This board's political alignment seems to have changed since the election. What is yours?

Where are you politically from the choices below

  • Far left

  • Left

  • Center left

  • Center

  • Center right

  • Right

  • Far right

Results are only viewable after voting.
It's an indicator, not perfect.

That's why I said to choose from those options.

Progs say there are 72 genders. I say there are 2.

The board leans heavy right is the conclusion.

It was definitely more centrist prior to Trump. That's interesting.

Have people's sensibilities changed, or do people just enjoy echo chambers?
They hate the echo chamber this place is becoming.
It's an indicator, not perfect.

That's why I said to choose from those options.

Progs say there are 72 genders. I say there are 2.

The board leans heavy right is the conclusion.

It was definitely more centrist prior to Trump. That's interesting.

Have people's sensibilities changed, or do people just enjoy echo chambers?

No, that's a strawman. Unless you have evidence of a similar poll from say a year ago.
I am a Libertarian. That does not fit well in your poll. Far right fiscally and mostly left socially with the exception of being anti-abortion.

Libertarian is considered right, in general.

Disagree. "Libertarian" and "Liberal" are not part of that two-dimesional left-right thingy. They're off in a third dimension separate from it.
Libertarians seem to share a lot of space with the right on the Venn diagram. But if you ask me, "Libertarian" is almost as muddy a term as "Progressive" as far as what in hell it actually means. I tried to look into it a bit during the Presidential campaign, but for the life of me I couldn't get what a Libertarian government would look like, act like, sound like, be like to live under. Almost anarchy, with the strong scent of reefer.

Agree, it's anarchy. But just to be clear, the reefer is optional.
Libs got mad at me and told me to call them Progs.

I don't know what the fuck you assholes want to be called.

I am fine with being called a conservative...although I am liberal on certain issues.

Mincing words is for Hillary voters.

Actually it was you who brought up the word "Progs". Yet you can't define it either.

Which is OK since it doesn't seem to have one. But for the same reason you shouldn't be using it. It's not only convanescent but downright impultuous.
Libs got mad at me and told me to call them Progs.

I don't know what the fuck you assholes want to be called.

I am fine with being called a conservative...although I am liberal on certain issues.

Mincing words is for Hillary voters.
We might be the silent majority,,,, waiting for our opportunity to rid the country of the orange anus and his republican nitwits in congress
I'm not keen to say it because I have so many lefty friends that I respect, but the harsh truth is that lefties don't want to discuss things, they just want others to confirm and agree with their opinions. Why would they go to a discussion board with strangers who disagree with them, when they can "get famous" in their echo chambers and feel good about themselves?

Dumbass. I'm as far left as it gets (at least on this right wing troll forum) and I come here precisely because it isn't an echo-chamber.
I'm not keen to say it because I have so many lefty friends that I respect, but the harsh truth is that lefties don't want to discuss things, they just want others to confirm and agree with their opinions. Why would they go to a discussion board with strangers who disagree with them, when they can "get famous" in their echo chambers and feel good about themselves?

Dumbass. I'm as far left as it gets (at least on this right wing troll forum) and I come here precisely because it isn't an echo-chamber.

hmm I figured you came here to troll judging by your post contents...
I'm not keen to say it because I have so many lefty friends that I respect, but the harsh truth is that lefties don't want to discuss things, they just want others to confirm and agree with their opinions. Why would they go to a discussion board with strangers who disagree with them, when they can "get famous" in their echo chambers and feel good about themselves?

Dumbass. I'm as far left as it gets (at least on this right wing troll forum) and I come here precisely because it isn't an echo-chamber.

hmm I figured you came here to troll judging by your post contents...

It's a troll forum, so...when in Rome.

Honestly, I can see why there aren't as many liberals posting here these days. Took me a while, but I finally figured out that there are multiple Russian trolls posting here, clogging up the forum with right wing bullshit, almost day in and day out. There aren't very many "reasonable" rightists here, they're all extremist nutjobs for the most part. What's the point in interacting with them again? There is no point. So, I'm sure many just left or are taking a break from the place. It can be overwhelming having to deal with the sheer amount of hatred towards liberals or anything even one notch to the left of Mussolini on this cesspool of a forum.

Here's my test results btw. I still think it should be a requirement to take this test if you want to post in the political forums here. Anyway:

I'm not keen to say it because I have so many lefty friends that I respect, but the harsh truth is that lefties don't want to discuss things, they just want others to confirm and agree with their opinions. Why would they go to a discussion board with strangers who disagree with them, when they can "get famous" in their echo chambers and feel good about themselves?

Dumbass. I'm as far left as it gets (at least on this right wing troll forum) and I come here precisely because it isn't an echo-chamber.

hmm I figured you came here to troll judging by your post contents...

It's a troll forum, so...when in Rome.

Honestly, I can see why there aren't as many liberals posting here these days. Took me a while, but I finally figured out that there are multiple Russian trolls posting here, clogging up the forum with right wing bullshit, almost day in and day out. There aren't very many "reasonable" rightists here, they're all extremist nutjobs. What's the point in interacting with them again? There is no point. So, I'm sure many just left or are taking a break from the place. It can be overwhelming having to deal with the sheer amount of hatred towards liberals or anything even one notch to the left of Mussolini on this cesspool of a forum.

