Thinning the herd... Looters shot in Kenosha

Joe: When did I ask for free government cheese, kaz? I just want free healthcare, nothing big. And social security even though none of my money was saved and it's a welfare program. And medicare. Oh, and I want the rich and corporations to pay for it, not me. Wait, did you say there's free government cheese too? How do I get some of that?

Hey, the money that I paid into Social Security was spent on weapons and corporate welfare.. about time we got some of that back from the rich.

I asked Joe that before. He actually liked the DMV. What he hates are businesses that have to compete for his business. He's completely deluded by socialism and "free"

Actually, I hate businesses because most of them are unethical in the way they treat their customers and employees.

That said, to say that government is inefficient and business is always efficient... having worked for both, I would almost say the opposite is true. They are both made up of people, and any organization you are going to have the people who don't give a fuck, the people who are very enthusiastic until the system grinds them down, and the rest are just trying to get by.

Yes, Joe has hit on the truth that if people have to compete for your business, then they will give you shitty service. On the other hand, if you remove competition and they can treat you how you want then they will service you with kindness, efficiency and care. Like the DMV and the IRS for example.

Joe lives in a fantasy world. The sky there is orange
Yes, Joe has hit on the truth that if people have to compete for your business, then they will give you shitty service. On the other hand, if you remove competition and they can treat you how you want then they will service you with kindness, efficiency and care. Like the DMV and the IRS for example.

Frankly, I'd rather deal with the DMV than Cigna...

I just tried to work out a problem with Zelle. They were an absolute pain to deal with. They weren't "competing" for my business.

That said, I do see a need for private enterprise in SOME services. Others, simply put they should be barred from.

Health care is one of them. Because, honestly if I can charge you whatever I want to for you to get better, you are damned straight I'll take advantage. It's why health care in the US costs twice what it costs in the SOcialized Medicine countries.
Yes, Joe has hit on the truth that if people have to compete for your business, then they will give you shitty service. On the other hand, if you remove competition and they can treat you how you want then they will service you with kindness, efficiency and care. Like the DMV and the IRS for example.

Frankly, I'd rather deal with the DMV than Cigna...

I just tried to work out a problem with Zelle. They were an absolute pain to deal with. They weren't "competing" for my business.

That said, I do see a need for private enterprise in SOME services. Others, simply put they should be barred from.

Health care is one of them. Because, honestly if I can charge you whatever I want to for you to get better, you are damned straight I'll take advantage. It's why health care in the US costs twice what it costs in the SOcialized Medicine countries.

I was talking about apples to apples. You're paying the DMV and you were asking Cigna for a benefit that wasn't covered under your policy. I never said private businesses will just hand out cash to you. I mean duh. Government schools, what a terrible thing to do to minds.

All you said about "Zelle" was work out a problem. Too vague to address
I was talking about apples to apples. You're paying the DMV and you were asking Cigna for a benefit that wasn't covered under your policy.

Actually, it was covered, but man, it took me a long time to get the assholes to pay for it.
I never said private businesses will just hand out cash to you. I mean duh. Government schools, what a terrible thing to do to minds.

Actually, went to Catholic Schools for 12 years... Which is why I hate religion with a passion that can blot out suns.

Point is, you stated that private industry can handle things better than government. Not really. People on Medicare are more satisfied with their government cheese than people in private industry are with private policies.


Ooops Sounds like a case for Medicare for All.

All you said about "Zelle" was work out a problem. Too vague to address

Doesn't matter. It was another case of someone really being difficult to work with, despite the "wonders" of competition.
I was talking about apples to apples. You're paying the DMV and you were asking Cigna for a benefit that wasn't covered under your policy.

Actually, it was covered, but man, it took me a long time to get the assholes to pay for it.
I never said private businesses will just hand out cash to you. I mean duh. Government schools, what a terrible thing to do to minds.

Actually, went to Catholic Schools for 12 years... Which is why I hate religion with a passion that can blot out suns.

Point is, you stated that private industry can handle things better than government. Not really. People on Medicare are more satisfied with their government cheese than people in private industry are with private policies.

View attachment 385151

Ooops Sounds like a case for Medicare for All.

All you said about "Zelle" was work out a problem. Too vague to address

Doesn't matter. It was another case of someone really being difficult to work with, despite the "wonders" of competition.

