayonet. Come over and play, Joe.

Don't worry, the ATF will be over to have a word soon enough.... I hope you go all David Koresh on them.

Again more of your stupid crap. I'm the one arguing pro-law enforcement. How stupid are you?

And you said I'm safe since I'm white. You're just showing again you're a liar, it's that simple

Very, very stupid. Only a statist dumbshit, like joe, can say only cops should have guns, then complain when cops get heavy handed.

"To disarm the people...s the most effectual way to enslave them."
- George Mason

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms."
- Thomas Jefferson

"I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery."
- Thomas Jefferson

If this is true, then you seriously should have talked to a lawyer because you don't understand the law at all. I hope someone didn't tell you this and you believed them because if they did, they totally fucked you.

One thing though, you said, "the insurance company refused to pay for treatments my doctor deemed were necessary." That isn't the standard. The standard is if those treatments are covered under your policy.

The policy didn't spell it out one way or the other... the insurance companies just decided this was an "elective" surgery" and they didn't have to pay for it.

You never answered if your employer is self insured, but if they weren't, then you certainly had standing to sue the insurance company because you had a policy with them. If your employer was self insured and the insurance company was just administering the plan, you had standing to sue someone, but it's trickier, that's why you should have talked to a lawyer at the time and not have waited until you'd signed a settlement

Again- No standing to sue the insurance company because I had no contract with them.
No standing to sue my employer because IL is an At-Will state and they clearly say, "Nothing in here can be construed as a contract." when they hand out the employee handbook.

Those two statements cannot both be true. You had standing to sue one or the other. The only question is how the policy was set up and the laws in your State. Seriously, Joe, it's not possible that you couldn't sue for breach

Uh, actually, both statements are true. This is the problem with employer-provided health insurance... you really don't have any fucking rights. It's why it needs to go.
If this is true, then you seriously should have talked to a lawyer because you don't understand the law at all. I hope someone didn't tell you this and you believed them because if they did, they totally fucked you.

One thing though, you said, "the insurance company refused to pay for treatments my doctor deemed were necessary." That isn't the standard. The standard is if those treatments are covered under your policy.

The policy didn't spell it out one way or the other... the insurance companies just decided this was an "elective" surgery" and they didn't have to pay for it.

You never answered if your employer is self insured, but if they weren't, then you certainly had standing to sue the insurance company because you had a policy with them. If your employer was self insured and the insurance company was just administering the plan, you had standing to sue someone, but it's trickier, that's why you should have talked to a lawyer at the time and not have waited until you'd signed a settlement

Again- No standing to sue the insurance company because I had no contract with them.
No standing to sue my employer because IL is an At-Will state and they clearly say, "Nothing in here can be construed as a contract." when they hand out the employee handbook.

Those two statements cannot both be true. You had standing to sue one or the other. The only question is how the policy was set up and the laws in your State. Seriously, Joe, it's not possible that you couldn't sue for breach

Uh, actually, both statements are true. This is the problem with employer-provided health insurance... you really don't have any fucking rights. It's why it needs to go.

So you didn't have an insurance policy with Cigna? You didn't pay premiums, your employer paid them all? You just sent in claims and they paid them but you had no policy? Again, at will means your company can fire you any time. It does not mean they don't have to provide the compensation they provided when you did work for them.

Also, if the claim was not covered under your policy, that does mean it's not covered. There is no the policy doesn't say either way. If it's not covered, then it's uncovered. That was the issue
So you didn't have an insurance policy with Cigna?

Yes, but I had no standing to sue them.

The contract was between them and the employer, not me and the insurance company.

And you couldn't sue on behalf of the company for group benefits. You did have a policy with them though. You had standing to sue them for not honoring your policy.

The problem was what you said that the policy didn't say either way. That means it's not covered. That was the problem.

But you really should have talked to a lawyer before signing the settlement. You really didn't know. There's nothing wrong with you not being a lawyer, most of us aren't. But I really did own all the businesses I talked about and it's seriously not possible that you were promised a benefit and couldn't sue anyone if you didn't get it. That's why I had lawyers, because I wasn't a lawyer. I had two. One for general business issues and one for employment law, which is a constantly changing specialty.

If I were you, I'd have done what I recommended you should have done and contacted a lawyer
So you didn't have an insurance policy with Cigna?

Yes, but I had no standing to sue them.

The contract was between them and the employer, not me and the insurance company.

Also, Joe, since you admitted you didn't talk to a lawyer until after you'd signed the settlement, why are you so sure you didn't have standing?
And you couldn't sue on behalf of the company for group benefits. You did have a policy with them though. You had standing to sue them for not honoring your policy.

No, I really didn't. Just because your shitty little companies get sued for this sort of shit all the time, big companies don't play that.

The problem was what you said that the policy didn't say either way. That means it's not covered. That was the problem.

No, the problem was that Cigna decided to boost it's profit margin by cheating it's policy holders, figuring that people would often DIE before they got resolution... Again- Nataline Sarkisyan, look it up.

This really isn't a discussion about whether or not I should have charged up Cigna Hill, it's whether or not we should let companies like Cigna CONTINUE TO EXIST instead of just doing what every other civilized country does, have Universal Health Care as a human right.
And you couldn't sue on behalf of the company for group benefits. You did have a policy with them though. You had standing to sue them for not honoring your policy.

No, I really didn't. Just because your shitty little companies get sued for this sort of shit all the time, big companies don't play that.

The problem was what you said that the policy didn't say either way. That means it's not covered. That was the problem.

No, the problem was that Cigna decided to boost it's profit margin by cheating it's policy holders, figuring that people would often DIE before they got resolution... Again- Nataline Sarkisyan, look it up.

This really isn't a discussion about whether or not I should have charged up Cigna Hill, it's whether or not we should let companies like Cigna CONTINUE TO EXIST instead of just doing what every other civilized country does, have Universal Health Care as a human right.

And you seriously believe a government policy would pay all claims? Seriously? How does everyone having useless insurance help you exactly? Obamacare has huge deductibles then doesn't pay shit. How is that better again?
Very, very stupid. Only a statist dumbshit, like joe, can say only cops should have guns, then complain when cops get heavy handed.

Not at all...

Cops are responsible for 1000 gun deaths a year. Some of those are even justified.

The rest of you fucking idiots manage to kill 39,000 people a year. Almost none of those are justified.

30,000 are suicide. Moron.

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