Here's my test results btw. I still think it should be a requirement to take this test if you want to post in the political forums here. Anyway:


I'm not keen to say it because I have so many lefty friends that I respect, but the harsh truth is that lefties don't want to discuss things, they just want others to confirm and agree with their opinions. Why would they go to a discussion board with strangers who disagree with them, when they can "get famous" in their echo chambers and feel good about themselves?

Dumbass. I'm as far left as it gets (at least on this right wing troll forum) and I come here precisely because it isn't an echo-chamber.

hmm I figured you came here to troll judging by your post contents...

It's a troll forum, so...when in Rome.

Honestly, I can see why there aren't as many liberals posting here these days. Took me a while, but I finally figured out that there are multiple Russian trolls posting here, clogging up the forum with right wing bullshit, almost day in and day out. There aren't very many "reasonable" rightists here, they're all extremist nutjobs. What's the point in interacting with them again? There is no point. So, I'm sure many just left or are taking a break from the place. It can be overwhelming having to deal with the sheer amount of hatred towards liberals or anything even one notch to the left of Mussolini on this cesspool of a forum.

Here's my test results btw. I still think it should be a requirement to take this test if you want to post in the political forums here. Anyway:



As it turns out, they are in fact everywhere these days -- as it's been proven.
It seems there are way less Progs than there were before the election and even since the spring.

What is your political ideology that you lean, in general.

In general, of course many have crossover issues.

Both wings are damaged and locked in mortal combat. They are becoming irrelevant. Since the "Big Middle" is now LARGER than both of them put together.

That's why I can't answer your poll. Because this 2 directional Left/Right thinking is part of the disease. I'm NOT a "moderate". I'm a Libertarian. And we don't fit on a left/right chart. We are WAY right on economic/budget issues and WAY left on Civil Liberties. We're the ONLY PEOPLE who adamantly defend ALL of the Constitution and ALL of the Bill of Rights.

Doesn't mean we're middle of road kill. And the 3rd party and Independent options are GONNA get exercised. Because the "plan" of everyone voting only for "winners" --- is rapidly making losers out of ALL of us..

I disagree.

On one side there is the traditionalists who belief in the motto from many one and let's everyone live their own lives.

On the other side we have masked people using violence to suppress Constitutional liberties and attacking everything that offends them that day, from a person they disagree with to a statue to using words like "hope" or "tradition".

They are POLITICALLY IMPOTENT. Because they've ABANDONED the philosophy and principles that ALLOWED them to govern at one time.

The whole "left/right" alignment is meaningless, because they are CONSUMED by the quest to obtain power and retain it. The left will whine and meltdown to fascism. The spineless right will just pretend they are "leaders".

There are 535 people in Congress. Only FOUR OF THOSE -- have all the power. BECAUSE of the tyranny of 2 party control. No one can speak or fart without PERMISSION from the party bosses.

You can focus on what's happening in the streets. THAT is the "side show". You entire Representative Govt is melting away while you're distracted.
I see 3 groups. The D.C. Insiders Club, and America split in half. One side embracing the Constitution the other trying to burn it.

Well the Constitution IS at stake. And the neither the Dems or Reps could be trusted to protect it with all their might. That's why 2016 signaled the rise of the Independents. THEY determined that election. NOT the partisans. And folks will run on public service, merit and principles. INSTEAD of running just for 2 tired old inept and corrupt teams -- and running JUST TO WIN THE FUCKING SEAT.. THESE new folks WILL speak out in Congress without fear of being primaried out by leadership. And it won't take many to get a better national discussion of the issues. A discussion not completely managed by a handful of party bosses.
I am a Libertarian. That does not fit well in your poll. Far right fiscally and mostly left socially with the exception of being anti-abortion.

Libertarian is considered right, in general.

I have found that those on the right consider it left, and those on the left consider it to the right. Both sides only look at where we disagree with them, not at the common ground
I am a Libertarian. That does not fit well in your poll. Far right fiscally and mostly left socially with the exception of being anti-abortion.

Libertarian is considered right, in general.

Disagree. "Libertarian" and "Liberal" are not part of that two-dimesional left-right thingy. They're off in a third dimension separate from it.
Libertarians seem to share a lot of space with the right on the Venn diagram. But if you ask me, "Libertarian" is almost as muddy a term as "Progressive" as far as what in hell it actually means. I tried to look into it a bit during the Presidential campaign, but for the life of me I couldn't get what a Libertarian government would look like, act like, sound like, be like to live under. Almost anarchy, with the strong scent of reefer.

Think smaller government and more personal freedoms and you get what Libertarians stand for.
70% center to right.

30% center left and left.

That's interesting.

It didn't seem that way during the election.

So, it seems like it has changed,
70% center to right.

30% center left and left.

That's interesting.

It didn't seem that way during the election.

So, it seems like it has changed,

Once again --- asked before and got crickets --- "changed" from what? Where is your control group?

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