"People on Medicare are more satisfied with their government cheese than people in private industry are with private policies."

Wow, people like getting things paid for by someone else. So your greed is OK then.

Did you know that bank robbers like the money they take robbing banks too?

Pick pockets are in favor of the money they steal.

So it's all good then. Steal away
Wow, people like getting things paid for by someone else. So your greed is OK then.

Did you know that bank robbers like the money they take robbing banks too?

WOW, You are comparing people on medicare to bank robbers?

One more time.

When the poor steal, it's called "Crime"
When the rich steal, it's called "Profits".
I was talking about apples to apples. You're paying the DMV and you were asking Cigna for a benefit that wasn't covered under your policy.

Actually, it was covered, but man, it took me a long time to get the assholes to pay for it.
I never said private businesses will just hand out cash to you. I mean duh. Government schools, what a terrible thing to do to minds.

Actually, went to Catholic Schools for 12 years... Which is why I hate religion with a passion that can blot out suns.

Point is, you stated that private industry can handle things better than government. Not really. People on Medicare are more satisfied with their government cheese than people in private industry are with private policies.

View attachment 385151

Ooops Sounds like a case for Medicare for All.

All you said about "Zelle" was work out a problem. Too vague to address

Doesn't matter. It was another case of someone really being difficult to work with, despite the "wonders" of competition.

"People on Medicare are more satisfied with their government cheese than people in private industry are with private policies."

Wow, people like getting things paid for by someone else. So your greed is OK then.

Did you know that bank robbers like the money they take robbing banks too?

Pick pockets are in favor of the money they steal.

So it's all good then. Steal away

For almost 60 years, I paid into Medicare and SS. That's my money. It's being repaid to me now. If those programs had been run like a business, imagine if those funds had been invested in IBM or GE all those years. Instead, the Politicos just helped themselves to it. They've been stealing from it for the last 40 to 50 years. The money I paid into it should have been worth at least 100 times more. Now, under Rump, SS and Medicare will be bankrupt by 2025 instead of in the 2030s. And I will still be alive come 2025 only to see my repayment be changed to "Benefits" and reduced drastically. Yes, Rump is keeping promise. He's running the Federal Government like one of his Businesses. Rump Steaks and Rump Airlines.
Wow, people like getting things paid for by someone else. So your greed is OK then.

Did you know that bank robbers like the money they take robbing banks too?

WOW, You are comparing people on medicare to bank robbers?

One more time.

When the poor steal, it's called "Crime"
When the rich steal, it's called "Profits".

Bank robbers rob people at gunpoint

Medicare is funded by robbing people at gunpoint

Yes, white nationalist, I'm comparing them.

When government funds things like roads and the military for the common good, that is not armed robbery. When government takes money from one citizen to give it to another, that is just flat out armed robbery. Government should treat all its citizens the same. Robbing one citizen for the benefit of another is not treating all citizens the same.

Then of course if government didn't discriminate, the racist Democrat party would come crashing down
I was talking about apples to apples. You're paying the DMV and you were asking Cigna for a benefit that wasn't covered under your policy.

Actually, it was covered, but man, it took me a long time to get the assholes to pay for it.
I never said private businesses will just hand out cash to you. I mean duh. Government schools, what a terrible thing to do to minds.

Actually, went to Catholic Schools for 12 years... Which is why I hate religion with a passion that can blot out suns.

Point is, you stated that private industry can handle things better than government. Not really. People on Medicare are more satisfied with their government cheese than people in private industry are with private policies.

View attachment 385151

Ooops Sounds like a case for Medicare for All.

All you said about "Zelle" was work out a problem. Too vague to address

Doesn't matter. It was another case of someone really being difficult to work with, despite the "wonders" of competition.

"People on Medicare are more satisfied with their government cheese than people in private industry are with private policies."

Wow, people like getting things paid for by someone else. So your greed is OK then.

Did you know that bank robbers like the money they take robbing banks too?

Pick pockets are in favor of the money they steal.

So it's all good then. Steal away

For almost 60 years, I paid into Medicare and SS. That's my money. It's being repaid to me now. If those programs had been run like a business, imagine if those funds had been invested in IBM or GE all those years. Instead, the Politicos just helped themselves to it. They've been stealing from it for the last 40 to 50 years. The money I paid into it should have been worth at least 100 times more. Now, under Rump, SS and Medicare will be bankrupt by 2025 instead of in the 2030s. And I will still be alive come 2025 only to see my repayment be changed to "Benefits" and reduced drastically. Yes, Rump is keeping promise. He's running the Federal Government like one of his Businesses. Rump Steaks and Rump Airlines.

