Third Marysville Student dies.

As long as he stays away from the Czech Republic. Joe, you won't qualify for welfare benefits, which are really low anyway, since you aren't a citizen. Stay in Chicago. Shithole though it is, they are much more tolerant of parasites.

Guy, would anyone want to go to your shithole of a country. Even the Slovaks couldn't get away from you guys fast enough.

Considering the exodus from Chicago, you haven't much room to talk.

Chicago's had the same rough population for decades, dude. Unlike Detroit or Cleveland.

from:Subscription Center

"During the decade of the 2000s, Chicago lost about 200,000 residents, and any gain now, however small, is obviously an improvement."
There might be a rare exception, but dealers don't sell to anyone who is refused by the NICS.

NICS is a watered down system the National Rampage Association insisted on.

again, simple solution. You sell the gun, you do the time for the crime.

They'll get a lot more responsible after that... Heh, heh, heh....

If they sell a gun to someone that the NICS refused to approve, then by all means send them to jail.
Lanza was able to get a gun because the gun culture armed him.

No, he was able to get a gun because he murdered his mother and then broke into her gun safe to get the guns...let's see...from what I remember....murder is a felony....and yet he comitted this felony to get to the guns...
If you gun nuts were smart, you'd be fighting for laws to keep people like that from getting guns.

You obviously don't read what we post....we support keeping guns out of the hands of the dangerously mentally ill...we just don't trust people like you to create those laws...since you will end up ignoring the actual killers...and focus any law on law abiding citizens...
Self-defense with guns are so rare th at they barely register. 32,000 gun deaths, only 201 were civilians in "justifiable homicide" cases. you fail to tell the truth...most gun deaths are suicides...and another thing I found tonight...the reason the National Crime Victimization Survey has such a low number....they only count defensive gun uses if the criminal is killed....all other uses, where the criminals run away, or where the citizen holds the criminal at gun point till the police arrive or just wounds them...aren't counted....
No, he was able to get a gun because he murdered his mother and then broke into her gun safe to get the guns...let's see...from what I remember....murder is a felony....and yet he comitted this felony to get to the guns...

who said he broke in? Crazy Mom pretty much let him have access to them when she wasn't letting him play first person shooter games all day. (IT was one of them "home-skoolin'" programs the Right wing is so proud of).

Because the bitch had enough guns to fight the Zombie Apocolypse. you fail to tell the truth...most gun deaths are suicides...and another thing I found tonight...the reason the National Crime Victimization Survey has such a low number....they only count defensive gun uses if the criminal is killed....all other uses, where the criminals run away, or where the citizen holds the criminal at gun point till the police arrive or just wounds them...aren't counted....

Yup. Because it's really impossible to believe that you gun nutters would't totally murder the shit out of those guys given the upper hand.

But that rarely happens. That's why the numbers are so low. you fail to tell the truth...most gun deaths are suicides...and another thing I found tonight...the reason the National Crime Victimization Survey has such a low number....they only count defensive gun uses if the criminal is killed....all other uses, where the criminals run away, or where the citizen holds the criminal at gun point till the police arrive or just wounds them...aren't counted....

Yup. Because it's really impossible to believe that you gun nutters would't totally murder the shit out of those guys given the upper hand.

But that rarely happens. That's why the numbers are so low.

No, it is because you nutcases are all about body counts. If there isn't a dead body you aren't interested.

That you want to claim that every single defensive use of a firearm resulted in a criminal's death is laughable.
No, it is because you nutcases are all about body counts. If there isn't a dead body you aren't interested.

That you want to claim that every single defensive use of a firearm resulted in a criminal's death is laughable.

Well, no, guy, I just don't think you gun nuts are capable of that much restraint.

I really, really find it hard to believe that the same people who cheer when a black child is shot in the street are going to show that much restraint when in a situation like that themselves.
No, it is because you nutcases are all about body counts. If there isn't a dead body you aren't interested.

That you want to claim that every single defensive use of a firearm resulted in a criminal's death is laughable.

Well, no, guy, I just don't think you gun nuts are capable of that much restraint.

I really, really find it hard to believe that the same people who cheer when a black child is shot in the street are going to show that much restraint when in a situation like that themselves.

I haven't cheered when anyone was shot. But you certainly celebrated when people were shot by the federal marshalls.

Again, to think that the only times a gun is used in defense or to stop a crime the criminal was killed is absolutely ridiculous.

Every time criminals use guns there is not a death. Every time police use their guns their is not a death. But you think every single time a civilian uses a gun to stop a crime someone dies?? lol
I haven't cheered when anyone was shot. But you certainly celebrated when people were shot by the federal marshalls.

Check out some of your fellow posters talking about Trayvon or Michael Brown. They totally deserved to die because they smoked pot. Or something.

Unlike the Nazis at Ruby Ridge and Cultist at Waco who killed federal agents.
I haven't cheered when anyone was shot. But you certainly celebrated when people were shot by the federal marshalls.

Check out some of your fellow posters talking about Trayvon or Michael Brown. They totally deserved to die because they smoked pot. Or something.

Unlike the Nazis at Ruby Ridge and Cultist at Waco who killed federal agents.

Once again you lie (or show your ignorance). The two people killed by federal agents did not kill anyone.

Yeah, some of my fellow posters talk shit. But then, you are claiming to know what 65 million people will do when faced with the chance to stop a crime. Who is talking more shit?
Yeah, some of my fellow posters talk shit. But then, you are claiming to know what 65 million people will do when faced with the chance to stop a crime. Who is talking more shit?

Most of them would be, "What was that?" when it was well and over.

But I'm talking about your fellow Gun Fetishists, who get on here all day every day about how they want to shoot Negroes and government officials. And yet when that happy day comes when they can play superhero, most of them don't.
Once again you lie (or show your ignorance). The two people killed by federal agents did not kill anyone.

Obviously, you don't understand the concept of 'accomplice". Oh, no, they weren't the ones who shot the feds, they were just standing next to the people who did.

And you celebrate that? sick

And you claim that not one single person used their gun to stop a crime without killing the criminal? That civilians using firearms to defend themselves or stop crimes always result in the criminal dying??
Yeah, some of my fellow posters talk shit. But then, you are claiming to know what 65 million people will do when faced with the chance to stop a crime. Who is talking more shit?

Most of them would be, "What was that?" when it was well and over.

But I'm talking about your fellow Gun Fetishists, who get on here all day every day about how they want to shoot Negroes and government officials. And yet when that happy day comes when they can play superhero, most of them don't.

No, your claim has been that civilians have used guns to defend themselves or stop crimes only 201 times, because that is how many dead bodies there were.

And you celebrate that? sick

And you claim that not one single person used their gun to stop a crime without killing the criminal? That civilians using firearms to defend themselves or stop crimes always result in the criminal dying??

Damn straight. Pedophile Cultists and Neo-Nazis are a waste of skin.

As are you. But I do not celebrate the deaths of even liars like you.

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