No money was saved. OK, so according to you, you are leaving your children a defense trust fund because you "paid into" defense for all those years. There doesn't have to be any actual money, you just have to have paid the taxes.

How is your welfare trust fund which also has no assets doing?

No money was saved.

Welfare: Government robs your children and redistributes the money to people who didn't earn it

SS: Government robs your children and redistributes the money to people who didn't earn it

Note they are exactly the same. It doesn't matter how you feel. Not one dime of your social security check is money that you paid into social security. Every dime will be taken with force from your children, like any other welfare program
I was talking about apples to apples. You're paying the DMV and you were asking Cigna for a benefit that wasn't covered under your policy.

Actually, it was covered, but man, it took me a long time to get the assholes to pay for it.
I never said private businesses will just hand out cash to you. I mean duh. Government schools, what a terrible thing to do to minds.

Actually, went to Catholic Schools for 12 years... Which is why I hate religion with a passion that can blot out suns.

Point is, you stated that private industry can handle things better than government. Not really. People on Medicare are more satisfied with their government cheese than people in private industry are with private policies.

View attachment 385151

Ooops Sounds like a case for Medicare for All.

All you said about "Zelle" was work out a problem. Too vague to address

Doesn't matter. It was another case of someone really being difficult to work with, despite the "wonders" of competition.

"People on Medicare are more satisfied with their government cheese than people in private industry are with private policies."

Wow, people like getting things paid for by someone else. So your greed is OK then.

Did you know that bank robbers like the money they take robbing banks too?

Pick pockets are in favor of the money they steal.

So it's all good then. Steal away

For almost 60 years, I paid into Medicare and SS. That's my money. It's being repaid to me now. If those programs had been run like a business, imagine if those funds had been invested in IBM or GE all those years. Instead, the Politicos just helped themselves to it. They've been stealing from it for the last 40 to 50 years. The money I paid into it should have been worth at least 100 times more. Now, under Rump, SS and Medicare will be bankrupt by 2025 instead of in the 2030s. And I will still be alive come 2025 only to see my repayment be changed to "Benefits" and reduced drastically. Yes, Rump is keeping promise. He's running the Federal Government like one of his Businesses. Rump Steaks and Rump Airlines.
Was a stack of IOUs before anyone even knew who the fuck Trump was...................This along with other unfunded liabilities and the Wall Street assholes and their bankers will and basically already have destroyed this country................The Global Reset is coming.................and SS will go down with the ship when it happens.............

We are on borrowed time.
I was talking about apples to apples. You're paying the DMV and you were asking Cigna for a benefit that wasn't covered under your policy.

Actually, it was covered, but man, it took me a long time to get the assholes to pay for it.
I never said private businesses will just hand out cash to you. I mean duh. Government schools, what a terrible thing to do to minds.

Actually, went to Catholic Schools for 12 years... Which is why I hate religion with a passion that can blot out suns.

Point is, you stated that private industry can handle things better than government. Not really. People on Medicare are more satisfied with their government cheese than people in private industry are with private policies.

View attachment 385151

Ooops Sounds like a case for Medicare for All.

All you said about "Zelle" was work out a problem. Too vague to address

Doesn't matter. It was another case of someone really being difficult to work with, despite the "wonders" of competition.

"People on Medicare are more satisfied with their government cheese than people in private industry are with private policies."

Wow, people like getting things paid for by someone else. So your greed is OK then.

Did you know that bank robbers like the money they take robbing banks too?

Pick pockets are in favor of the money they steal.

So it's all good then. Steal away

For almost 60 years, I paid into Medicare and SS. That's my money. It's being repaid to me now. If those programs had been run like a business, imagine if those funds had been invested in IBM or GE all those years. Instead, the Politicos just helped themselves to it. They've been stealing from it for the last 40 to 50 years. The money I paid into it should have been worth at least 100 times more. Now, under Rump, SS and Medicare will be bankrupt by 2025 instead of in the 2030s. And I will still be alive come 2025 only to see my repayment be changed to "Benefits" and reduced drastically. Yes, Rump is keeping promise. He's running the Federal Government like one of his Businesses. Rump Steaks and Rump Airlines.

No money was saved. OK, so according to you, you are leaving your children a defense trust fund because you "paid into" defense for all those years. There doesn't have to be any actual money, you just have to have paid the taxes.

How is your welfare trust fund which also has no assets doing?

No money was saved.

Welfare: Government robs your children and redistributes the money to people who didn't earn it

SS: Government robs your children and redistributes the money to people who didn't earn it

Note they are exactly the same. It doesn't matter how you feel. Not one dime of your social security check is money that you paid into social security. Every dime will be taken with force from your children, like any other welfare program
Wilson and FDR fucked this country a long time ago...........and now these assholes deny they Raped this country with these programs.................

America...........been a hell of a ride........but they all come to an end........accelerated by the leftist assholes and the globalist politicians who would sell their soul for a buck.
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Medicare is funded by robbing people at gunpoint

Really? Frankly I've been paying into Medicare for 40+ years now, no one has pointed a gun at me yet.

When government funds things like roads and the military for the common good, that is not armed robbery. When government takes money from one citizen to give it to another, that is just flat out armed robbery. Government should treat all its citizens the same. Robbing one citizen for the benefit of another is not treating all citizens the same.

That's um.... actually kind of bizarre thinking. Frankly, more Americans benefit from Medicare than the military. I benefited from the Military, I'm still grateful for it... but if you aren't in it, it's hard to define the "benefit" of spending Trillions playing hall monitor in the Middle East.

Libertarians think civilization is comprised of unicorn farts..
Medicare is funded by robbing people at gunpoint

Really? Frankly I've been paying into Medicare for 40+ years now, no one has pointed a gun at me yet.

Try not paying it. Then you'll see the gun.

So just to be clear, if you own a dry cleaner and you get a note from your local mobster with your "insurance" bill, they didn't rob you. It was voluntary because you didn't actually see the gun, LOL.

And whether you are paying medicare now is irrelevant since none of the money is being saved. It's like you think you are leaving your kids a military trust, a social safety net trust, a foreign aid trust, ... The money like all other taxes is spent as it comes in

When government funds things like roads and the military for the common good, that is not armed robbery. When government takes money from one citizen to give it to another, that is just flat out armed robbery. Government should treat all its citizens the same. Robbing one citizen for the benefit of another is not treating all citizens the same.

That's um.... actually kind of bizarre thinking. Frankly, more Americans benefit from Medicare than the military. I benefited from the Military, I'm still grateful for it... but if you aren't in it, it's hard to define the "benefit" of spending Trillions playing hall monitor in the Middle East.

Libertarians think civilization is comprised of unicorn farts..


And Joe keeps his batting average a perfect zero as he whiffs on another post.

Yeah, Joe, I was referring to the middle east when I talked about the military protecting us. Yeah ...
So just to be clear, if you own a dry cleaner and you get a note from your local mobster with your "insurance" bill, they didn't rob you. It was voluntary because you didn't actually see the gun, LOL.

Big difference, I didn't have an opportunity to vote for the Gambinos vs. the Luchasses. The thing is, the GOP whines about Medicare, but they never, ever run on abolishing it.

And Joe keeps his batting average a perfect zero as he whiffs on another post.

Yeah, Joe, I was referring to the middle east when I talked about the military protecting us. Yeah ...

America's military hasn't fought against an enemy that was going to 'invade' us since 1945... Now, it's still a good idea to be part of an international order to keep the peace in the world, but saying that any individual American benefits from it directly is a bit more of a stretch.

The real problem with you Libertarian Children is that you are against the modern entitlement state. The thing is, you are free to make that argument, but no one will take you seriously.
So just to be clear, if you own a dry cleaner and you get a note from your local mobster with your "insurance" bill, they didn't rob you. It was voluntary because you didn't actually see the gun, LOL.

Big difference, I didn't have an opportunity to vote for the Gambinos vs. the Luchasses. The thing is, the GOP whines about Medicare, but they never, ever run on abolishing it.

And Joe keeps his batting average a perfect zero as he whiffs on another post.

Yeah, Joe, I was referring to the middle east when I talked about the military protecting us. Yeah ...

America's military hasn't fought against an enemy that was going to 'invade' us since 1945... Now, it's still a good idea to be part of an international order to keep the peace in the world, but saying that any individual American benefits from it directly is a bit more of a stretch.

The real problem with you Libertarian Children is that you are against the modern entitlement state. The thing is, you are free to make that argument, but no one will take you seriously.

Once again, all your post says is free government cheese, you want it. I already knew that, Grand Dragon
I was talking about apples to apples. You're paying the DMV and you were asking Cigna for a benefit that wasn't covered under your policy.

Actually, it was covered, but man, it took me a long time to get the assholes to pay for it.
I never said private businesses will just hand out cash to you. I mean duh. Government schools, what a terrible thing to do to minds.

Actually, went to Catholic Schools for 12 years... Which is why I hate religion with a passion that can blot out suns.

Point is, you stated that private industry can handle things better than government. Not really. People on Medicare are more satisfied with their government cheese than people in private industry are with private policies.

View attachment 385151

Ooops Sounds like a case for Medicare for All.

All you said about "Zelle" was work out a problem. Too vague to address

Doesn't matter. It was another case of someone really being difficult to work with, despite the "wonders" of competition.

"People on Medicare are more satisfied with their government cheese than people in private industry are with private policies."

Wow, people like getting things paid for by someone else. So your greed is OK then.

Did you know that bank robbers like the money they take robbing banks too?

Pick pockets are in favor of the money they steal.

So it's all good then. Steal away

For almost 60 years, I paid into Medicare and SS. That's my money. It's being repaid to me now. If those programs had been run like a business, imagine if those funds had been invested in IBM or GE all those years. Instead, the Politicos just helped themselves to it. They've been stealing from it for the last 40 to 50 years. The money I paid into it should have been worth at least 100 times more. Now, under Rump, SS and Medicare will be bankrupt by 2025 instead of in the 2030s. And I will still be alive come 2025 only to see my repayment be changed to "Benefits" and reduced drastically. Yes, Rump is keeping promise. He's running the Federal Government like one of his Businesses. Rump Steaks and Rump Airlines.

No money was saved. OK, so according to you, you are leaving your children a defense trust fund because you "paid into" defense for all those years. There doesn't have to be any actual money, you just have to have paid the taxes.

How is your welfare trust fund which also has no assets doing?

No money was saved.

Welfare: Government robs your children and redistributes the money to people who didn't earn it

SS: Government robs your children and redistributes the money to people who didn't earn it

Note they are exactly the same. It doesn't matter how you feel. Not one dime of your social security check is money that you paid into social security. Every dime will be taken with force from your children, like any other welfare program

There you go again. You are saying that SS and Medicare are "Benefits". Until Rump got his hands on things (watch out if he's reelected) then it wasn't. It was money banked. But you are buying what Rump is selling. What he and others like him are selling is stealing from the poor and middle class to pay it to the rich. It's MY money, not theirs.
I was talking about apples to apples. You're paying the DMV and you were asking Cigna for a benefit that wasn't covered under your policy.

Actually, it was covered, but man, it took me a long time to get the assholes to pay for it.
I never said private businesses will just hand out cash to you. I mean duh. Government schools, what a terrible thing to do to minds.

Actually, went to Catholic Schools for 12 years... Which is why I hate religion with a passion that can blot out suns.

Point is, you stated that private industry can handle things better than government. Not really. People on Medicare are more satisfied with their government cheese than people in private industry are with private policies.

View attachment 385151

Ooops Sounds like a case for Medicare for All.

All you said about "Zelle" was work out a problem. Too vague to address

Doesn't matter. It was another case of someone really being difficult to work with, despite the "wonders" of competition.

"People on Medicare are more satisfied with their government cheese than people in private industry are with private policies."

Wow, people like getting things paid for by someone else. So your greed is OK then.

Did you know that bank robbers like the money they take robbing banks too?

Pick pockets are in favor of the money they steal.

So it's all good then. Steal away

For almost 60 years, I paid into Medicare and SS. That's my money. It's being repaid to me now. If those programs had been run like a business, imagine if those funds had been invested in IBM or GE all those years. Instead, the Politicos just helped themselves to it. They've been stealing from it for the last 40 to 50 years. The money I paid into it should have been worth at least 100 times more. Now, under Rump, SS and Medicare will be bankrupt by 2025 instead of in the 2030s. And I will still be alive come 2025 only to see my repayment be changed to "Benefits" and reduced drastically. Yes, Rump is keeping promise. He's running the Federal Government like one of his Businesses. Rump Steaks and Rump Airlines.
Was a stack of IOUs before anyone even knew who the fuck Trump was...................This along with other unfunded liabilities and the Wall Street assholes and their bankers will and basically already have destroyed this country................The Global Reset is coming.................and SS will go down with the ship when it happens.............

We are on borrowed time.

And it's fitting that we bring in someone like Rump who knows how to eccellerate the country going bankrupt. Instead of running out of money in 2032 if we don't do something, Rump makes sure we don't do a thing and we run out of money in 2025 if he's reelected. Imagine the poor fool that takes over on Jan 21 2025, the mess the incoming President is coming into, a Bankrupt Nation. The only thing not done by Rump will be the Bankrupt announcement.
I was talking about apples to apples. You're paying the DMV and you were asking Cigna for a benefit that wasn't covered under your policy.

Actually, it was covered, but man, it took me a long time to get the assholes to pay for it.
I never said private businesses will just hand out cash to you. I mean duh. Government schools, what a terrible thing to do to minds.

Actually, went to Catholic Schools for 12 years... Which is why I hate religion with a passion that can blot out suns.

Point is, you stated that private industry can handle things better than government. Not really. People on Medicare are more satisfied with their government cheese than people in private industry are with private policies.

View attachment 385151

Ooops Sounds like a case for Medicare for All.

All you said about "Zelle" was work out a problem. Too vague to address

Doesn't matter. It was another case of someone really being difficult to work with, despite the "wonders" of competition.

"People on Medicare are more satisfied with their government cheese than people in private industry are with private policies."

Wow, people like getting things paid for by someone else. So your greed is OK then.

Did you know that bank robbers like the money they take robbing banks too?

Pick pockets are in favor of the money they steal.

So it's all good then. Steal away

For almost 60 years, I paid into Medicare and SS. That's my money. It's being repaid to me now. If those programs had been run like a business, imagine if those funds had been invested in IBM or GE all those years. Instead, the Politicos just helped themselves to it. They've been stealing from it for the last 40 to 50 years. The money I paid into it should have been worth at least 100 times more. Now, under Rump, SS and Medicare will be bankrupt by 2025 instead of in the 2030s. And I will still be alive come 2025 only to see my repayment be changed to "Benefits" and reduced drastically. Yes, Rump is keeping promise. He's running the Federal Government like one of his Businesses. Rump Steaks and Rump Airlines.

No money was saved. OK, so according to you, you are leaving your children a defense trust fund because you "paid into" defense for all those years. There doesn't have to be any actual money, you just have to have paid the taxes.

How is your welfare trust fund which also has no assets doing?

No money was saved.

Welfare: Government robs your children and redistributes the money to people who didn't earn it

SS: Government robs your children and redistributes the money to people who didn't earn it

Note they are exactly the same. It doesn't matter how you feel. Not one dime of your social security check is money that you paid into social security. Every dime will be taken with force from your children, like any other welfare program

There you go again. You are saying that SS and Medicare are "Benefits". Until Rump got his hands on things (watch out if he's reelected) then it wasn't. It was money banked. But you are buying what Rump is selling. What he and others like him are selling is stealing from the poor and middle class to pay it to the rich. It's MY money, not theirs.

That's a lie, there was no money "banked." No money was ever saved.

100% of your welfare SS check will be taxed from your children just like every other welfare recipient.

Daryl: Bad news kids. You have to pay me in retirement. Good news, I have a trust fund I'm giving you to start with. Oh, here are the IOUs to fill the trust fund I'm giving you ...

That isn't an asset
Once again, all your post says is free government cheese, you want it. I already knew that, Grand Dragon

No, I'd rather have the government cheese I get rather than the Cigna Cheese where I gave them the money and they ran out the back door with my cash.

I told you not to buy the cheapest policy when you obviously wanted Cadillac coverage. Then you whined to high heaven about it. Firing you was like stopping hitting my own thumb with a hammer. It was so good to stop.

Obviously you're lying. If you were actually covered for your claim, there are a plethora of attorneys who would be chomping at the bit to take the case. You wanted coverage you didn't buy.

I want free-dom and you want free-shit. So similar sounding and yet a world apart

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